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Tha Q. 04-21-06 07:19 PM

Gas prices...again
goin up at the wrong time...then again, when is the right time for them to stick it to us...

Bad thing about it is that here in the DC area, we have the 3rd highest gas prices in the country, behind Cali and Hawaii.

I'm wondering why the government can't do something about this. I did hear that if we stopped driving as much, by just a small percentage, that gas prices would go down over time.

In the meantime, I look at 30 dollars barely fill up an economy car's tank.


a k w o r d Z 04-21-06 07:21 PM

3.25 over here for mid grade... shit's retarded

Tha Q. 04-21-06 07:23 PM


In DC it's 3.15 - 3.20 for regular...

So yea...approaching ridiculous


Sik Wit It 04-21-06 07:24 PM

Eh... 'round 2.79 - 3.10 in Florida. In between there, though.

Hate chew 04-21-06 07:25 PM

try living in new zealand.
we get third hand oil, for roughly 4US dollers per litre.

but on a better note, A guy here has invented a car that runs off vegetable oil. But hopfully he wont be brought out by oil companys like aguy ten years ago that invented a car that runs off water.
Oil companys brought him out, so legally he cant tell people how or what he used to make it work.

Nz'ers are so wise:)

∆ P E X X 04-21-06 07:36 PM

why are the prices going up in the first place? there's still no explainaintion for that, while the gas industry recorded record earnings in the bilions for last year alone.

Sean Gunner 04-21-06 08:42 PM

Because of the oil lines in the Gulf supposedly. Apparently they are producing about 50% less than what they did before.

I think the prices are just to keep people who are driving to try and not drive as much, cuz if people drove as much as they use to, then we would probably be out of gas again...OR they are taking advantage of us. Probably #2.

Tha Q. 04-21-06 10:17 PM

O snap

It's official...Gas here in DC is the highest in the nation

It feels like it too...and it seems like the gas doesn't last as long either


locknes 04-21-06 10:34 PM

DID any one hear what the owner of exxon mobile said and i quote

I dont want to hear from them when prices are 10 dollars a gallon or 40 or 50'

Kirk 04-21-06 10:44 PM

I'm glad I make good money.

villagepimp 04-21-06 11:00 PM

Yeah, I got gas in Lathrop, Missouri last night, just over a half tank, Regular, at a Shell Gas station, for my '95 Pontiac Bonneville, $24. I think gas here is sitting at $2.77 a gallon.

Fucking rediculous. I live a half hour outside Kansas City, where I go to College and work... it's getting to the point where I have to move to KC to keep from going broke. That's rediculous.

Tha Q. 04-21-06 11:09 PM

Originally Posted by Rah McCali
Yeah, I got gas in Lathrop, Missouri last night, just over a half tank, Regular, at a Shell Gas station, for my '95 Pontiac Bonneville, $24. I think gas here is sitting at $2.77 a gallon.

Fucking rediculous. I live a half hour outside Kansas City, where I go to College and work... it's getting to the point where I have to move to KC to keep from going broke. That's rediculous.

crazy man...gas is basically 3.15 for regular here...I remember when it was 1.69 for regular back in 2001...Then, I thought that was high.

WISH gas would go back to ONE ANYTHING!

Sean Gunner 04-21-06 11:12 PM

I remember when gas a dollar.

*sigh* The good ol' days.

-Substance- 04-21-06 11:20 PM

yep, i remember the 1.60 days.......here in long beach, it's 3.19, regular!

I Am Unreal. 04-21-06 11:28 PM

the reason behind rising gas prices is simply, we don't have enough oil on earth. i mean, get the february issue of macleans and theres an article that talks about how by 2010 gas will be so expensive that 90% of the population wont be able to afford it because its going to be so deep and so expensive to drill. look into it...

TitoBronsky 04-21-06 11:37 PM

gas is gettin exspensive here too... its over three dollas now... and thats more than i budgeted for... i gotta re-evalute my finances... cut corners and make changes to a few things.... but... yea... i forsee many riots in the future...

-Don Tito Bronsky

Sean Gunner 04-21-06 11:40 PM

Unless they plan on paying people more, we might be in trouble.

Golden shellz 04-21-06 11:42 PM

Werd its like that in Brooklyn too..gas costs $3.15 by the gallon

villagepimp 04-21-06 11:53 PM

Yeah, I feel blessed that out here in the Midwest it's not too high, I went out to Unionville, MO (look it up on the map) and gas was a good $.20 cheeper than it was in KC... I'm not sure how that works, since the highest prices seem to be on the coasts where the gas is imported too. Oh well, Guess I can't complain much when gas here is a good $.40 cheaper than it is in Brooklyn & Long Beach.

