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Tha Q. 03-27-06 04:28 AM

Even though I don't owe you SPIT, HARD ANSWERS FOR APEXX
I've answered all of your questions at some point or another. But, let me answer them here, AGAIN.

First of all, let me address the issue of my sexuality, AGAIN.
I was not the first person to "out myself" on this site. Latinkitten holds that honor. I disclosed to someone on AIM that I was gay, then they fed her the information so she could "son me" in a battle. That = lame. So, she posted the convo on the board, and, VOILA, THA Q IS GAY. Sure, I could have denied it and said she made it all up. But, I really didn't care anymore at that point because none of the idiots who had anything to say were better than I am.

#2. As far as my sexuality is concerned and my belief in God...

Again, I don't have to validate anything to you Apexx. But, here's the absolute truth. Take it or leave it.
There are lots of things that are "natural" that the bible considers "morally wrong." Being "selfish" is a biologically natural tendency, yet the bible says "give." It's natural for a man to want to sleep with more than one woman, and yet the bible says, "do not fornicate." Therefore, me being tempted to be attracted to men, which the bible condemns gay sex, is no more of a SIN than a man who Fornicates, or curses (which the bible says DON'T DO), or drinks (WHICH THE BIBLE CONDEMNS DRUNKENESS), or loves money (WHICH THE BIBLE SAYS IS THE ROOT OF ALL EVIL), or is full of PRIDE (WHICH THE BIBLE SAYS IS A SIN AND GOD HATES). Saying that I don't have a right to be a Christian because I struggle with what I struggle with is asinine. IF that's the case, then NO ONE has a right to be a Christian because everyone SINS and does something the bible Condemns and says will land you in "hell". With that said, people obviously haven't read the 2nd chapter of Ephesians which says that "salvation is not from works, unless anyman boast." In other words, being saved by Jesus isn't somethng you earn from being good, it's a gift that you receive by ASKING and BELIEVING. Heterosexuals are not "better" than I am because they commit fornication with women instead of men. They are simply sinning in a diferent way. People's own ignorances, biases, and insecurities dictate that they make homosexuality a big issue when it's just ONE issue out of MANY in the bible. People talk about how God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah due to homosexuality. Well, they also fail to mention that God destroyed the Tower of Babel due to man's pride, which MANY people deal with.

#3. Why do I call people ignorant? Contrary to what you think, I don't call people ignorant when they disagree with me. I call people ignorant when they misquote scripture and use it to form their arguments. I call people ignorant when they say what I state isn't in the bible, when I can clearly quote it. Basically, I call people ignorant when they refuse to study the bible for themselves and quote what they HEARD growing up, which usually isn't true anyway. STUDY IT FOR YOURSELF.

Example: I told the story of how the dimensions of heaven, hell, and earth interact. I mentioned how demons and angels interact in the spirit realm. All of that is in the bible. JUST STUDY IT. But, someone came along and basically called me stupid for "making up these crazy stories." I called him IGNORANT because he obviously hadn't read the bible to know that those stories weren't being made up by me. Now, he might not BELIEVE THEM, but don't dare say I'm making it up. That's my qualm.

I feel that people use their hatred for homosexuality to project their hate/bigotry onto me. The fact of the matter is, my viewpoints are no more radical than anyone elses on this board. But, they see me as a "faggot" and so they decide to go hard on the i-net and be disrespectful. ehh ehh...Lemme tell you something. I am not impressed by the ignorance that's displayed here or anywhere for that matter. Most of the people on this site are open minded and cool with me about this and other issues. But, the few that are raging homophobes need to take their anger out on someone else. Tha Q is not a whippin boy. Then, because they can quote facts, they pretend it's all an intellectual argument. NO. They are simply assholes who've mastered the art of looking rational.

Nuff frickin said.

