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-   -   Is it me or Are Black people Super Sensitive about the race card (http://community.rapverse.com/showthread.php?t=200745)

Kirk 07-19-05 03:10 AM

Originally Posted by Socrates
The shit will never change in this generation, it's simply not possible. And the two sides will never agree but does that stop you from arguing your point?

Hey, I agree! I think we got something going here Soc.

Kirk 07-19-05 03:12 AM

Originally Posted by Indeph
Onestep I refuse to talk to you EVER again.
and this shit is so fuckin frustrating to me I can't even drop an oppinion.
All I got to say is I know why people only wanted black people to rap.
Because anti blacks are rapping now.What a mistake.

If you don't like my views on the topic, sorry. Just my opinion.

Logic The Goonie 07-19-05 03:13 AM

Originally Posted by Turban.
cry me a river.. i get labeled a terrorist you don't see me bitching bout it.. thousand years from now... blacks will be bitching still about slavery... IT HAPPENED SWEET... i hope your people are stronger because of it...the jews had the holocaust you don't see them bringing it up in EVERY CONVERSATION THAT HAS TO DEAL WITH RACE (since they were white)....

I don't think you quite grasp how stupid you look. Nobody brought it up but you HERE. And in ALL my experiences I have seen slavery come up, it's some person who is not black saying "blah blah blah black people still complain about slavery!" and it gets brought in. The only time i've seen a black person bring it up was jokingly. So please, the next time a black person brings it up, ask them how it affects them.
Originally Posted by Turban.
actually i'd pick who ever was better qualified for the spot...yes racism is a part of society but still makes me what to barf..

You say that now, but with your views on it, how could you possily believe to yourself of all people that you really would. My money says the only reason you would is to prove someone wrong.

Indeph 07-19-05 03:14 AM

On some real shit I never thought I'd see black people getting hate on a rap music.

Well I gotta lotta mixed emotions on this.Since I talk to white people but when you come and disresepect my people I might be forced to say racial comments that might offend some of my white friends.So all I got to say is shut the fuck up.

Bangalore 07-19-05 03:14 AM

Originally Posted by Ysdat
i got a new boom box I think its called a "stereo-type". :thumbup:

sweet where can i get one? cuz i bet most of those "stereo-types" are facts that some people just decide to ignore... specially when i have seen it first hand... but i;'m a rich boy that lives off mommy so what do i know...

[.:D:.] 07-19-05 03:14 AM

Originally Posted by Turban.
then why don't you work that much harder to get out of the situation....? and son i went to a private school... i live in a nice neighborhood big whoop so sue me my mom decided to work there asses off to get to where they are... plus public schools arent that bad... and they didn't just toss in the teachers.. do you guys actually want to learn?... because if you do you will get past the hardships...*reaches to give scruff a hug

yes but ya mother prolly does somethin real good yo...somethin u need degrees for..somethin u need money to go to college for yo...u kno a black person would have to like slave to get a position ya mother prolly got by just doin her job yo..real talk yo..dont put a black person somewhere like a boss position or sumthin ckuz as soon as somethin wind up missin its our fault..ckuz we such.."animals"

Logic The Goonie 07-19-05 03:16 AM

Originally Posted by Mimesis
Why can't you ever just end it after "I know racist black people?" Why does their always have to be fucking reason why it's not their fault afterword?

Because otherwise it turns into "OMGZ SEE I TOLD YOU, BLACK PPLZ R RACIST!!"

.Eternal. 07-19-05 03:16 AM

Originally Posted by Souljah
look i think you have pure audacity to even dare to come out with some shit like that.
who the fuck do you think you are....

You ain't even black so how dare you regard my race as bitching and whining.
You've just stereotyped an entire race.....and thats a prejudiced opinion which, no prizes for guessing, is in actual fact a racist thing to come out with.

okay if the term nigga being used against black people to degrade the race and try make them feel inferior is "okay".....

then i guess you don't mind it when people drop the P - word when talkin about indians......

Shut The Fuck Up ....'Nigga' ....oops i said it....who gives a shit....

Kirk 07-19-05 03:17 AM

Yeah, so Indeph is pissed... Well say whatever you want about my race. I'm not made of glass. Every race has gotten shit for years and black people are basically the only race that have yet to get over it.

Bangalore 07-19-05 03:17 AM

Originally Posted by Socrates
I don't think you quite grasp how stupid you look. Nobody brought it up but you HERE. And in ALL my experiences I have seen slavery come up, it's some person who is not black saying "blah blah blah black people still complain about slavery!" and it gets brought in. The only time i've seen a black person bring it up was jokingly. So please, the next time a black person brings it up, ask them how it affects them.

