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07-22-07 04:53 PM

Take every Religion, take EVERYTHING good out of them that makes people happy to be alive/have hope (except false beliefs that contradict), throw them all in one big book with add-ons of future World health, Human expansion, Belief in all Unknown because There is No Evidence disproving it (All theories of the Universe added and dealt with as Possibilities until proven wrong) how to do it, make it simple and natural, so easy to comprehend (words may not riddleth.) and don't allow it for kids under the age of 10. Make it so completely agreeable with that everyone except those people with those big boats follows it for the sole ingeniousness, glory, connection, and purpose of the teachings that celebrate peace & happiness, but mostly Human Growth in an un-hostile world.

No one is better than any other (money aside also) And.......... I don't know if any of you would agree with this but... I believe Democracy is failing us here in America. a Government created BY the people FOR the people is holding information FROM the people so WE don't tell enemies OF the people decided BY the government FOR the people. And that's one of the hundreds of problems with our system today.

I believe the country should be ran BY the people (essentially and extremely, fully, no inbetween hand-in-hand working with the government), I think there should be three buildings (or something along that line) built all across the U.S. with connections to eachother where U.S. citizens can volunteer to go into and advise/make decisions with other U.S. citizens based on popular belief, and that the only people getting PAYED to help run the country would be the people watching and making sure no one is saying crazy shit like "LETS BOMB RUSSIA".

In this fake world of mine, No one is to talk of war until war is brought upon us and we are to DEAL WITH IT AS A THREAT. This terrorist shit got way too out of hand, and not by our people. No-no, by one man who thought it was popular belief, what his dad wanted, and what God himself wanted, to invade Iraq and make them our responsibility. You know how much money of ours now belongs to other countries? No U.S. citizen actually has MONEY in his pocket now. Only higher class rich fucks actually have money. Any and every person you see on the streets in the U.S. owns nothing, and that's the truth of it. He owns a house and has a job in a country that is indebt more money than the U.S. has as a whole (with an exception of the rich folk) :thumbup:

we're screwed and something needs to change. And I would do something about it.

*hires terumoto and Big Picture as back-up creators to the plan and project*

name of Project: DLTWE

Don't Let The World End

No though, share your thoughts with me. I need to see your views.

M&rk 07-22-07 11:20 PM

that all makes sense. i like that, dont show kids the book before they're ten. at first i thought that was dumb, but that would let kids have an open mind and make an waiverable discussion to follow it or w/e.
but one thing with terrorism is that if someone doesn't confess to the act of terrorism it can always be used by one country or group to cause another group to harm someone else. terrorism is the biggest problem with the world today, it puts fear in people and makes people make misinformed decisions. and i dont know how to fix that, it seems like a catch 22 and could forever be useful tactic for evil. best way i would fix it is to have a sit down with terrorist in some way and tell them to "live and let live" we wont fuck with you if u dont fuck with us, just as long as u dont disrespect your own people and refuse to let them leave your country if they feel violated.

M&rk 07-24-07 02:59 AM

Originally Posted by Terumoto
Zen puts everyone equally. There is no division between student and teacher except the division that is already there. Like in any other religion, there are bad teachers of Zen and good teachers of Zen. A good teacher of Zen can know your understanding of life by talking with you or being around you, and thus will know what to do to help you get to heaven.

What confusing metaphors are you talking about?

I'm not saying Zen is the "right" religion. It won't get you anything faster than anything else. It depends on the person. You can't do it expecting it to get you enlightened faster than say, Hinduism. If you are a person like that Zen will just confuse the shit out of you and try to break down your misconceptions with things like unsolvable riddles that you have to solve. Which is a good thing.

People can let go of any ship they use to cross the river. I'm just saying that the more there is to get attached to, the harder it will be to leave your ship/religion behind once you reach the other side. Also, if you get swept out to see and lost, it's easier to cling to a large cruise ship like Christianity until you die, than it is to other religions. Especially when the driver is telling you that if you stay aboard the ship, they will eventually get to land.

i dont know of anyone whose reached "Enlightenment, Satori, Nirvana, Heaven" and let go of their religion or "boat" like u said in your metaphor.

Terumoto 07-24-07 03:37 AM

Originally Posted by Big Picture
i dont know of anyone whose reached "Enlightenment, Satori, Nirvana, Heaven" and let go of their religion or "boat" like u said in your metaphor.

On the contrary, it is impossible to reach such a state while attached to religion. This is only evident within the person in question, to us outsiders it will look like they are a Buddhist, or a Taoist, or a Christian, but to them religion is nothing but a label.

Terumoto 07-24-07 03:40 AM

Originally Posted by Big Picture
that all makes sense. i like that, dont show kids the book before they're ten. at first i thought that was dumb, but that would let kids have an open mind and make an waiverable discussion to follow it or w/e.
but one thing with terrorism is that if someone doesn't confess to the act of terrorism it can always be used by one country or group to cause another group to harm someone else. terrorism is the biggest problem with the world today, it puts fear in people and makes people make misinformed decisions. and i dont know how to fix that, it seems like a catch 22 and could forever be useful tactic for evil. best way i would fix it is to have a sit down with terrorist in some way and tell them to "live and let live" we wont fuck with you if u dont fuck with us, just as long as u dont disrespect your own people and refuse to let them leave your country if they feel violated.

