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In-Vision 07-02-08 04:17 PM

Originally Posted by Nitrogen
even if we were to somehow find a crew active enought to battle, when you take that we cant vote and they cant vote the entire crew battle would take about a year

i love your positivity nitro..

i'm giving you guys a week to adjust to this new rule...aka..i just might personally send some people out this way....

and after that...there will be a new rule that will probably make some of you guys leave.....just a warning....but...i'm not concerned with having the best roster....c.s. has always had that..i'm concerned with activity...and now that c.s. is active..it's time to make the rest of the site active.

oh..and not to scare you...this rule isn't going to be that difficult..but whoever doesn't follow it for consecutive weeks..could be finding a new crew. either by my decision...or theirs...or sv.s.

and don't even think about PMing s.v. to find out what this is all about...he doesn't know...and he is also the only one who is safe from it.

good day, good chaps.

SUPERVILLAIN 07-02-08 04:50 PM

*curiously scratches head and wonders what r-ev is cookin' up now.*

i am intrigued if i do say so myself.

i have total faith in my crhymies to maintain their current activity. i have no doubt in my mind whatsoever that they will step up to this challenge (whatever it may be) and embrace it to the fullest degree. word the fuck up.

s.v. of big bad crhyme sin

Ysdat 07-02-08 05:17 PM

man stright up,i been loosing focus in life recently. even though my lifes busy as fuck, I still feel stuck n stumped. Just now I threw on 'The rose that grew from concrete volume 1' and my head feels clearer.

just thought id share that.

Nitrogen 07-02-08 07:28 PM

Yea i know im a positive guy right. im just a realist who realizes the effects of crew battlin on an inactive site. i have no reason to quit but some of this shit does seem stupid to me. and to be perfectly honest i dont know what the rule is. can you explain this shit? its not like we are gonna have 30 people knockin down walls to battle us everyday so how is this rule to be followed for consecutive weeks?

In-Vision 07-02-08 07:54 PM

Originally Posted by Nitrogen
Yea i know im a positive guy right. im just a realist who realizes the effects of crew battlin on an inactive site. i have no reason to quit but some of this shit does seem stupid to me. and to be perfectly honest i dont know what the rule is. can you explain this shit? its not like we are gonna have 30 people knockin down walls to battle us everyday so how is this rule to be followed for consecutive weeks?

seems stupid? this is about getting better, not your fucking ego. I don't give a flying fuck about what you think is stupid or not...if you don't see the big picture..then you shouldn't have come here in the first place...and if that's the case...then so long...i personally don't care.....

and are you dumb? the rule is..if someone challenges....we must accept...

that is the rule...there isn't anything else to it..it is THAT FUCKING SIMPLE.....it doesn't matter if we go 10000000 years without someone coming in here and challenging us..that's not the point...the point is..we're not gonna be pussies and say "i'm too good for you".....instead..we're gonna use it as an opportunity to practice....

i made that perfectly clear..if you still don't get it..peace the fuck out.

Nitrogen 07-02-08 08:36 PM

like i said if its all like that, just assign me a battle like you said you'd do before bacause i can already tell you im not gonna take the initiative to battle some whack ass nigga. shits got nothin to do wit my ego i just personally see it as a waste of time. and my point of askin the question is how is this rule supposed to be followed consecutive weeks when the chances of having call outs consecutive weeks aren't that high. but fuck it just pm me wit whoever it is you want me to battle and ill battle them, but i'd rather feel like i had it set up to represent my team than to feel like i chose to battle a weak as rapper.

In-Vision 07-02-08 08:56 PM

Originally Posted by Nitrogen
like i said if its all like that, just assign me a battle like you said you'd do before bacause i can already tell you im not gonna take the initiative to battle some whack ass nigga. shits got nothin to do wit my ego i just personally see it as a waste of time. and my point of askin the question is how is this rule supposed to be followed consecutive weeks when the chances of having call outs consecutive weeks aren't that high. but fuck it just pm me wit whoever it is you want me to battle and ill battle them, but i'd rather feel like i had it set up to represent my team than to feel like i chose to battle a weak as rapper.

if you see it as a waist of time...then leave...seriously...if you honestly don't see the benefit in pushing yourself to be better everytime you write something....then get out...because everybody else here sees it..and gets it...

and seriously bro...the question you keep asking me is fucking retarded...it really is....the rule doesn't need to be followed consecutive weeks..it needs to be followed when there is an opportunity to follow it...I.E...WHEN SOMEONE CALLS US THE FUCK OUT.

it doesn't get any more simple then that.

and everytime you write, you are representing the team..it doesn't matter how good your opponenet is...it doesn't matter if you don't even have an opponenet..every time you write..you represent us....so if you're not gonna do your best every single time...than why bother at all?

any more questions you feel like waisting MY TIME with?

or are you starting to understand?