You say that now, but with your views on it, how could you possily believe to yourself of all people that you really would. My money says the only reason you would is to prove someone wrong.

i'm just saying some stuff that needed to be said.. i have asked how it affects them and they themselves have said i was full of crock shit till i actually talked to them then they saw where i was coming from... guess that makes them a bad black person for not taking the defense and biting my head off

if they came into my store ( i don't have one) but if they did and they were dressed like a thug.. i wouldn't hire them... i doubt you would to...

[.:D:.] 07-19-05 03:20 AM

ok listen on the real...ima tell yall this..and yall meanin white people...yall should use ya clues to find out that...blacks are touchy about the race shit ckuz we wanna put that behind us..Turban u bring it up and we gonna get defensive ckuz all of that is over..so it must be u son...if u dont bring it up then it will be no problem...

Logic The Goonie 07-19-05 03:21 AM

Originally Posted by Turban.
i'm just saying some stuff that needed to be said.. i have asked how it affects them and they themselves have said i was full of crock shit till i actually talked to them then they saw where i was coming from... guess that makes them a bad black person for not taking the defense and biting my head off

if they came into my store ( i don't have one) but if they did and they were dressed like a thug.. i wouldn't hire them... i doubt you would to...

So why have you yet to convince me that your oh-so great views on slavery are correct and you know everything about the black race because you seem them when you go out? roflz

And if I had a store, I would be hiring people that need it most, because I understand what my people go through. Since white folks are so superior they can go get jobs at a better place. :rolleyes:

Indeph 07-19-05 03:21 AM

Originally Posted by OneStepBeyond
Yeah, so Indeph is pissed... Well say whatever you want about my race. I'm not made of glass. Every race has gotten shit for years and black people are basically the only race that have yet to get over it.

Listen white people run the media.Don't even talk about BET cause thats One fuckin network which is constantly made fun of and questioned.We HAd nothing but our rap music.No not anymore.You keep acting like ALL OF US are complaining.NO!I have NEVER said one fuckin word about slavery.I'm a black man you hear me?! If you got a fuckin problem with it.KILL ME I don't give a fuck.Fuck you and fuck everyone in here who got a problem of how "all of us" act.

∆ P E X X 07-19-05 03:21 AM


A: What's this entire thread have jack shit to do with the question tht you'e still dodging? "How would the induction of "Ebonics" as a foreign language facillitate the betterment of anyone socio-economially?"

B: You smelly Punjab, you (as a race) haven't been labeled as a terrorsit till recently. Try enduring that mentality for about 400 years and see how you feel about it - even residually. One day you'll put down the gas nozzle as you watch the numbers roll by and say "damn...isn't it time for that racism shit to end? I mean people still make funny faces as they walk past and smell how musty I am. It's fuckin 2005 for Ganesha sakes".[/irony]

C: Jews' torment on a large scale ended after WW2. Who dosen't socially accept a jew as another white man these days?? Blacks however don't have that level of blendability. No matter where I go (maybe except the Dominican Republic), people know I'm black.

OSB: You'd have a valid point if it were actually based on facts. The "black schools" tht you're implying are shoddy schools. I can tell you live a sheltered life beause you've never seen such a school system. I'm sure you feel that all public scools are about the same as yours was, when in fact they're not. I used to go to such a school and I didn't have a desk. Me and 5 other kids sat at a round table and shared 2 books that were from the late 70's. The condition of the books is something of an entirely different converstion. As a matter of fact, I failed a math class as a direct result of not having a math book. Believe me man, it's not a matter of takign things for granted. It's a matter of not having things. 'm not saying it's always the case, but in the sitaution you mentioned, it definitely is.

Bangalore 07-19-05 03:21 AM

Originally Posted by Scruff
yes but ya mother prolly does somethin real good yo...somethin u need degrees for..somethin u need money to go to college for yo...u kno a black person would have to like slave to get a position ya mother prolly got by just doin her job yo..real talk yo..dont put a black person somewhere like a boss position or sumthin ckuz as soon as somethin wind up missin its our fault..ckuz we such.."animals"

my mother came from a rich fam... but she paid her whole way through COLLEGE... AND MED SCHOOL and this wasn't cheap... she has a major in chem and all this other shit and she just had the drive to do it... my mother wasn't handed shit she worked her ass off.. she had ... what are they called? GOALS....

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