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06-21-08 01:37 PM

A Great Storm?
The Elect Resurrected, or Changed, At Christ's Return

"Immediately after the tribulation of those days the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light, and the stars will fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens will be shaken; then will appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven, and then all the tribes of the earth will mourn, and they will see the Son of man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory; and He will send out His angels with a loud trumpet call, and they will gather His elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other." (Matthew 24:29-31 RSV)

This is talking about the end times. Scientific studies show that the heating of the earth may or may not be caused by the sun AND greenhouses gases, but it could be as natural as anything.

Which tells me that possibly... Due to the heat, there will be a massive hurricane that stretches all across the earth, and kills many human beings. That is one guess of mine.

I am a believer of Jesus Christ and God, so, it is with this that I am only contemplating. Your thoughts?
Go ahead and ask questions also. Let's talk about this. The revelations are to my belief to be true and I also believe that the end times are coming, and, if you are going to die at age 70, that you will be here to see it. I am not going to predict a date, because it is widely believed that no one knows when the end is, and history has proven that.

I don't care if you don't believe, I have always believed in the revelations, despite my belief in God and Jesus Christ. So there. Post.

06-21-08 01:51 PM

"For the past nearly 2,000 years, there has been an ongoing debate regarding the Return of Jesus Christ. Many believe that He will literally return, exactly as The Bible says that He will, perhaps even within the lifetime of those alive today. Others have come to their own opinion, apart from what the Scriptures plainly say, and believe that the Return of Christ will not be an actual physical event, but was meant symbolically somehow."

^ check that out. I read that after making this thread. lol.

In-Vision 08-31-08 10:33 PM

dude...a massive hurricane?

and here i was under the impression that hurricanes were caused by the difference between tropical and temperate climates....

lmafo...you strike again

Cola 08-31-08 10:52 PM

Originally Posted by 2v
The Elect Resurrected, or Changed, At Christ's Return

"Immediately after the tribulation of those days the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light, and the stars will fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens will be shaken; then will appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven, and then all the tribes of the earth will mourn, and they will see the Son of man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory; and He will send out His angels with a loud trumpet call, and they will gather His elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other." (Matthew 24:29-31 RSV)

This is talking about the end times. Scientific studies show that the heating of the earth may or may not be caused by the sun AND greenhouses gases, but it could be as natural as anything.

Which tells me that possibly... Due to the heat, there will be a massive hurricane that stretches all across the earth, and kills many human beings. That is one guess of mine.

I am a believer of Jesus Christ and God, so, it is with this that I am only contemplating. Your thoughts?
Go ahead and ask questions also. Let's talk about this. The revelations are to my belief to be true and I also believe that the end times are coming, and, if you are going to die at age 70, that you will be here to see it. I am not going to predict a date, because it is widely believed that no one knows when the end is, and history has proven that.

I don't care if you don't believe, I have always believed in the revelations, despite my belief in God and Jesus Christ. So there. Post.

Why try to study the question, when you can just live the answer?

La Cosa Nostra 08-31-08 11:35 PM


shit man.. 2v you talk about the 'end of the world' like its actually gonna happen.

dont believe the hype.. many have made your mistake in the past.. take the world for what it is. it wont end.. itll simply change with the times as it always has done so..

things will happen that you wont expect.. trust me

08-31-08 11:49 PM



I'm talking about a massive hurricane that the bible predicts with metaphor that wipes out many races of people, especially on small islands. Science even talks about a super hurricane being able to appear due to our planet's progressive warmth.

I could have easily made this about Comets, considering what you just said to me, but instead I used the "Jesus Riding Atop A Cloud" as metaphor for Hurricane.

Makes sense to me.

I never said shit about the end of the world here.

people are fucking stupid yo, world-wide.

In-Vision 08-31-08 11:57 PM

Originally Posted by 2v

Science even talks about a super hurricane being able to appear due to our planet's progressive warmth.

see, i find that interesting. Because science has found no reason to believe that global warming produces hurricanes. Hurricanes happen when the differential between tropic and temperate climates exceeds a certan level. It's just like a fucking tornado...when cold air currents, mix with warm air currents...it creates a vortex...and that's basically what a hurricane is.