There is one Fatal flaw in the system 2v and you are proposing... It is only as strong as it's weakest link. The one, single, insignificant person that decides to be a selfish asshole ruins the system for everyone else. Suppress him, and the world is not perfect, it is just as judgmental and imperfect as our world now.

07-24-07 02:11 PM

There needs to be humans on the earth that understand what "bad" is and have the option to discuss what possible evil lurks within our own home.

To destroy routes of evil in other people's homes is invading and can be considered war, that's what I mean.

Yes we are judgmental but we have to make sure everyone understands what sanity and insanity is. What good and bad is, What evil intentions and righteous intentions are. If we could do this while supervising what the people want, (by the people running their own government voluntarily), I believe the system may be better off.

Mad Dog 07-25-07 03:48 AM

Originally Posted by 2v
There needs to be humans on the earth that understand what "bad" is and have the option to discuss what possible evil lurks within our own home.

To destroy routes of evil in other people's homes is invading and can be considered war, that's what I mean.

Yes we are judgmental but we have to make sure everyone understands what sanity and insanity is. What good and bad is, What evil intentions and righteous intentions are. If we could do this while supervising what the people want, (by the people running their own government voluntarily), I believe the system may be better off.

It's George Bush Jr everyone :thumbup:

07-25-07 05:45 AM

Didn't they already make a television show about that? ....

Crazy Hades 07-28-07 11:46 PM

God created man in his image and created Woman to keep him company, but the study of birth shows us that everybody is a female when they are a fetus, until their gender is decided by genetics and they grow a penis?

What in the fuck are you even talking about here? Everyone is a female when they are a fetus? Are you retarded? Do you not know what a fetus is? A fetus is a baby prototype in the womb that already has genetics. Ever heard of chromosones? XY, XX?. Do you know what 'female' means? You do know the only time a penis comes out of a vagina during the process of making baby is after sex, right?

Anyway, no. God is not everything. Everything is not god. Everything in the universe is not one thing. This belief comes from pounding it into your brain so long that it seems to be true. Oh shit, everything is made out of atoms! That means everything is the same! And every atom has quarks in it! We're all just a bunch of quarks! Oh, and there's a huge amount of empty space in atoms, that means most of the physical things in the universe are mostly empty space.


Terumoto 07-29-07 04:42 AM

Originally Posted by Crazy Hades
Anyway, no. God is not everything. Everything is not god. Everything in the universe is not one thing. This belief comes from pounding it into your brain so long that it seems to be true. Oh shit, everything is made out of atoms! That means everything is the same! And every atom has quarks in it! We're all just a bunch of quarks! Oh, and there's a huge amount of empty space in atoms, that means most of the physical things in the universe are mostly empty space.


Please, explain to me how something can be different or separate from the universe. I would really like to know. If you can even give me one example of something that is not part of the universe, then you deserve to win a Nobel prize.

Crazy Hades 07-29-07 05:54 AM

You aren't this stupid, Teru. I didn't say things are separate from the universe. I said that they aren't all connected in some spiritual manner, no matter how much you like to say that you are one with all things.

Terumoto 07-29-07 06:31 AM

I see it as impossible for something to be disconnected from the universe. The universe IS the thing in question.

Crazy Hades 07-29-07 03:23 PM

And yet I'm not saying that the universe is disconnected from something.

Terumoto 07-29-07 06:06 PM

So what are you saying? You just said that all things in the universe aren't connected in a "spiritual manner." What is a "spiritual manner?"

07-29-07 07:09 PM

Crazy Hades you really fucked up what you were "getting @"

Roflmfao @ XY chromosomes (by the way, it's an M, not an N) and XX being brought up. You just have no fucking clue.


Read That fucking shit until it's imprinted into your brain that FEMALES and MALES are the fucking SAME until they reach the age of "fetus". By the age of Fetus, they will have begun separating inside them chemically that which makes them a male and that which makes them a female. If it were any other way, they would just be a monster. And there's your fucking answer. Go to school, bitch head.

"Anyway, no. God is not everything. Everything is not god. Everything in the universe is not one thing. This belief comes from pounding it into your brain so long that it seems to be true. Oh shit, everything is made out of atoms! That means everything is the same! And every atom has quarks in it! We're all just a bunch of quarks! Oh, and there's a huge amount of empty space in atoms, that means most of the physical things in the universe are mostly empty space."

You've obviously never studied atoms, either, have you? Ever look into a little something called String Theory? Afterall that is the theory that suggests everything in the Universe is connected. I never said it was. I simply said God is not everything.

Now before you put more words in my mouth, create some of your own that you can contribute at a less rate of failure than previous attempts you ill-brained keyboard monkey.

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