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In-Vision 12-02-07 03:44 PM

Originally Posted by Valor
A weeee bit jealousy over the type of seaon were having buddy? :)

nevvvvvvvvver....not only did we beat you this year....but we were the best team in the country till injuries got in the way.....and oregon is ranked like...15th in the country for basketball.....how's fsu doing? NOT that good!

Valor 12-07-07 10:46 PM

gonna play georgia tech in the humanitarian bowl....

fsu - oregon = same record

In-Vision 12-08-07 02:51 AM

Originally Posted by Valor
gonna play georgia tech in the humanitarian bowl....

fsu - oregon = same record

fsu is healthy

oregon isn't.

and you guys are in the wac......the worst conference in the entire country......the only decent team in the wac is hawaii...and the barely beat washington...the worst team in the pac 10....

Journal!st 12-10-07 04:35 AM

holla its been real quiet here man.

SUPERVILLAIN 12-16-07 04:11 AM

Originally Posted by T lite
Yeah, I started the crew in like May '04.
Some of the cats were Bablyon, SUPERVILLIAN, ENSTINCTZ, Will A Peer, Chalk Clorox, Enygma.........The Originals.

Stay reppin' til the end. CS will never die.

^^^very untrue. im am the original commander in chief of crhyme sin. you did join shortly after i first began organizing the original family here on rapverse though. everyone knows im father crhyme. check the initial try-out thread....its there in black and white.

...and for the record, the team was established in late 2003.

...saint sinner, big bad crhyme sin....

Valor 12-20-07 08:23 AM

hey super....

we need inactivity....stay tooned for the decision's

they will be made after i discuss the issue with r-evol

T lite 12-20-07 03:20 PM

EDIT: refer to next post.

T lite 12-20-07 03:22 PM

I started the crew in like 2004....means I BEGAN the crew then, means I joined the crew then, not that I created it.....:laugh:


Some of the cats were Bablyon, SUPERVILLIAN, ENSTINCTZ, Will A Peer, Chalk Clorox, Enygma.........The Originals.
<-- I even said you guys were the originals haha, please read my post clearer next time before you accuse me of fallacies. :evilgrin:

In-Vision 12-21-07 02:24 AM

Originally Posted by T lite
I started the crew in like 2004....means I BEGAN the crew then, means I joined the crew then, not that I created it.....:laugh:


<-- I even said you guys were the originals haha, please read my post clearer next time before you accuse me of fallacies. :evilgrin:

You're a fool....in english...

"I started the crew in like 2004" means exactly what it says..there isn't even room to mis-interpret it....you worded yourself wrong.,...what you meant to say was....I joined the crew....starting something and joining something are very different things....had you of said...I started with c.s. back in 03..or 91....or what the fuck ever it is..you'd have a legitimate point....but sv read what you wrote and read it the exact way it appears it's meant to be read....it's not his fault the words you write arn't capable of explaining themselves to everyone else...

No beef..but seriously...don't disrespect anyone in here....just don't do it....and you can say that you wern't intentionally disrepsecting sv.....but you disrespect him when you try and place yourself on a pedestal and put the blame on him..for something that is clearly your wrong doing..and not his

T lite 12-21-07 06:19 PM

LOL shut up youngun. Why are you speaking?
Don't disrespect you...HAHAHA watch out gansgter, I might get shot through the internet LMAO! Get a life little one.

Your attitude is what has ruined this crew. Only the originals members, which I already posted can claim C.S. :)

And no dumbass, my reply made to someone's comment about when I joined and I let them know when. They were clearly intelligent enough to realize I meant I joined the crew then, not created it. You.....................not so much hahaha.


In-Vision 12-22-07 02:31 AM

Originally Posted by T lite
LOL shut up youngun. Why are you speaking?
Don't disrespect you...HAHAHA watch out gansgter, I might get shot through the internet LMAO! Get a life little one.

Your attitude is what has ruined this crew. Only the originals members, which I already posted can claim C.S. :)

And no dumbass, my reply made to someone's comment about when I joined and I let them know when. They were clearly intelligent enough to realize I meant I joined the crew then, not created it. You.....................not so much hahaha.


I am speaking because I am an original...I am speaking because I run this crew....."watch out gangster, I might get shot through the internet"

Clearly you arn't intelligent enough to realize that I didn't threaten you....and If I would have..it wouldn't have been a physical threat...because that is useless on the internet...

now that this known...who the fuck are you to speak on somebody elses ability to interpret what it is you are saying...what you said...and what you meant...are two completely different things....and generally...people who are mediocre at the least as far as their ability to communicate....do not make mistakes like that....the difference in what you said and what you meant may seem subtle enough for it to be interpreted the way you meant it.....but it's not...at all....people tend to take shit literally...literally speaking..you said you started the crew....your original intent is irrelevant

and little one? god damm, how stupid can one person possibly be?

I don't have the time or energy to explain why the assumption that I am little...whether you meant it literally.....or not....is a fucking joke that makes you like less then fully retarded.

I am an original member you fuck face...in fact..i was here before a couple of the people you posted...so go somewhere else homo......

Oh...and by the way....

how is it clear.....that sv was intelligent enough to interpret you correctly?

where is the evidence that suggests he would be intelligent enough to know that what you said wasn't meant to be taken literally?

Please, point that out to me or get the fuck out you talentless faggot.

T lite 12-22-07 02:55 PM

Little one, why are you still speaking???????? lmaoooooooo

Is little Revo queer not getting anything for Christmas... I'm sorry :( :( :(

GO OUT SIDE AND GET A LIFE KIDDO, I swear you'll love it!!!!! :)

In-Vision 12-22-07 05:49 PM

Originally Posted by T lite
Little one, why are you still speaking???????? lmaoooooooo

Is little Revo queer not getting anything for Christmas... I'm sorry :( :( :(

GO OUT SIDE AND GET A LIFE KIDDO, I swear you'll love it!!!!! :)

you mean, the kind of life where I make over 60 grand a year working during just the summer.......and going to school(university of oregon)...the kind of life where driving an audi and a 4 runner for when you go snowboarding might be fun? The kind of life where you never run out of kush? That kind of life? Or maybe the kind of life where you happen to be in a fraternity...and know every sorrority girl on campus....and all of their friends...and have dated atleast a quarter of them?

that kind of life?

You know..i've noticed a trend among all douche bags and faggots.

they all say shit that virtually means nothing.

"Go outside and get a life kiddo"

what does that mean? But because I have a life literally..and metaphorically...and you know me at all...so for you to assume I don't metaphorically..makes you a dumbass...once again....and for you to asusme I don't literally..makes you even more of a dumbass...for reasons I don't need to state..

once again..take your fucking pick homo..

if you keep posting your useless bullshit.im gonna have your ip banned.....and have this forum locked with a password...you can go ahead and act like you don't care..but the fact that you keep saying this pointless shit...is proof that you don't care about intellectual statements....or being right in arguments...you care about getting the last word in..and that's all you care about it..and im not going to let you get the last word in..be gone from here..or be gone for ever

T lite 12-22-07 07:42 PM

^^^^^^ LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

T lite 12-23-07 06:11 PM

Awww...thank you for the e-obsession! :D Makes me feel special.

I didn't know girls could be homos though??? OH WELL, I love all my gay friends anyways. :thumbup: I'm a HOMO woo-hoo. :spit:

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