L.E 04-22-06 12:58 PM

Currently a $1.02 per litre in my town.

And I thought our prices were bad.

Axe Affect 04-22-06 02:02 PM

I remember when I was younger I use to ride and try to find the gas station with the highest prices. I remember the highest one I saw was 1.60$. Now a days in Atlanta, the prices are from 2.60$ to 3.00$. I guess I should start trying to find the gas station with the lowest prices now.

∆ P E X X 04-22-06 04:08 PM

Jerz still hs it really cheap copared to other states, like $2.50 (can't believe THAT'S really cheap).

but that's because a lot of the refinieries are right here in jersey :(

a state with a pollution discount. yay

Tha Q. 04-23-06 10:42 AM

I was watching some news program this morning and they were arguing about why prices were going up. One guy was saying that it's a simple matter of supply and demand, where more demand means higher prices. The other guy argued that there was price fixing because the demand isn't going up.

All I know is, I wish someone would start DEMANDING it go down.

Phenom-in-all 04-23-06 04:03 PM

hahaha - you guys have no fucking clue. It's $1.14 a LITRE here in SK, Canada, and there are 3.78(something something something) litre's in a gallon. That's like $4.30/gallon. Costs me over $55 to fill a tank that I used to be able to fill for $40-45. :(


∆ P E X X 04-23-06 04:14 PM

^^sounds liek the 911. 2 years ago it cost about 45 bucks to fill a 22gallon gas tank and it GUZZLES it.

now?? prolly closer to a hundred!! I never drive it and insurance is completely out of control. Somebody's going up for sale reaaaalllllll sooonnn....

Chris Stylez 04-23-06 04:47 PM

Yeah. I dont really drive that much anymore since gas prices went down. I walk everywere. I started it since the end of last year summer and I lost like a good 67 pounds. Well also the help due to school sports. But We should all just try walking to our destination. For small groceries shopping. If the store is like about a mile or two down the road. Grab your CD players and some Tupac or I.T. and walk and get what you need and go back. The true problem I see is that we all are getting lazy and stop walking. So Drive less and Walk more.

∆ P E X X 04-23-06 05:07 PM

Originally Posted by Chris Stylez
Yeah. I dont really drive that much anymore since gas prices went down. I walk everywere. I started it since the end of last year summer and I lost like a good 67 pounds. Well also the help due to school sports. But We should all just try walking to our destination. For small groceries shopping. If the store is like about a mile or two down the road. Grab your CD players and some Tupac or I.T. and walk and get what you need and go back. The true problem I see is that we all are getting lazy and stop walking. So Drive less and Walk more.

gas prices went down? I thought they went up!

walking sounds nice, ever consider that some people have things BEYOND walking distance?

not everyone lives a hop skip and a jump from the things they use to keep their life running.

For$akeN 04-23-06 06:23 PM

Here in Winnipeg its like a little over $1

Is it really that bad in the states? That's insaaaaane.

Tha Q. 04-23-06 06:40 PM

ummm...I hate to say this, but in 1999 in PA where I went to school, gas was still 90 cents a gallon.


∆ P E X X 04-23-06 06:48 PM

I remember when $1.43 for 94 was high.

now, they don't even carry 94 cuz who would buy it, and 93 is more than double that and definitely gonna go up.

fair to say that the time of cheap fuel in the US is over! Bush ain't talking about lowering prices. He's talking about "if you don't wanna pay top dollar, try alternate fuels"

sounds liek we can expect to get hit over the head yet again.

Tha Q. 04-23-06 07:00 PM

Originally Posted by Apexx
I remember when $1.43 for 94 was high.

now, they don't even carry 94 cuz who would buy it, and 93 is more than double that and definitely gonna go up.

fair to say that the time of cheap fuel in the US is over! Bush ain't talking about lowering prices. He's talking about "if you don't wanna pay top dollar, try alternate fuels"

sounds liek we can expect to get hit over the head yet again.

umm...everyone is partly to blame...the US consumes more natural resources than anyone else...

SUV owners don't give a fuck about the environment because their vehicles are ravenous on resources. To top it off, they don't even use them off road most of the time. SUVs for most people = FASHION STATEMENT

I'm with alot of people though. I think Bush can do something about these prices.

Tha Q. 04-25-06 01:30 PM


Bush has deferred oil from reserves so that more oil will be on the market. He says that'll lower gas prices. umm...Industry experts say that gas prices will still reach a national average of over 3.20 per gallon. Yikes...That means gas here will probably reach over 3.60 cents per gallon.

Young_law 04-25-06 01:56 PM

Tha Q. 04-25-06 04:29 PM

^^HA...Sounds about right...I actually plan to be an anti-SUV activist...I can't stand them. Most people who drive SUVs don't give a shit about the environment.


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