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-   -   21. Brock Sampson (1-0) vs 22. Nick Fletcher (1-0) (http://community.rapverse.com/showthread.php?t=232565)

Euthanize. 08-02-06 07:33 PM

Vote - Brock Sampson.

King Solo 08-02-06 07:50 PM

Originally Posted by Ken`Pho
I guess your ego in text blinds you from seeing you need a life, and that TEXT rapping dont mean shit in this world unless you're NIck Fletcher... b/c far from the net you dont get props =/

Text rapping don't mean shit. Yet you still do it, and suck at it.

But, I have to agree... text is just something to do for fun and it doesn't mean anything.

But, when we look at it... you suck at AUDIO to. And nobody likes you on any site, period. So tell me, if I am SO PATHETIC according to you... then just imagine what it makes you.

Tortilla Chip 08-02-06 08:12 PM

I don't normally switch styles, I generally drop fresh with finesse
But against this faggot its a given - Nick Fletcher's droppin' BS

only line i liked, and it wasn't that harsh really ..


;<--this punctuation gets him hard, its a Nick guy moment
that he has sex with truckers, cuz he likes that semi-colon
Im nice with knives kid so them weak raps won't help ya
put so many shortcuts on ya face, it'll look like the cheat map 4 Zelda

lol. funny shit there^ made me laugh.

Nick came kind've weak compared to what i've seen so far, and that ass line hurt him pretty badly, and all that stretched bullshit ..but lol @ Brocks verse, couple meh lines, but the majority of it was pretty cool.

v. BS

Texxus 08-02-06 08:16 PM

(diredcted to Nick)^how would you know if my audio sucks? and im only on 2sites unlike you spending your life on the net searching for sites to type pathetic little disses to each other. so you tell me who's more PATHETIC, cuz im not the older one here so its clearly normal for me to get on the ent and text rap once and a awhile but you're like 20 or almost 20 and think TEXT is the world and nobody likes this this person with a account name called Ken`Pho??? but unlike you i have a life...and right now you're prolly saying how do you know if i have a life or not? well just by the looks of ityou make this net shit your life just check out your god damn name for instance...and you love making up stuff about someone you probably will never see in life...so may i suggest you need a life or do i need to adjust my FAG rador a little better...and yes this is just for fun like yous aid so why cant i text rap on the internet if its just for fun why do i need to leave? b/c Nick Fletcher says so, NO!!!...but hey ii wouldnt know about this net more than you, i mean just check out you're battle record clearly stating you spend a little bit to much doing something thats not gonna get you know where...so i think i made my point being you're a Faggot from out of states, loves text rapping, disses on kids who have lifes and that are not good at text rapping according to Nick Fletcher, and runs site to site claiming he's good...in text.

so ima be the bigger man here, even though you're older than me and go enjoy life instead waisting my time going back and forth...so piece Nickoles and hope you had fun talking trash to someone that has something that you're screaming out to have...'A Life'

King Solo 08-02-06 08:36 PM

Originally Posted by Ken`Pho
(diredcted to Nick)^how would you know if my audio sucks? and im only on 2sites unlike you spending your life on the net searching for sites to type pathetic little disses to each other. so you tell me who's more PATHETIC, cuz im not the older one here so its clearly normal for me to get on the ent and text rap once and a awhile but you're like 20 or almost 20 and think TEXT is the world and nobody likes this this person with a account name called Ken`Pho??? but unlike you i have a life...and right now you're prolly saying how do you know if i have a life or not? well just by the looks of ityou make this net shit your life just check out your god damn name for instance...and you love making up stuff about someone you probably will never see in life...so may i suggest you need a life or do i need to adjust my FAG rador a little better...and yes this is just for fun like yous aid so why cant i text rap on the internet if its just for fun why do i need to leave? b/c Nick Fletcher says so, NO!!!...but hey ii wouldnt know about this net more than you, i mean just check out you're battle record clearly stating you spend a little bit to much doing something thats not gonna get you know where...so i think i made my point being you're a Faggot from out of states, loves text rapping, disses on kids who have lifes and that are not good at text rapping according to Nick Fletcher, and runs site to site claiming he's good...in text.

so ima be the bigger man here, even though you're older than me and go enjoy life instead waisting my time going back and forth...so piece Nickoles and hope you had fun talking trash to someone that has something that you're screaming out to have...'A Life'

Well, far be it for me to leave this statement unanswered.

Your points that you put across to try and make out that I am addicted to the net and love text battling are weak. As far as my record goes, how is that just because I have been in over 100 battles I am addicted to the net. I text battle for fun, and the fact that a battle can be done with in like a day, and you can have 5 battles going at a time... well that basically says that I could have amassed such a record in less time than you've been on this site. You fucking idiot.

And my god, you said look at my name. Yes, that is my actual name. And what? That don't mean shit. You look at N.Tavarez and David Lama (Allah), both are respected people who also use their own names. Does that make them addicted to this? Daubs, he uses an abbreviated version of his last name Daubney. SPuL, he uses his initials with a randomly placed "u" in there. Should I continue? In no way does it mean that they are addicted to text battling or whatever.

I also caught that you said I think TEXT IS THE WORLD. Please, provide me with a link to a post where I said that. Oh wait, you can't. So shut the fuck up!! That little point you made is bogus to.

And where do I make things up about people, if you are referring to the shit I say in battles. Then wow, you got me. I used generic types of concepts like calling someone homeless or something to craft a punch. Man, you are pathetic.

You have not made a single valid point to back up your arguments. The only thing you have clearly shown is that you are illiterate, and can't type for shit. And before you think of coming back with some "You type correctly, so you are clearly addicted to your keyboard" type of bullshit. Just sit back and realise, I actually have a brain, I actually went to school and learned how to operate a keyboard.

