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L.E 04-30-08 04:55 PM

Meaning of Life

-Smokes Dubie-

La Cosa Nostra 04-30-08 08:31 PM

the meaning of life..........is sex with beautiful women....

04-30-08 10:57 PM

But then beautiful women in life don't have a meaning.

Oh wait I get it..

La Cosa Nostra 05-01-08 12:55 AM

i hope you do get it man...

the purpose of life is to live.. therefore everyones purpose is different and constantly changes in a dynamic mannor correlating with situations that are placed before us by the ultimate controlling factor of fate.

we live because thats all we can do. life is an opportunity to throw the dice and play the game and we do it as we see fit.

pardon my rhetoric

05-01-08 02:03 AM

that's like admitting that you could have been a girl and nothing would have changed for you because you would have decided to play dice the same way. Is it not?

La Cosa Nostra 05-01-08 02:25 AM

not at all, actually.

to put it simply, i said we play the cards were dealt because thats all we can do, and this is our purpose.

for fuck sake

05-01-08 02:43 AM

Oh okay so you're saying if you were a girl that'd be a completely different situation thus you would handle the situation differently.

sorry man I'm slow, break it all down for me at the beginning.

You were trying to say "Life is Life and you Live it". Dope man. You're just so deep that I couldn't get the clear picture until it became more shallow in the stream you kno?

05-01-08 02:47 AM

oh wait shit my sloness just hit me

I'm wondering

why are people trying to define life in this thread if it's just so simple as "You live life and dats it" ? I might be the simple one. if that's the case just say so.

Adam 05-01-08 02:50 AM

This is the meaning of life.


La Cosa Nostra 05-01-08 04:02 AM

Originally Posted by 2v
You were trying to say "Life is Life and you Live it". Dope man. You're just so deep that I couldn't get the clear picture until it became more shallow in the stream you kno?

oh my god.

pardon my rhetoric is what i said...

and thats because what i said was very little and nothing could be proven or disproven. its a statement made in jest.

i made that post because i thought you of all people would comprehend it.

the meaning of life is a broard and extensive topic with no complete logical conclusion. why would i bother being serious.

05-01-08 04:12 AM

The meaning of life is to give the earth a period of Sick time.

Because it's human too and can't stay in full health ALL the time. Let's face it.

Blay'all 05-01-08 04:42 AM

Originally Posted by Red Bull
This is the meaning of life.




_Talksic_ 05-05-08 08:16 AM

ill elaborate later...but happiness.............

WhoAmI 05-05-08 03:59 PM

happiness is not the meaning of life, happiness is purely a state of mind

(damn man that shit reminds me of something OMB would say RIP)

but yeh happiness is just an emotion experienced by life's pawns (i.e. eveything in existence) realistically the meaning of life is to self-sustain, i.e to not go out of existence (by reproduction)

think about it, anything that has become extinct has failed in its survival purpose

so go forth and fuck about just make sure you knock someone up in the process :)

05-05-08 07:54 PM

I'd beg to differ, Darkmanner. There's only one other life form that reproduces and acts like us, and it's a virus. A germ. I go into further detail on it in my upcoming CD, but that's the essential notice. We're the planet's germs and we spread like a virus, think of the planet as a body and us on it, there's nothing we don't do like a virus including pollution, consumption, damage, repairs, lol, we do everything, including disable some of the other natural life forms on the planet.

Our goal? Self preservation, reproduction, and making a human-friendly world. Not only that but our people want to label every alive human like an animal, thus making us one race in unity with numbers as names, and our goals depend on the goals of our people, or our body, inside the larger body that is the planet. We will attempt to spread to more planets, or bodies, and overpopulate also.

rofl. Humans are repulsive and disgusting, if you ever take the time to use your mind and watch people go around, doing things on their own, you'd realize how most of them ARE mindless animals throughout their day. I wouldn't be surprised if r.i.p. John figured it out and decided a life without purpose isn't a life worth living, especially where the planet is going, whether or not that was his reason for leaving.

I find it a valid excuse for suicide, maybe that's why I struggle with the thought, heh, anyway, ignorance is bliss. Believe that happiness is the meaning to life? You will become a worthless human in my eyes, walking around with nothing in your eye except "Is this best for me?"

Adam 05-05-08 08:09 PM

The meaning of life won't be found in this thread.

05-05-08 08:14 PM

I thought I just got done explaining there is no meaning to life

of course I agree that there won't be a meaning in this thread lol

WhoAmI 05-05-08 08:35 PM

2v where exactly does your ideology differ from mine?

Adam 05-05-08 08:38 PM

Originally Posted by 2v
I thought I just got done explaining there is no meaning to life

of course I agree that there won't be a meaning in this thread lol

This is a result of me just posting and not reading the things posted previously before me.

WhoAmI 05-05-08 08:39 PM

Originally Posted by Red Bull
The meaning of life won't be found in this thread.

yeh cos people are gonna just gonna post up youtube links :rolleyes:

but if you think about it, other than those of you who did, apart from the jackass who said happiness the rest of us made vaild points even 2v got to the point in the end

05-05-08 08:58 PM

But I said I disagree, you may have made a point but reproduction is not the human meaning to life. The human meaning to life would be relevant to an idea that we were put here, if that is the case then A. we were put here for a purpose or B. we were simply put here.

Suggesting that we Evolved here is simply saying we grew here.

To suggest that our purpose is reproduction and believing that we were put here is possible because we wouldn't know why we were put here or by what/who, and what their motives were.

