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Lysol 11-28-10 05:16 PM

All About Him

M&rk 12-03-10 03:46 PM

when you gather the inpiration to write a song, does it come directly or indirectly from specific passages from the bible? or are you just making songs as they come. i read the bible, but haven't specifically driven a whole song to relate to passages from the bible. you are much more direct with your affiliations in your songs than i am. i also was wondering if you have done live show's or are some way directly attached to a church. mostly all churches i've gone to have a nice set up for 'shows' no pun intended. i was wondering, if and how you build upon local churches in your area via your music career.
i can't see you preforming at local bars open mics every wednesday night, yet i don't understand how your outreach is going other than online via youtube. *'real world' examples*

Lysol 12-03-10 04:29 PM

I'm not sure if I read one passage and then I made a whole song from just that. I cannot recall, it motivates me to write when I feel I should say something about the matter. It helps build for the song, sort of like the foundation. When I hear stories and read the bible or have a lesson it does motivate me to write sometimes on that subject or a subject that I feel needs touching on.

I have done in the past, when I wasn't close to God, doing shows feel like it's all about me and I get uncomfortable with knowing that so I don't really do them. I think every church has a great set up for performing lol, well the one I go to is decent, they could use new speakers.

I haven't performed in church.

M&rk 12-03-10 05:14 PM

thanks for your speedy reply, i was expecting to wait weeks for one on this site. why have you not performed in church? i can imagine, but i would like to hear it from your perspective. or maybe 'you' just havent gotten around to fittin it into your list of priorityies for -undisclosed reasons-

Lysol 12-03-10 08:08 PM

Hip Hop isn't really considered gospel or worship music.

M&rk 12-03-10 09:46 PM

how does church and hip-hop link then?

Lysol 12-03-10 09:52 PM

It does not, church is a house of worship, I use hip hop music as a tool to make people think, not so they can substitute for church.

_Talksic_ 12-04-10 06:38 AM

el rey i disagree but hear my augment,
it would be really hard but you can raise awareness of christ in bars(as in places that serve alcohol) yes i said bars if you do it intellectuality..ex..someone said
dont let a hearst,
be the first time to bring you to church.
you can twist words any way you want any seasoned vet can tell you that.(and im not saying twist words in a bad way, but if you use your words right way you can bring people to christ) (again not saying that its manipulative) but you can tell truth according to what you know and honestly that seems to be alot. but as for all out worship music in a bar probly not, but you can plant a seed or awaken people for christ in so many different ways if you can relate to them in their struggles, i mean if you can relate to them and explain to them why they are at the bar in the first place, job done. i mean el rey you should know anything is possible with god (im sure you do) just dont compromise yourself(and not for a second am i saying that you are,cause your music is dope and will raise awareness eventually).ex..be the example you want to see( and from what i see you are) and honestly anything shouldnt prevent you from preforming at bar or clubs and thats a challenge and i challenge you to do it , if you put your words together correctly you can awaken people for christ.granted i gave one example and the one ive heard was spit in a club, but as talented as you are you can do the same but for christ, and more, trust me..and just to stay on topic the song is freakin sick.and im going to try and not use bad language in your threads.but man honestly how in the F are you not signed, im hoping cause you would never sell out..and i have noticed in the past the ten commandments you have posted on your wall in your videos means your true to what you say, and as are u so am i..

Lysol 12-04-10 12:48 PM

I see what you are saying, I have seen it in that perspective before. I never really sent any cds or demos to labels. I haven't because they would probably make me change everything. I kind of feel like they own me, like I'm a slave. I'd rather make it on my own, if possible.

M&rk 12-04-10 02:08 PM

well, yes if you did get signed they would own you like a slave and make you change. but there are like a dick load of record labels out there, i'm sure if you did a lot of research you could find one that isn't totally corrupted, but i've never heard of someone doing that. all the rappers at the bars here are totally corrupted and rap about money, hoes, flying in g5's and all that while working at fast food restaurants. its not a very fun crowd, which is why i got out of the scene pretty much right when i was starting to get into it. but even though goin to bars and seeing drunk retarded people was horrible, i always did reach a few people that enjoyed what i was saying.
its just hard to know if its worth being around such ppl that may corrupt me, because you are who your friends are, and if i were to rap in bars i would have to have my head screwed on as tight as possible to deal with the "negitive" aspects that come with it. thats why i was wondering if 'rey' ever performed in a church cuz i like the idea of it, cuz at least the church i went to they had a lot of kids on the cusp of reality and seeing someone doin what they love in jesus's name could really influence kids in the right direction before they are those lames in the bar.

