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Tha .Q 11-22-06 10:24 AM

Originally Posted by N.Tavarez
well they did make a big deal out of it
BUT not as much as they did when mel went on his jew rant
and kramer said wayyyyy more than mel did
but its good to see that some media outlets give it a fair share of coverage
but still......let somebody diss a jew again and watch how long THAT'll be on the news for...

2 reasons:

1. Gibson is a bigger star
2. Jews are higher up in the capitalistic hierarchy than blacks

all of it is wrong...period...I'm not saying people should do back flips over this...I'm just saying stop saying dumb shit like, "OH, he was jus a lil upset." FUCK THAT....He was plain wrong PERIOD.

and Mal...no doubt man


Dufflebag Boy 11-22-06 10:29 AM

one thing i dont get is how black people could make racist or ignorant comments about white people and nobody gets pissed but if a stand up white comedian says sumthin bout black people everybodys in shock and cant believe it its like wtf
but what michael douglas said was serious and is str8 up wrong he should die
im not even black and i'd whip his ass for that shit if i was there

N.Tavarez 11-22-06 10:31 AM

Originally Posted by Reflecz
2. Jews are higher up in the capitalistic hierarchy than blacks

according to american mainstream media jews are higher up the hierarchy than everybody man, AND thats wrong
it pisses me off that you cant SAY SHIIIIIT about Israel without being branded an anti semite
but yet you can insult pretty much everybody elses for whatever
but THATS another topic....
its all wrong anyway

C-Explicit 11-22-06 10:32 AM

jay 11-22-06 03:31 PM

Originally Posted by Reflecz
I've watched the footage of Michael Richards' tirade dozens of times now. I'm fascinated and intrigued by it, so much so, I've decided to break down the sequence of events.

#1...The "fans" heckle Richards for being boring.

.....At this point, the footage rolls and Richards calls them motherfucker, etc...

#2...You can clearly hear some members of the audience laughing. Now some of my co-workers and I argued over why they were laughing. I suggested that some were laughing because it was nervous laughter. I also conjectured that some of those laughing were laughing at the fact that he was losing his cool. Most, however, seem to think that they were laughing because they share his racist views. I don't know if I agree with that.

#3...At this point of the tape, Richards is the one controlling his own fate. He is simply having a meltdown because the heckler is not heard on the tape responding to his earlier comment. Richards goes on to call the man a nigger multiple times.

#4...The laughing in the audience stops. At this point, you can hear a collective sigh of "OH MY GOD" across the audience. They are in disbelief of what's transpiring before their very eyes.

....Richards hurls a barrage of insults at the hecklers and even references the dark period of the Civil Right's Movement. "50 years ago, we would have had your ass upside down."

#5...At this point, you can clearly see on the tape a few people getting up and leaving. Richards is clearly shaken by this because he says, "Oh, so now you're leaving." And, in one of the most DISTURBING comments made, he says, "They're going to lock me up for calling a black man a nigger."

NOTE: In my opinion, even though Richard had used the N-word by this point, he could have redeemed himself. But, what does he do? He makes the most devasting statement of the entire tirade when he says, "That's what you get for interrupting a WHITE MAN." <----- That one statement alone sums up his entire view of black people. And, it's a sad reminder of the attitude many racist whites have towards blacks in this country, and around the world.

#6...At this point, the hecklers summon up a little courage and begin to attack back at Richards. You can hear one saying, "That's fucking un-called for."

#7...Richards still doesn't stop. Instead, he inflames the situation by saying, "You shouldn't have interrupted me."

#8...The heckler loses his temper and says, "You fucking cracker."

...Richards is shook at this point because he says, "Oh, are you threatening me?"

At this point, MULTIPLE PEOPLE stand up and walk out the theater.

#9...You can see Richards walk off the right side of the stage. Then, the owner comes out and says, "I apologize..."


number 1 its oviously nervous laughter from the people in the crowd

n on the white man part the way i saw it was well alot of blacks say shit like the white man is holdin me donw the white man does this the white man does that etc. i think he was referrin to that cause he said it in quite a sarcastic way like thats wat happens wen u interrupt the white man

his actions where uncalled for tho there was no need for the racist commetns but people gotta stop makin the black dudes seem all innocent they where jus as bad, the comedian n the guys in the crowd both lost ther etemper n made racist remarks there bothas bad as each other

-Zone Out- 11-22-06 03:56 PM

Anyone thats defending Michael Richards is retarded as hell.
And everyone that's saying "what the black people did at his show was disrespectful" is also dumb because its NORMAL for when a comedian is boring or unfunny that the crowd boos him and heckles him.
He couldnt take it, and his true colors were shown.

