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Edicius 09-19-03 02:37 PM

Originally posted by Methane
to Think You Wrote All That Out For Nothing


Dez 09-19-03 02:44 PM


everyone shutup. nothing is different...Buttersworth does a great job in EI and Chrit seems to be doing a good job as well..most of the mods here know what they are doing and do it well...

only thing thats going to happen is some people will get out of hand with their banning sticks...watch.

which actually might be good for RB.


Edicius 09-19-03 02:49 PM

Me mod is good :),...^^lol

How can a mod be a F.a.g when the f stands for Freepostin ?:)

Well Buttersworth...and all mods Gluck wit runnin this.

Dez 09-19-03 02:52 PM

no F.A.G.s are mods...i never claimed to be a mod or said i wanted to be one...unlike everyone else who is trying to take this turn of events as a chance to be modded...no new mods are required. period.

Edicius 09-19-03 02:58 PM

W/e i dun want to be mod, well of my sub forum,...why ?...cuz most mods lack to do their job there, ... :)

pz to brandon im out^^

Lokinator 09-19-03 03:03 PM

I've Been Freeposting Since Before F.A.Gs Meant Something

Dez 09-19-03 03:05 PM

^so very true. . .

you were my rolemodel growing up as a kid..

i used to say ' i wish i could freepost as good as Methane'

true story.

Dez 09-19-03 03:06 PM


Lokinator 09-19-03 03:06 PM


I'm An Old F

Phrantik 09-19-03 03:09 PM

make me a supermod so i can get shit done while
your gone.

Lokinator 09-19-03 03:15 PM

Baxter, Yoo Are One Of Methane's People..

I Do it For the Fans

MR. LEGEND 09-19-03 03:20 PM

hey, I wasn't kidding...

Lokinator 09-19-03 03:23 PM

It Doesn't Make a Difference

Edicius 09-19-03 03:24 PM


Baron Mynd 09-19-03 03:48 PM


Methane - Stop Freeposting Now.

Seriously, I Want A S.Mod Spot, You Can Start After I Get S. Modded. = )

Kredit 09-19-03 05:13 PM

I wish I was cool enough for a S. Mod spot. :rolleyes:

G. Buttersworth 09-19-03 05:33 PM

damn thats fucked up.

hit me up on aim end. (if you see this)

Mental God 09-19-03 06:32 PM

1 Attachment(s)
<-----is the king of F.A.G.s

but meth you are the Godfather... still dez was the only retard... check this pic... actual screen shot

(see F.A.G.s was a joke, none of us wanted to be a fag at first... so we all did like this... but we put everyone elses name but our own... except dez)

and everyone needs to quit bitchin about bein a mod... fuckin newbs wanna be mods fuck that... we need the most responsable people on this site to be mods who are responsable

self 09-19-03 07:18 PM

No One Will Be Made Admin. If anyone was to be, it most likely to be me. I've been doing most for the site other than Mike and Brandon.

Now, that more than others is looking for advertisers to pay for RB. So all of you who think I don't do shit, shut up.

Mr.Christensen 09-19-03 07:31 PM

^^ thats how you get banned

yea anyways now i feel like a dick for having my Sig with the wanna be a mod...

whats this about paying for the site.. please explain thank u

Axiom 09-19-03 07:36 PM

Dude... fuck is this? This is The End's leavin thread... and all you whack fucks campaigning to be a MOD... just shut up... all i have to say, MODs are not needed... we have enough, all we need is an admin to keep the site in check... i have to agree with camarac... G. Buttersworth is the only kid i trust to be admin while the end is away.

