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-   -   Something is wrong with christians...Masturbation is a sin, huh? (http://community.rapverse.com/showthread.php?t=209383)

Crazy Hades 09-22-05 08:15 PM

Something is wrong with christians...Masturbation is a sin, huh?
Lmao...okay. So, apparently masturbation is a sin against god.


I believe that satan wants people addicted to masturbation so that they become bound by their own selfish flesh.

....Yes, Satan is the one who gave us the sexual pleasure coming from masturbation?

Someone else compared it to a drug...which is against God. Just because something has the same 'symptoms' doesn't make it the same thing.

God doesn't like masturbation for a reason I can't understand, something about a spilt seed.

I wonder what would happen to these people if they die and meet some God other then their own and it ruins them because they are so loyal to God.

Compose 09-22-05 08:16 PM

lol...idiots, and I believe in Jesus...but not that stupid bullshit they do.

Crazy Hades 09-22-05 08:18 PM

If God is all knowing, he must have some undiscreditable reason, but you know...I don't see it. Is masturbation supposed to be a test to see if you can stop?

La Cosa Nostra 09-22-05 11:06 PM

Naieve little religious people..

I wonder what they would say if you kindly informed them their religion has a vast majority of itself built on pagan ideas and symbolism, which, appart from being a lot more ancient and well developed, is also full of sexual rituals and ideals saying sex and the nature of sex is a good thing.

It was the roman catholic church in all its righteousness that decided sex was evil.. Why? Because they were fucking morons that wanted to control everyone so badly through re-writing bible scriptures, teaching that every other religion was evil and killing people to protect their interests..

Tell these people they are at folly with a practice that, prior to the naievity and self absorbed wrath of the most pathetically ignorant and self centered chruch in existance incurred, was actually something of great importance and practiced freely with absolutly no negative consiquence.

Infact nevermind, I'll tell them myself.... Fucking dickhead christians....

noname 09-23-05 08:38 AM

I'm not christian...so...I can keep masterbating to porn all day long. :evilgrin:

but really...this shit is stupid.I read that website.

Some dude claimed masterbation gives u pre-mature ejaculations.When really..it's on the contrary...masterbation can help you figure out where the "point of no return" is..so you'll know when to slow down 'n shit when fucking.

Then that other guy claims he got pimples,migrane,pain in his balls, and stress.

But everyone knows that when u masterbate..you sopposed to have a tissue or something to wipe the cum off.And then you wash ur hands wit soap and water.That dude must have drinked his cum or rubbed it on himself to get pimples.

And migrane?..well..yea...that shit happens to me.But it goes away with some more masterbation :)

And to get pain on ya balls...you must have some sensitive ones.He must have some disease or sumtim/

And the Most stupid thing he said...it gets you more stress.WOW.I know for a fact..masterbation helps you leviate from stress.Trust me...it helped me durin the long nights.
He's also comparing masterbation to drugs...and that's stupid.Drugs can kill you..masterbation can't.
Masterbation also helps you mantain abstinance.To keep u away from disease 'n shit.Cus when your horny..you can masterbate..instead of fuckin.(assuming your young),.,and then your satisfied and wat-not.
That website didn't have any scientific facts...it wuz all relgious shit.And i thought we all learned from the renaiisance than humanism is the way to go.
So all in all...that shit is garbage.Masterbation is good. :thumbup:
To claim it's a sin...is..well...a sin of it's own.We should glorify it.
(i can't believe i typed this)

La Cosa Nostra 09-23-05 10:56 AM

I tried to post and compleatly own them.. But I didnt put Christian as my religion when I signed up and so they wouldnt let me post in the Christian only section. I'm gonna go back, change the account then own that guy so bad he will wish he never posted..

La Cosa Nostra 09-23-05 11:06 AM

Err fucken fags..
They said I'm sposed to PM some dickhead to change my religion option..

What a gay website... Let them stay ignorant and stupid...
I aint wasting my time..

