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Dufflebag Boy 09-26-06 01:12 PM

what if religion is makin asses out of ourselves
im not an atheist and i believe in god but i dont have a religion
but what if there is no god or heaven or anything??

we have all this controversy over shit like abortions, stem cell research,
gay marriage, war, and everything that is goin on this world
all because of religion and pissed off christians and religous leaders

theres even suicide bombers and all that blowing shit up
cuz they believe they're doing it cuz of religion or for god
iraqis treat their women less that dirt cuz of their religion

back in the christopher columbus and ghalileo dayz
the church of engaland rules all if u disagreed u were killed
but they was doin that out of religion and faith in god

now if we come all this way just ta find out there is no god
and no place we're going too after we leave this life
then we made ourselves look like complete dumbasses
dont ya'll think???

we cant even decide which religion speaks the truth (if there is truth)
there's buddhism, cathlic, muslims...etc. only one can be the truth

Zone Out 09-26-06 01:28 PM

Yeah, I WOULD feel pretty dumb.
"made yourself look like a complete dumbass"
I almost burst out in laughter
damn man, I would feel salty as hell

Dufflebag Boy 09-26-06 01:33 PM

lol damn we'd be merked on soooo many generations
if we found out one day that there is no god

-TeamOne- 09-26-06 01:34 PM

theres thousands of religions, i had a theory that whatever one you were raised to believe in is what happend to you

Dufflebag Boy 09-26-06 01:36 PM

lol how is that even possible???? :huh:

-TeamOne- 09-26-06 01:38 PM

iono, there might be like ONE supreme god and then whatever people were raised to believe in he created that as an afterlife for them, since they didnt know anybetter, iono lol, it was a dream i had

but the bible also says that if your not exposed to god then its not your fault and your automatically accepted into heaven, but if you are exposed and refuse it...sucks for u

Dufflebag Boy 09-26-06 02:48 PM

yea i choose ta believe that...

if there is a god i dont believe he's in any shape of a person
god is like a force...kinda like how death was a force in final destination
but he's like all of what is around you (kinda like the matrix)
i think if u see god he comes to u as an illusion of a person
he's no more as a vision through ur eyes of the spirit
but god ITSELF exists and is constantly around us

Terumoto 09-26-06 06:26 PM

Man, just take one look at the way things are. The way people live christianity, islam etc? Bullshit. The way people fight over religion and have little hissy fits about every little thing? Bullshit.

People are already making asses of themselves and they don't realize it. Think about it, we look back at those times where they killed christians or anyone that wasnt christian, and we go "What idiots." In a hundred years cunts are gonna look back on us and go "What idiots." for all this stupid shit that we do.

First thing that comes to mind is war. Apparently, war is OK, despite thou shalt not kill. Love thy neighbour (thats not just the guys next door, by the way), love others as you would love yourself, turn the other cheek. But we just go, thou shalt not kill, unless you have a good reason. And then we make laws that say if your daughter is brutally beaten and raped by 5 men, then killed and fucked a few more times as a corpse, then strung up on a main street naked for all to see, you cant kill the guys who did it. But boy, if the government needs a bit of oil... Kill whatever cunt you want.

War is the lamest shit. "Whoa, they killed a fair bit of us. How could they dare do that? Killing is completely and utterly wrong, what a disgusting thing to do. They are lower than human. Lets kill them."

Anyway, im off on a tangent. The idea of someone "proving god doesnt exist" is really out there. Its not possible, no matter how far we advance scientifically. Trust me. And for some religions it doesnt matter if God exists or not.

Dufflebag Boy 09-27-06 01:45 AM

^^yea but i aint speakin in whether it gon be proved
but im sayin what if it was then how would we feel?
pretty fucked up im willing ta bet lol know what i mean?

but i dunno i hate ta believe that their aint a god :(
i guess i just feel better if i have some kind of faith of a higher being
maybe it just feels more humane ta believe in such a thing
and maybe that why everybody else is fighting cuz of christianity
cuz it makes them feel more humane or important or sumthin
like they aint just fighting for themselves so they use religion
as a reason ta fight shit they wouldnt have much of a reason without

Terumoto 09-27-06 02:18 AM

Still, that doesnt make sense. The people they're fighting against have a religion too.

