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JTR 01-14-09 06:52 AM

Originally Posted by 2v
Listen man, just because shit seems so hard to you, that doesn't make it hard for me. I'll debate it with a philosopher, you can keep hating philosophy for being too hard.

Shut the fuck you little bitch, just because it's too fucking hard to answer you pussy out.

I LOVE philosophy ya assuming mother fucker


fucking little bitch. Can't even answer the question so he disses me ahahaha


some philosopher you are ya fucking moron, i've already discovered the secret to God being inside of us from studying dimethyltryptamine and dreams

I've written so many fucking philosophical reports and papers and I got 97% in college in my philosophy class, NINETY SEVEN WTF DID YOU GET PUNK

so if you wanna question dodge cuz you're a fucking pussy then for it

but dont you EVER, EVER think for a second you have a greater knowledge and understanding of philosophy, psychology, or epistemology then I do, and say i'm not a philosopher.

I proved you had no conclusions to my questions that could be deemed final or 100% correct.

You think the fucking answer to the question of what our capacity of knowledge is, is WHATEVER WE ARE ABLE TO REMEMBER!?

YOU FUCKING IDIOT. I'm not asking how much knowledge are we going to have before we do, i'm asking how much fucking knowledge is a human able to obtain. How much information can our brain store. AND GUESS WHAT, SHIT YOU DON'T REMEMBER IS STILL STORED IN THE BRAIN, AND IT STILL AFFECTS US SUBCONCIOUSLY

once you fucking learn something it stays with you and influences you forever. You obviously know NOTHING of that cuz you have no fucking idea about the subconcious. You have no fucking idea about the beings that exist within your subconcious and communicate with you everynight during heavyrem. You have no fucking clue about the secrets to the universe as I do because i've studied Terrence Mckenna, listened to his seminars, and i've read Dr. Rick Strassmans book. You should too since you have no fucking life. The spirit molecule, based off the clinical studies performed by Strasman under the supervision of the university of new mexico.


ignorant fucking wannabe

01-14-09 06:56 AM

lol @ dmt.

anyway, yeah, from all that, I can tell I know more than you.

and it's hilarious you're talking about crushing. No, hardly, in fact, never. Go away now tiny man.

in fact, lol, fuck you. Read my book when I release it. Maybe when you do, you'll see how stupid you're being now when you look back on yourself and reflect. I'm glad I keep a lot of the things I want to tell you to myself. :thumbup:

JTR 01-14-09 06:59 AM

lol @ DMT?

What the fuck do you know about DMT? Tell me what you know, you don't know shit about it so don't just go "lol" and ignore everything I said

AND you still ignore the questions I asked you

you dodge everything, what's the matter, scared of me intellectually?

I'd say right now i'm a fucking towering giant, and you're the tiny, tiny, tiny little man

La Cosa Nostra 01-14-09 07:00 AM

Originally Posted by 2v
you had NO fucking conclusion.


I said, "This sentence (subject) is false, and I (writer) am lying to you" the comma doesn't make it two separate sentences, it's the same sentence. So, explain yourself, all you did was say "HAHA YOUR TELLING THE TRUTH ABOUT NOTHING SO YOUR SENTENCE IS FALSE"

But I said my sentence was false. So your wild calculation must have been concluded from not thinking. So I asked you to explain yourself, and I very much hope people don't come up with the same conclusion as you.

oh for fuck sake.. look. paradoxial propositions are for philosophical beginners to open their minds.. if your still messing with this type of crap then i pity you.. but ill give you some insight on your 'two statements'

you tell me your 'sentence is false'... and your 'lying to me'.

if your sentence is false, which having no other evidence or subject matter to go off we will have to take this as factual, then saying your lying to me is actually the truth. making your second statement a lie anyway.

and you can spiral that around in your mind rhetorically.

or you could laugh and realise what a dick you are for even pondering on this matter in the first place.

01-14-09 07:01 AM

no you're a redundant idiot.

And nothing I say is going to convince you because the little people that are talking to you in your subconsciousness make you think you're a towering giant. :X

So yes, as I said, I'm keeping to myself. This is the second time I almost PMed you but decided not to. It's sad how much more intelligence I have than you. You need to sit down and think a bit more about everything. I feel very sorry for the product that you are. So, what was your philosophy teacher's name and from what school/university are they from?

