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Willa 06-01-04 12:14 AM

siks vote isnt explained sorry
and he should get in trouble he votes like this on all of his battles

We are on the verge of banning him from the battle areas if he keeps it up

Casual 06-01-04 07:33 AM


Look at the vote one of you cancelled then look at the last vote.

If one goes so should the other.

Unexplained votes removed

MetaPhysik 06-01-04 07:58 AM


^^full of unexplained votes and kitten is going to post more explaination because she was in a rush but look at the votes and killacam is in my crew

Unexplained votes removed

roop 06-01-04 02:51 PM


dats full of unexplained votes


C-Explicit 06-01-04 04:36 PM

Aight im lookin out for some fam here... but look at this vote..


Ravage voted before Trigga even spit, and he also said that it was basically a hate vote... can you remove this... Thanks.....


SLUT! 06-01-04 08:41 PM

.Roc. didnt poll his vote can you fix it please



DeaDly RhymeZ 01 06-01-04 09:24 PM

Yo Som 1 Voted on this Crew BAttle And kno 1 Spit



LaTiNKiTTeN 06-02-04 04:02 AM


several votes from the above battle need to be removed($ik for unexplained,n the 2 newbies for not enough posts)......i called out my opponent in another thread,posted rules n dropped..one of these rules was 100 posts to vote.......my opponent then decided to take it upon himself to make a new thread,post my drop in it n his, without my consent.....n didnt make the poll 100 posts........i have never battled with less then 100 posts to poll cuz i dont trust newbie votes.....and all of a sudden there are 2 newbie votes...n one unexplained vote for him....these need to be removed....n the poll needs to be changed to 100 posts like in the original battle thread,which is where we both agreed to battle,n where i spit...........

the original thread is below,the new thread where the votes are are above



:) 06-02-04 04:08 AM

^^ in her original post she did not say anything about 100 posts to vote.. also sibs vote is clearly explained well

and besides marvelis has 89 posts
and the only 2 people that have voted for her have beef with me.. triple n sent me numberous hate ims after i had a argument with will a peer

if any votes need to be taken out i feel that those hate votes should be

LaTiNKiTTeN 06-02-04 04:19 AM

i didnt say 100 posts to vote in our original battlethread??????????/ lemme quote myself faggot.........u are makin up these " hate" votes....u didnt say shit till i noticed what u were up to.....

Originally Posted by LaTiNKiTTeN
this faggot talkin shit that he gonna give me an ass whoopin hahahah.....man,when i heard ur audios i wanted to kill myself......i cant wait to see this ass whoopin...............U drop first,since u claim u gonna woop me haha,n imma let u know,its gonna take me a minute to record something cuz i aint got that shit hooked up on this computer.........so i'll have to record somewhere else........ill let you know when i can spit it might be a week or two.....it might be sooner,but i just wanna make sure i can get to record............so POST UP,u goin first faggot..........................................
2 minutes max of spittin......talkin before or after doesnt count
100 posts to vote,no crew,hate,d/r votes..............

posted may 18th u dumb fuck.......it says 100 posts to vote.......i made the poll that way...as i do for allll my battles...u changed it on purpose n had newb's who are prolly ur friends voting for u.....fuck outta here

Su'Q'us Va'Q'su 06-02-04 07:55 AM

^^ Smiley sent me a message over AIM saying can you vote on this battle ... I had no idea who he was and i voted ... I didnt see anything saying you have to have 100 posts to vote but when kitten said you did i said discount my vote then and she's still on my nuts

LaTiNKiTTeN 06-02-04 12:56 PM

wow,u seem pretty "loyal" for someone who doesnt know him,to even come in here n be ridin h im.....get the fuck out,i know u his boy in his track.....

LaTiNKiTTeN 06-02-04 01:06 PM

another unexplained vote,by big poppa


n newbie votes under 100 posts still need to be deleted......


:) 06-02-04 01:08 PM

in my battle with latinkitten we never agreed on a certain post count.. i posted the defualt minimum.. i made the thread therefore i can make what rules i want..

There was an original thread with 100 post min created by Latinkitten. You created a second thread.

also there are 2 people from the same crew that have voted against me.. we specifically said NO crew and hate votes.. there are crew avoted also raw materials vote wasnt explained well he talked throughout his explanation and only offered 1 line of explanation

Crew votes is when person A is in crew 1 battling person B. Members in crew 1 may not vote for person A but may vote for person B. If those 2 people from the same crew who voted against you are in latinkitten's crew, post their names and their votes will be removed.

also i feel like the votes she got by will apeer and triple n were clearly hate votes.. i have had an argument with will a peer were her and triple n were trying to insult me.. i feel like those 2 votes arent valid

LaTiNKiTTeN 06-02-04 01:18 PM

marvolis was a hate vote,cuz i dissed his audio before against senser.....u PM ppl on aim n beg them for votes.........u're pathetic....3 of those votes are getting removed

His vote was not explained and it was removed. If you have problems with someone, put them on your blacklist. We will not remove votes because the vote is a "hate vote"... this is the reason why we made the blacklist feature.