Nitrogen 07-02-08 09:04 PM

naw i think ill waste ya time some more.

i only brought up the consecutive weeks thing because you did. thats what threw me off. and i dont drop at the same level everytime in text battles. ill get bored and drop some bullshit if i feel my opponent is whack. so when i battle someone of that nature i wont actually be pushing myself to become better. i've actually never used writing lyrics to become better at writing lyrics. i try and become better in my standard writing and that translates over to my lyrical ability. thats why my flow is mainly all vocabulary and Precise word choice and word usage. thats also why it lacks in many areas. so i said i see it as a waste of time because its not gonna help me grow its just gonna make me look bad. and ive already said twice ill follow the fuckin rule. so why do you keep replying to everything i say. If you'd like i can go hunt dutch down and battle himright now oh all knowing one.

In-Vision 07-02-08 09:20 PM

Originally Posted by Nitrogen
naw i think ill waste ya time some more.

i only brought up the consecutive weeks thing because you did. thats what threw me off. and i dont drop at the same level everytime in text battles. ill get bored and drop some bullshit if i feel my opponent is whack. so when i battle someone of that nature i wont actually be pushing myself to become better. i've actually never used writing lyrics to become better at writing lyrics. i try and become better in my standard writing and that translates over to my lyrical ability. thats why my flow is mainly all vocabulary and Precise word choice and word usage. thats also why it lacks in many areas. so i said i see it as a waste of time because its not gonna help me grow its just gonna make me look bad. and ive already said twice ill follow the fuckin rule. so why do you keep replying to everything i say. If you'd like i can go hunt dutch down and battle himright now oh all knowing one.

see, this is what happens when people are fucking stupid..and try to be smart.

when i mentioned consecutive weeks...it was refferring to the new rule that i will be posting in a week or so....

and standard writing? what the fuck is standard writing? there is no such thing as standard writing...there are all different styles of writing...just because you typically use some more then others doesn't mean it's "standard".
what does this mean? it means that practicing writing in general....will make you better...

what won't make you better is not trying...and if you need to see someone running infront of you...in order to catch up....then you don't belong here either....c.s. has the best heads on the entire site...we arn't in it to win..because winning is too easy....if we were here to do nothing but win....we wouldn't be doing shit...because nobody can challenge us as much as we can challenge ourselves.

I'm not going to assign you shit...i'm through with you..if you want to get better.then figure that shit out for yourself...and if you decide to continue this nonsense...you'll be cut from the roster.

SUPERVILLAIN 07-02-08 09:33 PM

whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, WHOA!!! everyone...chill. seriously.

let's not take this out of context. pure and simple...we are a family. period. i do understand where everyone is coming from, but this matter is far too petty for us to breakdown and bicker over right now.

...i know what you are trying to accomplish and i agree with you 100% brother. as far as communication goes, please choose the words that you do use a little more carefully. you have such a dominant approach to things and such a dominant demeanor in general, it may tend to sound like you are talking down to someone...rather than as an equal. i am sure that that might not have been the case, but reading text can be misleading my friend. i know that you have a lot on your plate right now my man...so we know that the tension you must be going through is mad crazy...much more than typed words can ever express. BUT, we all need each other right now. we will all get through this together. you are a highly, highly distinguished member, we all know that. we respect the role that you play around "sin city" and we will all do our part(s) to make sure that everything continues to function and build as a whole. wordness. i am here. if you ever need me...I AM HERE. wooo-saaaaa.

...sig the fuck back up my crhymie. you're fam, i shouldn't have to even speak on it. i know that words are getting heated between you and r-ev, but please try to cool off as well playboy. you are a very valued c.s. member...so do not rush to a conclusion just because we're having a bit of sibling rivalry at this point in time. as far as r-ev...he means well. trust me. he wants us all to participate more, regardless of random circumstances. it makes "us as a team" stronger...as well as it makes "us stronger individually". a challenge is a challenge. lets not let our ego's get the best of us. yes...we are dope. but any and all practice will make us sharper. i know that you understand this. please, relax before you do or say anything that may threaten your position bruh. for lack of better terminology: 'blood in, blood out' my crhymie. wooo-saaaaa.

i will be back online tomorrow morning...to continue this discussion and possibly alleviate any further tension. please, deal with this respectfully gentlemen. ask yourselves this: am i my brothers keeper??? yes. most definately.


