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Dabatos 07-14-08 01:19 PM

Big Chase vs Yung MEDIkated - Round 1
Big Chase vs Yung MEDIkated - Round 1

Check-In's must be done by Wednesday.
Verses must be posted by Friday.
Votes must be submitted by Sunday.
By midnight Sunday pacific time, the votes will be counted.

Lines: 20 - 40 Lines Max.
Topic: Digital Memory

Every participant must vote on a minimum of 3 battles. Please vote on battles that don't have a lot of votes, it doesn't do any good if a battle with 10 votes gets another while one battle has under 2 votes.

Keith Moon 07-14-08 02:03 PM

thanks dabs

Yung MEDIkated 07-15-08 12:03 PM

checking in............................

Keith Moon 07-17-08 01:07 AM

so pretty much today. I watched my grandfather have a stroke.. so idk if im in the mental mindset to write in the next two days.. so an extension (if needed) would be appreciated.

Yung MEDIkated 07-18-08 09:02 PM

Main Entry: dig·i·tal
Pronunciation: \ˈdi-jə-təl\
Function: adjective
Etymology: Latin digitalis
Date: circa 1656
1: of or relating to the fingers or toes <digital dexterity>
2: done with a finger <a digital rectal examination>
3: of, relating to, or using calculation by numerical methods or by discrete units
4: of, relating to, or being data in the form of especially binary digits <digital images> <a digital readout>; especially : of, relating to, or employing digital communications signals <a digital broadcast> — compare analog 2
5: providing a readout in numerical digits <a digital voltmeter>
6: relating to an audio recording method in which sound waves are represented digitally (as on magnetic tape) so that in the recording wow and flutter are eliminated and background noise is reduced
7: electronic <digital devices>; also : characterized by electronic and especially computerized technology <the digital age>
— dig·i·tal·ly \-təl-ē\ adverb

Main Entry: mem·o·ry
Pronunciation: \ˈmem-rē, ˈme-mə-\
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural mem·o·ries
Etymology: Middle English memorie, from Anglo-French memoire, memorie, from Latin memoria, from memor mindful; akin to Old English gemimor well-known, Greek mermēra care, Sanskrit smarati he remembers
Date: 14th century
1 a: the power or process of reproducing or recalling what has been learned and retained especially through associative mechanisms b: the store of things learned and retained from an organism's activity or experience as evidenced by modification of structure or behavior or by recall and recognition
2 a: commemorative remembrance <erected a statue in memory of the hero> b: the fact or condition of being remembered <days of recent memory>
3 a: a particular act of recall or recollection b: an image or impression of one that is remembered <fond memories of her youth> c: the time within which past events can be or are remembered <within the memory of living men>
4 a: a device (as a chip) or a component of a device in which information especially for a computer can be inserted and stored and from which it may be extracted when wanted; especially : ram b: capacity for storing information <512 megabytes of memory>
5: a capacity for showing effects as the result of past treatment or for returning to a former condition —used especially of a material (as metal or plastic)
synonyms memory, remembrance, recollection, reminiscence mean the capacity for or the act of remembering, or the thing remembered. memory applies both to the power of remembering and to what is remembered <gifted with a remarkable memory> <that incident was now just a distant memory>. remembrance applies to the act of remembering or the fact of being remembered <any remembrance of his deceased wife was painful>. recollection adds an implication of consciously bringing back to mind often with some effort <after a moment's recollection he produced the name>. reminiscence suggests the recalling of usually pleasant incidents, experiences, or feelings from a remote past <my grandmother's reminiscences of her Iowa girlhood>.