OrEo da cookie 03-27-06 04:33 AM

hey your gay..you give guys head and get fucked in the ass..big whoop..your letting them get to you..this shits funny to them..but its stupid honestly..we all know you opened that closet door and came out..SO RV GET OVER IT..Q your a good gay guy..but dont fall into thier lil "pivk on the gay guy" they ussasly only do this cuz they heard a gay joke they wanna use in battle

Tha Q. 03-27-06 04:41 AM

Oreo...this is a grown man's convo...go to bed.

Furthermore, after seeing your other "questions"

The thread about blaming God was just a reminder of the laws of reaping and sowing.
Theoretically, everything exists because

A) God either made it
B) God allowed it to be made

So, when I said "don't blame God for the bad things that happen" I was referring to the laws of reaping and sowing, which I stated in that thread. If I set things into motion, then I have to deal with consequences. I know people who blame God for everything that happens in their lives. They don't take responsibility. Of course God deals out punishments, He's a FATHER! What good father doesn't? But, that's like a bad child saying, "I can't go outside because my father made me do bad, and then punished me." ehh ehh...OWN up to what you did and realize God is just teaching you.

Therefore, good can be viewed in the same way. The bible says all blessings come from God. So, when you sow "good", you will reap "good" results. Is God the cause of this? Yes. Just like a father who rewards his son for DOING well. It's no different in that sense. That whole thread was in reference to the laws of sowing and reaping.

hmm...let's see if there are more questions.

Tha Q. 03-27-06 04:47 AM

Final answer to you question

History is a matter of accepting what seems to be the most accurate account of what happened. That's a fact. No one knows exactly what happened at any point, let alone 10000000000000 of years ago. We've all seen the experiment where you have agroup of people who all witness an event. Then, when you question the group, everyone has a different response. Well, in that sense, history is an act of "faith" and believing what's more true based on the preponderance of evidence presented. Therefore, when we all argue here, of course anyone has the right to talk about historical events and subjects. YOu don't have to be an expert on something to have an opinion on it. But, my problem was with people who were quoting things that weren't even in the bible. Then, they make outrageous statements that NO SCIENTISTS ANYWHERE corroborates--e.g., Mimesis' claim that human life began in Asia and not Africa. Also, I specifically gave the example of a science technique that obviously anyone can study, but that most don't know first hand about. My point was that if people are going to make claims, at least be able to corroborate it or back it up through experience (for the things that you can experience). Most of the people here simply cite what they heard or they THINK they know. It's amazing when you grow up, you realize how much of what you heard isn't even verifiable, or documented. It's just been passed down. When I quote the bible, it's there. If it's simply my belief, I state that. I have a problem with people who act like they know the bible but haven't studied it.


Tha Q. 03-27-06 04:58 AM


All this gay bashing is gonna stop...Yes, it's gay bashing.

You got hard questions. Well, here's a hard answer for you.

I have every right to answer questions honestly and be myself in any medium. I have every right to joke around and be myself in any forum. That DOES NOT give you or anyone else the right to gay bash me.

What am I talkign about?


Person A drops a track:

Q says "Naw, I don't like this, this was wack"

Person A says: You're just a faggot anyway

^That = GAY BASHING and is unacceptable

People on this site would try to justify person A's reply by saying, "But, Q called him wack."

????????????? You don't see the difference between me calling his music WACK and him calling me out of my name and being a gay basher?

ehh ehhh

That's the shit that starts 90% of the trouble on this site between me and other people. Apexx, you NEVER back down on an issue. I NEVER back down on an issue. But, when I stand up for shit, it's "OOOO, stop crying about being gay."

That's some bull shit. And, if these people were sooooo reasonable, they'd realize that there's a huge difference between me having an opinion on something, and bashing/harassing them.

Like I stated earlier, sounding "intellectual" while being a bigoted Gay basher only means they've mastered the art of being a well-groomed asshole.

Last time I checked, even KKK members wore suits and had jobs.

fuck dat...

I'm done with this topic. I'm done with every fuckin topic on this site because people are too fucking closed minded to consider anything other than the bull shit they call sense.

Got more questions? Too damn bad...I don't owe you or anyone else on this site shit.

