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TeamOne 07-13-07 04:25 PM

wow.... thats wat sparked me actually makin a thread.... and yea, px, revelations, w/e ... ive obviously been thinkin about it for a while... but its gettin outa control... especially with the anonyminity (actual word?) of the internet which, if u have also noticed, makes people angrier and more extreme in their views than they would be face-to-face and in real life.... people no that NOTHING will come of them sayin dumb racist shit in a forum where no one knows their real name, so they tend to be more extreme....

GKillaz05 07-13-07 04:26 PM

I know a white person for one cant drop the n domb (unless there half retarded)
but it's cool if we call anyone else a name... just not the african americans.
(which I dont have a problem wit' because I refrain from usin' racial slurs for the most part) ... portiguese people though, you really really piss me the fuck off... but thats cool, but yeah I have how I got knocked for dressin' "black" at my school, which had a total of 3 black people...its bullshit, my only resonce to that is, your just pissed off cuz I spent 150bucks on a hoody, and look good in it! but yeah its time for me to go now, the molson canadian is callin' my name!!

J. Luth 07-13-07 07:00 PM

Originally Posted by TeamOne
DUDE, how the fuck did u know... lmao

rofl cuz I was watching it yesterday actually. and saw the comments. rofl

you talkin' bout dude with backwards white hat, shades, and sounded like he from texas?

yea, it was kinda funny, but i think also people said that cuz he dropped the N bomb a couple of times son. So that would spark those type of comments mostly lol

TeamOne 07-13-07 10:42 PM

yup same one.. he was hilarious

J. Luth 07-13-07 10:45 PM

i thought he was decent. had some funny parts, but overall was shit compared to original. lol like he shouldn't of copied dude's voice. just do a different one oir something. lol

Sean Gunner 07-14-07 02:37 AM

Originally Posted by TeamOne
wow.... thats wat sparked me actually makin a thread.... and yea, px, revelations, w/e ... ive obviously been thinkin about it for a while... but its gettin outa control... especially with the anonyminity (actual word?) of the internet which, if u have also noticed, makes people angrier and more extreme in their views than they would be face-to-face and in real life.... people no that NOTHING will come of them sayin dumb racist shit in a forum where no one knows their real name, so they tend to be more extreme....

Ah gotta love past names.

p4ntzistheish 07-14-07 12:06 PM

Fuck you Sean. Nah I'm playin, what's up? lol

Indeph 07-14-07 06:19 PM

Wow..all this "we" and "them" crap kinda pissed me off. And the only reason why some people THINK black ppl can be racist and white people cant is because theirs white people dont DO shit about it. Actually they DO react to it, but the reaction is always "gee why do "they" get to this, but if we did it we'd be racist and they'd complain". Wtf that IS complaining. The same exact complaining has been going on on the white side for decades. Seriously watch old tv. Black ppl aren't pushing any buttons that white ppl don't do when black ppl arent around. The problem is, when black ppl are racist, they're obvious racists. They say it to your face and dont hide it with humor or sarcasm. Meanwhile while black ppl are being racists, white ppl are asking why its ok. Ok meaning why nothing is being done about it and no one is saying anything. Gee, maybe if you say something everyone around u wont think its okay. It used to be the complete reversal. And ps. Black people dont complain about slavery anymore. Black ppl complaining about slavery is commonly used to take away the significance of anything black ppl have to complain about. =/ Seriously, it's not that hard to figure out. I obviously don't mean all, like u im not generaliziing. I just really dont like this new aged shit where people act like blacks have a huge advantage over whites. When white people cross the line and do something offensive, the generic white response is "black ppl are too sensitive", but if blacks cross the line its "if a white person said that we'd be racist". WTF white ppl HAVE said something like that, wtf.

Indeph 07-14-07 06:29 PM

Again, since I'm one of only 3(max) black people who will actually respond to this thread with something smart to say(not some ayo homie yu white folk be tryna act like us bullshit), I have to continue. ARE ALL OF YOU FUCKIN BLIND?! Are you seriously so acustomed to the racist shit white ppl do that you actually think black racism outnumbers it? Jesus christ.


