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Tu 03-01-08 11:24 PM

Religous beleifs
no matter what you beleive, how do you hold on to your beleifs with all the evidence that contradict religions. by the way im am religous just not mainsteam my cultures belief systems are termed Heathen, or pagen some shit like that, for me its just truth...id just like to see how others deal with it before i have my say.

Terumoto 03-02-08 12:45 AM

I'm a Satanic Christian that practices Zen Buddhism in the mountains under a Hindu Yogi, where I have written many papers on my Atheistic Muslim beliefs.

I'm not even joking.

Tu 03-02-08 12:49 AM

and yet im laughing...lol

La Cosa Nostra 03-02-08 12:49 AM

I believe nothing...

thats how I deal with people arguing against religion. I simply dont give a fuck.

if youd like me to be more specific, i do have a tendency to advocate the self indulgent philosophies of satanism.. But I find religious believers to be borish and lacking the logical ability to realise some of their ideas and theorys are fucking stupid.

i could further continue my post with circumstances and reasons... but i think it would be easier for you to off-load on us your belief's before i respond on a generalised basis...

what is 'the truth' for you.......really.......

Tu 03-02-08 01:16 AM

if youd like me to be more specific, i do have a tendency to advocate the self indulgent philosophies of satanism.. But I find religious believers to be borish and lacking the logical ability to realise some of their ideas and theorys are fucking stupid.

yerr i understand that completely, i mean theres a lot of evidence that sez
my cultures beleif systems are flawed, and yet i acknowledge that and still
i dont care...

La Cosa Nostra 03-02-08 06:15 AM

well hold up... you dont care...

so why believe it in the first place?

actually.. can i ask... what part of your 'belief system' do you acknowledge is flawed? what belief system are you even considering yourself a part of?

christianity? islam?

Brydon 03-03-08 06:44 PM

Fuck religon............ followers=sheep, but if it helps those who do believe in shit knock yourself out.

Tu 03-04-08 08:20 AM

Originally Posted by Baphomet
well hold up... you dont care...

so why believe it in the first place?

actually.. can i ask... what part of your 'belief system' do you acknowledge is flawed? what belief system are you even considering yourself a part of?

christianity? islam?

because its dope, shit is just fire...its not mainstream religion, its native to us, we dont have hell or paradise...and the ends justifys the means is pretty prevelant throughout our scriptures, Revenge is high up as well, and a whole mess a shit thats just crazy, but our religion doesnt allow for outsiders unless an exception is made, so theres none of that spread the word sort of thing, its all in house mainly, even alot of my own people dont receive the deep teachings, but it is starting to change now and im one of the lucky ones getting it, so yerr its dope

La Cosa Nostra 03-04-08 09:23 AM

You havnt told me the name of your religion..

Terumoto 03-04-08 03:15 PM

Originally Posted by dunmenuts
Fuck religon............ followers=sheep, but if it helps those who do believe in shit knock yourself out.

lol, gimme a break... Isn't it just as sheepish to follow the crowd that goes around badmouthing religion?

Tu 03-04-08 03:59 PM

Originally Posted by Baphomet
You havnt told me the name of your religion..

because thats not the question

La Cosa Nostra 03-04-08 08:45 PM

that is the question i asked...

and i asked it so i know where your comming from.. because right now were having a chat on religion with absolutly no specifics... your posts are telling me very little about any of your belief's..

infact youve pretty much dodged every question ive asked in favor of giving some broard overview thats total rhetoric...

im not trying to argue with you or belittle your belief's... be open dude, dont hold back, theres no point...

Tu 03-05-08 04:18 AM

its not because of that if you check my first post im asking how do you hold on to your beleifs with all the contradicting evidence out there . im no fool and it seems some of the other people in organized religions are quite intelligent as. im looking for that one other person out there to be honest with me. i want an honest answer...clouding the issue with a specific religion leads to comparrisons or rather competitive egos you know, i want to avoid that...

La Cosa Nostra 03-05-08 09:13 AM

ok then goodluck finding your one person..