...OpeY... 09-19-03 07:42 PM

werd... i dont see why brandon's bouncin but wutever. do wut ya feel is needed. The site is bound to get fucked up tho. and yeah butters is the best we got. i couldnt see anyone else being admin either. but mods not needed? lol no... no more lazy mods are needed. just take a look at the whole audio section. its disgraceful. im not campeignin to be shit. im just pointing out the problems that need to be fixed. i cant even get a crew mod potition without cathin heat about it so i dont even give a shit if im a mod. but since yall say im not good enough to be a mod then its ur responsibility to make the improvements. but im about to vote myself most hated on by mods.

self 09-19-03 07:44 PM

Well, Mike (alldig) owns the site. So he pays for it. He pays for the space, the service providers, Vbulletin, etc.
If you look at the top of the page, there is area's where advertisements can go, see? Well when someone wants to advertise they have to pay for the space. Well right now, there are no advertisements, meaning no money is coming into the site, only alldigs own money is going out.

So right now I am trying to get advertisers who want their name up there. And, further more I am taking no part of the income, even though I was offered. So all you little kids that think I'm no good for RB, eat that.

...OpeY... 09-19-03 07:48 PM

^^^werd up... will be advertising a little sumthin sumthin on there soon. i still got a lot of shit to work out tho. good looks bruk but i still think butters would be a better admin. especially after your little mod beef with c-section. no offense but mods shouldnt abuse their powers no matter what. almost every mod does except butters. i dont like him too much cause he closes good threads and leaves stupid shit open but he is responsible.

Kost 09-19-03 08:07 PM

blah...this site brings nothin but drama...remember when shadow dropped this site...how fuckin whack it was when it got up again? then the end took over and this site got real pretty - but ungrateful power hungry assholes who just want to be a mod or a s. mod of a dickrider or a freeposter fuck everything up...hey heres an idea...how bout becomin a contributor?

and all you newbie assholes who think your sumthin and tryin to act like you know how far this site has come - you aint shit...i see kids fuckin here since Sep. 2003 with twice as many posts as my sorry ass...

rb's the only site worth postin on...so you wanna be a mod - then write your ass some letters to some company' s to get some advertisin...nigga please

Mentally Kursed 09-19-03 08:12 PM

end and sureal yall will be missed man fo real and end i dont blame u for takin a break u kno well im out tho holla

Bazzy 09-19-03 08:18 PM

All the people asking to me Mods,Supermods and admins.....just shut up.....to the MODS that want to be supermods....Be happy what you got and stop always asking for more......To the members wanting to be mods....stop always asking....you'll be appointed mod when an admin thinks you're ready to be mod after you help out the site

mdizz 09-19-03 08:26 PM

bye end u did good shit for tha site..
however..i cant believe peeps are trippin over blaze_2k4 leavin...omg thats a legendary dickrider....oh well..crazyworld

8-off 09-19-03 09:21 PM

Originally posted by M.diZZ-iLL
bye end u did good shit for tha site..
however..i cant believe peeps are trippin over blaze_2k4 leavin...omg thats a legendary dickrider....oh well..crazyworld

thats wat i dont get, before "blaze 2k4" wasnt shit, i mean, look at his name, he was jus a regular member, im gone for a few months he's "sureal" now and a rb legend, people need to wake up

peace out brend

Chrit 09-19-03 09:24 PM

Ya'll really dont see how much sureal did for the site on a daily basis...

That goes for all the S-Mods..
Hell half of the normal mods...

Just cause we arent seen as much as admin's does not mean we dont do shit...

Wake up and appreciate the people that keep this site going...

I can see why End and Sureal got fed up...
I can also see why Bruk is getting so pissed about this...

Dont bitch out of ignorance anymore...

mdizz 09-19-03 09:30 PM

oh...ok then.....my bag my bag homey
consider tha mod folks appreciated :)
i suppose
id be one bored muthafucka witout this site..mmmm tha things u take for granted....eyes..opened? i suppose so

Lokinator 09-19-03 09:57 PM

I've Been Saying Bruklor For Admin All Along..!!!

MultiVersEal 09-19-03 11:05 PM

i saw this coming. the end was banning a whole lotta peeps. i dont think hes comin back. sureal doesnt matter though hes an asshole with one hat :)

Chrit 09-19-03 11:06 PM

Dont bitch out of ignorance anymore...