_Talksic_ 12-04-10 05:49 PM

you will make it if you keep doing what your doing.
and as for record lables, check out baby grande records, its the best one out that ive heard of, its more of a distribution deal then having to be a ventrilaquist for a label, or for what sells..
but strong point big pic, if you get to the kids early enough they wont be going to those bars when they grow older. eminem says something similar at the beggining of yellow brick road on his encore cd..
problem with only preforming at churches is not everyones kids goes to church.and believe me from bouncing for 4 years i hate dealing with drunk people..
but then to add to that when jesus walked this earth, who did he eat with and what did he say, he ate with sinners and corrupt people and when asked about it he said,
why would a person thats not sick need a doctor, (referring to the true followers)
the sick are the ones that need a doctor. (referring to the sinners)

M&rk 12-04-10 06:23 PM

kids go to church if church is "cool", but church is lame. so kids instead blend into the rest of the world.
hitler youth agenda

_Talksic_ 12-05-10 05:34 AM

yeah, ive dealt with this first hand, but it all comes down to bad parenting,i could elaborate but with the 8 people on here dont feel like it..long story short its all due to bad parenting...short ex, i knew kids in middle school, that were as worldly smart as i am now(im 25).. all it takes is good parenting.if parents would actually take the time to deal with their kids, instead of ignoring, or not knowing the answer to, or whatever the case......
if they spent time with their children, explaining, loving, teaching them, disciplining them, teaching them right from wrong and after disciplining them followed by the parents telling them they love them and explaining why they are disciplining them, the kids would turn out almost perfect..i could elaborate but that pretty much breaks it down.

M&rk 12-05-10 10:20 AM

if i woulda known what i know now in middle school i would have dropped out. i plan on homeschooling my kids and educating them on how the world really works rather than be like me and find out many years behind pace.
this song all about him..

who is 'him' and 'me' or does it go back and forth as to which one is the 'right' person.
i'm glad i dont have to deal with stupid girls anymore, takes up too much energy away from more important things. luckily God blessed me in that area before it was too late.

Lysol 12-05-10 12:07 PM

Originally Posted by JP Morgan
kids go to church if church is "cool", but church is lame. so kids instead blend into the rest of the world.
hitler youth agenda

Those kids do not know the love of God and are uneducated in God's word/ the bible. We go to church to worship God together and acknowledge our creator to reflex and grow closer, the sabbath was made for man and not man for the sabbath. It is written you will not do your will on this day, you are to rest and communion with God. (that day is on Saturday not Sunday)

You don't go to church to "live it up" like the world, if so then you are from the world. Church is not an entertainment industry, kids are bored because the devil fills there hearts with excitement constantly with the internet, movies, food, TV, shows, games, drugs etc. The list goes on. It's a constant adrenaline rush and when they sit down to actually learn, guess what happens? They cannot, because they become "bored". Not only with church or Godly things, school as well, they cannot even focus in class and grades drop. The devil is distracting the youth from knowing and learning making them ignorant.

They are so distort that the thought of heaven is "bored' to them, wow that is the sad part. They are so attached to the things of this world, that they are concerned that they wont have fun in heaven! Not only worldly kids, but kids of faith feel this way too. Surly the end is at hand. I challenge and advise the youth to separate yourselves from the world, unclog your brain with the filth it has to offer, you will see things different, but be sincere with God when you seek him in prayer.