La Cosa Nostra 03-09-08 06:19 AM

yo did you hear that the worlds actually round?

wtf ay.. i totally had no idea

xCadaverx 03-09-08 06:23 AM

It's so cliche to say this, but.... I don't know what to believe.
Not that I don't have the brain capacity to comprehend this shit, it's that there ARE so many contradictions.

For all I know, there was no set beginning and when I die, I'm not gonna know it because I won't exist. Like when you're asleep and you don't know your sleeping.

But I'm not one of those assholes who are so scared of being sheep that they disregard what they think is real, or true, or whatever.

03-09-08 06:47 AM

Originally Posted by Chalk Clorox
not a danm thing i can think of contridicts my religion christianity.......
people were giant in the dinosaurs days so dinosaurs were just big animals.
evolution didnt happen.,if it did we would have evolved in the last 5 thousand years the earth has been around..if jesus wasnt for real he wouldnt have been able to preform miracles that he told people to be quiet about,but didnt.
he died on the cross and was ressurected so we could be forgivin....
thats my religion.......................................... ....

Excuse me but, no Contradictions?

"Humans are giant in the dinosaurs days" ...
"Humans didn't evolve"

then wtf happened? We De-evolved? But how is that possible when over time, animals with brains get smarter? Oh yeah that's right, your religion sucks dick.

La Cosa Nostra 03-10-08 10:11 AM

Originally Posted by xCadaverx
It's so cliche to say this, but.... I don't know what to believe.
Not that I don't have the brain capacity to comprehend this shit, it's that there ARE so many contradictions.

For all I know, there was no set beginning and when I die, I'm not gonna know it because I won't exist. Like when you're asleep and you don't know your sleeping.

But I'm not one of those assholes who are so scared of being sheep that they disregard what they think is real, or true, or whatever.

the more i see the less i know the more i got to let it go

if you reach that conclusion then your on the right track.. its a primative instinct for humans to become dogmatic about religion.. the truth will always remain that we have no way of knowing a 'true' religion, or absolute philosophy.. therefore all we can do is sample a bit of everything and understand the flaws of religious thought while maintaining a relationship with whatever god/s or names for the same god you choose to use to correspond with the master of your fate.

i look to science because ive come to the conclusion that among every school of philosophy about the universe and its ultimate workings.. science is the only co-operative congregation of scholars who are actually doing something about continued discovery of new knowledge..

religions for the most part would just like things to stay the same forever...

which has many similaritys to conspiracy theory nuts like that 2v kid who is all scared of the illuminati and the powers that be turning humans into barcoded consumer robots. welcome to the world, worse predicaments for civilisation have come and passed.

you cant live like pigs in shit forever.

Terumoto 03-11-08 01:34 AM

Originally Posted by Chalk Clorox
.........god created us thats what happened..if animals got smarter they would be able to talk by now.
we didnt de evolve all the pollution and shit in our food continually makes the newer generations of humans smaller and life spans shorter..
the cannites,(spell check) were giants back in the day............
but weve already discussed this...so.....
if the RFID chips are being made right now then how is revalations in the bible not true?? by the way jesus told john what to write in revalations..
just face it
jesus is the truth the light and the way....
if u dont believe after what i just wrote, your just in denile and being ignorant.

Man, you know what... Fuck you.

Believe what you believe, fine, but don't go around telling people to believe what you believe and if they don't they are in denial.

Especially considering Christianity is one of the easiest belief systems to tear apart, because 90% of Christians have absolutely no idea about what Christianity is actually trying to convey.

La Cosa Nostra 03-11-08 09:38 AM

durka durka... muhummed jihad bakala

.Judicial. 03-11-08 01:40 PM

If you believe in something spiritual like GOD and christianity for example. If people of earth tell you its flawed, you can ignore them because your GOD is not of the Earth therefore their earthly rules and reasoning doesnt apply to them. If you believe that then he is above earth's understanding. Thats my view on anyones belief.

Valerie 03-11-08 02:01 PM


joe rogan - stopping war.