Tha Q. 03-27-06 05:11 AM

Onnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnne more thing

All the bigots like to quote from Leviticus...well, let me quote a couple scriptures right now.

We are ALL sinners in God's eyes. That's why Jesus died in the first place, so that people like me, people like YOU can be redeemed from our sin.

Anyway, what sorts of things will keep you out of heaven?

Galatians 5:19-21

Now the works of the flesh are obvious: sexual immorality, moral impurity, promiscuity,

idolatry, sorcery, hatreds, strife, jealousy, outbursts of anger, selfish ambitions, dissensions, factions,

envy, drunkenness, carousing, and anything similar, about which I tell you in advance--as I told you before--that those who practice such things will not inherit the kingdom of God.

^^Now, find yourself somewhere in there, then come back and judge me.

Tha Q. 03-27-06 05:19 AM


I'm not quoting these scriptures to JUDGE ANYONE. I'm quoting these scriptures to remind you and everyone else that we ALL FALL SHORT of God's glory.

Romans 3:23 says

For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.

^^^^Salvation is for anyone, ANYONE who asks and believes.

If you choose not to believe, SHUT THE BOOK and SHUT UP.

Also, non-Christians have every right to be NON-christians. However, don't get angry when a Christians tells you, "Jesus is the way to salvation." That's what we believe! And, unlike other religions, we believe that Jesus is the ONLY WAY to God.

Jesus told him, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.

^^^ Jesus says himself that there is no other way to God but through him,

Paul verifies this again in the book of Acts:

This Jesus is The stone despised by you builders, who has become the cornerstone.
There is salvation in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to people by which we must be saved."

^^Christians believe there IS NOT OTHER GOD. Again, choose whom you will serve. As for me, I choose to serve the Lord. Jesus was crucified for me. He was nailed to a tree for me. He was stripped of all dignity so that I could say, "Thank you God for saving me." The blood that was shed is atonement. These games that people want to play are exactly that, games. Play them if you choose to. I choose to recognize the God of my salvation, the God and father of Jesus the Christ.

Blay'all 03-27-06 05:23 AM

lol, you probly should have just kept adding on to the original post

Tha Q. 03-27-06 05:26 AM

I "care" about what people say about me as much as you, Apexx, CARE to reply to every charge thrown at you. Just because I have a different way of getting my point across, doesn't mean it's any less valid. I'm a passionate person.period. That's my personality. The last time I checked, there was nothing wrong with that. You have a different personality than mine. That's great. But, don't think that because alot of these narrow minded kids relate to you and your personality that what you say about me holds any validity. Believe what you will. I have my supporters. I know that I'm a good person. So, all this bad mouthing that you've done, when you came back to the board so "enlightened" is disappointing to me. It's uncalled for. What did I do wrong, not answer your questions when you snapped your finger? ehh ehh bruh...I think there's some evaluating that needs to be done. I have no beef with you and never will. My beef is with what you do. You seem to think I owe "APEXX" something. I don't. I decided to stay up and type all of this so "APEXX" wouldn't think I was avoiding "APEXX". I know that "APEXX" should be satisfied with my responses because I answered your questions, and then some. If you disagree with them, that's on you. I have NOTHING to do with that. But, don't go runnin ya mouth in threads saying negative things about me because you have a problem with something. nahhh

Am I done?


Tha Q. 03-27-06 05:33 AM


back to the issue of people villanizing homosexuality when it's just ONE of many sins the bible condemns...

Paul was perhaps the greatest Apostle in the new testament, having written MOST of it. His letter to young Timothy serves as a reminder to believers that we have a duty to stand firm in an age when people DO and SAY and BELIEVE whatever it is that fancies them.

Jesus also made it clear that his disciples are people that "love one another." Being righteous according to Jesus was someone who persued peace, and displayed it. I've publicly apologized to you Apexx on more than one occasion for reacting in anger to the negative things you've said about me. Even though what you said was wrong, I could have responded in a better way. Now, I'm just determined to make it plain.

