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P To Tha R! 11-18-06 06:14 PM


OH this nigga is over yall..this is it for this dildo hopper..COME see me nigga and like i said after this shut up or set up or im gon ignor ure tracks..u said war?...lets go for that bitch..but fuck rap let's do it some other way my nigga!! watch yo back..


Tha .Q 11-18-06 06:24 PM

Break down


u sound like Silvester the cat...

Imma break this down line by line.

#1...My father NEVER raped me.


#3...God doesn't give a fuck about me? Not true.

Here we go with the Christian hate...

JESUS "FORGAVE US"...thank you for verifying what I said.

ANY SIN and Christianity is an OXYMORON...

QUoting scriptures?

Ephesians 4 "Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth"...

Colossians 3 "Flee from FORNICATION" Are you married? NO...yet, you have sex.

Therefore..."Judge not lest ye be judged"

You don't have a heaven or a hell to put me in

The book of James says "there is one judge"

As for your "freestyle",,,not even a gay person wants to sleep with me? I got some last week.

How do I have a job? Want to see my pay stub?

As for your diss...Beat is ok

Flow is decent

Rhyming is decent

ALL your punches are about me being gay?

Hmm...where's the creativity...

Callin you on the phone?

No one in my family says anything about me being gay. EVER HAS

Again, my Father never raped me.

Enygma 11-18-06 06:28 PM

word.....this shit was long as hell....lol

Exposing the shit outta him man....the acapella shit was tight and so was the actual diss. Only thing I would fix up a bit is raising your vocals a tad bit....a little hard to hear em over the beat.....not too bad though :thumbup:

Tha .Q 11-18-06 06:31 PM

Originally Posted by Enygma
word.....this shit was long as hell....lol

Exposing the shit outta him man....the acapella shit was tight and so was the actual diss. Only thing I would fix up a bit is raising your vocals a tad bit....a little hard to hear em over the beat.....not too bad though :thumbup:

It doesn't matter that:

A) It was ALL about me being gay
B) My father never raped me

hmm...talk about a hater...Enygma...come come now...ur better than that

P To Tha R! 11-18-06 06:33 PM

Originally Posted by T ha Q
Break down


u sound like Silvester the cat...

Imma break this down line by line.

#1...My father NEVER raped me.


#3...God doesn't give a fuck about me? Not true.

Here we go with the Christian hate...

JESUS "FORGAVE US"...thank you for verifying what I said.

ANY SIN and Christianity is an OXYMORON...

QUoting scriptures?

Ephesians 4 "Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth"...

Colossians 3 "Flee from FORNICATION" Are you married? NO...yet, you have sex.

Therefore..."Judge not lest ye be judged"

You don't have a heaven or a hell to put me in

The book of James says "there is one judge"

As for your "freestyle",,,not even a gay person wants to sleep with me? I got some last week.

How do I have a job? Want to see my pay stub?

As for your diss...Beat is ok

Flow is decent

Rhyming is decent

ALL your punches are about me being gay?

Hmm...where's the creativity...

Callin you on the phone?

No one in my family says anything about me being gay. EVER HAS

Again, my Father never raped me.

First of all you told me that about ya dad...

and you saying

"Here we go with the Christian hate...


1 Cor. 6:9-10, "Or do you not know that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived; neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor homosexuals1, 10nor thieves, nor the covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers, shall inherit the kingdom of God." Rom. 1:26-28, "For this reason God gave them over to degrading passions; for their women exchanged the natural function for that which is unnatural, 27and in the same way also the men abandoned the natural function of the woman and burned in their desire toward one another, men with men committing indecent acts and receiving in their own persons the due penalty of their error. 28And just as they did not see fit to acknowledge God any longer, God gave them over to a depraved mind, to do those things which are not proper."

THERE U GO BRO...and yure quotes dont apply to me cos im not christian and i dont ever say im devout...and about gay people sleeping with u, u complained to me alot about niggas..so dnt front..

not all the punches about u being gay....alotta diff shit...u see family personals, the shit about gutta, and ya granma

and enygma word up bro...thanks fo tha feed

Tha .Q 11-18-06 06:37 PM

Originally Posted by Prah'Ject
First of all you told me that about ya dad...

and you saying

"Here we go with the Christian hate...


1 Cor. 6:9-10, "Or do you not know that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived; neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor homosexuals1, 10nor thieves, nor the covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers, shall inherit the kingdom of God." Rom. 1:26-28, "For this reason God gave them over to degrading passions; for their women exchanged the natural function for that which is unnatural, 27and in the same way also the men abandoned the natural function of the woman and burned in their desire toward one another, men with men committing indecent acts and receiving in their own persons the due penalty of their error. 28And just as they did not see fit to acknowledge God any longer, God gave them over to a depraved mind, to do those things which are not proper."