In other words...as far as science knows...temperate climates would have to drop in temperature...and tropical climates would have to rise in temperature...in order to get a hurricane of that magnitude. Only one of those occurances can happen under the wing of global warming.

09-01-08 12:14 AM

The meaning of the word Temperate means Moderate.

a temperate climate is a climate without extremes. Therefore it would be the In-Between climate you're talking about. Which is the climate we're in now...

I'm not going to go over the science of it, because it is believed to be possible that a super hurricane hits the earth.

And, logically speaking, for Tropical temperatures to rise, the Temperate would drop, because Temperate is the norm.

Please explain otherwise to me if you think you have it all down.

In-Vision 09-01-08 12:26 AM

Originally Posted by 2v
The meaning of the word Temperate means Moderate.

a temperate climate is a climate without extremes. Therefore it would be the In-Between climate you're talking about. Which is the climate we're in now...

I'm not going to go over the science of it, because it is believed to be possible that a super hurricane hits the earth.

And, logically speaking, for Tropical temperatures to rise, the Temperate would drop, because Temperate is the norm.

Please explain otherwise to me if you think you have it all down.

No shit dude...why do you go into such excruciating detail about such simple matters?...it is believed to be possible that a super hurricane hits the earth? or could hit the earth? just because it is believed that could happen, doesn't mean it's related to global warming...so...i don't know why you insist on being redundant.

And that is the most rediculous thing i've ever heard. The temperature doesn't work like that. Let's say the average temperate temperature is between 35-100 dgrees. If tropical temps rise...that doesn't mean the other temps lower....all it means is that global avg temperature has more outliers....and when those outliers are calculated into the global equation...temperate doesn't drop...it rises...not the temperature..but the standard for definiton of "temperate climate" temperate is average...we both know that....if tropical temps rise....so does the earths avg...just like if tropical lowered...so would the earths avg. The only thing that would change....would be the name of the climate that we live in. Not the actual temperature. And with all that being said...the name wouldn't ever change anyways..

09-01-08 12:29 AM

Actually I think you're wrong.

The average is about what it was before it started rising DRASTICALLY. I don't think that's even 100 degrees except in certain deserts.

So with the rise of global warming, the temperate drops further away from what the actual temperature is. Creating circumstances which exactly describe that which makes a hurricane. ....Probably why I read somewhere that a hurricane larger than anything we've ever seen could be coming. :thumbup:

In-Vision 09-01-08 12:32 AM

Originally Posted by 2v
Actually I think you're wrong.

The average is about what it was before it started rising DRASTICALLY. I don't think that's even 100 degrees except in certain deserts.

So with the rise of global warming, the temperate drops further away from what the actual temperature is.

No...i'm not. if extreme is 150 degrees. And tropical climates get to 200 degrees...extreme goes up to 200....and temperate moves up to 150....that's how it fucking works. You don't know shit dude. It's a simple matter of averages. Simple math. Very fucking simple. If that were to happen...it would most likely be considered an outlier..and NOT included in the overall equation..leaving the requirements for temperate climates...stationary.

09-01-08 12:35 AM


"Some climate scientists believe hurricanes in the North Atlantic loom more dangerous than ever. But now they say … they think know why.

"Since about 1970, there has been a warming of the global oceans including the areas where the hurricanes form due to increases in carbon dioxide and greenhouse gases in the atmosphere," Kevin Trenberth, NCAR Scientist in Boulder, Colo., told Ivanhoe.

Trenberth builds his case asking the tough questions. "Do they get more intense? Do they get bigger? Do they last longer? Are there more of them?" Trenberth asks.

Over the past 35 years, the Atlantic's sea surface temperature has increased one degree Fahrenheit. The result … a four-percent increase of atmospheric water vapor and a six to eight-percent increase in rainfall.

Conditions that contribute to larger, more forceful, hurricanes. The cause -- Trenberth says predominantly global warming. "What we think is likely to happen, they will get more intense, they will likely get a little bigger, but maybe there may not be quite as many," Trenberth said. Other scientists aren't so convinced and believe the warming is a natural occurrence, but either way -- a forecast for the future that impacts us all."

What does that say?

Exactly what I've been saying loser.

Global Warming is causing the planet to heat and though the theories on why is not sure, it is a fucking FACT, that hurricanes will get bigger.