Nitrogen 07-02-08 09:36 PM

what nonsense am i countinuing. i already said i "Agreed to the Fucking Rule" and all you had to do was mention that you were talking about a new rule. thats why in my first response to that post i said you were confusing me. if you wouldve cleared that up instead of going on this little mini tirade than i wouldve know that at about 7:54. and yes i consider journalism and essay writing standard writing. you wanna talk about trying to sound smart. you knew what the fuck i was talkin bout when i said standard writing. you didnt have to break it down like i dont know the fuckin differences in writing styles. but fuck it, im done wit arguing. i resolved the issue a couple post ago. if you got some more shit to say to me get at me on aim and it can be done through regular conversation. cause the more you post these indepth replies to me, im going to do the same to you so dont come at me about this continuing this nonsense shit. cause the more you post, i guess the higher the chances are of me being kicked out because i wont shut up until you do.

Nitrogen 07-02-08 09:36 PM

^^^^^was a reply to Rev didnt even read SV's post yet

Nitrogen 07-02-08 09:41 PM

Originally Posted by SUPERVILLAIN
whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, WHOA!!! everyone...chill. seriously.

let's not take this out of context. pure and simple...we are a family. period. i do understand where everyone is coming from, but this matter is far too petty for us to breakdown and bicker over right now.

...i know what you are trying to accomplish and i agree with you 100% brother. as far as communication goes, please choose the words that you do use a little more carefully. you have such a dominant approach to things and such a dominant demeanor in general, it may tend to sound like you are talking down to someone...rather than as an equal. i am sure that that might not have been the case, but reading text can be misleading my friend. i know that you have a lot on your plate right now my man...so we know that the tension you must be going through is mad crazy...much more than typed words can ever express. BUT, we all need each other right now. we will all get through this together. you are a highly, highly distinguished member, we all know that. we respect the role that you play around "sin city" and we will all do our part(s) to make sure that everything continues to function and build as a whole. wordness. i am here. if you ever need me...I AM HERE. wooo-saaaaa.

...sig the fuck back up my crhymie. you're fam, i shouldn't have to even speak on it. i know that words are getting heated between you and r-ev, but please try to cool off as well playboy. you are a very valued c.s. member...so do not rush to a conclusion just because we're having a bit of sibling rivalry at this point in time. as far as r-ev...he means well. trust me. he wants us all to participate more, regardless of random circumstances. it makes "us as a team" stronger...as well as it makes "us stronger individually". a challenge is a challenge. lets not let our ego's get the best of us. yes...we are dope. but any and all practice will make us sharper. i know that you understand this. please, relax before you do or say anything that may threaten your position bruh. for lack of a better terminology: 'blood in, blood out' my crhymie. wooo-saaaaa.

i will be back online tomorrow morning...to continue this discussion and possibly alleviate any further tension. please, deal with this respectfully gentlemen. ask yourselves this: am i my brothers keeper??? yes. most definately.


Im sure you seen New Jack City. enough said. i been done wit this shit. and what are you talkin bout sig up, i never dropped the CS out of my sig. although that might be some of that super cool SV terminology

In-Vision 07-02-08 09:41 PM

Originally Posted by Nitrogen
what nonsense am i countinuing. i already said i "Agreed to the Fucking Rule" and all you had to do was mention that you were talking about a new rule. thats why in my first response to that post i said you were confusing me. if you wouldve cleared that up instead of going on this little mini tirade than i wouldve know that at about 7:54. and yes i consider journalism and essay writing standard writing. you wanna talk about trying to sound smart. you knew what the fuck i was talkin bout when i said standard writing. you didnt have break it down like i dont know the fuckin differences in writing styles. but fuck it, im done wit arguing. i resolved the issue a couple post ago. if you got some more shit to say to me get at me on aim and it can be done through regular conversation. cause the more you post these indepth replies to me, im going to do the same to you so dont come at me about this continuing this nonsense shit. cause the more you post, i guess the higher the chances are of me being kicked out because i wont shut up until you do.

lmao...you are retarded bruh....here is why

Originally Posted by R-Evolution
and after that...there will be a new rule

go back and read my WHOLE fucking post, before you even consider responding to me.

THAT is the exact kind of nonsense i'm talking about.

how about you stop arguing...and start paying attention...all of this would have been avoided had you payed the fuck attention in the first place.

SUPERVILLAIN 07-02-08 09:43 PM

seriously, gentlemen...please...

...the super, c.s. life

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