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Terumoto 12-16-06 03:16 AM

I know that was meant to be an insult, but yes... I am able to see the things hindering my existence, controlling me. I am able to see through the tricks and deception. Which is the first step to being my true, free self, at least. Although this has happened over time, not suddenly, but often in sudden bursts.

La Cosa Nostra 12-16-06 03:19 AM

Originally Posted by Terumoto
I know that was meant to be an insult, but yes... I am able to see the things hindering my existence, controlling me. I am able to see through the tricks and deception. Which is the first step to being my true, free self, at least. Although this has happened over time, not suddenly, but often in sudden bursts.

Nah dude, my bad if that sounded like an insult...

I was just saying "oh I get the point your making now"...

Know what I mean?

Terumoto 12-16-06 03:20 AM

Oh I see, I guess its my bad for misunderstanding it. I know what you mean.

∆ P E X X 12-16-06 03:49 AM

Originally Posted by Nostradamus
Living in the woods......Its called escapism. If you wish to escape the reality you were born into, then live as a hermit in the woods and create your own reality of life and existance outside of the bounds of the world culture. I think you misunderstood the figure of speech in that comment bro. I also already knew the word dichotomy, but thats only in relation to the said comment here, you may aswell pass over the comment compleatly, it wasnt a instrumental part to my argument anyway, it was sarcasm saying "if you really feel so strongly that youve been wronged, then you may aswell fuck off too the woods and live the way you choose".. Get it? No?


eah. i getcha. the fact that you think that's a logical solution is what i'm getting at.

Now your arguing against rebellion, so in effect, your agreeing with me. But my point is that we only know of one universe, and to say youve been ruined by it and you think all the wrong things is like saying apples are wrong, they shouldnt look like that! ....Life is wrong, it should all be different....??? Cmon man..

wow, that's remarkably the opposite of what i was saying lol. it's amazing to me how you interpret some of th things i say man, like you fill in gaps of information with rampant assumptions, like...anywhere there is a "hole" in your mind where reasoning should be, you insert an image of me doing an and everything completely opposite to how you would do it. you reason like a simpleton. i'm not "against" you. i'm not your enemy. don't do the little kid thing and think just cuz someones not with you they're against you. instead of trying to find truth in what i'm saying, you try to fnd fault in what i'm saying, because at the end of the day, nos has to be right, even if he looks liek a fool in the process. we've already been through this before man where you've edited and deleted posts that illustrate what a raging jackass you can be. i'm not going to play into this over and over again, i have way better shit to do, with people who live for more than grooming their fragile ego.
Really? Apexx try and name just one of the sort of things you believe I'd be talking about when I say life has hundreds of thousands of points...

*yawn* getting a good job is a "point" to you. having kids, your genes blah blah blah etc etc everything else to bury your insecurities are "points" to you. anything that'll make you feel like you're somebody to anybody is a "point of life" to you nos. you are the embodiment of the typical insecure dude. i'd be willing to be, you have a small penis, and you know it. you look at it in all it's sub-par glory and your ego whimpers, and your id says to it self "you know what...i'm going to compensate no..fuckit...OVERcompensate in every concievable aspect of my life, and anyone who threatens to stand in the way of me egostroking my self is gonna hear it!!"

yup. :thumbup:

La Cosa Nostra 12-16-06 04:44 AM

Originally Posted by ∆ P E X X
eah. i getcha. the fact that you think that's a logical solution is what i'm getting at.

wow, that's remarkably the opposite of what i was saying lol. it's amazing to me how you interpret some of th things i say man, like you fill in gaps of information with rampant assumptions, like...anywhere there is a "hole" in your mind where reasoning should be, you insert an image of me doing an and everything completely opposite to how you would do it. you reason like a simpleton. i'm not "against" you. i'm not your enemy. don't do the little kid thing and think just cuz someones not with you they're against you. instead of trying to find truth in what i'm saying, you try to fnd fault in what i'm saying, because at the end of the day, nos has to be right, even if he looks liek a fool in the process. we've already been through this before man where you've edited and deleted posts that illustrate what a raging jackass you can be. i'm not going to play into this over and over again, i have way better shit to do, with people who live for more than grooming their fragile ego.

