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M&rk 10-16-09 11:36 PM

i left feed, but also, this isn't where u post songs. but like being gay he continues to break the rules over and over again. you tell others to repent, theres no need to repent when u plan on continueing down the same path anyway. if u don't try to not lie, not kill, not be gay, u aren't really sorry for doing it and aren't doing what God wants you to be doing with your life.

Dabatos 10-17-09 12:32 AM

Originally Posted by Tha Q.

Here's some feed on your track...

Feeling the intro...

Yea...you always did love singin...lol...pretty slick tho

lyrically nice...like the energy in the delivery...a couple end words could have been held out longer...but otherwise, well done

slick joint


fa sho thanks for the feed.. Made that track after me and my girl broke up thinking God would allow to come back in my life. She never did and found someone else but Im good.. Because we broke up I'm closer to God more than ever.. woot!

Tha Q. 10-17-09 06:29 AM

Originally Posted by Dabatos
fa sho thanks for the feed.. Made that track after me and my girl broke up thinking God would allow to come back in my life. She never did and found someone else but Im good.. Because we broke up I'm closer to God more than ever.. woot!

Well...sometimes you'll find that what appears to be something detrimental was meant for our ultimate good.



Tha Q. 10-17-09 06:30 AM

Originally Posted by Mark Schafer
i left feed, but also, this isn't where u post songs. but like being gay he continues to break the rules over and over again. you tell others to repent, theres no need to repent when u plan on continueing down the same path anyway. if u don't try to not lie, not kill, not be gay, u aren't really sorry for doing it and aren't doing what God wants you to be doing with your life.

You're a hypocrite...You're a SINNER who needs God like every SINNER needs God.
You live your life however you want to, and want to ignore the fact that you do things that God hates.

I Should make this a nursery song

Imma sinner

You're a sinner

We're all sinners




M&rk 10-17-09 11:04 AM

repenting, is being sorry enough to stop doing it. find a new word, then i'd like that song

50Cal. 10-17-09 11:36 AM

Originally Posted by Phenom-in-all
If he reads the same bible I do, he is. But that's just good ol christianity. Sorting out gays since the days of Lot. holla.

for once i agree with this fool.GOD only brought hell on earth on one group of people.....homos........so good luck ducking that fire and brimestone q

M&rk 10-17-09 11:37 AM

^^^hahha, i saw that u posted and i though for sure i'd get to make fun of you, but that was funny

Dabatos 10-17-09 11:53 AM

Originally Posted by 50Cal.
for once i agree with this fool.GOD only brought hell on earth on one group of people.....homos........so good luck ducking that fire and brimestone q

hahhaa.. funny but bro theres no where in the Bible it says that lol.

50Cal. 10-17-09 03:50 PM

Originally Posted by Dabatos
hahhaa.. funny but bro theres no where in the Bible it says that lol.

it says that men should not lie down with men not to mention that GOD torched sodom and gomerrah with brimestone and fire which is what hell is made of.think of all the times GOD punished people.only once did he rain down hell on earth and that was on faggots.so q.............better get lots of water.he will have a very hot eternity.

Dabatos 10-17-09 04:52 PM

Ah okay. Yeah that has to be in the old testament than. I'm only finishing up the new testament right now. But from what I know in the new testament, Jesus died on the Cross so all sins could be forgiven. People have murdered hundreve ds or maybe thousands of innocent people in ghanda or something like that. When a Pastor went to the prisons there and talked to the people involved in the genocide. He introduced God into their lives and God forgave them. Even though they may have sent many to hell because they never had the chance to find God. God was more than loving enough to forgive them. But yeah the thing with sin is, if you repent from it, you must try your best to stay away from it. Like damn man, i love porn like I really do, and my left hand. You have no idea how hard it was to stop doing that crap. But now I can do it 100x easier than ever because I truly repented for it.

Tha Q. 10-17-09 05:35 PM

Originally Posted by 50Cal.
for once i agree with this fool.GOD only brought hell on earth on one group of people.....homos........so good luck ducking that fire and brimestone q

You referring to Sodom? If you expand your brain and delve deeper, you'd find that God didn't destroy Sodom because it was a "gay" city, but that they sinned against Angels that God had sent there...You honestly think Sodom was the only "gay" city on earth at that time? Apparently not...Homosexuals are still here IDIOT.