Here I'll send you this one PM I was going to write earlier.

JTR 01-14-09 07:04 AM

2v you can't even touch my intellectual prowess. I'm soooooooo beyond your fucking reach of intelligence bro. You can't even come close understanding or percieving things as I do. You're a fucking phony, i'm not going to read your book, you know why? Cuz mother fucking Nietzche and tolstoy and Loa Tzu have waaaayyy better shit for me to read than you do, ya fucking JOKE

01-14-09 07:05 AM

Originally Posted by Baphomet
oh for fuck sake.. look. paradoxial propositions are for philosophical beginners to open their minds.. if your still messing with this type of crap then i pity you.. but ill give you some insight on your 'two statements'

you tell me your 'sentence is false'... and your 'lying to me'.

if your sentence is false, which having no other evidence or subject matter to go off we will have to take this as factual, then saying your lying to me is actually the truth. making your second statement a lie anyway.

and you can spiral that around in your mind rhetorically.

or you could laugh and realise what a dick you are for even pondering on this matter in the first place.

Wrong. This is too complicated for you, lol. You're taking it rhetorically yourself because you're trying to differentiate the statements that is separated by a comma.

Here, just do it like this "This sentence is false." and leave out the second part, because that's what complicates it so much for you.

And no, it's not as easy as you're trying to make it.

01-14-09 07:07 AM

I guess it's because I'm asking you to solve it, not describe it, Baphomet.

lol. alrighty then? Solve it. don't describe it. Solve, not describe.

La Cosa Nostra 01-14-09 07:12 AM

you solve it...

waste your time and ill tell you why you COULD be wrong...

this is for students of philosophy.. it IS rhetorical.. its designed to make people use deductive reasoning and spiral a paradox inside their minds so they can clear it of misconceptions that everything is logical.

2v you constantly have defence mechanisms lined up for me when i ruin your parade.. call me what you like, see if it actually bothers me buddy......

01-14-09 07:24 AM

ok idiot moron loser asshole

anyway thanks for all your opinions. I'll be waiting on more people's views.

This is a study for my own damned personal gain. Everything I do tends to gain beef because all i do is commence name calling when someone hops on a high horse

i really need to fix that self problem. lol

La Cosa Nostra 01-14-09 09:49 AM

a simple froydian principle for you.. people often express distaste towards traits among others that they themselves also posess.

think about that and remember it.

01-14-09 09:53 AM

I disagree with what that guy preached, especially in that area of things..

Here's one my father told me,

"If you don't trust someone it's because you don't trust yourself"

I think it holds water but it's rather stupid and needs to be more intricately explained...

..... so.... "If you dislike a specific trait, you're likely a hypocrite" eh ? ...

alright. .......

JTR 01-14-09 10:17 AM

philosophy been fucking with my head more then ever these past few months, I think it's because i've gone through a lot more shit in the past few months and actually cared when I did as oppose to when I never used to, combined with how i've learned and discovered more these past few months then I have throught my entire life. Iunno, I think it's the sudden rush of an infinite amount of thoughts and theories and ideas in my head and my new found ability to learn and my broader capacity to learn that came with aging. But I don't know how it's possible to be really depressed yet the happiest i've ever felt in a long time. I think it's cuz my compassion in general has just gone up as high that shit I normally wouldn't care about, I do now, to the point I get real happy or real sad over it. Shit's fucked up.. I can't figure out even if I like it better like this or how it was before... I don't really care, I still got years and years to go and an amazing girl in my life and life going smooth

I'm also pretty fucked up high, and haven't slept since the day before yesterday....

random but yea... just felt like saying that...

Cola 01-14-09 11:56 AM

who'd a guess that

'This sentence is false,'

could spark this much fagness

La Cosa Nostra 01-14-09 12:12 PM

Originally Posted by Coke Dealer
who'd a guess that

'This sentence is false,'

could spark this much fagness

quiet down coca cola man...

i tried to close his thread but he insisted on being made to look like a fool... so this is the product..

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