Again, what types of things are characterstic of people that are in danger of not receiving God's glory?

2 Timothy 3: 1-8 says:

1 But know this: difficult times will come in the last days. 2 For people will be lovers of self, lovers of money, boastful, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, ungrateful, unholy, 3 unloving, irreconcilable, slanderers, without self-control, brutal, without love for what is good, 4 traitors, reckless, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, 5 holding to the form of religion but denying its power. Avoid these people! 6 For among them are those who worm their way into households and capture idle women burdened down with sins, led along by a variety of passions, 7 always learning and never able to come to a knowledge of the truth. 8 Just as Jannes and Jambres resisted Moses, so these also resist the truth, men who are corrupt in mind, worthless in regard to the faith.

^^POWERFUL scripture that breaks down 99.999% of people, PERIOD.

Ever learning, but NEVER coming to the knowledge of truth. Now, Paul was a wise man. The so-called "intellect" of people who reject God is foolishness. Then, they have the audacity to use the bible to condemn me because I sin?


I scoff at them. God scoffs at them. Do they not know that God is my defender? God is my portion. He will not let that slide.

Tha Q. 03-27-06 05:42 AM


We like to pick and choose which sins we think are "worse" than others? O really?

Are we sure about that?

Sin is sin.period.

But, since we're on THAT topic. Let's discuss things the bible says God "HATES".

And, it's interesting to note that the word "homosexuality" is NOWHERE in this text. Now, I'm not justifying homosexuality. But, my point is, that there are sins people seem to overlook when they decide to BASH someone.


Proverbs 6: 16-20

Six things the Lord hates;
in fact, seven are detestable to Him:

arrogant eyes, a lying tongue,
hands that shed innocent blood,

a heart that plots wicked schemes,
feet eager to run to evil,

a lying witness who gives false testimony,
and one who stirs up trouble among brothers.

My son, keep your father's command,
and don't reject your mother's teaching.

Tha Q. 03-27-06 05:56 AM

And the last thing I plan to say in this thread.

Apexx, I feel that you are using intellectualism to promote hate for me and what you THINK I stand for. You have got to be joking. In your other thread, you come as if, "Oh, I'm just soooo curious about it," when I'd stated time and again my position on homosexuality and how it relates to God. Satan, you are a liar. Get under my feet. I don't believe you, you lying serpent. Then, to add insult to injury, you don't PM me and ask, you POST an inflammatory thread in the LL, where you know Q haters flock, to "learn" about what I believe in. No
Let me tell you something. You don't give a SPIT about what I believe in. All you want to do is use this forum to promote YOUR agenda of Apexx and his philosophies. That's fine. But, DON'T YOU DARE use me as a pawn in your little game. I believe I have my AIM posted. You could have Pm'ed me, anything. So, don't you DARE insult my intelligence by suggesting you were just "curious" about what I believe in. That's a lie, flat out.

Furthermore, how dare you reject God and then use the bible to codemn and jude me. Satan, I rebuke you. You have no idea what God has done for me in my life. And, I don't have to justify it to you. I suggest that you get over this hatred for homosexuality, me, and God. I am not the one who's going to be your whippin boy. And, don't even try to bring other people in on this because YOU KNOW they are ignorant and closed minded to begin with.

You came back to this board on some so-called "enlightened" tip. Yea...sure...That lasted for how long befor the old Apexx came crawling back out? These kids can be wowed and amazed by your antics, but I'm not. I do not respect someone who goes out of his way to make someone else look bad and himself right. Me? I don't care about being right. I care about trying to better myself. And, I see that you are a toxic person to me, your very nature. You are paranoid and think everything I do revolves around you. Example: You had the audacity to assert that I was on hidden mode so you couldn't see me looking into the various HATE THREADS you made about me.


I am a grown man bro. Don't think I'm one of these lil kids running around this board that you can convince of B.S. NO.

I am not having it, never. You do not know me. You can sit around and inflame everyone else, but, I'm done with you. I don't owe you JACK SPIT.