Ramble on brother...

Any misinterpretations made on my behalf are due to your lack of a clear explenation... Besides, you seem to be the only one on the 'little kid thing' doing nothing further than attempting to attack my credibility.. I think Freud would say your projecting your own weaknesses on someone else.. Right bro?

Lets see if that reigns true in the second paragraph aswell...

Originally Posted by apexx
*yawn* getting a good job is a "point" to you. having kids, your genes blah blah blah etc etc everything else to bury your insecurities are "points" to you. anything that'll make you feel like you're somebody to anybody is a "point of life" to you nos. you are the embodiment of the typical insecure dude. i'd be willing to be, you have a small penis, and you know it. you look at it in all it's sub-par glory and your ego whimpers, and your id says to it self "you know what...i'm going to compensate no..fuckit...OVERcompensate in every concievable aspect of my life, and anyone who threatens to stand in the way of me egostroking my self is gonna hear it!!"

yup. :thumbup:

I knew it..

You have absolutly no idea what sort of shit I was talking about..

I'm talking about the worldly effect people have on this reality and eachother. But its cool, get mad... Let everyone know you think about my penis.. It doesent really come as much of a suprise to me...

Your doing that little kid shit you were talking about in the first paragraph again, did you realise that?

∆ P E X X 12-16-06 06:10 PM

Originally Posted by Nostradamus
Ramble on brother...

Any misinterpretations made on my behalf are due to your lack of a clear explenation... Besides, you seem to be the only one on the 'little kid thing' doing nothing further than attempting to attack my credibility.. I think Freud would say your projecting your own weaknesses on someone else.. Right bro?

Lets see if that reigns true in the second paragraph aswell...

yeah, as your responses build in animosity i'm expected to completely ignore it, just like you conveniently do when you wanna look "right" again. what a surprise.

and my explainations are very clear, just that your interpretation is clouded at best. everyone else i speak to understand what i'm saying, yet you don't. the more i explain it, th emore i realiez that i'm explaining color to a blind man.

I knew it..

You have absolutly no idea what sort of shit I was talking about..

I'm talking about the worldly effect people have on this reality and eachother. But its cool, get mad... Let everyone know you think about my penis.. It doesent really come as much of a suprise to me...

Your doing that little kid shit you were talking about in the first paragraph again, did you realise that?

what are you talking about, you said your self that a career was an important point to life, but now you're saying it's not? sounds liek you're doing the ol "oh i wasn't really talking about THAT" routine so you can look right again, as usual, the #1 play in the "how to be nos" handbook. pretty coincidental that you couldn't name not one of these new amazing points you claimed you were talking about the whole time.


when you're ready to learn something man, lemme know. till then, keep living in the tiny world you live in.

La Cosa Nostra 12-16-06 08:19 PM

Originally Posted by ∆ P E X X
yeah, as your responses build in animosity i'm expected to completely ignore it, just like you conveniently do when you wanna look "right" again. what a surprise.

and my explainations are very clear, just that your interpretation is clouded at best. everyone else i speak to understand what i'm saying, yet you don't. the more i explain it, th emore i realiez that i'm explaining color to a blind man.

what are you talking about, you said your self that a career was an important point to life, but now you're saying it's not? sounds liek you're doing the ol "oh i wasn't really talking about THAT" routine so you can look right again, as usual, the #1 play in the "how to be nos" handbook. pretty coincidental that you couldn't name not one of these new amazing points you claimed you were talking about the whole time.


when you're ready to learn something man, lemme know. till then, keep living in the tiny world you live in.

Cool dude...

Your the only one being a mad little bitch here...

I've said what I had to say, you can sit here and try to tell me what I think as though I dont know myself all you like.. Its not going to change anything to suit your argument..

Your interlect is an inch deep man... Winning arguments isnt always about how many references you can spurt off and pretend to be an authority on and (to use your own words) being a raging jackass when things dont go your way.