03-11-08 02:40 PM

Originally Posted by Chalk Clorox
i was just telling "2v" in a way he would understand,he talks about the world coming to an end and about the RFID chips..and if he claims that the chips are the mark of the beast or 666 or whatever,then hes in denile cuz jesus told john to write at the end of the bible..i was just making a point.i didnt tell everyone their in denile just "him" cuz he talks about the RFID chips....im just telling him hes contridicting himself..
go ahead and tear christianity apart,
lets debate this.....................................
whats your religion by the way? so we can discuss that to.......

Yo fux retard head

all I said was you contradicted yourself and that the world takes an evolution process (no matter what, you CANNOT de-evolve, we simply evolved into weaker beings, is what you're saying) on everything, including itself. And rofl @ using my belief in bible prophecy as an excuse for my should-be beliefs in the bible's god's and owner's of the planet.

You know what my TRUE beliefs are?

My beliefs are that if you believe the planet is owned, it WILL be owned, one day.

And that will give truth to the bible's prophecy too.


Suck the holy liquid straight out of my balls son..

La Cosa Nostra 03-11-08 09:02 PM

Originally Posted by Judicial
If you believe in something spiritual like GOD and christianity for example. If people of earth tell you its flawed, you can ignore them because your GOD is not of the Earth therefore their earthly rules and reasoning doesnt apply to them. If you believe that then he is above earth's understanding. Thats my view on anyones belief.

yeah........thats called denial..

thats called clinging to gap theory...

if you are a christian, you belong to a denomination of people who believe god favors jews because they are the 'holy people' and you (usually unknowingly) accept that you will not really be saved.. you worship your religion on dates largly stolon from pagan religion by a politition called constantine trying to stop a civil war in his city (300ad)..

you read a book with a bunch of adaptation stories that pre-date your book copied from other religions and cultures that you claim is all origional and the words of god himself, reguardless of all the contradictions, wrong attempts at geological information, flawed historical information, etc.

and dont even get me started on jesus...

these are all flaws that absolutly cannot be viewed as beyond logical thought.. the real truth is...

you can believe there is a helium baloon floating around jupitor and nobody can tell you different because without methodry to prove or disprove then your belief will survive for as long as it takes science to advance enough and logically explore your claims to come to the conclusion that your full of shit..

religion is not out of the bounds of logic. there is no such thing as a spiritual concept that logic just cant comprehend... there ARE SOME things in religion that can be placed within this gap, but you cant just throw a blanket over the whole thing like that...

dont clutch at straws so easily

J.Roy 03-12-08 03:33 AM

I think my views on religion changed once I opened up my eyes and looked at the world around me. I still have a base of beliefs with Christian philosophy but it would seem if you truly have faith in something you would follow it out 100 percent. I suppose i'm still on a line between what I believe in and what I don't. I'm not sure yet. I have a feeling that I know but I can't base my life on mere feelings alone.

Terumoto 03-12-08 03:38 AM

Originally Posted by Chalk Clorox
first off, the jewish are gods people cuz they are decendants of aberham,
and your right u cant be saved just becuase u believe the jews are holy people,your saved thru the blood of jesus....
what pagan dates did we steal from the religion? and being christian has nothing to do with being catholic..the views are completly different..
what adaptations did we steal form other religions?

Christmas, Easter I think... There's others, but I'm not sure.

And a lot of the parables and themes and stuff are present throughout history in some form or another.

Even the story of the birth of the divine son was in other religions... In Egyptian mythology, and even in Buddhism it's written that Guatama was born of a virgin.

J.Roy 03-12-08 03:47 AM

I honestly say who cares, believe what you want.

03-12-08 04:41 AM

Chalk, there were MANY religions thousands of years before the one you believe in existed that had the son of a god or a god itself be born as a baby of a (virgin) mother with M starting her name, and in many of those same Religions, this boy grew to have disciples and perform miracles around their countries, and to even further this, some of them ALSO have their main character die, and resurrect. some after more than 3 days, some, 3 days.