To suggest the same and believe that we grew here isn't possible because if Evolution (a theory that nature perfects itself, not God is Perfect and made us all for a reason) is true in the same factor then we would be almighty reproducers with nothing but that in mind, and dying organisms, like some bugs and germs.

Therefore believing reproduction is our only purpose states you do not believe in Evolution and is impossible because Evolution is impossible to be proven false.. Though I'm not quite sure what you believe, I think you'd be better off not trusting that humans were here to make more humans.

Now let's bring up another possible answer for life? Besides my "We're a Germ" ?

05-05-08 09:01 PM

Because if we were germs then our goal is: Survival at the destruction of entire hosts.

Goal meaning our reason for existence, and if that is the case, then the meaning of our life is not to fight each other (though we do by nature) but band together and try to make harmony of a world that is without, a harmony that only we experience and the things we like. Otherwise it's down the gutter and we move on, doing this everywhere. Asking, why ? individually, but knowing the true answer as a whole.

La Cosa Nostra 05-05-08 09:54 PM

the meaning of life is realising our fate

god is fate..

10 points for me

M&rk 05-06-08 02:27 AM

bitches hoes cars clothe piles of doe and condos

La Cosa Nostra 05-07-08 03:53 AM

Originally Posted by Big Picture
bitches hoes cars clothe piles of doe and condos

not to mention

spitting flows, surpassing foes wild n dope n chopin dro
n ripping shows like classy broke stylish known not to choke

_Talksic_ 05-07-08 04:08 AM

Originally Posted by Darkmanner
yeh cos people are gonna just gonna post up youtube links :rolleyes:

but if you think about it, other than those of you who did, apart from the jackass who said happiness the rest of us made vaild points even 2v got to the point in the end

alright fag, if we were primatilve cavemen i guess survival would be the meaning of life but sence god made us smarter than them,ill keep it simple
happiness is the meaning of life,and to reproduce.to create..

05-07-08 01:59 PM

Get life and happily use it to blindly create more life without thinking about it.

Sounds like the answer to me..

.... For simpletons.

M&rk 05-07-08 02:32 PM

Originally Posted by 2v
Get life and happily use it to blindly create more life without thinking about it.

Sounds like the answer to me..

.... For simpletons.

why create more life when theres millions dying now cuz they aren't gettin taken care of. racismn and ignorance is the only reason people are still creating people, oh and selfishness.

Adam 05-07-08 03:04 PM

Originally Posted by Big Picture
why create more life when theres millions dying now cuz they aren't gettin taken care of. racismn and ignorance is the only reason people are still creating people, oh and selfishness.

You're an idiot.

Spending money on war, weapons, and protection is what is keeping us from clothing, feeding and giving shelter to the people in need. Not racism, greed.

The race card is old as fuck dude, give it a rest.

Quintessential 05-07-08 03:28 PM

The meaning of life varies from one person to the next. There is no one universal meaning of life because like everything else, we have our own opinions on what life is about. Some say its to procreate to ensure the survival of our spesies. Some say its about living life to the fullest. There are those who say its about attaining spiritual nirvana. All these are just perspectives of different individuals and can be justified in their own way.

05-07-08 03:48 PM

Originally Posted by Quintessential
The meaning of life varies from one person to the next. There is no one universal meaning of life because like everything else, we have our own opinions on what life is about. Some say its to procreate to ensure the survival of our spesies. Some say its about living life to the fullest. There are those who say its about attaining spiritual nirvana. All these are just perspectives of different individuals and can be justified in their own way.

No, you're wrong, because that's obscuring the definition of "life" to make it "The Definition Of A Single Human Life".

La Cosa Nostra 05-07-08 08:27 PM


im gonna stick with realising your fate as the meaning of life...

what else can you do.

M&rk 05-08-08 12:43 AM

Originally Posted by Eli
You're an idiot.

Spending money on war, weapons, and protection is what is keeping us from clothing, feeding and giving shelter to the people in need. Not racism, greed.

The race card is old as fuck dude, give it a rest.

forget you.
the war is actually good for our economy, how u think we got out the depression. people that are in the war have a good job and can buy things and boost the economy.
as for it being a racist topic, i mean in the sense people only wanna take care of their own kind "make their own babies and raise them" because they'll never look at another race or person like they'd look at their own blood. to me thats racist, and bad.

M&rk 05-08-08 12:45 AM

the greed comes from the government not sharing in all the money their making by not giving us health care and having gas prices high.

Adam 05-08-08 01:57 AM

Originally Posted by Big Picture
forget you.
the war is actually good for our economy, how u think we got out the depression. people that are in the war have a good job and can buy things and boost the economy.
as for it being a racist topic, i mean in the sense people only wanna take care of their own kind "make their own babies and raise them" because they'll never look at another race or person like they'd look at their own blood. to me thats racist, and bad.

The war is helping the US economy? Yeah, that's why it's dollar is practically par with Canada's when it used to be heaps more.

That country is such a joke it's not even funny.

Originally Posted by Big Picture
the greed comes from the government not sharing in all the money their making by not giving us health care and having gas prices high.

I'm Canadian, I get health care from my government, but that's not my point. You're actually going to step around the point that the government spends billions of dollars on it's military? This would be the reason they charge for health care. This would be the reason education is so poor in that country. It's a fucking joke dude, like Bill Hicks said, quit spending money on fucking protection and weapons and help out people. Choose love over fear.

Keith Moon 06-30-08 05:22 PM

The meaning to life is carrying out your genetic instructions, which basically say eat, survive, and propagate your DNA. Life holds its own special purposes to each individual

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