THERE U GO BRO...and yure quotes dont apply to me cos im not christian and i dont ever say im devout...and about gay people sleeping with u, u complained to me alot about niggas..so dnt front..

not all the punches about u being gay....alotta diff shit...u see family personals, the shit about gutta, and ya granma

and enygma word up bro...thanks fo tha feed

1 John 1:9 "If any man confess his sin, [God] is faithful and Just to forgive himand to cleanse him from ALL unrightesouness."

Bro, you're not a Christian. And, yoiu're not God. So, you can't judge me.

Furthermore, I never told you any such lie about my father raping me. That is simply not true. It's an aggregious lie. There is NOTHING true about that. It never happened.

And, if you're quoting those scriptures about me, then, quote them about yaself. They apply to EVERYONE, not just me. So, JUDGE NOT, LEST YE BE JUDGED.

P To Tha R! 11-18-06 06:44 PM

YEAH BUT I DON'T BELIEVE IN THE BIBLE..AND IM NOT DEVOUTLY RELIGIOUS..u are mayne...and URE scripture that u believe me with numinosity, says what u do is wrong...and it says it right there..believe what u wanna believe...but its in ure text

Tha .Q 11-18-06 06:55 PM

Originally Posted by Prah'Ject
YEAH BUT I DON'T BELIEVE IN THE BIBLE..AND IM NOT DEVOUTLY RELIGIOUS..u are mayne...and URE scripture that u believe me with numinosity, says what u do is wrong...and it says it right there..believe what u wanna believe...but its in ure text

U don't believe in it yet ur quoting it? Brotha...I know too much. I've seen too much. Your words are boomerang...I'm teflon...they are completely bogus.

U know NOTHING about the bible. So, keep your mouth shut about it. Ur interpretation is completey ridiculous.


P To Tha R! 11-18-06 07:03 PM

I didnt intepret much i read what i read..it says its unforgivable it says god turns a blind eye..there u go

J.D 11-18-06 07:11 PM

sup man, i was feelin this as a battle track even if some of it could be untrue haha...flows good, delivery and emotion are nicee...yerrrr keep droppin mann...and no disrespect to tha q either cuz im kool wit both of you (i think) lol

Tha .Q 11-18-06 07:15 PM

Originally Posted by Prah'Ject
I didnt intepret much i read what i read..it says its unforgivable it says god turns a blind eye..there u go

^That's untrue and completely BOGUS."

Kid, keep the bible out of your mouth. All sins are forgiveable by God.PERIOD.

But, of course you CONVENIENTLY forget to list those...

You have NO DIEA how Christianity or being saved by Jesus works. If yoiu did, you'd understand that God can't look upon ANY sin. That's where Jesus comes in.

I won't even take time to explain this to yoiuj. You can't understand it.

of course


P To Tha R! 11-18-06 07:21 PM

NAH i do understand it..SO U CAN MAKE A SIN? AND IT WONT MATTER COS JESUS IS SAVING U? nahh cos then that completely destroys being good and bad...think about the logic i think ure misintepreting the early scriptures

Tha .Q 11-18-06 07:28 PM

Originally Posted by Prah'Ject
NAH i do understand it..SO U CAN MAKE A SIN? AND IT WONT MATTER COS JESUS IS SAVING U? nahh cos then that completely destroys being good and bad...think about the logic i think ure misintepreting the early scriptures

This is more complex than you can understand atm. God can not look upon sin. That's where sacrifice came in. Blood had to be shed to COVER, COVER the sin. Only God can forgive. Jesus provides an eternal COVERING for our sin. Paul asked the same question you did, "Shall we continue sinning just so God can keep forgiving us." Then, he answers it, 'No, God forbid." But, the stipulation is clear. GOD LOOKS UPON INTENT AS WELL AS ACTION. And, as the bible says, "Confess your sins and God will cleanse you from ALL unrightesouness."

The bible also says God "seals us" unto the day of redemption....That means every shortcoming I have God is able to keep from me until he can purify me in his presence. That, my friend, is the basis of this walk. It's not a free for all. You have NO idea what I go through. Don't you dare judge me.


P To Tha R! 11-18-06 07:34 PM

ah man stop posting here this is for feed nigga..HOP OFF AGAIN!! my nuts is tired

TonyTone 11-18-06 07:38 PM

prah sound like cassidy. haha

Tha .Q 11-18-06 07:47 PM

Nothing like lies and FAKE personals to make a diss pop



P To Tha R! 11-18-06 07:50 PM

^^fake personals...HUh?

didnt u get raped? YES..
arent u gay..YESS
arent u going to hell..OH HELL YESS..
arent u a dildo hopper...OH YES..
are u ducking my call out comments to fight it out..HELL YES..

now run along..

and tony ure the 3rd person this week to say that lool

Ebircs 11-18-06 07:57 PM

im not even reading the bullshit.....

n pra...u know how i view u....

and Q ....u know how i view you

the whole shit talk....is ehhhh....non importian....

the JC real shit was a low blow......garntet n trip line was nice..........lol @ j mill line.....

lets get in the track........!!!

vocs r low...........beats illy..................flows nice....no punches i heard stood out yet...lol @ boys line............lol, @ my name, u explained this tho, so it's all good....net shits ehh....decent drop, coulda used more punched tho 4 real.....but song wise it was nice....and some got points made....i wana hear the response,!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

good to hear we got into shit here, fuck all these loame ass threads man

Tha .Q 11-18-06 08:05 PM

Originally Posted by Prah'Ject
^^fake personals...HUh?

didnt u get raped? YES..
arent u gay..YESS
arent u going to hell..OH HELL YESS..
arent u a dildo hopper...OH YES..
are u ducking my call out comments to fight it out..HELL YES..

now run along..

and tony ure the 3rd person this week to say that lool

Grow the fuck up. You're ignorant and highly uneducated. It shows.