Oh and yea, black ppl get a shitload of heat when trying to do metal. And if u havent heard songs like guilty of being white or one in a million, I'm gonna have to say that rock pretty much does more than enough to represent the racist equivilant of rap. Despite the fact that Rock is rooted in black culture, but whatever,=/

p4ntzistheish 07-14-07 06:53 PM

I just wanna throw in that black people are far from the most racist. I live with and have white friends and as soon as I said I wasn't offended by some stuff the black jokes never end. Until another black person comes around, then they stop in fear. People are racist, it's how you deal with it that's the pressing matter.

WhoAmI 07-15-07 11:40 AM

fux slap yourself and think about what you said

the joke about this original post is that he thinks that just because coincidentally the people in this thread may not have told a black person that they can't do things because they aint white he 's acting like it doesn't happen....in my walk of life i've experienced white people indirectly conveying that i ain't capable of doing some things they can...whether they realise it or not sometimes their approach when it comes to dealing with other races makes us feel like they are tryna treat us like we're inferior....

maybe some of you aren't racist but do not fuckin insult me like it don't happen when i've been on the shitty end of the racial stick through insults covert and blatant, having to physically fight cos racist whites wanna start shit and take it to those levels, i've even been spat at from moving vehicles on a couple occassions by white people yelling out shit like "black bastard" "nigger" and shit like that....

racism occurs across the board...it also ties into a class thing too quite a few white people i have come across act like they are above blacks, from actions right down to the patronizing tone they take...

i don't condone racism at all cos you cut ay one of us and blood drips out, we all the same at the core...

Kordozar 07-15-07 12:20 PM

Originally Posted by TeamOne
"Stop tryin to act black" or "White people can't do that" or "first thing: UR NOT BLACK"

.... wats funny is that this comment has NOTHING to do with rap music.... but i saw some video of this white guy impersonating some black comedian... it was fuckin hilarious... and all these comments were people just sayin he wasnt allowed to do it because he's white....


just cuz, from my experience with me and almost every kid i know.. ive never told some black kid he CANT do somethin because he's not white. im sorry to make a generalization, but how many people would agree with me that black people are beginnin to tip the scale and are now expressing more racist attitudes than any other race.

Yo I Always Thaught You Were Black.....

TeamOne 07-15-07 05:06 PM

^^^ most do..... hah

but anyways.... my comment was really an outburst and i take back alot of wat i said..... but i still believe i have some clearer examples of wat i mean..... wat i was more concerned about was all this hipocracy nowadays.... for years black people and white people alike have worked together to try and even the balance and to stop racism and any feelings of subordination... there even enactments such as affirmative action and rules that seem as insignificant as in the NFL where a team must interview a non-white potential coach that have tried to even legally enforce this... and yet.... many black people now tend to turn it around.... i think everytime ive gone to even the courts near my school, the white boy has to always thoroughly prove himself before even getting picked for a game..... and even as a white person ive seen bball games, and when they sub in a white guy... i even think, sarcastically, "wth is the coach tryin to do" even if i have no idea who the player is....

and i mean, we all see it in some form everywhere... ex: white men can't jump, can't rap..... and of course, he must be a poser if he's wearing bapes........

and im not sayin u dont see it with white against black... i mean, u see a black guy hold a guitar, u might think twice... but there have been plenty of great black rockstars, from chuck berry from the 50s (and part of the FIRST group inducted into the hall of fame) and also known as the founder of rock and roll (as u can tell... im a fan) to jimi hendrix.... hell, 4 of the top 6 guitarists of all time, as decided by rolling stones magazine, are black (incuding #1).... i mean, i think people just ostricize (sp?) much of the white racism nowadays...

maybe its just cuz i live in the heart of chicago... where the most racism i see is simply being scared while entering a project area (although i dont really consider fear a great example of racism).... yea, it is racist to think "oh one of THEM are gonna take my wallet" but im more focused on subordinative racism.... i dont think many of civil rights forefathers, as they are highly praised, did all this just to see the very attitudes they tried to rid of in white people has simply expanded to black people.

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