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11-29-07 02:30 PM

Originally Posted by DiDiSi-Mp-Lucif
lmfao at this majority rules bullshit...
but fa real.. pic up a book... goddamn.. if like 6 people who are actually informed start telling u ur wrong... not only are u probably wrong... but ur also fucking retarded... or are u just right because u said so and everyone elses opinions are just lies because they dont fit in ur "hippe weed should be legal im sick of this country" reality... to you america may suck but its practicly the central military power and economic base of the world.. so they must be doing something right... nos is right... go join the scientoligists you delluded fuck.


you are a complete fucking loser with no life who repeated what everyone else said, made no point at all, probably didn't read shit other than the posts in this thread, and you think you can fucking talk to me? Half the kids in here are idiots, and the other half aren't even from America. Maybe you should go join the Scientology Religion... Nah nevermind, you don't have a fucking clue what it is you cunt whore.

Back to the only real response in this thread..

Chris Stylez 11-29-07 02:30 PM

America is #1 huh?

11-29-07 02:33 PM

Originally Posted by Chris Stylez
There is ups and down to this movement. It does put back sometype of power in the hands of the people. Which is why our government was created. Americans complain so much about the problems, mistakes, and the issues in our government. When I talk to people All I hear if I was president I would(Insert change here). As individuals our opinion and views are not valid voice. But as a generalized group that speaks our voice can be heard but not valid. I see this as an oppurtunity to to make the groups voice valid. What we can do really doesnt count for much. Marching, Protesting, peititioning.

Marching around shouting out hell no we wont go, will give us attention but it doesnt resolve anything. You may get a news article or a fifteen secound clip on Fox bullshit 5 news. But thats it. After the government does what they want. The marching stops and people go back to their lives abit dick hurt and as time goes by the issues are forgotten by the people and the government is happy.

Protesting. Such as boycotting has its financial and economical impact. Thing is anything that is worth boycotting with out looking ignorant and silly is something we can not live with and is incouraged in our everyday lives. Boycotting is also a double sided sword. If we impact our governments economial welfare surely ours finacial well being will be impacted. When the chances to heal its like two people who are poison and there is enough dose for one person to get cursed. Of course the government is not going to give cure but yet heal themselves while they get back on their feet and we struggle.

Also. Peititoning doesnt really do much either. They see a whole bunch of signatures and thats it. They pass or do what they want anyways. Im not fully knowlegeble about petitioning but im pretty sure it doesnt do much and is a very unstable process. Petitions either get lost, ignored, or are not sufficiant.

This proposal does give people some power in their hands. No one with have a brain can legitmately say our government is made to satisfy the American people and isnt corrupt. You say change happens everday but so far the change has been for the worst. Name 10 things our government has done in the past 8 years that has benifited the people and not the government.

Right now our government is on a War path that is sucking up our funds. We have been lied to constantly about the war in Iraq. We havent? Lets see what this war was stated to be on. First it started as a war on Terror. Then it went from a war on terror to being a war to stop Iraq from having weapons of mass destruction(Which we gave them in them to help fight Iran). Then Went back to a war on Terror. Then liberation. Then back to terror. What have we done in this besides create a further hell hole for the people who live their than when Saddam was in control. Now we are about to go to war with Iran because they are gainning nuklear capabilities. Why can't they have them. The Majority of the nations surrounding them have them. Why cant they? Because they have oil. Because all of the sudden their terrorist? But we can not stop this. I beleive they just passed a law(not sure of the full details)I think it is called Liberiem. It basicly states we can invade, and bomb another country if we see fit. They can call anyones army a terrorist group. Do the people really want this?

I see the ups and downs. A country good get divided over laws they want and dont want pass. Bull shit laws may or may not get pass. But still it has it boundries. We can not break the law or have one that is unconstitutional. It still must go through the law making process. But it does give sometype of power to the people in this government which is what our government was originally created for.

Our country is being ran by a bunch of idiots. You dont give a crazed homicidal convict a gun and you dont give other people all of the say and power over your life.

I've known all this, and I know more.

It's called the Lieberman Amendment, and it was made by Joe Lieberman in 2001 to give Bush power to go to Iraq, he just wrote a new resolution to attack Iran, and it's currently being passed and ran through congress. IF THE NATIONAL INITIATIVE EXISTED .. no matter what anyone thinks or tells you in this thread, we COULD VOTE AGAINST THE RESOLUTION IN CONGRESS.. as a Majority of the people. Just like in Congress where they have a majority vote topped by the President's vote, the people will also get to vote on the matters. That's exactly and all the National Initiative is. If everyone in this thread knew that, they wouldn't be acting like such fucking morons. lol

11-29-07 05:25 PM

Do any of you know who the National Initiative was made by?

A senator. One particular who put a stop to the draft of the Vietnam war. He single handedly filibustered the draft and put a stop to the war by himself. He put his career on the fucking line and proved to everyone it was a fake war. he created the National Initiative so the people could also put a change to it without being a Senator, or in the Congress, or hell even the President. Everyone in here has basically said something completely false and that's why I'm so fucking angry at you bitches. Aphillyate, Mystic, (mimesis doesnt count cuz he didnt say shit) Nostradamus you're not even from America. You're just a bunch of pussy bitches with no real understanding of change for the good. You think America's a shit hole and can only go down hill like it's been doing, no. It can change. You're just being extremely ignorant to the facts. Don't bother to respond because it's clear you'll only be attempting to defend the little honor you have.

