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La Cosa Nostra 12-10-08 07:47 PM

black holes!
yes sir you heard correct.. theyve just found one in the middle of the milky way, around 27 million lightyears away...

obvious reasoning as to why our galaxy is a spiral..........a big fucking extinct neutron star spinning at uncalculatable speeds.... is pulling all the mass towards the center of it....

hello.........extra galaxy mass studys.......wheres youre fucking higgs particle assholes...... put a large hadron collier on the surface of the black hole......

i bet it weighs........oh lets just say......a little more than a tonn... i bet everything is so far condensed in this ball of fucking endless lightweight energy theres your fucking gravity to mass ratio....

uhh instant scientific erection

*thrusts cock towards religion* wheres your fucking discoveries asswipes.... bet your doing fucking mad shit at your academies..........ahahaha poor fuckers

ohh the gospel of david might totally have secret messeges in it if you do compleatly stupid unreasonable calculations mixing up the letters......oh yeah word..

the black hole.........most probably used to be a sun.......an extremily large one.....like......extremily extremily large.... makes a fucking shitload of heavy matter within its lifetime of burning up the absolutly gigantic unproportional amounts of hydrogen...........spurts it all out........then dies......starts spinning fast without friction, evolves into a black hole, all the matter collects together......new stars, planets, asteroids, moons, fucking........life........

science has basically fucking likly found god.....

ahaha omg... i realise this is all rhetorical.... but in a way it all makes a beautiful sense... this is why i love science....

Zone Out 12-10-08 08:00 PM

Take this to The Cerebral Approach, nerdface

WhoAmI 12-10-08 08:06 PM

yeh they already knew there was a massive black hole at the centre of the galaxy from way back

normal black holes supposedly dissipate over time but logically that would only be once there is nothing around for it to feast on

they were gonna create a black hole at CERN's LHC but something stopped functioning so it has to be postponed...which is just as well cos sometimes things people think they could have control over take control back before people can do anything about it...and then the shit hits the fan

12-10-08 08:14 PM

I thought this thread was going to be about baph's brain...

but anyway, why are you bringing up religion buddo?

Just because blackholes may have helped galaxies (Speculation) come into being, what does that have to do with anything? Are you calling Religious folk lazy towards science?

Kirk 12-10-08 09:03 PM

Sunshine is a good flick.

La Cosa Nostra 12-10-08 09:24 PM

Originally Posted by 冥 法
yeh they already knew there was a massive black hole at the centre of the galaxy from way back

normal black holes supposedly dissipate over time but logically that would only be once there is nothing around for it to feast on

they were gonna create a black hole at CERN's LHC but something stopped functioning so it has to be postponed...which is just as well cos sometimes things people think they could have control over take control back before people can do anything about it...and then the shit hits the fan

uhh, its been theorised bro not proven... untill now. pow wam bam thankyou mam.

Originally Posted by 2v
I thought this thread was going to be about baph's brain...

but anyway, why are you bringing up religion buddo?

Just because blackholes may have helped galaxies (Speculation) come into being, what does that have to do with anything? Are you calling Religious folk lazy towards science?

uhh, cause i think religions a bit of a joke... if you didnt notice... science deals with discovering reality.........religion deals with decyphering mythology...


Originally Posted by Zone Out
Take this to The Cerebral Approach, nerdface

Nah.. this shit was a mad little news report thismorning...

its proven man... fuck my apologies for not being gangsta enough for the lyricist lounge.... nah

Nynth Degree 12-10-08 09:32 PM


12-10-08 09:41 PM

"uhh, cause i think religions a bit of a joke... if you didnt notice... science deals with discovering reality.........religion deals with decyphering mythology...


your statements are a bit of a joke

La Cosa Nostra 12-10-08 09:43 PM

umm no its not........think about it again before you say that

La Cosa Nostra 12-10-08 09:45 PM

or better yet, try and explain why im wrong... so i can fuck your argument up

12-10-08 09:46 PM

aw okay let's have 2v think twice before he says your statements are fucking jokes..

oh you're right, you weren't making a funny.

my bad man, my bad.

I'll walk away from this one.

La Cosa Nostra 12-10-08 09:48 PM

ahaha... yeah right man......


12-10-08 09:49 PM

Originally Posted by Baphomet
or better yet, try and explain why im wrong... so i can fuck your argument up

first define the word DECIPHER

then define the word MYTHOLOGY

then define the word RELIGION

THEN define the word SCIENCE

throw them all in the sentence, and we produce your dumbassery.

have a wonderful fucking night dickforbrains.

La Cosa Nostra 12-10-08 10:06 PM

Originally Posted by 2v
first define the word DECIPHER

then define the word MYTHOLOGY

then define the word RELIGION

THEN define the word SCIENCE

throw them all in the sentence, and we produce your dumbassery.

have a wonderful fucking night dickforbrains.