∆ P E X X 12-16-06 09:14 PM

Originally Posted by Nostradamus
Cool dude...

Your the only one being a mad little bitch here...

lmao where am i bein mad at dude i been laughin at you from post 1! lol yeah, whatever you say nos lol. just keep on ducking those stinging questions man lol. maybe if you stick your head in the sand deep enough, you might actually forget em!!
I've said what I had to say, you can sit here and try to tell me what I think as though I dont know myself all you like.. Its not going to change anything to suit your argument..

Your interlect is an inch deep man... Winning arguments isnt always about how many references you can spurt off and pretend to be an authority on and (to use your own words) being a raging jackass when things dont go your way.

lol, yeah you're right man, my "interlect" is an inch deep lol. you've schooled me again with your vast blabber about everything but the real point nos lol.

like i said man, lol have fun in your bubble

Dufflebag Boy 06-22-07 03:02 AM

you only learned what you came across if you learned all the "wrong things" then you aint really looking past whats right in front of you, look harder and you'll find the right things..and whats "wrong" is all a matter of perspective

Tha .Q 06-22-07 05:54 AM

Try Jesus.


Terumoto 06-22-07 06:52 AM

Personally, I wouldn't identify with the person who made this thread any longer.

While I do agree that over my life, the things that I was told were important and focused on were of little real value, in retrospect they could not have been the "wrong" thing for me to learn, since in learning them I learned that I needed to learn something else and was not learning something directly important.

btw Q, Jesus was hammered into my brain/life since childhood, in completely the wrong way, and he didn't belong there. Religion was one of the wrong things I was talking about. I don't agree with fucking up kids heads by telling them something you believe is true, even if they haven't made up their own minds yet. Shit like that is one of the primary causes for Christians (and members of other religions) being mindless drones who don't know anything about what they believe past bible stories and verses, and their misshaped view on salvation, God and how they should be living.

It has become a necessary evil in society though, doing something like that, since kids are generally treated badly. In a hostile world, surrounded by hostile people, children need something like the idea of God loving them. I have actually carried out an experiment that relates to this on a 10 year old boy that was raised as a Christian, in which I destroyed his world by more or less proving to him that what he thought about God and life was wrong. After that I gave him a list of things to keep an eye out for in life, basically pieces of knowledge for him to use as tools to rebuild his shattered world view. That was about eight to ten months ago. At this time, that boy once again believes in God and Jesus and is one of the happiest, down to earth children I know, he can answer any questions I throw at him about what he thinks and his views on the universe and life are better than most adults'. I would consider him wise. At school, he does not distinguish between the validity of his views and the views of other children, or even the teachers, he considers himself a human being on the same level as everybody else. I know his parents, and at first they were worried about his behavior, but now they say he seems better than he has ever been. Of course, I told him not to tell anybody about anything I said to him.

I just wish everybody would be real with their kids from the start, so they didn't turn out to be such annoying idiots when they get to middle/high school.

Indeph 06-22-07 02:40 PM

Old school OMB thoughts.

Crazy Hades 06-22-07 04:05 PM

Try Jesus.

Try hanging out at a middle school and handing out pamphlets.

Feeble Minded 06-24-07 09:05 PM

Originally Posted by Terumoto
I know that was meant to be an insult, but yes... I am able to see the things hindering my existence, controlling me. I am able to see through the tricks and deception. Which is the first step to being my true, free self, at least. Although this has happened over time, not suddenly, but often in sudden bursts.

Unless you accept the fact that your problems are YOUR problems and not things "hindering your existence" etc, you won't be able to change. You may have come to the realization, like many others before you, that some things which you have known and accepted are no longer acceptable to you, for whatever reasons. And you may feel that this knowledge makes you wiser, and perhaps it does. But you have to acknowledge that you accepted these things; they may have been forced on you, but they weren't literally forced into your head. At some point you made the choice to accept them, now you can make the opposite choice. If, when you were being spoonfed certain truths, you accepted these truths just because that is what you were told to believe, that was your fault. Now, obviously, you are a wiser person.

anyway... pz

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