La Cosa Nostra 09-24-05 01:49 AM

The roman catholic church fucks stuff up for every religion dude..

Thats how it is in reality....

Magic5 09-24-05 04:08 AM

^ You should explain.. as I have no idea how the Roman Catholic Church fucks shit up for every religion.

WhoAmI 09-24-05 05:13 AM

lol @ NK finally developing a bit of grey matter...........

for fucks sake,everything seems to be a sin

we probably all sinning for sittin on the computer instead of reaping harvests and shit

i don't masturbate though, cos i got a wifey but thats besides the point, its only a sin because they say so, co lets face it, it was some dude who wrote that shit down in the first place, the pen didn't pick itself up and start writing these things down in some divine moment.

Implicit 09-24-05 02:26 PM

Yes masturbation is a sin if you are a Christian. In the Old Testament a man was put to death because he would masturbate. When you do masturbate you are basically killing children of God. That is partially why it is a sin. By wasting sperm that could be used to make children, in a sense it is basically murder.

La Cosa Nostra 09-24-05 03:09 PM

Originally Posted by Implicit
Yes masturbation is a sin if you are a Christian. In the Old Testament a man was put to death because he would masturbate. When you do masturbate you are basically killing children of God. That is partially why it is a sin. By wasting sperm that could be used to make children, in a sense it is basically murder.

Sperm are not children..
It takes a woman's egg AND a mans sperm to make a baby.. Sperm are just half the equasion and no where near what would be considered a human being. Besides, when you dont get off in ages, you only end up having wet dreams and letting the shit out naturally anyway.. Its not a sin...
That loser on the christian board was trying to make out as if it was a bloody drug and it turns you into a twisted evil perverted fiend.. I think someone even said later and I quote "not everyones experience with masturbation relates to yours" and I bet you they were having a little chuckle saying that cause I sure as hell was..

And concearning the catholic church.
Well lets see, what DO they do thats bad.........I mean, aside from forcfully converting people, burning all other religions sacred text's, killing to protect their own interests, rewriting holy scriptures to suit their own teachings and opinions, persecuting and cricifying jesus himself, being at bursting point full of conspiracys and secrets being kept from their own followers, child molestation within their clergy, etc etc etc etc etc........Nothing at all.........

Right? I thought a lot of this was common knowledge these days.. heh..

Implicit 09-24-05 04:15 PM

I base all of what I say on what I read from the Bible. Now you can believe what I say or you can disagree. That's up to you. But everything I say has already been written.

DON 09-24-05 06:43 PM

if you really knew about the religion you would know its based on sacrifice. masturbating is somethin humans always feel the need to do. so the religion counts it as a sin because it is tempting and they believe in sacrifice as being close to god. plus their idea is you are ruining a chance for life by killing sperm or somethin like that

doesnt really matter nobody will stop even if they say its wrong

La Cosa Nostra 09-24-05 10:29 PM

Originally Posted by Implicit
I base all of what I say on what I read from the Bible. Now you can believe what I say or you can disagree. That's up to you. But everything I say has already been written.

It says absolutly nowhere in the bible that masterbating is a sin or is of an evil nature at all. Copy paste the lines where it says that bible boy............

By the way...
I asked god if it was wrong to masterbate and he said no...

So fuck the bullshit myman...

Implicit 09-24-05 10:37 PM

Wow. You really got some issues man. But just to make you happy, I will go get the part where it says that.

La Cosa Nostra 09-24-05 10:42 PM

Go on then...
I'm waiting...

Implicit 09-24-05 10:46 PM

It will be done within the next 5 hours. And you'll probly say that I'm making a delay cause I can't find it. But I actually go out places on the weekend. And I'm not saying that you're wrong. I'm just stating what I read.

La Cosa Nostra 09-24-05 10:50 PM

You wont find anywhere in the bible saying masterbation is wrong..

Most likly youll find somewhere where they say killing is wrong and try to twist it round into a wacking off thing...