In-Vision 09-01-08 12:41 AM

Originally Posted by 2v

"Some climate scientists believe hurricanes in the North Atlantic loom more dangerous than ever. But now they say … they think know why.

"Since about 1970, there has been a warming of the global oceans including the areas where the hurricanes form due to increases in carbon dioxide and greenhouse gases in the atmosphere," Kevin Trenberth, NCAR Scientist in Boulder, Colo., told Ivanhoe.

Trenberth builds his case asking the tough questions. "Do they get more intense? Do they get bigger? Do they last longer? Are there more of them?" Trenberth asks.

Over the past 35 years, the Atlantic's sea surface temperature has increased one degree Fahrenheit. The result … a four-percent increase of atmospheric water vapor and a six to eight-percent increase in rainfall.

Conditions that contribute to larger, more forceful, hurricanes. The cause -- Trenberth says predominantly global warming. "What we think is likely to happen, they will get more intense, they will likely get a little bigger, but maybe there may not be quite as many," Trenberth said. Other scientists aren't so convinced and believe the warming is a natural occurrence, but either way -- a forecast for the future that impacts us all."

What does that say?

Exactly what I've been saying loser.

Global Warming is causing the planet to heat and though the theories on why is not sure, it is a fucking FACT, that hurricanes will get bigger.

you are seriously a fucking retard. all of that shit is speculation...it even says so, before just about every sentence...and now you are claiming it as a fact.

god you're a homo.

09-01-08 12:44 AM

It's not all speculation...

You're full of shit .

Now I see that you wear cement sunglasses..

In-Vision 09-01-08 12:46 AM

Originally Posted by 2v
It's not all speculation...

You're full of shit .

interesting...because here is a direct quote from your link
"What we think is likely to happen, they will get more intense, they will likely get a little bigger..."

see that? the word think? and likely?

one of the scientists also said "they might get a little bigger"

theres another one of those words....might.

reading comprehension, dude.

09-01-08 12:48 AM

Uh-Oh! He couldn't finish a sentence!

Over the past 35 years, the Atlantic's sea surface temperature has increased one degree Fahrenheit. The result … a four-percent increase of atmospheric water vapor and a six to eight-percent increase in rainfall.

Conditions that contribute to larger, more forceful, hurricanes.
The cause -- Trenberth says predominantly global warming. "What we think is likely to happen, they will get more intense, they will likely get a little bigger, but maybe there may not be quite as many," Trenberth said. Other scientists aren't so convinced and believe the warming is a natural occurrence, but either way -- a forecast for the future that impacts us all."

There. I split the shit up for you. The beginning facts are Italics, the following fact and conclusion is bold. Everything else is underlined. Just because he makes a prediction you call it all speculation...

Nope, sorry, it's fact..

09-01-08 12:51 AM

And anyway, even if it was the other scientist's opinion, and it was a NATURAL occurrence that global warming exists, then that wouldn't rule out a massive hurricane at all..

But it is completely fact that the heating of the planet contributes to more vicious and larger hurricanes.

In-Vision 09-01-08 12:53 AM

Originally Posted by 2v
Uh-Oh! He couldn't finish a sentence!

Over the past 35 years, the Atlantic's sea surface temperature has increased one degree Fahrenheit. The result … a four-percent increase of atmospheric water vapor and a six to eight-percent increase in rainfall.

Conditions that contribute to larger, more forceful, hurricanes.
The cause -- Trenberth says predominantly global warming. "What we think is likely to happen, they will get more intense, they will likely get a little bigger, but maybe there may not be quite as many," Trenberth said. Other scientists aren't so convinced and believe the warming is a natural occurrence, but either way -- a forecast for the future that impacts us all."

There. I split the shit up for you. The beginning facts are Italics, the following fact and conclusion is bold. Everything else is underlined. Just because he makes a prediction you call it all speculation...

Nope, sorry, it's fact..

lmao...did you just call a prediction....fact...and not speculation? lmao...

wow. and why did you split it up for me...i read the whole thing...the rest of the shit you posted...i chose not to include because it isn't relevant....like...there may not be quite as many? irrelevant to the size and what causes their size...other scientists not being so convinced that global warming isn't a natural occurance? not relevant to size and cause of size.

Nothing in there is fact..other then the temperature of the ocean. Which is a contributing factor to the size of hurricanes.