Furthermore...when God brings judgment this Go-round...it'll be for people who haven't accepted his Son Jesus as Lord and Savior, regardless of whether they are gay, a liar, fornicator, or an idiot in your case.



Tha Q. 10-17-09 05:37 PM

Originally Posted by Dabatos
Ah okay. Yeah that has to be in the old testament than. I'm only finishing up the new testament right now. But from what I know in the new testament, Jesus died on the Cross so all sins could be forgiven. People have murdered hundreve ds or maybe thousands of innocent people in ghanda or something like that. When a Pastor went to the prisons there and talked to the people involved in the genocide. He introduced God into their lives and God forgave them. Even though they may have sent many to hell because they never had the chance to find God. God was more than loving enough to forgive them. But yeah the thing with sin is, if you repent from it, you must try your best to stay away from it. Like damn man, i love porn like I really do, and my left hand. You have no idea how hard it was to stop doing that crap. But now I can do it 100x easier than ever because I truly repented for it.

See...here's the critical point tho Dabatos...SAlvation is a gift we don't deserve. Jesus gives it to us when we ask and believe...The sin can only stop when A.) we make up in our mind to do so and then B.) God gives us the grace and power to do so

Truth is...no matter what a person's sin is, they will NEVER be able to stop doing it, or thinking about it, on their own...You HAVE to have God's help. But, God respects the struggle....But, there HAS to be a struggle.

These hypocrites, who couldn't care less about God, BTW, don't seem to understand that.

What have they done for God lately? Who have they blessed?

Repent people.


Tha Q. 10-17-09 05:45 PM

Oh...and BTW...for anyone who thinks one sin is worse than another...here's some food for thought...

Biblically speaking, God has traditionally destroyed people who exhibited pride more than any other sin...This is verified in Luke 18 and Matt 21 in the New Testament...and in Proverbs 16 and 2 in the old testament which basically states "God HATES pride and proud people"...

Matthew 21 suggests that people who the world typically cast aside (prostitutes are mentioned by name)...but I'll add homosexuals to the list...will make it to heaven before the Hypocrites (i.e., people like Mark Schafer)

Luke 18 affirms this when Christ himself grew angry at the hypocritical pharisees who condemned people to hell while acting as if they were righteous.

Here's the thing...we are ALL JACKED UP FILTHY sinners in God's eyes...PERIOD.

God forgives you when you ASK. He has a purpose for everyone. The key is, asking him and seeking out that purpose. I have ZERO doubt about my purpose in God...and, attempting to convince me otherwise is an exercise in absolute futility.PERIOD.

Have a nice day. I'm done with this thread. Be sure to check out my new songs.

God Bless.


M&rk 10-18-09 12:37 AM

dude still, when God says don't lie or kill, he know's killing someone is a bigger sin then lying, so with that said, getting fucked in the ass by another man has gotta be a bigger sin then you are playing it off as.

Dabatos 10-18-09 12:43 AM

lol actually bro, a sin is a sin to God. But God hates pride more than any other sin. Okay mark when you look at it like this, we can never go to Heaven by our good deeds. Why? Because we sin so much if we were to ever compare our good deeds to our sins, our sins would out number or good deeds by 100000000000 to 1. We will never do more good deeds than sin. We do good deeds how many times a day? Sometimes once a week? Sometimes once a day? Sins keep adding up and so do good deeds. This is why we are not saved by our works but by our faith in Jesus. Yes God does not like homosexuality. But if you could not tell, you were cursing how many times just through "posting" alone today? How many times did you curse today out loud? If you add up all of the times you cursed today and put pride in yourself over the Q. You sinned about 100-200x more than the q today for being gay 1 day. Which one is God looking at more? Him sinning a few times today and being gay for today? Or is he looking at how you cursed over 200x or w/e today, judging the Q, putting pride in urself over him, and just being an ass? Which one is God looking at more bro? I'm not saying your worse than him or hes worse than you. Just look at the bigger picture. I may have killed someone and he's gay. We both repent for our sins. Who's worse? No one.. God loves us equally no matter what we do.

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