That was the type of thread and member that I was talking about...

Some of you truly make me sick...

C-Section 09-19-03 11:07 PM

hope end comes back.

us mod should be able to handle shit for a while we just need to be on top of things and as long and no one goes on a power trip everything should be OK.

and bruk this bullshit between me and you seriously needs to stop cause we wont be able to run the site properly if we are going at each other. im willing to move on if you are too. cause with brandon gone all us mods need to step up and run the site

and anyone thats thinks they are free to do what ever they want now that end is gone will be banned just like before. nothing will change besides the fact that brandon is gone.

and all you newbies asking for mods spots shut the fuck up. "i have 5 posts make me a mod" LOL

Accelerate 09-19-03 11:24 PM

Originally posted by C-section
hope end comes back.

us mod should be able to handle shit for a while we just need to be on top of things and as long and no one goes on a power trip everything should be OK.

and bruk this bullshit between me and you seriously needs to stop cause we wont be able to run the site properly if we are going at each other. im willing to move on if you are too. cause with brandon gone all us mods need to step up and run the site

and anyone thats thinks they are free to do what ever they want now that end is gone will be banned just like before. nothing will change besides the fact that brandon is gone.

and all you newbies asking for mods spots shut the fuck up. "i have 5 posts make me a mod" LOL

Out of all seriousness, reading some of the posts in this thread makes me understand why End left. Some motherfuckers in this thread are acting like assholes, we, right now could be in the worst point ever, and motherfuckers are asking to be mod? Thats some bullshit, if half these motherfuckers did half the work brandon did, then our site would be running great. Hell, I'll miss End, but that doesn't mean these unworthy motherfuckers should be mod. This shit is fucking stupid, we got till Novemeber to stay on top, this is how we test the real site, find out whos gonna ride with this shit till this bitch goes down, i know i am.

Derive 09-19-03 11:24 PM

well looks like end leaving was the world war for rapbattles....because sureal left us also...and sooner or later other vets will leave and then others and so on until rapbattles is nothing....wat a terrific site...all of this to waste?....i hope not....because if mike (alldig) see's that not many people are comming he will simply stop paying for the site and will take it down then one day ur all gonna wanna get on and u wont be able to because the site will not exist anymore...so before you go off and leave the site think about it...remember...think before you act..

and i think SOME of the current mods are doing great...and yes i totally agree that g.buttersworth should be the replacement admin until end gets back (if he comes back)....and sureal man...cmon come back....and new mods wouldnt be a bad idea because as opey said...some mods are lazy as fuck...the crew forums are messed up so is the audio thread and the songs thread and frontlines and elite....so some newm ods wouldnt be bad as long as they ARNT LAZY....but some of the current mods are doing great

sureal and end....you will both be missed...

Chrit 09-19-03 11:27 PM

Two people that are informed....

This is a huge blow...
But C-Section is right...

We can keep going...
But everyone has to do their part...

Even normal members...

Derive 09-19-03 11:34 PM

^^yes and us normal members can do PLENTY....like 1-2 months ago i helped clean out the frontlines and elitefrontlines and guess wat...im not mod....but they appreciated my work and thanked me for helping clean out the forums in an announcement they made...see...even us normal members can do alot....if you lose a match...dont go fucking running bitching to the mods saying that it was dickryder votes or hate votes...take the lose in an honorable way...help out the mods and respect everyone and they will respect you back...if u lose a match dont bitch about it...just give respect to your opponent that won and continue battling...bitching can get you into trouble and you wont be respected..then the person that hates u will find anything to get revenge on u and u may end up getting banned and its not worth it...its just the internet and some people are going around accusing people as if they were criminals...everyone just needs to calmn down and stay together at times like these...help the mods and mods help the members...that way the site will run smoothly and it will all work out..that way we will be better then ever and this site will never die out

Chrit 09-19-03 11:36 PM


Everyone needs to read that post...

That is all...

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