:) 06-02-04 01:55 PM

i aint pm no one for a vote bitch.. youve got people in will a peers crew to vote for you

none of those votes should get erased thats just plain cheating all votes were explained well

and this guy raw material just voted agasint me hes in the same crew as will a peer i feel like his vote should be erased
heres the link

i have 5 well explained votes

DeaDly RhymeZ 01,KiNg SoLo,DeadlyVision ,$ik , BIGPAPPA76

all these votes are well explained all her votes are hate votes

LaTiNKiTTeN 06-02-04 02:06 PM

only one of ur vote should stand is deadly visions........$ik,marvolus(hate vote),the newbies,king solo? wtf i voted on like 3 of his battles AGAINST HIM......ppl under 100 posts should never have been allowed......n look at some of ur votes have 2 line explanations? get the fuck out..................u been on here IM-ing ppl everywhere tryna get votes........they'll see through that


hate,d/r,unexplained votes,n newbie votes under 100 posts.........u should get dq'd just for the bitch moved u pulled makin a new thread removin the 100 post rule.......its clearly in the very first post of the original battlethread......whot he fuck said u can take my verse n move it n remake the thread........fuckin lil bitch desperate for a win when u know u lost
u got one fair vote,the rest was bs n u know it....noone even knows who the fuck those ppl are............

:) 06-02-04 02:12 PM

lol stop lying.. everyone that voted except one person has over 100 posts.. and king solo is not a newbie as i can see he has over 100 posts..look in your thread you never stated that votes should be for people with over 100 posts.. also this is not only your battle it is both of our battles.. and we did not agree to a certain vote count.. i kept the vote count at the default minimum.. therefore the votes with people under 100 posts has to be accepted..

and to add to that the reason that i made a different thread for the battle if because the other thread of ours was filled with swaying and enormous amounts of freepost.. i felt that the thread should be reposted

also all of the votes given to me were explained

also i feel that when two people of the same crew come and drop a vote against you.. its obviously hate votes.. all my votes were fair every single one of latinkittens votes were hate votes..

i think one of yall mods should check how 2 people from the same crew vote against me and how the other person that voted against me is someone that has tried to insult me

just take it you lost.. you should have never have gotten a vote in that battle its sad that you even got 3 votes actually.. it makes me feel bad for your other opponents

also raw materials vote is unexlained.. i have at least 2 votes that have been explained well but have been unreasonably blacklisted by latinkitten

King Solo 06-02-04 02:13 PM

first off there is no hate in my vote on ^^^that battle
and i have over 800 posts so i cud have voted on either one

and i dont care whether u have voted against me or not
just cuz u voted against me 3 times u automatically think i voted based on HATE

other ppl have voted against me more times than that and i still vote for them if they are better
but yo, it's ure battle u sort out the problems

SLUT! 06-02-04 02:22 PM

okay gurls enuf of the fucking bitchin make a thread in wun of your forums........

But yeah can you remove N-Sights vote becuase it wasnt explained and it was also a hate vote becuase i just got dun beating him twice in the same battle......thank you



infinite 06-02-04 03:17 PM


this idiot just voted for mine wid no feed back kust 1 line. I think this battle is bein dick rided and im pissed.


King Solo 06-02-04 06:25 PM

i got a battle with t-storm on

soul skriptz voted for me but he accidentally polled for t-storm

check it and then cud u change it for me plz!!


JPoll 06-02-04 07:33 PM

unexplained vote by besthandle3 ...could you have it offed thanks...



Restricted 06-02-04 11:17 PM


King Solo Was In AI When The Crew Battle Started...After Creativitie Beat King Solo AI Released Him....King Solo's Vote Shouldn't Count Due To The Fact Of Suspicious D/R Since King Was In AI When The Crew Battles Were Started..


Su'Q'us Va'Q'su 06-02-04 11:43 PM

fucking hell kitten ... are you really this fucking igorant ??? I voted for smiley because your verse was straight ass ... Your punches were weak as fuck and your quality was shit aslo .... get the fuck of my nuts and stop crying because your shit at audio ...

BTW - Is this you ... Because you both sound exactly the same except he has better lyrics ... http://albinoblacksheep.com/video/freestyle.php

roop 06-03-04 03:07 AM


wtf, last 2 votes were unexplained, they didnt say shit, they just said he won


Killah Bwoy 06-03-04 07:24 AM

ay in my stats <<<<<< it says i have 14 losses..i checked the battle stats..it says i lost 13 times..then i looked at how many times it says i lost i only lost 13 times...