And ANOTHER THING..................................

Just because Nos, Mim, and a couple other GAY BASHING, Q HATING Bigots agree with you, doesn't make you right or GIVE YOU THE RIGHT to continue to inflame and provoke me. You all's logic is absurd. Here's what you do.

Apexx: Makes a thread that's BLATANTLY inflammatory towards Q:

Tha Q hatas flock in = Mim, Nos, a couple other...

Q comes in and takes a firm stance...

Then...The gang of Bigots GANG UP and say, "See, look at him, acting like a faggot cuz he got upset that a bunch of people are sitting around making threads about him and saying really RUDE and DISRESPECTFUL things."

Again, I have every right to hold and express opinions on this board WITHOUT you or anyone else resorting to gay bashing. Now, you can do what you what because only God can strike you dead. But, that doesn't make it right, EVER.

L. Veracity 03-27-06 08:14 AM

*yawns* aiight, this was my daily education...thanx Q :thumbup:

I feel smarter for having been in this thread, when I feel like learning more I'll read more of this...but from what I've red thus far, good learnin' buddy...

Tha Q. 03-27-06 09:08 AM

Originally Posted by L. Veracity
*yawns* aiight, this was my daily education...thanx Q :thumbup:

I feel smarter for having been in this thread, when I feel like learning more I'll read more of this...but from what I've red thus far, good learnin' buddy...

^^preciate that...

and yea, there's more to come.


LaTiNKiTTeN 03-27-06 09:35 AM

wow...i actually read all that..lol i'm waiting for another " oooh ooooooooooooooooone more thing" lol

Dabatos 03-27-06 09:39 AM

lol i guess ya beffing again? lol

Nynth Degree 03-27-06 09:45 AM

Why didn't you just post this in Apexx's thread?

Its a me.. Mario 03-27-06 09:56 AM

damn... can you say Freepost

Sup Q

and yeah i agree with alota shit you said but some i dont... we'll just leave it at that

TitoBronsky 03-27-06 10:06 AM

a lot of good scripture up in here.....

Preach brotha preach

La Cosa Nostra 03-27-06 10:13 AM


Oh man... I aint gonna read all that shit... I jus found it funny that instead of just giving a straight answer in the other thread you typed up a 10 page essay trying to justify why you follow a religion that condemns your sexual preference. I'm not gonna argue whether your right or wrong... Cause in this situation there is no right or wrong.. Religion is speculation..

You can go off quoting all the bible passages and whatever else you feel like quoting..

But the fact still remains.. The subject matter your arguing over is all based on old (and most of the time, antiquated) human philosphys... Theres so much that you blindly read and take as fact that has absolutly no base. Did you know that when the bible was written, they thought the earth was at the center of the universe, hell existed under the ground and heaven was just above the clouds? I mean seriously... Wake up man.. Humanitys currant views of existance have come a long way since the stuff you preach on was concieved. The tower of babel? They literally didnt have the technology to built a tower up to space back then.. That shit was doomed before it even started... Even if they succeeded, they would have only frozen and died or been sucked out into the vast vaccume of space...

And thats a prime example of how human belief's can be compleatly misguided when there is no tested facts to support them.

Get a grip..
Take the world for what it is. Follow god. Read the bible for its great philosophys on life. But dont stoop so low as to take everything it says as a rule of thumb..

Nobodys gonna send you to hell cause your gay... Thats like saying retarded people go to hell.. Being gay is a birth defect where males become attracted to male pheromones instead of female pheromones. Its perfectly normal..

And this is the 21st century.. Its not even really frowned upon anymore... Except by dudes that really dont wanna know about it......

This is why I think organised religion is such a crock of shit.. But ofcourse.. You dont wanna hear that........:laugh:

Tha Q. 03-27-06 10:26 AM

Originally Posted by TitoBronsky
a lot of good scripture up in here.....