Shear Kaughn 11-22-06 05:46 PM

Originally Posted by Kryogenix
Anyone thats defending Michael Richards is retarded as hell.
And everyone that's saying "what the black people did at his show was disrespectful" is also dumb because its NORMAL for when a comedian is boring or unfunny that the crowd boos him and heckles him.
He couldnt take it, and his true colors were shown.

but the black guy in the crowd started throwing racial remarks first at him....."your not funny cracker....no funny cracker" and then richards retaliated

now if the guy would of said.."not funny...booo...booo, get off the stage" and then richards went off on him with racial attacks....then there we truly know that richards true colors were shown....but the black guy started it which i think is wrong.....(and i'm black myself)...but at the same time....richards just blew it WAY the hell up and made himself look like a fool....a racist one at that.....

Tha .Q 11-22-06 05:50 PM

^^Nah man...that's not how it went down...They were jus talking and ordering food and being rude like that


Young Kidd (LM) 11-22-06 07:43 PM

Actually..even though he went to far.

It's obvious that

1) He was on something. You could tell by his Jittery Motions and His reactions. Or he's just crazy.

2) Would be that something happened before the camera was turned on. He was Obviously Pissed before that. And The crowd was evidently laughin "at him" or someone else. You could tell.

But still he overreacted to that shit.

Enygma 11-22-06 10:54 PM

Just for the record, I am in no way condoning any racial slurs, but.....

Why is it ok for a black person to use racist terms about a white person, yet it is not ok for a white person to use them against a black person?

Actually, come to think of it, white people are the only people it is considered OK to racially slander.......why is that?

Sir Smash'Alot 11-22-06 11:09 PM

Originally Posted by Enygma
Just for the record, I am in no way condoning any racial slurs, but.....

Why is it ok for a black person to use racist terms about a white person, yet it is not ok for a white person to use them against a black person?

Actually, come to think of it, white people are the only people it is considered OK to racially slander.......why is that?

quiet snowflake.

$wollzillaâ„¢ 11-22-06 11:26 PM

Originally Posted by Shear Kaughn
White Entertainment Television huh....

what would be on WET.....stereotypical white programs? martha stewart shows, reruns of Friends?...umm it would just be another regular TV channel right?...so whats the point in having a WET

think about it......

get back at a black person by saying one word......thats how people get hospital bills.....and have to go on letterman to make an apology......if your gonna try and pull some race shit to get back at a black person becuase they started the racial remarks first...you have to be smart about it....real smart...

yes its just as equally wrong for a black person to call a white person a cracker as a white to call a black nigger....but the white person has to be extra careful with what they say, especailly with other people around...why?...this is america....there has been one fucked up thing after one fucked up thing after another ever since this country was thought of.

^thats about sums it all up!


Blackmage 11-23-06 01:34 AM

Originally Posted by Maleficent
Man, shut up. That was absolutely stupid.

People pay money to hear comedians you know, they dont just go walk out after a couple minutes, if he doesnt provide good jokes, people boo and shout commentary, its that simple.

What they were doing did not warrant him to say those kinds of things AT ALL. I dont know what fucking fantasy world punks like you live in, but racism is alive and well bitch, and if you like to play antirealist and deny its existence you're just a feeble minded ignorant white person who thinks they have the minority's condition all figured out with pony logic. People are still sensitive to it. So suck balls my nigga. You dont know shit about whats out there.

Haha. Dog i'm black. Yes maybe last night my tipped ass was slightly too passionate. Let me readjust. On top of what i said i don't think it was acceptable that he did it. I just think that he went off harder than he should've. Wanting to hurt someone really bad doesn't make you racist. If he is than bleh whatever dudes an ass but i think that it was a moment of fire. I personally know that racism exists...BELIEVE ME. I know.

Still, yea you go to see comedians but it's not the apollo. The apollo is about viewer's choice, if they don't like you they boo you off. That was his personal show. Booing isn't going to change anything just piss him off. If he were to leave than you wouldn't get a new comedian you'd get an over show. Doing that to someone's show is un acceptable. Does that make what he did okay? Hell no. Hell FUCKING no. but what they did was slightly un neccasary. Kramer's degree was waaay through the roof though. I'd have to agree that was a bit much.

ILL GEE 11-23-06 01:58 PM

personally, i kinda feel where Q was coming from with this... if you let one person slide then everyone else will think it's cool to act that way towards another race.. and i'm not just saying blacks vs whites... i'm talking all races... what kramer did was inexcusable... people have been "letting things go" forever.... when are you gonna stand up for yourself? for YOUR people? for a CAUSE worth standing up for?.... If we can go to another country and do the things we're doing over there why can't we protect people in our OWN country?!!

I was a fan of Kramer's until i saw that clip... I was actually in a bank in VA when i saw it... a white lady in back of me pointed it out to me... she was more shocked and pissed off about it than I was!!! All I could do was shake my head... it's a constant reminder that no matter how hard people try and shield it from our eyes the essence of Racism is still prevalent in our day and time... even with all the progress we've made as a country...

The US is comprised of the most hypocritical people anywhere in the world... the greatest country in the world is also the shadiest country in the world!

and btw.... i didn't feel his apology was genuine on Letterman's show... it seemed phony to me... i feel bad for him, though... i hope this was a valuable learning lesson for him and people all over the world

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