Looks like it came from the RB Champion League

King Solo 06-03-04 08:32 AM

^^^same with me
it says i have 7 losses but on the battle stats it says i have 6
and i counted them and i have only lost 6

Also from the RB League

Big Kountry 06-03-04 02:54 PM

yo can i get access to to vote in the elevated front lines thatnks

LaTiNKiTTeN 06-03-04 09:04 PM

still unexplained votes,n votes from ppl with under 100 posts.....original battle thread where i dropped my verse was 100 posts to vote,opponent made a new thread n changed it to 20 posts without my consent.......

and blak siin is some dude he knows from old rb who voted for him d/r......this opponent is also watching who's viewing the thread,then messages them before they vote askin who they gonna vote for n trying to sway them..,i can post convos here but i heard from several ppl......this dude is pullin every stunt to win.....nobody even knows who the hell these ppl are who are voting for him,but almost all said he pm-ed em n asked them to,but talked shit about me to them first..........look into that shit......this guy is ridiculous........


PoLiFicK 06-03-04 09:33 PM


^^ 1 or 2 crew votez

Crew vote removed

roop 06-03-04 10:54 PM


air force red didnt explain his vote or shit, he jus said he won and didnt feel my rhyme


:) 06-03-04 11:04 PM

in reaction to latinkittens post im the her opponent in our battles.. this girl has made numerous post about this battle crying about the votes.. first she said she wanted the votes to be set at 100 votes.. and you guys reset it to that.. and then on top of that one of the people that were going to vote in the battle told me that she im'd them on aol asking them to look into the battle

also all votes that were polled towards me were from people with over 100 posts.. therefore they are not newbies..

ive seen that she got will a peer, triple n, a member of will a peers crew.. and she asked unholy won to vote in the battle...

i never asked anyone to vote for me in the battle all voters voted based on who they belived won the battle.. all her voters voted based on the fact that she told them to vote for her

LaTiNKiTTeN 06-04-04 12:44 AM

son,i can post convos here with ppl tellin me U ASKED.....AFTER TALKING SHIT......even LOT....who's a mod...........so dont fuckin lie,one kid already said it in here that u told him to vote.....n HARD HITTER i dont even know him......he told me he was viewing the thread n u IM-ed him......askin him who is he gonna vote for n threatening him.........u are cheating to get a win son.......its pathetic......just wanted it to be known............u deny everything all the time.....i got proof stop talkin while u ahead of urself

:) 06-04-04 12:49 AM

i never asked anyone to vote for me.. hardhitter has said that you asked him to vote for you

i also have proof of hardhitter saying you wanted him to vote for you.. no you are the one cheating you got 2 people that dont like me.. their crew member and 2 other people you asked to vote for you

i im'd hardhitter because i knew you were getting hate votes towards me

also all voters voted in a fair manner expect for your voters.. and your not credible you posted a fake convo that you had with hardhitter and when i asked him about it he said that he never said what you posted in your convo

he even blocked you from his aim

:) 06-04-04 12:58 AM

and yes i asked liquour of tears if he could check out the battle that you were cheating because he is a moderator

LaTiNKiTTeN 06-04-04 01:02 AM

dude,u got ur friend BLAK SIIN to vote for u from old rb,i'm not gonna argue with u here.....but let me say this.....once u save an aim convo,there is no way to tamper with it or change it....n i can upload it n post the link here son.................n then u'll get burnt .....stop talkin n floodin this shit

:) 06-04-04 01:05 AM

first of all black siinz is not really my friend matter of fact me and him had problems before and like i said all votes were posted fairly no one except your voters were told to vote for a certain person

LaTiNKiTTeN 06-04-04 01:16 AM

"my voters" wtf are u talkin about,u mean the ppl who are actually known on this site that voted n broke it down?get outta here,all ur votes came from newbie's noone knows cuz U pm-ed them....none of them even do audio,u Pm-ed anyone who even clicked our thread,u got caught when hardhitter told me.......everyone been talkin about how u are PM-ing ppl askin them to vote,but first u talk shit about me to sway them......it came back to me son..........i have several convos as proof.....now stop talkin.......i'm not responding to u in here anymore.....u are pathetic...not to mention everyone knows ur boy who's page ur track is on wrote ur verse,n he reworded native....so stop ........

Key... 06-04-04 02:24 AM


Strange most of the people voted for Genie....and i asked them why didnt they poll voted they said" They couldnt" i see the all have over 200 posts whats up wit that?

When the person that set up the battle, they had entered 200 posts as the min to poll

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