Preach brotha preach

no doubt bruh


Tha Q. 03-27-06 10:31 AM

Originally Posted by Nostradamus

Oh man... I aint gonna read all that shit... I jus found it funny that instead of just giving a straight answer in the other thread you typed up a 10 page essay trying to justify why you follow a religion that condemns your sexual preference. I'm not gonna argue whether your right or wrong... Cause in this situation there is no right or wrong.. Religion is speculation..

You can go off quoting all the bible passages and whatever else you feel like quoting..

But the fact still remains.. The subject matter your arguing over is all based on old (and most of the time, antiquated) human philosphys... Theres so much that you blindly read and take as fact that has absolutly no base. Did you know that when the bible was written, they thought the earth was at the center of the universe, hell existed under the ground and heaven was just above the clouds? I mean seriously... Wake up man.. Humanitys currant views of existance have come a long way since the stuff you preach on was concieved. The tower of babel? They literally didnt have the technology to built a tower up to space back then.. That shit was doomed before it even started... Even if they succeeded, they would have only frozen and died or been sucked out into the vast vaccume of space...

And thats a prime example of how human belief's can be compleatly misguided when there is no tested facts to support them.

Get a grip..
Take the world for what it is. Follow god. Read the bible for its great philosophys on life. But dont stoop so low as to take everything it says as a rule of thumb..

Nobodys gonna send you to hell cause your gay... Thats like saying retarded people go to hell.. Being gay is a birth defect where males become attracted to male pheromones instead of female pheromones. Its perfectly normal..

And this is the 21st century.. Its not even really frowned upon anymore... Except by dudes that really dont wanna know about it......

This is why I think organised religion is such a crock of shit.. But ofcourse.. You dont wanna hear that........:laugh:

I was going to ignore your response and let you say what you had to say. BUt, I'll respond anyway.

You're comparing being "gay" to being "retarded"?...Okay...sure...I won't comment on that because I think it's ridiculous.

What I will comment on is your inability to see that the bible is encompassing when it comes to SIN.

You obviously didn't read what I said because then you'd understand my position. I don't see how you can even comment when you didn't read all of it.

I will address one thing though.

Let's say I was a HETEROsexual male who committed fornication. The bible CLEARLY, CLEARLY condemns fornication. Based on your argument, that str8/fornicating man can't believe in the bible because it condemns his behavior.

ehh ehh...That's the basis of the New Testament and the belief in the power of God's salvation. If you don't believe that, don't. The scripture outlines God's plan of salvation through Jesus. I have accepted Jesus as my savior. Making him "Lord" of my life is a process that every believer takes when they accept the burden of their "cross".

SATAN, get behind me.

WHy don't you accept the fact that you don't agree with the bible, you don't agree with my beliefs, and move on. Why continue to spread hatred when, now, it's becoming intolerable?

Nostradamus is not god. Like I told Apexx, I don't owe you anything.

Tha Q. 03-27-06 10:44 AM

OH...and another thing

"Blindly accepting what I believe"...?

How am I blindly accepting what I believe?...I've read it. I've studied it. I've looked into it and compared it with other accounts found in other religions. Then, I accept it as God's word based on that preponderance. The bible says in 2 Timothy that all scripture is given by inspiration of God. So, if you don't believe that, then you can't believe anything else in there. With that said, why not shut the book and be done with it?

Nos...you seem real bitter about God and/or the bible. DId you used to believe?...If so, why did you stop?

God hasn't gone anywhere bro. Where are you?

Tha Q. 03-27-06 10:54 AM


You call being gay a "defect"
An imperfection that causes inadequacy or failure; a shortcoming

^^^^Definition of defect

Then, you claim that there's nothing "wrong" with it, that it's "normal"

Hmm...Isn't that contradictory? By definition, something is wrong with a defect.

I don't see what's different from what you're saying Nos, and how Hitler viewed the Jews, or a grand wizard of the KKK viewed blacks.