Yung MEDIkated 07-18-08 09:39 PM

Digital memory:

process these thoughts
as i sharkfest this mark
i' so short circuit when i spit fire it sparks
memorize my words as you download my heart
damn i got heart.....
see my verse as i talk
and over load like narc
Corrupting Peoples Understanding
leave your hard drive broke and panting
insert my memory disc into her panties
as i upload something nasty
i got too many mega bytes to be passed "B"
i re-boot as you crash "B"
forget me....you can't do
me and Dell be like Famu
at the gateway i pass through
i explore as i nav through
my files are unnatural
i shit on your yahoo
and google the tissue
i site out components
and snack on there chips dudes
i'll thread you in
so that i never forget you
insert you into my digital memory
and let you rest in its womb......

thank you

XM 07-20-08 09:32 AM

WTF? guess you win by no-show

Keith Moon 07-20-08 05:32 PM

Originally Posted by Keith Moon
so pretty much today. I watched my grandfather have a stroke.. so idk if im in the mental mindset to write in the next two days.. so an extension (if needed) would be appreciated.

no... not a no show.. ima write it now

Keith Moon 07-20-08 05:46 PM

The cold steel of my hand feels the elecrtical impulses as they pass..
through and through they compel my hand to touch a world of glass
fragile it stands, ever weak, opposed to the steel of "new man"
We built ourselves out of nothing and evolved with the land
Yet we lost so much for progress, died in for the hope of immortality
faith based in science and knowledge lose our true humanity
blood, the crimson gateway to life, replaced with the blackest of golds
a hardrive and RAM replacing the ever sought after soul
Yet we sold what we couldn't know to be true, bartered our faith
leaving humanoid facades to eternally roam this hellish place
When man became machine I could no longer feel this "love"
nor the ecstacy of an orgasm, nor any "holy presence above"
I'm resigned to hollowness, deep, unforgiving, unrelenting
and I can't regret it, I'm empty inside, guiltless, unrepenting
All I may do is watch this earth crumble and change, from paradise to hell..
and remeber a time in which I could feel what life was oh so well..

took like 4 minutes

Yung MEDIkated 07-20-08 08:07 PM

fuck that you 2 days to late....how the fuck you going to bend the rules

Keith Moon 07-20-08 09:59 PM

Originally Posted by Yung MEDIkated
fuck that you 2 days to late....how the fuck you going to bend the rules

Did you not see my application for an extension and reason why?
maybe you should read it..
Thanks :thumbup:

Keith Moon 07-20-08 10:02 PM

Originally Posted by Keith Moon
so pretty much today. I watched my grandfather have a stroke.. so idk if im in the mental mindset to write in the next two days.. so an extension (if needed) would be appreciated.

There's your proof.. look up if need be..

WhoAmI 07-21-08 03:43 AM

yung medikated...it looks like you actually put quite a bit of effort into your piece. I see what you were trying to do with the wordplay and metaphors, but your main problem was the fact that you took an unimaginative approach to your drop...i couldn't draw any deep meaning from your piece at all. when you next write a topical piece, before you do so i think it would be beneficial for you to brainstorm using a spider diagram or something to work out all the possible angles you can approach the topic from. Also, you should up your vocabulary in order to make the ideas you portray much more vivid in the mind of whoever reads or hears your drop. with time you'll get the hang of this, but it just takes practice.

If more people had signed up to this comp you would have faced an opponent closer to your level, but sometimes you have to be thrown into the deep end of the pool to learn how to swim.

"Keith Moon" (:mad: lol)

your piece was a much more solid drop, with a more profound message behind it. Your imagery was a lot stronger. I liked the emotion in this drop. It's like an eulogy for humanity in the dawn of technology.

this wasn't a fairly weighted battle in terms of skill but that's the way the cookie crumbles

v/ Keith

Nitrogen 07-21-08 08:33 AM

didnt realize keith dropped a verse, ill leave a vote after i drop for me and medikateds battle, its due in an hour and i only have like 8 bars written since thursday

Nitrogen 07-21-08 09:25 AM

no offense but this wasnt a hard decision, i knew comin in to the tourney that yung was the weakest link. no disrespect its just i could tell there wasnt much topical experience. you did look like you tried harder than u do in most of ur text battles though, but when it comes to topicals i never go wit simplicity and simple would describe your verse in one word

keth? dont know what was goin on. most likely because u did it in four minutes and new your opponent, but u know and i know that against any real topical opponent,you wouldve probably lost with that verse. was still good enough here though. u actuall had all of the things needed to make a topical verse such as emotion and imagery. dont get me wrong i loved the angle you took on this, just i know u wouldve executed it thirty times better wit the right amount of time.


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