But it doesn't cause hurricanes...like i said...the differentiation between temperate, and tropical climates does. :laugh:

In-Vision 09-01-08 12:56 AM

1. the contemplation or consideration of some subject: to engage in speculation on humanity's ultimate destiny.
2. a single instance or process of consideration.
3. a conclusion or opinion reached by such contemplation: These speculations are impossible to verify.
4. conjectural consideration of a matter; conjecture or surmise: a report based on speculation rather than facts.
5. engagement in business transactions involving considerable risk but offering the chance of large gains, esp. trading in commodities, stocks, etc., in the hope of profit from changes in the market price.
6. a speculative commercial venture or undertaking.


1. something that actually exists; reality; truth: Your fears have no basis in fact.
2. something known to exist or to have happened: Space travel is now a fact.
3. a truth known by actual experience or observation; something known to be true: Scientists gather facts about plant growth.
4. something said to be true or supposed to have happened: The facts given by the witness are highly questionable.
5. Law. Often, facts. an actual or alleged event or circumstance, as distinguished from its legal effect or consequence. Compare question of fact, question of law.
6. after the fact, Law. after the commission of a crime: an accessory after the fact.
7. before the fact, Law. prior to the commission of a crime: an accessory before the fact.
8. in fact, actually; really; indeed: In fact, it was a wonder that anyone surviv

tell me which definitions most closely resemble your word "prediction"

09-01-08 01:00 AM

Okay then, thanks. This is finished. I'm right and you're wrong.

What you said didn't combat what I said at all. We covered everything.

Larger hurricanes, and even super ones, are likely coming, with the heating of the earth.

cool :).


In-Vision 09-01-08 01:03 AM

Originally Posted by 2v
Okay then, thanks. This is finished. I'm right and you're wrong.

What you said didn't combat what I said at all. We covered everything.

Larger hurricanes, and even super ones, are likely coming, with the heating of the earth.

cool :).

likely/maybe/possibly being the operative word(s), retard.

everything I said combated all the bullshit you tried to claim for fact....but..you dropped out of highschool...so...i guess i can't expect you to know the difference.

09-01-08 01:04 AM

Well, you're wrong again.

Likely means more than 50%. Maybe means 50%. Possibly means there's a chance.

Then again, you didn't drop out of highschool. You know everything in the world that you need to, and you're a smart guy. Hell, you have a piece of paper that claims you've succeeded! I can't possibly win this. :laugh:

In-Vision 09-01-08 01:07 AM

Originally Posted by 2v
Well, you're wrong again.

Likely means more than 50%. Maybe means 50%. Possibly means there's a chance.

Then again, you didn't drop out of highschool. You know everything in the world that you need to, and you're a smart guy. Hell, you have a piece of paper that claims you've succeeded! I can't possibly win this. :laugh:

HAAHAHA.......where do you get that information? are you on wikipedia again? lmfao.

wow you are fucking dumb. It just gets worse and worse.

In-Vision 09-01-08 01:10 AM

Originally Posted by 2v
Well, you're wrong again.

Likely means more than 50%. Maybe means 50%. Possibly means there's a chance.

Then again, you didn't drop out of highschool. You know everything in the world that you need to, and you're a smart guy. Hell, you have a piece of paper that claims you've succeeded! I can't possibly win this. :laugh:

oh.,..and by the way...the scientist said they "might" get a little bigger...and might is a word used to express possibility...so...you can try and put your own definitions on the words i chose to use...but that doesn't change the words the guy you obviously didn't listen to used.

09-01-08 01:12 AM

Does that have anything to do with you relating three words that were definitely different to me?

No. It doesn't. So when a scientist says "might" in some instant, in doesn't change that the scientist also said "Likely". And Probably, is also Likely.

So quit changing subjects, quit calling me dumb, because you sat here and argued with someone for I dunno? An hour? Just to end conclusion "You're dumb".

Fact is, you're a total bitch. I've been saying that the whole night and you just prove it more and more.

That worse and worse shit isn't even coherent to that :)

In-Vision 09-01-08 01:18 AM

Originally Posted by 2v
Does that have anything to do with you relating three words that were definitely different to me?

No. It doesn't. So when a scientist says "might" in some instant, in doesn't change that the scientist also said "Likely". And Probably, is also Likely.