Wordz AhGod 09-27-06 02:40 AM

The way I see, people have been governed more by the laws of religion then the laws of country, state and government. We are led into cliff where the belief are bottomless yet we follow them into death blindly simply because a book says so. I have read the bible over and over and believe in a god. I name the God either lord, or Jesus just to put an image on him while I pray to him. This honestly does not mean niether that he exist nore that the profet was in deed his son. Im just going off of what Ive been fed since I was a small child like every one else. We all know that a story changes dramatically if passed down over time. Specially once it gets translated a thousand different times. Im pritty sure King Georges version was no where near to that of the origional although it is said to be the most close. Other then that, till God, Alah, Buddah or who ever comes down and shows us the errors of our ways and tells us the truth about the world and ourselves then we are no one to make the judgements of calling other peoples beliefs false or Athiastic in any way just because they do not believe what we do. Thats where Most Catholic practices go wrong from what Iv seen. They believe that there is only One true religion and they will fight to the death for this belief...I asked my mother a seriouse of question that she could easily answer if the bible and/or the ones who past her religion down to her would have just taught her. But instead she and millions other choose to follow what they have been told blindly with out question nore research at all. Most people have no Idea where places like babilon was located. Its all just One big world of pure ignorance that we live in.

Terumoto 09-27-06 06:00 AM

Originally Posted by Wordz Ahgod
Other then that, till God, Alah, Buddah or who ever comes down and shows us the errors of our ways and tells us the truth about the world and ourselves then we are no one to make the judgements of calling other peoples beliefs false or Athiastic in any way just because they do not believe what we do.

"The Buddha" already came, and now he's dead. That Buddha isnt coming back.

Wordz AhGod 09-27-06 03:31 PM

word...I just needed one more to toss in there....sorry...no buddah

Grace 09-30-06 05:30 PM

This is a big topic with so many aspects. I've got way to many thoughts on this that I don't even know where I'd start.

There was a movie out awhile back called Stigmata. It was about religion and politics. And how there were secrets that were kept from the public in order to create a fear to try and keep somewhat of a conformed way of life. It also insinuated that if that truth had been revealed it would destroy the churches and their ways.

Then a few years ago a book called the Da Vinci Code came out, I don't often find books that keep my interest but this one I couldn't put down. It was also about secrets in religion. It had a whole thing about a secret society that was sworn to keep the secrets and also to keep them alive and safe. Some of the people who were a part of this society were also famous artist, and to keep the truth alive knowing they would not be alive forever they left subtle clues that led to more clues and more.....Till the truth be found.

Then there was a Disney movie that was just out a year ago or so that was called National Treasure. It was about a treasure hidden by the governments back in the day because they believed it was to great of a treasure to be obtained by one. So in was hidden and only a secret society new of its where abouts. It had one of the same names as one of the secret society in the Da Vinci Code.

I believe in god but the interpretation of what religion is suppose to be.......I'm not so sure. After all we are trusting a bunch of old guys who've studied ancient dialects probably all there lives but.........It's like a game of operator. It may start off as one thing but end up being something totally different after being pass down from person to person. In the end I think it's all about how you feel. Because I believe there's a spiritual connection, an energy that when something isn't right,or you're unsure of something there's that sixth sense feeling that everyone feels. Some of us more and some of us less, sometimes we may try to tune it out but it's there.

Like I said there's so many things to say about this. It making asses out of us though? I don't know as though we need any help with that. If it wasn't religion it'd be somethin elsa that would be feeding the fear that leads us to do what we do.

M&rk 09-30-06 05:36 PM

^^^^ werd... fear.. sixth sense... how u feel... werd... and i seen all them movies but davinci code but i seen all them thangs on the history channel about it. i fell prolly that exact same way but usually have trouble puttin it into words... good job

atti? 09-30-06 06:23 PM

eh, religion is based on belief ... depending on how completely you believe in something, that is to the extent of its actuality in your life. it's not "making asses of ourselves," but rather people looking for, and then finding comfort in a set of guidlines to morally live thier lives - then from there it seeds generation to generation, until you get that one chink in the chain that thinks differently, and according to what they so feel is a proper moral foundation they follow that, and believe that.

being as there is no, and most likely will never be any tangable proof of a higher being beyond suspicion and over analysed theories ... that's really all you can have, a firm and unwielding belief in what you feel is right. so, "dumbasses?" not quite ... people who feel a sense of comfort or assurance from religion are just very self affermed, and believe thier set of guidlines are the one's that are best; hence divisions.

so, live based on your own beliefs ... or allow religion to merely guide you in one views opinion of what "right" is. that's basically all i've come to see religion as; a fall back-support, or place to start from so to speak.

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