M&rk 12-05-10 12:44 PM

Originally Posted by Lysol
Those kids do not know the love of God and are uneducated in God's word/ the bible. We go to church to worship God together and acknowledge our creator to reflex and grow closer, the sabbath was made for man and not man for the sabbath. It is written you will not do your will on this day, you are to rest and communion with God. (that day is on Saturday not Sunday)

You don't go to church to "live it up" like the world, if so then you are from the world. Church is not an entertainment industry, kids are bored because the devil fills there hearts with excitement constantly with the internet, movies, food, TV, shows, games, drugs etc. The list goes on. It's a constant adrenaline rush and when they sit down to actually learn, guess what happens? They cannot, because they become "bored". Not only with church or Godly things, school as well, they cannot even focus in class and grades drop. The devil is distracting the youth from knowing and learning making them ignorant.

They are so distort that the thought of heaven is "bored' to them, wow that is the sad part. They are so attached to the things of this world, that they are concerned that they wont have fun in heaven! Not only worldly kids, but kids of faith feel this way too. Surly the end is at hand. I challenge and advise the youth to separate yourselves from the world, unclog your brain with the filth it has to offer, you will see things different, but be sincere with God when you seek him in prayer.

but they start distracting them at, i essemble, at conception. but even a little more along, disney and all types of enternainment for kids is terrifyingly creepy, or in my case, can be looked into from a paranoid stand point and have me feel like the devil is talking through mickey mouse literally and figuratively. this is a very crazy deceiving world, and i'm just tryin to stay away from the things that will keep me down in the worldly dumps the devil wants ppl to stay in. i'm tryin to up my descerning spirit, but that makes me more aware that everything is evil and i dont think you can even take any evil as a grain of salt. "you're either with me or against me" "be in this world, but not of this world" both much easier said than done.

_Talksic_ 12-06-10 05:42 AM

man, just chill, how and why did you start feeling like this? how do you go to work and leave your house and shit? you never use to be like this.are you getting bad batches of weed or something?
honestly im against any type of drug, but in this circumstance i would suggest some downers.

_Talksic_ 12-06-10 06:02 AM

Originally Posted by Lysol
Those kids do not know the love of God and are uneducated in God's word/ the bible. We go to church to worship God together and acknowledge our creator to reflex and grow closer, the sabbath was made for man and not man for the sabbath. It is written you will not do your will on this day, you are to rest and communion with God. (that day is on Saturday not Sunday)

You don't go to church to "live it up" like the world, if so then you are from the world. Church is not an entertainment industry, kids are bored because the devil fills there hearts with excitement constantly with the internet, movies, food, TV, shows, games, drugs etc. The list goes on. It's a constant adrenaline rush and when they sit down to actually learn, guess what happens? They cannot, because they become "bored". Not only with church or Godly things, school as well, they cannot even focus in class and grades drop. The devil is distracting the youth from knowing and learning making them ignorant.

They are so distort that the thought of heaven is "bored' to them, wow that is the sad part. They are so attached to the things of this world, that they are concerned that they wont have fun in heaven! Not only worldly kids, but kids of faith feel this way too. Surly the end is at hand. I challenge and advise the youth to separate yourselves from the world, unclog your brain with the filth it has to offer, you will see things different, but be sincere with God when you seek him in prayer.

thats a very smart answer, are you trinitarian or oneness?
and honestly what you mentioned at the end of your post is what i struggle with every day,i believe in heaven and hell with out a doubt, but i dont know i think its my flesh that is telling me that being married and in love would be better then heaven. i was always under the impression that you would be able to be married in heaven, but i know jesus said you cant, i also know jesus said that no man can even imagine what god has planned for us in heaven, even his apostles taught that...and another problem i think that i will face is that if or when i get married that i wouldnt be able to put god first before my wife.
what are your thoughts on or scriptures that come to mind about what i just said..and your input is appreciated.

Lysol 12-06-10 11:42 AM

I am Christian - Seventh Day Adventist. By the scripture, being married should not be in our concern, we shouldn't worry about it, this is what Jesus has to say about Heaven and marriage.

Matthew 22:23-33 (New King James Version)

The Sadducees: What About the Resurrection?