So quit changing subjects, quit calling me dumb, because you sat here and argued with someone for I dunno? An hour? Just to end conclusion "You're dumb".

Fact is, you're a total bitch. I've been saying that the whole night and you just prove it more and more.

That worse and worse shit isn't even coherent to that :)

different...TO YOU..not to me..not to the scientist who you read from..but to you....Nobody gives two shits about what different things sound like to you..i used the word possibly...your scientist basically did as well...if it doesn't make any difference to him..it shouldn't to you either..so shut the fuck up, go back to wikipedia....and learn as much garbage as you can. Theres a reason why people rarely ever agree with you....You like to blame it on the world...because that's what people generally do in denial....but it's whatever...do what you do...and keep making yourself look foolish.

09-01-08 01:21 AM

Why such excruciating detail?

You coulda easily broke that down to "My opinion is that I don't give a fuck about your opinion"

;) such a bitch.

In-Vision 09-01-08 01:23 AM

Originally Posted by 2v
Why such excruciating detail?

You coulda easily broke that down to "My opinion is that I don't give a fuck about your opinion"

;) such a bitch.

because you don't seem to get things.


scientist didn't say what you claimed as fact, was indeed...a fact.
you still thought/think it was/is.

see...you need excruciating detail...otherwise you just don't understand things.

09-02-08 08:32 AM

Yes, I have full reason to believe that the heating of the earth which is causing more world wide rainfall and a 4% increase (so far) in water vapor is naturally speculated to cause a hurricane to grow bigger and become more vicious in size. Why the fuck would I have even sat there multi-tasking and cooking dinner to argue with you about it in the first place?

I can't help but say it's fact because you'd be common to mistake the evidence for the opposed, because if you were to fight opposed then you would be fighting the belief in global warming.

The opposed is essentially this, you believe the planet is heating up naturally and thus the rainfall increase cannot be commonly attributed to a hurricane.

But please do you and I a favor and re-read this carefully:

"Since about 1970, there has been a warming of the global oceans including the areas where the hurricanes form due to increases in carbon dioxide and greenhouse gases in the atmosphere," Kevin Trenberth, NCAR Scientist in Boulder, Colo., told Ivanhoe.

This coming from a man who constantly uses the word "Maybe" when he's completely unsure. Haven't our hurricanes increased yearly and become more dangerous? They seem to get bigger every year since the rapid warm up of the planet, and that's exactly what the above statement that Kevin Tranberth was making in the quote.

So tell me again, which part of it am I calling fact?

In-Vision 09-03-08 01:31 PM

Originally Posted by 2v
Yes, I have full reason to believe that the heating of the earth which is causing more world wide rainfall and a 4% increase (so far) in water vapor is naturally speculated to cause a hurricane to grow bigger and become more vicious in size. Why the fuck would I have even sat there multi-tasking and cooking dinner to argue with you about it in the first place?

I can't help but say it's fact because you'd be common to mistake the evidence for the opposed, because if you were to fight opposed then you would be fighting the belief in global warming.

The opposed is essentially this, you believe the planet is heating up naturally and thus the rainfall increase cannot be commonly attributed to a hurricane.

But please do you and I a favor and re-read this carefully:

"Since about 1970, there has been a warming of the global oceans including the areas where the hurricanes form due to increases in carbon dioxide and greenhouse gases in the atmosphere," Kevin Trenberth, NCAR Scientist in Boulder, Colo., told Ivanhoe.

This coming from a man who constantly uses the word "Maybe" when he's completely unsure. Haven't our hurricanes increased yearly and become more dangerous? They seem to get bigger every year since the rapid warm up of the planet, and that's exactly what the above statement that Kevin Tranberth was making in the quote.

So tell me again, which part of it am I calling fact?

lmao...so...if i fight the opposed...i'm fighting the belief in global warming...and if i believe the "opposed" i believe the earth is heating naturally?

wow dude...just wow.

so tell me, where do the people that think global warming isn't a natural occurance come in?

and hey...douche bag...don't talk to me anymore....not unless you can read your first paragraph...and tell me what's fundementally wrong with it, as far as what you've been saying prior to that post.

50Cal. 09-03-08 05:57 PM

fuck christians........................................ ...

Cola 09-03-08 06:26 PM

Says the guy who was the Aryan nations bitch in prison

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