Your Religion is a copy from a bunch of others, and supposedly one of the earliest believers/writers of the time that Jesus was alive and around it, said that the Religion was a lot like many of others of times before, and according to the free movie Zeitgeist, blames the Devil for the close relation in Christianity and other mainstream Religions of the time.


Now if you can -coherently- respond, I will continue this conversation with you.

Terumoto 03-12-08 07:14 AM

The point is how can concepts found in Christianity that originally came from older religions be copied from Christianity?

That's like saying the Isley Brothers copied the beat from Biggie's song Big Poppa.

La Cosa Nostra 03-12-08 10:08 AM

Originally Posted by Chalk Clorox
first off, the jewish are gods people cuz they are decendants of aberham,
and your right u cant be saved just becuase u believe the jews are holy people,your saved thru the blood of jesus....

the jews are gods people 'cuz' they are decendants of aberham... bullshit level defcon 5 detected.. that statement means absolutly nothing.. i can say i am a decendant of the surviving members of christs union with mary magdeline therefore i am your king... suck my royal balls...

and youd laugh... wouldnt you moron..

same applies for that shit you wrote about jesus saving us or whatever you got told he did... save it bro...
Originally Posted by Chalk Clorox
what pagan dates did we steal from the religion? and being christian has nothing to do with being catholic..the views are completly different..
what adaptations did we steal form other religions?

terumoto already schooled you on this... but ill add that genesis was adapted from sumerian legends... back when jews were enslaved by them.. look up the chronicals of gilgamesh aswell.. theres plenty more...

Originally Posted by Chalk Clorox
oviosly you dont believe in jesus,
and u make up a bunch of bullshit to disprove him....
i could say the exact same shit about di vinci, how do u know he existed?
cuz he had published work right? so did jesus..
how do u know nastradomas existed? cuz he had published work right...so did jesus.. then i could say di vinci stole ideas from who ever, but do i have proof,no, do u, no..
and the bible says were to believe thru faith,
these are not jesus exact words but he said something along the lines of, blessed are those who have seen me and know the truth but even more blessed are those who havnt seen me and still believe.

ok for starters... its not that i dont believe in jesus... i could care less whether he existed or not.. he is however a character in history, a legend some would say... and ive usually found a lot of the things he was known to have said to be pretty valid observations.. but how the christian church has stooged on about all this saving our souls crap and how they say he is the 'one' true son of god or some bullshit is just pointless and gay...

oh yeah man, the fact that they killed yeshua bin yosef*cough* jesus is the sole reason you will now go to heaven.. FUCKING EXCELENT... that idea really holds a lot of clout guys.. thankyou christianity... my soul will now be safe with the knowledge that jesus died..........for my sins....

whatever the FUCK that means..

if jesus lived... then he traveled the mesopotamian areas speaking out against their antiquated and over-powered church.. his speech would have been blunt and profound and he would of gained a massive following, pissed off the powers that be before being killed to shut him up. it wasnt till the crumbling roman empire in 300AD that then ruled the world came along and proclaimed the man jesus as a deity, a god on earth and avatar of the one true god.. the fact that jesus had so many followers in rome is a tribute to his legacy.. but constantine's agenda as a polition and the evil church who wouldnt even let its followers read the fucking bible they worshipped and changed things to suit whatever they felt like making up at the time on the good old catholic mother of christianity commitee in rome..

what you are, is a product of a youth in a western country.. sheltered from any of these things meaning sweet fuck all in your life.. to some history is a major factor of life.. go live in the gaza strip and youll know what i mean...

look chalk guy.. i suggest you try and open your mind to the truth about this world, its past and what lead us to such predicaments... blind dogmatism IS how the devil will destroy you...

03-12-08 04:01 PM

From what I understood about the story,

God originally did not want humans in heaven after death because they were sinful, in-fact, they were all going to hell.

Then Jesus came along and said "God, these peoplez aint so bad homie. I will givez my life so deez here people can get into heaven if dey so choose"

and the nigga dragged his cross to his death spot

resurrected n some more shit. the bible's wild. read one.

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