I don't have to justify anything to Apexx...I answered his question and went beyond it. Was not that the question?...And, if it was a rhetorical question, why badger me because I didn't answer it. Now that I answer it, you LAUGH at my reply and say, "HAHA @ u tryna justify blah blah"

^^That's your belief, not mine.

Nynth Degree 03-27-06 10:58 AM

I didn't bother reading all this...did you finally say whether or not you have actually met god?

Tha Q. 03-27-06 11:00 AM

Originally Posted by 9th
I didn't bother reading all this...did you finally say whether or not you have actually met god?

okay Apexx supporter

I give up.

Read all of it, then come back and ask me that question.


Nynth Degree 03-27-06 11:13 AM

Apexx supporter? Shit, I'm merely a neutral party who just so happened to read one of your arguements. Also, I'm the same neutral party who didn't have enough time to read this, so I asked a question that would've saved me like 15 minutes trying to look for it.

Thanks a lot.

Tha Q. 03-27-06 11:15 AM

Originally Posted by 9th
Apexx supporter? Shit, I'm merely a neutral party who just so happened to read one of your arguements. Also, I'm the same neutral party who didn't have enough time to read this, so I asked a question that would've saved me like 15 minutes trying to look for it.

Thanks a lot.

O well...that ain't my problem...I only typed all of this cuz Apexx claimed he didn't know my views and was soooo curious as to my beliefs.

I'm makin a song bout all this bologna.

.Ike. 03-27-06 11:38 AM

if anyone besides MAYBE apexx reads that fuckin book that Q just posted...

u need to get a damn life

Dabatos 03-27-06 11:42 AM

lol did apexx reply yet?

Tha Q. 03-27-06 11:44 AM

Originally Posted by PIMPIN aint easy
but tha Q u are being completly contradictory yourself 1 time your sayin being gay is only 1 sin in the bible n there is many others

so u are justifying your sin

but then your sayin all this everything EVERYTHING in the bible comes from gods inspiration n your completly sinnning under gods eyez

according to the thing u hold so dear to heart and u beleive your ass is goin to hell, but that dont mean i aint according to the bible

NO...I am not justifying sin...I'm simplying refuting their ridiculous claim that I don't have a right to praise God because I sin in this way. My point is, EVERYONE is a sinner and can be saved. They've chosen to focus on homosexuality because of their own bigotry.

And, even your response shows your own insecurities and problems with homosexuality. Do not tell me what I believe in. I know that Jesus died for me. You are a sinner. I am a sinner. We all do. And, had you read ALL of what I stated, you'd clearly see that.

This is getting on my nerves...This is simply an opportunity for people to vent their hatred for homosexuals and homosexuality...that's all this is.

I clearly can't convince you people to see my point of view. So, it's pointless to argue it. If I wasn't gay, I'd still be sinning in some way. based on you all, NO ONE can be a Christian. That = ridiculous.

But, what you're really saying is being gay is the WORST sin in existence. That = BOGUS...

God has blessed me mightily. I don't care if you don't believe that.

Tha Q. 03-27-06 11:53 AM

Originally Posted by PIMPIN aint easy
corrrect every1 is a sinner and i and every1 else is focusing on homosexualtity because we ont know u but this is the only thing we know about u that is sinning under gods eyez its not because we are homophobic well i sure as hell ament

i hav no problem wit homosexuals or homosexuality dont get it twisted dam i mean i hav a gay friend n shit dont bother me at all dont tell me me wat i do and do not hav insecurities about

Hol up...This is B.S. bro.

Bull...flat out

They are focusing on my homosexuality to judge me. I don't go around here condemning you all for fornicating. I don't go around here saying, "GOD HATES DRINKING"...I don't go around here pointing out that 1/2 of you are liars, full of pride, and are just bad people. Why? I'm no one to say it. Dissing me and hiding behind the veil of "discussion" or "intellectualism" is awful, period.

It is bigotry bro. Don't insult my intelligence. Look at the various responses to me in this thread and in general regarding sexuality and tell me that people's opinions aren't negatively influenced...That's laughable.

Come on...don't do it.