Back on subject... GO VOTE.

La Cosa Nostra 11-29-07 08:35 PM

2v you know this would never happen right?

Like your government is gonna just hand over power to the people... that really is a laughable proposal.. All the important issues are beyond the comprehension of the people anyway...

Giving power to the people would inevidibly run your country into the ground because quite simply a lot of the choices you guys would make would be in your interest and not in the greater interest of the country....

Dont you understand that bro?

11-29-07 08:42 PM

"You guys"?

Hardly. If another rich country wanted to pay a "powerful leader" over here to vote a certain way, they could do that. It's illegal but we've known it to happen before.

You can't pay every single American to vote a single way, and since the names are registered, no illegal aliens or "terrorists" rofl can vote.

But you're right, as the video states, everyone agrees and everyone knows, the government would not just hand over power to the people.

We have to take it by force.

Which is exactly what this is. Thanks for the second actual response in my thread, Nos.

La Cosa Nostra 11-29-07 09:22 PM

Bro, I see that you read my post.......but I dont think you understood it...

You want the american public to take control of the government by force.. But I really dont think you understand the stipulations of that.. Infact, I dont think you have a grasp on why the government is the way it is at all.....

Your government makes decisions based on the greater good of your country, which sure.......that can be a fuckaround for the people at times and it can make people angry.. But half the time, the people only think in terms of what makes their life more comfortable in the short term not fully understanding the situation at hand.

Where as the government plans decades and at times, even centuries in advance, in ways to keep your economy strong, your countries stance as a super power in the global scene, control of fossil fuels in the middle east.....plenty of shit that the ignorant public would fuck up if given the chance.......

Man, have a good think about what big issues you would actually want to change.... And I bet that your government could most likly give you 100 reasons why thats a really bad idea that wouldnt even be within your limited comphrension..

Thats why this is a stupid idea..... Think about it....

11-29-07 09:28 PM

Let me get this straight, you think that when there's a yes or no question dropped on the American public (as in congress) we'll take that straight out of hand, bend the fuck out of it and try to make our lives more comfortable?

Yeah, I'm pretty sure that's what you're saying, and you're stupid as hell.

Dickard. 11-30-07 09:53 AM

if the government is going to hand power over to the people, whats the point of even having an organzied government? and why would they do that when half of the "people" who vote are dumb as fuck and would just continue to degrade americas value.

Cola 11-30-07 11:28 AM

Good job again 2v, i'm from america....and this whole topic you've proved nothing other than your point was whack, adn this whole National Inititive Program bullshit is again, a waste of time

11-30-07 12:43 PM

Originally Posted by Aphillyate
Good job again 2v, i'm from america....and this whole topic you've proved nothing other than your point was whack, adn this whole National Inititive Program bullshit is again, a waste of time

Thanks for proving the National Initiative thread I made has had a great, relevant point, because if it hasn't, it's a safe bet that you spend a lot of your time: Wasting it.

Dickard. 11-30-07 01:12 PM

^u obviously do to dumb ass....u had enough time to give 2 shits about running a league and destroying one..and dedicating time to making a thread about dumb shit.

11-30-07 01:21 PM

Originally Posted by Timothy Turner
^u obviously do to dumb ass....u had enough time to give 2 shits about running a league and destroying one..and dedicating time to making a thread about dumb shit.

Destroying a league? Lol, I didn't destroy anything. I closed it, for good reasons, which you don't know, even if you attempted to guess them, there's only one person who got the specific, exact and good reasons to why I closed my league.

And closing my league just means I have more time to post elsewhere, so that's what I'm doing. And this thread's about dumb shit? Lmfao, typical American, get the fuck out of this thread. You'll never fix shit in your life because you can't even sign your name and help fix your country. You're a loser bitch. What happened to not fucking with me anymore and going back to your little topicals? That dream died instantly. You're a pussy. Get off my dick.

11-30-07 01:45 PM

You're just another blind faggot. Leadership in America is failing because we're run by Corporations. NBC (the news) is owned by General Electric, which is a war profiteer . In other words, the news they fucking give you will be in their best interest guaranteed because they make money from the war. We are going downhill as a nation. You refuse to accept this. We're stuck in triumphalism, thinking we're the greatest in the world, start looking at educational statistics around the world and you'll see we're far from the greatest in the world, and we're going downhill.

We are failing, and it's our leadership that's failing, and the American people, if they had the power to make laws in partnership with representative government, they could correct this.

But you can't, since the country is run by corporate America, particularly the military-industrial complex, the medical-industrial complex, and we do nothing about it. Look at this election and it's all money: follow the money, and you'll find out what you're going to get in the way of leadership.

DiDiSi-Mp-Lucif 11-30-07 06:46 PM

blow me 2v
my right of free speach entitles me to be as much of a spastic FUCKHEAD as you!
you fuckin cocksuckin cum guzzlin scientoligy bitch

11-30-07 07:30 PM

Originally Posted by DiDiSi-Mp-Lucif
blow me 2v
my right of free speach entitles me to be as much of a spastic FUCKHEAD as you!
you fuckin cocksuckin cum guzzlin scientoligy bitch

lol, You can't even spell speech or Scientology right. And it's a capital S too, like Christianity. But I doubt you knew that, I doubt you know anything really. Keep responding, we can make this a type war if you want. You're still a herb.

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