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Da NFamous 02-04-04 09:52 PM

"Even though it seems heaven sent...
...we aint ready to see a black president"-Pac
What do ya'll feel about that line and do u think today in 04 we're ready, or were we ready before, or will we be ready soon?

bouncedoggydog 02-04-04 10:13 PM

I think America will seek to put a woman in office before a man of color. I know it's messed up but if Hilary has her way, this will be the case. I welcome the idea of a woman in office, since I have a daughter and wish her the world. It just pains me that a well qualified man of color would be passed up as a canidate for the office. I think colen powell has the best chance of any political figure, at making a bid for the white house. Condaleeza could share a ticket and get my vote. I think a female in the VP spot would be a rational step before a push for the house. Not sure if Hilary is willing to sit in the shadows for another term, she wants the top job. I really think things will change in the politcal arena in the near future. Conflicts abroad will change the face of politics for a long while.

Thrust 02-04-04 10:36 PM

a black man, a woman.. doesn't matter to me
as long as their qualified for the job and can handle the job
you don't have to be a white male to be the president
tho most i guess see it like that... i refuse to think that
everyone's impression from me is not based on color/ race/ sex

-Zone Out- 02-04-04 10:49 PM

well..a think that there is a qualified black man somewhere in usa that is ready..but it damn sure aint Al Sharpton..although he be ownin niggas in debates..

I would also prefer a woman as president over a black man..

K.Largo 02-04-04 10:51 PM

lol ^ didn't Colin Powell refuse to run .
Even though they wanted him to.

-Zone Out- 02-04-04 10:54 PM

yeah..Colin would have been good..but he's a nigger pie for not acceptin..

The End 02-04-04 11:28 PM

No, we aren't ready. Racism still exists, and I am more than sure some idiot would kill him.

Mental God 02-05-04 12:07 AM

^^^word up...

a black jfk

Jes 02-05-04 01:41 AM

Not to be the cynical one, but there aren't many ethnicities involved with the government today. Yes there are those Colin Powell's, devoting themselves to the cause and those more self-appointed such as Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson, but the truth is no one of ethnic backrground really gets involved in it. We should focus on getting more color in to congress and senate than to focus on presidential issues. Like End said, racisim still exists, oppression is over, but the fear and hatred still continues, and in my opinion more so now than before. No offense to any who take offense, but no one can take an african-american canidate like al sharpton seriously, i mean what has he really done that prove he is global? His standpoint and political stance are questionable, let alone his approach and tactics.

I just also wanted to comment about Thrust post.
you don't have to be a white male to be the president

technically you do... under our constitution, the president of united states of america must be at least 35 years old (give or take some years), protestant, a citizen by birth, blah blah politics blah blah, and of European decent... this is just one of many things stated in the constitution thats been outdated and neglected. In fact there was an amendment that still was unchanged until about 10 years ago, a white man could hang a black man if he was on his property.

Bigg E Z 02-05-04 01:59 AM

No, we aren't ready. Racism still exists, and I am more than sure some idiot would kill him.

It would be a tragedy, But, it would be the beginning..!!!

I mean, Marin Luther King was hated...But how many heads turned when he was killed...

A black President would force a phew changes in the world....

If he was assasinated, then there would be ALLOT of changes..!!

Even if G.W Bush was assasinated, wouldent that make a phew changes allso..??

C-Murder 02-05-04 02:08 AM


Jes 02-05-04 02:21 AM

i'm not trying to insue arguments... you point is valid, MLK jr.'s death was a wake up call, but i don't think it was a positive one. what your saying is, so even if we had a black president and he were to be assasinated, it would be okay because there would be changes? If MLK's death were to truly change things, there would be no racism period. He died in vain... Racism is at an all time worse, in my opinion. Not only do we have races hating other races (palestinians-israelis, iraqis-americans, whites-blacks), but races hating within their race. Malicious Hatred. It's one huge identitiy crisis... everyone has forgotten their roots, in turn instilled fear into the unknown and hate was not the typical and whats different. And what makes racism worse in our day and age compared to the past is exactly that... its the past... segregation and biggatry (sp?) has happened, oppression has happened, its been noted and professed to our generation, generations before us, and generations to come. We're taught and reminded of our horrible history, holocaust, world war, women's rights, blacks rights, etc. and taught that what happened is wrong... so why are we still digressing and repeating history?

i apologize, if i'm rambling and going on and on... this is just one of the few topics that really get me interested in conversing.

inspire 02-05-04 02:52 AM

Fuck them.. Fuck them all..

As long as whoever gets in power can run a damn country.. I dont care whether they are a bisexual transvestite in a wheelchair.. or a normal white guy.

halfrican 02-05-04 08:22 AM

Originally Posted by Jes
under our constitution, the president of united states of america must be at least 35 years old (give or take some years), protestant, a citizen by birth, blah blah politics blah blah, and of European decent... this is just one of many things stated in the constitution thats been outdated and neglected. In fact there was an amendment that still was unchanged until about 10 years ago, a white man could hang a black man if he was on his property.