23 The same day the Sadducees, who say there is no resurrection, came to Him and asked Him, 24 saying: “Teacher, Moses said that if a man dies, having no children, his brother shall marry his wife and raise up offspring for his brother. 25 Now there were with us seven brothers. The first died after he had married, and having no offspring, left his wife to his brother. 26 Likewise the second also, and the third, even to the seventh. 27 Last of all the woman died also. 28 Therefore, in the resurrection, whose wife of the seven will she be? For they all had her.”
29 Jesus answered and said to them, “You are mistaken, not knowing the Scriptures nor the power of God. 30 For in the resurrection they neither marry nor are given in marriage, but are like angels of God[a] in heaven. 31 But concerning the resurrection of the dead, have you not read what was spoken to you by God, saying, 32 ‘I am the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob’? God is not the God of the dead, but of the living.” 33 And when the multitudes heard this, they were astonished at His teaching.

We will be like Angels in Heaven, that alone is a massive privilege. But maybe when he makes the new earth we are able to merry again who knows, maybe, after all he said we will be like angels in heaven.

If you are feeling that way, like you would put her first then don't get married man. The only way I'm getting married is if I fall in love with a girl that has the character of Christ, I'd say look for those qualities in the opposite sex, make sure she puts God above all, like you would put God above all, but our first love should be God.

Matthew 10:37-38 (New King James Version)

37 He who loves father or mother more than Me is not worthy of Me. And he who loves son or daughter more than Me is not worthy of Me.

When it comes down to it, you have to find a wife that is in the same boat you are in, otherwise you will be tempted and pass through a lot of trials if you marry someone out of faith. I seen it first hand with all three of my sisters. I've seen the choices they selected, the struggle they now face. Why put yourself through that? It is unwise.

M&rk 12-06-10 11:53 AM

Originally Posted by _Talksic_
thats a very smart answer, are you trinitarian or oneness?
and honestly what you mentioned at the end of your post is what i struggle with every day,i believe in heaven and hell with out a doubt, but i dont know i think its my flesh that is telling me that being married and in love would be better then heaven. i was always under the impression that you would be able to be married in heaven, but i know jesus said you cant, i also know jesus said that no man can even imagine what god has planned for us in heaven, even his apostles taught that...and another problem i think that i will face is that if or when i get married that i wouldnt be able to put god first before my wife.
what are your thoughts on or scriptures that come to mind about what i just said..and your input is appreciated.

the reason i've been so paranoid is because i've been looking into free masonry and been looking up the way they perceive the world. and as of last night i hadn't been thinking i could deal with it because of self doubt and being skeptic about Jesus's power to rule over these demons that have been attacking me the past week.
they have been attacking me because i'm getting married this friday and the devil wanted to come between my future wife and i. and almost suceeded last night, but i was completely humbled by the awsome power of Jesus. i was completely thinking with the mind of a demon and so was my wife, we said the worst things that 'anything' could think of and it was not a fun night. finally i went completely over the top and scared her to death. i didn't hit her or anything, i would never hit a woman, which is why i think God made us go at it so intensely to test if either of us would snap, but through the grace of God, niether of us came to blows. anyway, i said something that scared her and she had to get away from me and i sat there shaking with astonishment that i was able to think and say such things, then with fear completely surrounding me i prayed to my only hope Jesus, and the fear went away. i immediately went up stairs where my girl was terrified of me because i didn't want her to have to try to sleep with the fear that was overtaking me, so we prayed and came back to peace.
this marraige thing isn't whats going to keep you safe from demons and the devil, but through eachothers torment/love we can see the true need of Jesus. Just find a girl that knows who Jesus is and loves you and hopefully with out such a crazy night like i had, both of you will become closer to God. Just know if you're serious about it God's going to be serious with you, last night was the worse and best night of my life.

M&rk 12-06-10 12:02 PM

i dont know the scripther reference, but it says you must find a woman that is 'equally yoked'.
it goes on the specify what that means, but to me it means you both must be of the same spirit and faith in Jesus. A believer should not marry a non believer. i would not of made it through last night if i were not equally yoked. if i had to deal with a non believer last night, i would have had to probably call the cops like your sister with her 'baby daddy'. and if i were not a believer, i dont think she would have made it to the phone.

Implicit 12-30-10 03:35 AM

Rey I'm glad to see that your music is once again centered around Christ. I remember when you first came here and you were 100% for God and then your message started getting a bit distorted and your music sounded like everything else on the radio.

It's encouraging to me to see that you're back to what you were doing. I applaud you and wish you the best.

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