There's no justification of anything here...I'm just telling you, NOS, Apexx, and whoever else wants to question my faith that God has blessed me, PERIOD.

This is the very reason people stay IN THE CLOSET and live life miserable because narrow minded people can't accept them or the truth of the situation.

Tha Q. 03-27-06 11:56 AM

Originally Posted by PIMPIN aint easy
i know u wud be sinning in sum way but i dont know wat u are doing to sin i dont know u but i do know u are a chrisitan and is gay so that oviously brings up huge discussions about u and your belief

and no i dont beleive its the worst sin in existance i tohught all sins are equal under gods eyez :rolleyes:

Nah bro...THat's not what you're insinuating...My struggle is my struggle...Let me go around and ask everyone what their VICES are, and then come back to judge me. I think you all should be ashamed of yourselves...I'm an easy target because I'm open about it. That doesn't justify what you all are doing...You're sitting back, SINNING YOURSELVES, then telling me what God has done for me?

Heck no...You don't know what God has done for me. YOu don't know me. YOu don't know anything about me.

This subject is so sickening it's played out. The fact is, you all are trying to force me to drop my faith because of my struggles.


God has brought me too far. I will never renounce my faith in Jesus because some narrow minded people can't overcome their own ignorances and biases.


Tha Q. 03-27-06 12:18 PM

Originally Posted by PIMPIN aint easy
ok for your first reply ye i aint even gonna speak for any1 else i dont know if appex n nos are homophobic or not n i will never really know but 1 thing for sure is that i am defiantly not homophobic or hav any problems wit homosexuality

and no i dont see u as an easy target the reason y i respond so much on your gay/religon threads so much is simply because i am genuinely interested in your perspective and your view on it and appex's hard question thing i was genuinly interested in your answers for it cause a few of those questions i hav wondered your view on it and the way u see it, it has nutihng to do wit narrowmindness oor wateva i just like discussion serious issues and u usually start a thread about it inwhich u know you are gonna get sum hard question responses so i jus wanna see your view on it

Sorry if I'm being pessimistic. But, that sounds like bull crap. When I make a thread, I speak in general terms. I am not targeting anyone on this site. If people become convicted or feel guilty, that's on them. But, I've noticed that people use their insecurities as a license to attack me on something they know NOTHING about. If Nos chooses to not be a Christian, good for him. But, misrepresenting the bible to perpetuate your infidelity is unacceptable. Nos is free to follow any religion he chooses. My qualm with him is that he takes what's in the bible, SPITS ON IT, then judges me because I choose to believe it. ehh ehhh

Apexx was not geniune in that "hard questions" thread. I don't find those questions to be hard at all. Those are not things I struggle with. I answered all of those questions on MORE THAN ONE OCCASION. Even here, the first thing NOs did was to laugh, then say, "HAHA@ u justifying your beliefs."

WTH man...1st, I'm avoiding the issue by not answering it. Then, I'm justifying myself by answering it?

What do you all want? Blood?...I'm not giving it to you...These people are struggling with their own ignorances and biases. I have nothing to do with that. It's just real convenient to turn into a raging homophobe/bigot on the internet because they can get away with it without looking like a complete asshole/idiot.

It ain't right...NO.

Furthermore, before I even answered Apexx I made it quite clear that I owed him NOTHING, and still don't. Get that fact straight. He, like you, claimed tlo have been "curious" about my beliefs?

Sure...I'll tell you my belief...But, those are my beliefs...There's nothing to say about them...Beliefs are beliefs...CASE CLOSED...

DOn't tell me what I'm trying to do...I'm not doing anything but answering questions that I've answered over, and over, and over, and over, and over

and over again.

I am a child of GOD and Apexx, nor NOS can change that.PERIOD.

Nejji Bangaz 03-27-06 12:23 PM

omfg stfu....jesus

Tha Q. 03-27-06 12:28 PM

Originally Posted by Nejji Bangaz
omfg stfu....jesus

I feel the same way...can we get on with it please


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