I hate to say it but you are as far from wrong as possible:

1. JFK was catholic
2. You don't have to be born in this country to become president, just a citizen for like ten or fifteen years or something like that
3. You defenetly don't have to be of european decent to be president, if that was the case we wouldn't even be having this discussion. Because it would be illegal for a black president.
4. And I'm 95 percent sure that being able to hang a black man ANYWHERE was never in the constitution, maybe a law made by local governments, but never in the constitution.

and to be completely blunt, if you think there will be a black, asian, female, hispanic, gay/lesbian, jewish, or middle eastern president in our, our children, even our grandchildren's lives, you are extremely delusional...

Transmogrify 02-05-04 08:52 AM

Originally Posted by halfrican
2. You don't have to be born in this country to become president, just a citizen for like ten or fifteen years or something like that

No immigrants have every american privelage except to be president and vice president

Daz 02-05-04 02:26 PM

i dont think it could happen...people would slaughter us...

bouncedoggydog 02-05-04 02:45 PM

Originally Posted by halfrican
I hate to say it but you are as far from wrong as possible:

2. You don't have to be born in this country to become president, just a citizen for like ten or fifteen years or something like that...

Son, as the constituiton stipulates today, only a citizen by brith right can run for the most powerful public office, the Presidency. It is illegal and unconstituional as of today, for a naturlized citizen to be elected President of the United States. This may one day be amended but as it reads today, you are completly wrong. Just thought I'd point that out to you... :thumbup:

Originally Posted by halfrican
and to be completely blunt, if you think there will be a black, asian, female, hispanic, gay/lesbian, jewish, or middle eastern president in our, our children, even our grandchildren's lives, you are extremely delusional...

Now I am delusional according to you. In contrast to your view, more than 80 percent of Americans expect to see a woman and or a man of color in Office within thier life time. The President of the U.N. is a black man, Kofi Anan although politicaly I disagree with just about everything this man say's, I respect his role as leader of the UN. I really think that your view is way off base, and it's you who are delusional. The world save a few liberal labeled "rouge states" look to this international body to solve every diplomatic, military and world crisis, yet a black man holds it's presidency. I think presidence has been set world wide, so it is more than reasonalbe to expect to see a change of face in D.C., within our life time. The rest of the world and mainstream America in your opinion must be delusional, I really doubt that!

Yu Bin SunD 02-05-04 02:50 PM

a black pres would be nice but not al sharpton

bouncedoggydog 02-05-04 03:17 PM

^ Al sharpton is actually damaging the chances of a qualified black or any other minority canidate. Politically, he's an idiot, I mean I'd take him on any day of the week in a debate of the issue's. He has demonstated lack of self control and the use of fictious data pulled out of the air durring debates. He misrepresented facts on gun control and then after being questioned about it, he changed face. I hope he doesn't paint the wrong image for those black Americans who actually stand a chance in the Shark infested poltcal waters of Washington...

C-Section 02-05-04 03:23 PM

how come nobody ever talks about other races

everything is always "white keeping blacks out of something" but what about latinos, asians, native americans, and all the other races?

we have never had a president, we dont have sports owners/coaches, quarterbacks, but we dont go all over the news bitching about it.

people doing that shit, are part of the reason racisum is still alive. they call everyone racist but they are racist themselfs for making everything a racial issue.

and dont give me bullshit about blacks went threw slavery so they are diffrent.

what about latnios? we are still treaded like shit, we still have people working is sweat shops, picking cotton working in the fields, digging ditches, doing hard laber for less then minimum wage. we dont cry about racisum for every little thing, even though we are treated just as bad as the black people and we still get kicked out of the country, people are always talking about blacks making up most the prison population, when latinos are just as bad, but nobody seems to give a shit about us.

what about native americans? they had it worse before african americans did, they were slaughtered, kicked off their own land, made slaves and transported in slave boats just like blacks, forced to walk "the trail of tears" where most died. native americans once owned all of america, now they are stuck in their little pueblos, nearly all native american tribes were killed off. they had it worse then blacks did, and they still do, even though their goverment takes good care of the, they are treated like shit outside of their pueblos.