So, as I said... sit back and recognise your gayness. And until you have something actually important to say, or something that makes sense and isn't just you spouting off dumb shit... SHUT THE FUCK UP!

Texxus 08-02-06 09:18 PM

^again yiou didnt address the point i made about you not having a life because to me you sound like a complete loser,and illiterate??? well is it my fault im like 5years younger than if not even more...so maybe you need to sit back and look at things both ways to see if you're retarded comments make sense.

Yung Impression 08-02-06 09:32 PM



Im nice with knives kid so them weak raps won't help ya
put so many shortcuts on ya face, it'll look like the cheat map 4 Zelda
ya stats & rank will drop too , ppl will come to see Nick fail
kids'll think Im recruiting 4 football when results end up in a NF L

vote-Brock, for having lines that was good, it was like Nick to post as fast as he did, but it wasn't like him to post all that played shit, but Brock just had better lines.

King Solo 08-02-06 09:35 PM

You made the point that I have no life, no you didn't. You only said that and then backed it up with some bogus reasoning. So, until you can make a valid point as to why I allegedly have "no life" then I'm not going to bother addressing it. Why should I bother when your point is completely bogus.

As opposed to my point about you being completely gay. Well, this argument that you keep trying to have is reason enough. And the fact that everyone else thinks you are gay for always jumping on shit that has nothing to do with you. There is a name for people like you on sites.... FUCKING HERBS!!

R. Lingo 08-02-06 11:01 PM

lol dawg, your mad lame.

you think your bad cause you beat me on a rap site.

omg i lost to you.

i'm not gonna CRY and say i didn't try when i did try, even though i loss.

unlike you, my friend.

then again i dont have the massive amount of dickriders you have.

King Solo 08-02-06 11:03 PM

But, I didn't try in this battle.

As people have commented, they can tell I haven't tried. I can link you to battles where I have tried, and you would see the difference. IDIOT!!

But then again, why bother. Because you will just look at battles where I have tried and in some pathetic attempt at being cool, and getting one over on me you would just say they are LAME to.

Basically, I beat you... therefore your opinion doesn't really mean anything to me.

Brock Sampson 08-03-06 12:13 AM

Originally Posted by Nick Fletcher.

Fuck you and this text shit nigga! Fuckin cry baby! I suck and you lost! so what does that make you?? Shoulda dropped like u knew what you were doin..instead of half assin ya verse then cryin about it later?? Then say I suck to make you feel better?? now I know why I quit text. Take a fuckin loss or just drop dope in the chyper and get it erased like I said. Cuz I knew u were gonna cry once I seen that BITCH verse!...want some cheese with that whine? Where in the FUCK is the VIOLINS!!! You ain't no Rap King foo! U text Ego maniac, sore loser, son of a bitch! Text is ur LIFE! Acting like I searched ur shit to find a fuckin DISS??? I ain't no poop-butt mufucka! you do not know me. There....that's all for me.

sorry for the freepost but I hate babies like him. Lossing HURTS! Fuckin try not to do it...or fuckin stay out of COMPETING!

R. Lingo 08-03-06 12:23 AM

wow your gonna show me a text verse.

show me a hot album and we can talk.

Brock Sampson 08-03-06 12:28 AM

Originally Posted by Nick Fletcher.
No, I never tried period. I know who Brock Sampson is, I have seen him battle on RM and I've seen him recycle shit and use played nameplays before. I was expecting it. That is why I didn't try.

And just look, he fucking did exactly what I expected him to do.

sorry...I hate beefin on line, just a simple "FUCK YOU" would have done

King Solo 08-03-06 01:18 AM

Originally Posted by Brock Sampson
Fuck you and this text shit nigga! Fuckin cry baby! I suck and you lost! so what does that make you?? Shoulda dropped like u knew what you were doin..instead of half assin ya verse then cryin about it later?? Then say I suck to make you feel better?? now I know why I quit text. Take a fuckin loss or just drop dope in the chyper and get it erased like I said. Cuz I knew u were gonna cry once I seen that BITCH verse!...want some cheese with that whine? Where in the FUCK is the VIOLINS!!! You ain't no Rap King foo! U text Ego maniac, sore loser, son of a bitch! Text is ur LIFE! Acting like I searched ur shit to find a fuckin DISS??? I ain't no poop-butt mufucka! you do not know me. There....that's all for me.

sorry for the freepost but I hate babies like him. Lossing HURTS! Fuckin try not to do it...or fuckin stay out of COMPETING!

Wow dude, and they say I take this shit too seriously. I mean, come on... don't you think that response is a little too... whats the word, RE-FUCKING-TARDED.

I can fucking half ass all I want, why should I fucking try against a guy that is trash like you. What I am pissed at is how people are rating your Zelda line which is FUCKING RECYCLED and giving props to your nameplay which is FUCKING PLAYED!!

I don't give a shit how dope you are, in my opinion if you have to recycle then you deserve to lose against the biggest piece of ass ever. Recycling is just as fucking bad as biting. I may have dropped ass, with like maybe one cool bar... but at least nothing was RECYCLED. And fuck man, giving props for played to fuck shit now.... well, why didn't I just drop a verse packed with Michael Jackson lines, and Sick lines, and Hot lines... fuck, I would've been raking in the votes then, huh.

Get the fuck outta here with your trash. And rush, I ain't seen shit from you. I ain't seen no album or nothing if you wanna get on that audio talk. So shut the fuck up. Until I see your album in the stores, YOU AINT SHIT!

Texxus 08-03-06 01:19 AM

like i said Nick Fletcher get a life....

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