I know how these internet arguments work..

Implicit 09-24-05 11:02 PM

Okay well I don't know exactly where it is. So it may take a day to find it seeing as though the Bible is quite large. But I will let you know where it is, so that you can read it for yourself.

Viva 09-24-05 11:10 PM

the jews crucified jesus......................

La Cosa Nostra 09-24-05 11:31 PM

Yeah your right..
But the catholics still did all that other shit..

La Cosa Nostra 09-25-05 07:43 AM

Technicaly.. I have no straight forward religion..
My views are loosly based on all religions, and do not conflict with any religious belief's or customs. They are just on a different level.

I feel its time humans understood religion with new ways of thinking upon entering the new era. Its time for change and that change will come in full force within our lives.

Just a matter of time.

chip 09-25-05 06:16 PM

catholics are against fornication of any form, bcuz it's wastin your seed (sperm)........... only problem with that is u can't make yourself not nut......... if u sprung that's that, u can't control it..........

UderFrykte 09-25-05 08:47 PM

...Wasting your seed, though we have wet dreams and sperm have such a short lifespan it's hardly like I'll be dumping my seed into any girl's pot in the next few months? What about when sperm mixes into your urine? o_O Are condoms sinful because they catch your seed?

UderFrykte 09-25-05 08:52 PM

Television is a sin because it has bad channels, like porn.
Tennis racquets are evil because they are in the shape of eggs, and thus this means you are hitting a ball against and egg and KILLING IT!

Everything is a sin.

Nynth Degree 09-26-05 11:41 AM

Man, and I had a big arguement with my mom the other week about why I'm not really a Christain anymore. I totally overlooked this lol.

UderFrykte 09-26-05 04:41 PM

My mom got pissed off when I wanted to do an article on how life may have originated in the core of the planet instead of the oceans and all, and my mom goes 'that's wrong, God made us all'. I shook my head and didn't bother, because no matter how many facts you present they'll say something like 'God has a reason'.

La Cosa Nostra 09-26-05 11:48 PM

What makes you think life origionated in the core of the earth.

UderFrykte 09-27-05 04:56 PM

It was an article on a website I was checking out, because every week I'm supposed to write my own article. The website was like firstscience.com

In-Vision 11-11-05 07:14 PM

this isn't the christian religion...there was a ton of shit in the old testement that we couldn't get away with..thank god for the new testement..otherwise every single one of us would be screwed(if you believe in that sort of thing, i don't really)

M.C. Streak 11-23-05 02:59 PM

so according to the roman catholic church you can drink alcohol but not masturbate??? WOW :laugh:

Ltizzle 11-23-05 05:18 PM

its not that masturbation in itself is a sin
its the whole idea of lust.

when you masturbate, obviously you lust about someone...
but if you were to say...go masturbate thinking about firetrucks or some shit that would be fine..

its one of the hardest things to follow though, the whole lust aspect of christianity.
im christian myself...but i just cant get around that what so ever....so i dont, lol.

but yea, thats what it is i think

M Eazy 11-23-05 11:51 PM

I hope it's not. I dont know though. I am a Christian, but I don't know all the rules, and things we go by. But, I doubt it. I thought about it a few times, and I never came up with an answer, so until I do. I'ma keep masturbating when I can't get none!

Young_law 11-29-05 01:14 PM

from my beliefs, i think its a sin to masturebate, but only if u cum, cuz when u cum and exposing that shyt to air, thats like killing an unborn baby, if u think of it that way, but when a girl does it then shes the one killing them, honestly when i think about i think im gonna stop with the sex for a while cuz thats adultery darnet im gonna have to stop cussin 2, mann i wanna go to heaven, i am renouncing my devlish ways werd :cool:

In-Vision 12-02-05 05:14 PM

it doesn't matter if you masturbate to lust though.

Because regardless if you masturbate or not, you're still guilty of the act of lusting.

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