P To Tha R! 11-18-06 08:06 PM

ok ok..post in LL dawg;..up off my nuts one more time pleasee...its bruised now

Tha .Q 11-18-06 08:07 PM

Dropping out is starting to rear it's ugly head.

wut a moron


P To Tha R! 11-18-06 08:08 PM

u think so?...I got more cash then u b....regardlesss of ligit or illegitimate ways....still more cash

Tha .Q 11-18-06 08:17 PM

Actually...fuck u

Imma do a return diss and be done with ur ass


Ebircs 11-18-06 08:46 PM

*this is mind immortial**

nah mean, ima tell u sumthin dogg, this nigga an't fakin shit he gay ass a mother fucker, he'll tell u dude raped him....now...becides that, thats not the point !! the point is..u a dumb as nigger.....ur fucking buying into the lies of the white man...king james...u dont know hebrew, so shut the fuck up....

thats alll................your a idiot

P To Tha R! 11-18-06 08:55 PM

Originally Posted by T ha Q
Actually...fuck u

Imma do a return diss and be done with ur ass


do whatever u gotta do to make yaself feel better we all know ya ass is hooked on the net...man get a life jeez this took me 30 mins and ya ass is stressing and telling cats on how u got raped..rofl

Kordozar 11-18-06 08:56 PM

You Sound Like Bow Wow When You First Come On

P To Tha R! 11-18-06 08:57 PM

lol that was so irrelavant

Kordozar 11-18-06 09:03 PM

Oh Yeah The Track Was Too Long Lyrics Were Kinda Basic Cause You Kept Saying Nigga At The End Of Most Of Ya Words You Did Expose The Shit Out Of Him Don't Matter True Or False But Ugh You Played This Just Like Cam Did Hov It Was Iight Tho My Dude 6/10

P To Tha R! 11-18-06 09:06 PM

aight i feel u...i did what i had to do..it was done in 30 mins

Maleficent 11-18-06 09:17 PM

You sound just like my friend George... who sounds like Cassidy. Good diss, the prelude was funny lol, you set the bar high for Q I gotta admit.

P To Tha R! 11-18-06 09:21 PM

lol...thanks...i dnt sound that much like cassidy

Maleficent 11-18-06 09:24 PM

Yeah, when I first heard the voice, I had this Eazy-E vibe, then I listened more into it and I heard a Cassidy, but for the most part its a unique and distinct voice.

P To Tha R! 11-18-06 09:27 PM

word word up I feel that

C-Explicit 11-18-06 11:01 PM

haha i love that JC real part hahahah

Tha Q and JC Real... im sorry, but you kinda stupid man...


P To Tha R! 11-19-06 05:59 AM


P To Tha R! 11-19-06 07:37 AM


Zone Out 11-19-06 10:37 AM

I would seriously want to fight after this.

TeamOne 11-19-06 11:02 AM

Intro: u shouldnt cite Apexx as one of ur sources.... hes very biased....
god dont forgive u, lmao, both of u talkin about each others gods
"cant stop, wont stop" lmao, pretendin to be puffy, kinda funny

thank u for defining oxymoron.... thanx for babying me, cuz i didnt know wat that meant... faggot

hahaha.... "'if theres a man who lies with a male' thats u" hah, u goofy

wheres ur beat??? kinda dumb if none of its gonna be on a beat.... some decent punches, but i dont really like the New York freestyle battle style u come with.... its kinda corny now...

I like the beat, but sometimes it sounds uplifting.... but u ride it well... and obviously quality is ALOT better than Tha Qs track.... but i was expectin that

dont really get that "balls in ya mouth line" it didnt really make sense "u got no balls" after talkin about how ur knowin in the south.... maybe i needa hear it again....

god damn..... that was alil brutal wat u sed about his grandma, lmao.... why u rkellyin her??? hahahahah this is funny but completely bogus....

PEDOPHILE.... u sed that REALLY WRONG.... hahahahahah but im wonderin if its like "PEE-DOPHILE" on purpose...

rtf: http://community.rapverse.com/showthread.php?t=237260

P To Tha R! 11-19-06 11:20 AM

lool yeah it was PEEE-DO PHILE on purpose...and that line I was saying he got no balls (cos hes not a man) but maybe in his mouth (cos hes a fag..reason hes not considered a man)...oh and ima piss all over that trick

Zone Out 11-19-06 11:50 AM

wow @ how lame Fux is

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