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Wordz AhGod 05-19-10 04:33 PM

rofl. dopeness at free jew trip haha.

LaTiNKiTTeN 05-20-10 09:31 AM

Originally Posted by JTR
lol i've paid for all this with the money I worked for the entire summer on a shitty ass army course getting cock from seargents I think I deserve this vacation.

But I am more fortunate then others in the sense that I can spend all that money I worked for on vacations and still come back to montreal and have enough to support myself. But trust me, i'm verryyyy careful with my spending and don't buy shit I don't need. I only buy new jeans if i've sold enough of the bomb weed or clothes on ebay or watches to friends (i buy and re-sell watches)

I come from a fortunate background but im not THAT rich.

yes, we know youre jewish JTR whyd u have to bring religion into this lol

LaTiNKiTTeN 05-20-10 09:35 AM

Originally Posted by JTR
And shit I only talk bout the ups on RV but never the downs. Most people don't know how I lived when my parents got divorced and I lived with my mom. My dad has money, my mom doesnt. He bought her a house since we were staying with her, but even with that and child support it was still hard for her to support herself and us while going back to college to study. I remember nights where she'd be up late on the computer and I'd be like "are you going to bed soon? Im going to bed, goodnight." I'd wake up in the morning and she'd still be working on her projects (my mom won the award in her class for being the top student). At the legal age to work a job (15 years old here) I stopped highschool for a year and a half and worked 5 days a week 2 shifts a day for 3 of those days in a kitchen so I could afford to buy myself my own clothes, my own meals etc etc so my mom wouldnt have to pay. I paid for a lot of things around the house and helped to support her and my sisters while they went to school.

Trust me when my sisters moved out when they were 18, my mom and I and my step-dad moved from rosemere into an apartment in the projects of saint-michel which is the slums of montreal known for its gang violence (wannabe crips and bloods) because my new highschool was closer and cuz she couldnt afford the house my dad bought her anymore and we didnt need such a big place since my two sisters moved out. That was hard living there for half a year but I got my head straight and graduated (from my 3rd highschool since the first 2 kicked me out) with 90's in every subject (cept french) and was able to go into a private college (after working for a year again).

I've lived with money and i've lived without it im business smart and street smart and I wouldnt have it any other way man

sounds hard core ill never step foot there lmao

p.s. quebec has like the lowest crime rate in canada per capita

JTR 05-20-10 12:30 PM

Originally Posted by LaTiNKiTTeN
sounds hard core ill never step foot there lmao

p.s. quebec has like the lowest crime rate in canada per capita

lol carla don't be ignorant. Look it up on wikipedia. First of all im pretty sure newfyland has the lowest crime rate, and quebec is up there too because quebec is mostly french hick farm lands. Check the crime rate for the city of montreal solely, we're one of the few places that still have active italian mafia, infact in the 80's this place had a war between families, and a lot of biker wars. We're the most prominent place in Canada for hells angels. I'm not saying im in a gang or a gang member or associated with gangs, and saint michel isnt dangerous at all in the day-times, but if you're chilling just you and your friend in a park there late at night you'll prolly get jumped and thats how it is. Its nothing to brag about i'd be embaresed to tell people i was living there and still am cuz it's a loss of face and hurts reputation. I couldnt walk into my apartment at night without getting insults thrown at me by the group of black/indian dudes who'd chill on the front steps drinking and smoking weed everynight and have to ignore them and keep on walking

JTR 05-20-10 12:33 PM

the point wasnt to look cool and brag about being from the ghetto, im a fkn jew not cassidy. the point was to let people know im not just some rich kid who hasnt experienced living in a garbage ass waste of a district with little money. I know both sides and the grass is greener on one of them and thats why i know how to appreciate what I got more then others so anything I got i deserve

J.Roy 06-03-10 07:48 AM

Nope sadly enough, to busy with work and my son. I would really like to take a vacation to California this summer and visit some family though.

LaTiNKiTTeN 06-03-10 03:32 PM

since when do u have a son lol

n rofl@the jtr shit i cant be bothered researching the montreal crime rate or lack of

Wordz AhGod 06-05-10 03:41 PM

fuck all that reading.. i'll just come in on some ignorant shit as usual.. and ROFL x2 Kittens sig.. OWNAGE.

Also Known. 06-08-10 03:25 PM

Just got back from Vegas for a huge VW event. It was fuin as hell. Partied with the Germans and blew too much money. The drive was fun.

Cola 06-08-10 04:01 PM

why would you got to a VW event. When VW is the worst and lamest auto on the road.

Also Known. 06-08-10 04:27 PM

Originally Posted by Coke Dealer
why would you got to a VW event. When VW is the worst and lamest auto on the road.

Different people are into different things. The MK3 VW scene has been my life for 5 years now. I learned how to work on cars and how things work trough the 4 VWs I've owned, I've met a lot of great people and just had fun the whole way. So where you may see it as the worst car my perception of it is nothing short of greatness. The car I drove to Vegas in cost $180 and after I did maintenance the 200k+ motor still runs like a champ.

My ink

Cola 06-08-10 04:29 PM

im guessing that the pictures you jsut posted were not of your car though?

and a picture of a vw sign....little extreme, but to each their own

Cola 06-08-10 04:29 PM

i dont understand why you just keep posting up pictures of VW's, i know what they are. My freind has one. Their ok lookin cars, now where's yours?

Also Known. 06-08-10 04:37 PM

My car is nothing amazing at all. Like I said it cost $180 and I did all the work to it to get it running. I'll link you to the thread and add more pictures. Waiting for the photo shoot from the show to get uploaded.



Doin work before the show. This is 5 hours before leaving to the event



And my parts car.


My old ride height. 1 1/2 inches off the ground


Custom cluster that I modded up


Cola 06-08-10 04:53 PM

thats wicked that your parting out one car and rebuilting another. I've been thinkin of doing that myself. I really wanted to do a honda accord. But their so fucking expensive even for a car that has nothing in it. I love re-doing cars and trickin them out. Wish the Mod phase never had left. It was a sad day when people stopped modding cars

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