FUCK WHAT COLOR SOMEONE IS, IF THEY ARE QUALIFIED THEY SHOULD GET THE JOB! im tired of this bullshit about blacks dont get nothing cause all "minortys" are treated like shit, but for somereason its only a big deal when it affects black people.

halfrican 02-05-04 03:45 PM

Originally Posted by bouncedoggydog
Now I am delusional according to you. In contrast to your view, more than 80 percent of Americans expect to see a woman and or a man of color in Office within thier life time. The President of the U.N. is a black man, Kofi Anan although politicaly I disagree with just about everything this man say's, I respect his role as leader of the UN. I really think that your view is way off base, and it's you who are delusional. The world save a few liberal labeled "rouge states" look to this international body to solve every diplomatic, military and world crisis, yet a black man holds it's presidency. I think presidence has been set world wide, so it is more than reasonalbe to expect to see a change of face in D.C., within our life time. The rest of the world and mainstream America in your opinion must be delusional, I really doubt that!

ok than, answer me this, give me ONE country (besides african nations) that has the same percentage of african american citizens as the US where one is in power.

I'll even go one farther (I haven't done any research but I'm pretty sure this is correct), give me just ONE country where there is a minority as the leader of a country, that came into power without a coup..

Theres a very distinct difference between asking people to take a poll about something, and seeing them follow through. American citizens are very capricious individuals, they'll say that they want to see an african american president, but won't give them enough votes to get through the primaries. The only exception to what I just said was in 88 when jesse jackson ran, being a black male, I hate to say this but that was a complete fluke...

I'm not delusional in the slightest, I'm a realest...

p.s. thanks for correcting my mistake, must have gotten my facts all fucked up... Thats what I get for smoking weed all day.

bouncedoggydog 02-05-04 03:47 PM

^ The raza is making huge moves in politcs C. I mean it's a poor imagrant form Tijuana that is now in the most powerful chair of California legislation. Also Bush has elected several hispanics to highly regarded federal spots in our government. Dawg check your new twenty dollar bill Rosaria Marin signature is on it as secretary of treasuary. That is a huge advancement of our people carnal. Not only that she is being endorsed to run against Boxer for her seat on the senate, now that is a great thing. She's a conservative hispanic with the tenacity to win the senate election, which will bring more hispanic recognition into congress. Why do you guy's think I am such an avid politician, it's a very exciting time in American History, we can all make a difference, if we try. Not getting involved does nothing for our status, yet together our voice is starting to be heard. I mean all pollitical parties are pandering for the latino vote, why is that? Becuase we are growing in numbers and status, while our parents break their back at work, we are getting an education. While our parents struggle to make ends meet, we are learning that our influence on this country is growing. Instead of blaming the Goverment for the plight of our people we are actually doing something to improve our social satus here in America. That is why we are becoming a loud voice, propelling faster than other minorites in these areas. It's not an issue of race, but that of social structure. We need to work together to improve the class strucutre of all minorities, not just our own. The education gap is slipping and mainstream America is waking up to this each and everyday. Let's keep moving forward on all fronts and at the same time understand we are all in this together, no matter pigmentation or faith.

bouncedoggydog 02-05-04 03:55 PM

Originally Posted by halfrican
ok than, answer me this, give me ONE country (besides african nations) that has the same percentage of african american citizens as the US where one is in power.

I'll even go one farther (I haven't done any research but I'm pretty sure this is correct), give me just ONE country where there is a minority as the leader of a country, that came into power without a coup..

Theres a very distinct difference between asking people to take a poll about something, and seeing them follow through. American citizens are very capricious individuals, they'll say that they want to see an african american president, but won't give them enough votes to get through the primaries. The only exception to what I just said was in 88 when jesse jackson ran, being a black male, I hate to say this but that was a complete fluke...

I'm not delusional in the slightest, I'm a realest...

p.s. thanks for correcting my mistake, must have gotten my facts all fucked up... Thats what I get for smoking weed all day.

You need to come at me with more than this childs play kid. The Peruvian Government elected in 1990 a Japenesse man named Fujimori! An agricultural engineer born in Japn who was a political unkown until weeks before the election. You have to do better than that, it's obvous you have no grounds to make outrages claims, as you have. Don't take this as an attack, but just a reflection of the facts... I do admire your passion, keep your head in it, but don't let emotion out wiegh logic.
That is my advice for you...

halfrican 02-05-04 04:18 PM

^^^ there's no hate at all, political debates are fantastic...

and I did state that I did no research, but it seems like a pretty valid thing to say. I hate sounding like a pessimist, but one country in the whole world??? Thats kinda weak, to be completely honest I think this country has a lot of work before any minority is voted. I mean how long did it take south carolina to get even the confederate flag off of their capitol. There is still bigotry in this country, george fucking bush was saying something along the lines of wanting to have a ban on gay marriages (or however you spell it) in the god damn constitution, and PEOPLE ARE BACKING IT. Even though we are making huge steps towards a president who isn't white and prostestant, and more and more minorities are getting voted into political positions, still most of them are old fashioned white folks. And old white folks, just wont let this happen..

Another thing that is stopping this is that for a minority to be voted in, more minorities have to vote, simple as that....

bouncedoggydog 02-05-04 04:31 PM

Originally Posted by halfrican
^^^ there's no hate at all, political debates are fantastic...

and I did state that I did no research, but it seems like a pretty valid thing to say. I hate sounding like a pessimist, but one country in the whole world??? Thats kinda weak, to be completely honest I think this country has a lot of work before any minority is voted. I mean how long did it take south carolina to get even the confederate flag off of their capitol. There is still bigotry in this country, george fucking bush was saying something along the lines of wanting to have a ban on gay marriages (or however you spell it) in the god damn constitution, and PEOPLE ARE BACKING IT. Even though we are making huge steps towards a president who isn't white and prostestant, and more and more minorities are getting voted into political positions, still most of them are old fashioned white folks. And old white folks, just wont let this happen..

Another thing that is stopping this is that for a minority to be voted in, more minorities have to vote, simple as that....

I only listed one, as you only asked me to prove the one. I can list more, but for sakes of winning this arguement I only needed one. You are right about the lack of minority voters, but there is a bigger lack of voting amongst young people. When you kids turn of age, please take my addvice and cast your ballots, not just in presidential elections but in all. Express your self via your music when you get the chance, debate amongst yourselves, and keep on top of the subject. You kids can make a difference, if you want to make this country more your own.

Jes 02-06-04 02:10 AM

halfrican, in all honesty check your facts before you correct someone... cause when you try to correct someone and your actually wrong you look less credible. plus, your statement
I hate to say it but you are as far from wrong as possible
, translate to you saying i'm right... being as I'm "far from wrong"... (anyone else catch that).

C. I think when people say black, they mean anything not white for the most part. From a KKK standpoint we all don't belong here if we have any trace of pigmentation in our skin. true, there are latinos working in the fields, factories, etc. But typically its those with little education and qualifications who are taking those jobs, its not by force, so you aren't treated like shit. To boot, illegal immigrants in california get fre college educations... which we pay for... majority who are getting the funds, hispanics. I have no problem with latinos, i have spanish blood as well, but I don't think its fair when folks say we have it worse or some shit. First off, i wouldn't be proud if my people/race were the most oppressed. I'm for all races, even caucasians get treated. There are more scholarships catering to ethnicity except caucasian. Not too long ago certain #s had to be met, quotas per race had to be filled for colleges. I'm made up of Islander/Asian, Spanish, African (not Afro-American)... so i'm not race bias.

Bounce... on point as always. the least amount of votes lies within the age grouping of 18-24... and people complain so damn much about or government. Need to stop playing from the sidelines.

Kosmetic KAS 02-07-04 04:14 PM

who gives a fuck , In my opinion we haven't had a decent president yet

Slik Shadow 02-07-04 04:16 PM

100th Post!!!!

w00t w00t


and i agree with all of you... ;)

dirtyendzone 02-07-04 04:20 PM

Even if a black candidate could get a nomination, the south still votes.

bouncedoggydog 02-07-04 10:44 PM

Originally Posted by Jes

Bounce... on point as always. the least amount of votes lies within the age grouping of 18-24... and people complain so damn much about or government. Need to stop playing from the sidelines.

You know Jes, youre going to make one hell of a wife one day. I can only pray my daughter projects a fraction of the logic that you do. Keep it up mija and keep giving them hell, I hope your studies are going well. Like always I love to read your posts.

HK The Great 02-07-04 11:49 PM

i know where c section is coming from cuzi think the same thing and then i think it was bounce that said something like " when they say black, they mean anything not white"... now that can be true... but still i think people need to stop bitchin about race and racism cuz that only feeds it more... like in the NFL the fuckin owners have to interview a minority or suffer a fine and loss of pick... thats the most embarrassing thing u can do to someone... cuz its not a real interview most of the time its just a fuckin joke and shit... anyways, i really hate it when people complain about that shit, just means ur weak and let it get to you... but everyone has had some good points and as far as im concerned it be tight to actually have a Prez that wasnt fuckin feed by the silver spoon... someone that knows what its like to live in the gutter... just ot see what would happen... probably something bab... im done i think...

Orikle 02-07-04 11:50 PM

BERNIE MAC FOR PRESIDENT..Jeeeaaahhhh!!!!!!!!

Da NFamous 02-08-04 01:01 PM

^Fuck that, i'd rather have chris rock, he was bomb in head of state! lol but anyway at Myk's ranting about other minorities not being recognized i think its because Black people have been generally recognized as the epitome of Minorities. It is easier for white people to package minorities into just black people because we appear to be their polar opposites. I dont want to defend it but i do think that as a nigga that injustices done to african americans or afro americans or whatever you choose to call us "deserve" to be at the forefront. It's disgusting how many black people feel self hatred and will disriminate people of the same color, but watever, i just brought up the topic because i was wondering if anyone thought we were ready now (if we werent then) to have a black president, 1luv.

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