Decipher -
To read or interpret (ambiguous, obscure, or illegible matter). See synonyms at solve.
To convert from a code or cipher to plain text; decode

Mythology -
A body or collection of myths belonging to a people and addressing their origin, history, deities, ancestors, and heroes.

think about it.. all history at some point reaches a state of mythology whether you like it or not man... i can say 200 years ago is pretty mythology like, all were going off is the perspectives people have written about their history. religious study is the study of deciphering it.

umm.. ok 2v were not getting very far with your shit argument so far... i havnt looked stupid once yet...... not looking good for you man.. But now we get into the better shit... which is really gonna fuck with you.

Religion -
Belief in and reverence for a supernatural power or powers regarded as creator and governor of the universe.
A personal or institutionalized system grounded in such belief and worship.
The life or condition of a person in a religious order.
A set of beliefs, values, and practices based on the teachings of a spiritual leader.
A cause, principle, or activity pursued with zeal or conscientious devotion.

boom. almost all of that is related to mythology. deitys fuckhead. the origin of things.. but overall, it basically means unproveable things, things that cant be studied..

all mythology is unproveable... duh fuckhead... no falts in my argument here..

now for science... i dunno why, but well go there anyway...

science -
The observation, identification, description, experimental investigation, and theoretical explanation of phenomena.
Such activities restricted to a class of natural phenomena.
Such activities applied to an object of inquiry or study.
Methodological activity, discipline, or study: I've got packing a suitcase down to a science.
An activity that appears to require study and method: the science of purchasing.
Knowledge, especially that gained through experience.

i dont even need to really go here.. this is the study of reality....

umm... yeah... your whole argument amounts to shit... sorry, you failed at fucking with me.. now go and rethink your life cuntswab

12-10-08 11:08 PM

You cannot decipher mythology and call it Religion.

You have Mythology, and then you have the Religion itself.

They are two separate things.

and Mythology is provable/unprovable.

Otherwise we wouldn't have large branches of scientists out there looking for answers.

:| I got up because I was curious to your response.

Broad definitions won't help you decipher the mythology of your statements.

La Cosa Nostra 12-10-08 11:42 PM

Originally Posted by 2v
You cannot decipher mythology and call it Religion.

You have Mythology, and then you have the Religion itself.

They are two separate things.

and Mythology is provable/unprovable.

Otherwise we wouldn't have large branches of scientists out there looking for answers.

:| I got up because I was curious to your response.

Broad definitions won't help you decipher the mythology of your statements.

religion is basically mythology dude.. sorry I just dont agree with you on that one...

Mythology is a broader term denoting unproveable historical evidence... And what is religion? Unproveable historical evidence.. provided in small texts and books that assholes call gospels and history? please, we all know how fuzzy it gets the further we delve back.. try delving back to the origin of all things...

The only real history thats proveable is since weve developed electronic ways of capturing video and shit like that... But even that can be altered..

ultimatly everything can be a fucking conspiracy man.. not many facts are truly factual but religion has a pretty low bearing on the reality factor.. believe me ... a lot of it stems from politics anyway.

12-11-08 08:51 AM

Disagreeing with me makes you wrong.

Mythology and Religion are two separate things.

and lol @ "Unprovable historical evidence", evidence is what science is looking for, it's "Unproved historical events"

watch what you're saying, dude, and Religion is not basically Mythology.

Quit making such statements...........

La Cosa Nostra 12-11-08 09:17 AM

Umm yes it pretty much is...

Historical fabels, stories of deitys.. origins of people...

ughh.. what are you trynna say.. the only reason we have religion is because some guys in history were supposedly inspired to come up with these concepts...

its all mythology...

evidence on current phenomina is what science mainly deals with.. i mean look, you got the hubble space telescope looking back into the deep space reigon where light is still getting to us from the depths of the begginning of what was around in the universe...

We got the LHC looking for certain particles that may or may not exist but were constantly looking for answers for things we can observe in the universe. This thread was about the discovery made by watching stars from majority far away, weve worked out there is actually a black hole at the center of the galaxy... which means a lot to me because I've been following these sort of things for quite some time....

dont get caught up in history thats too far back man from mans recorded bullshit perspectives and written texts, thats like looking for answers about what happens after death. it doesent really amount to anything definitive or proveable...

its just like saying, hey man... the herculies story is so true... they used to have minotours and fucking green women with snakes for hair and blind witches with one removeable eye etc...

thats mythology... it COULD be true... just like atlantis COULD be true.... I mean back in 400BC they might have had some pretty cool fabels about ancient cities...

god like aliens could have used to walk the earth..

shit I've seen video of very old footage of men going into an egyptian tomb and finding a dead creature that looks nothing like a human being. Who are we to say that humans build the pyramids? in egypt the year is like 3 or 4 thousand something... cause they dont go off christianity like we do...

But what is time anyway? just recorded movement...

recorded thoughts... recorded texts... recorded artifacts........ basically religion is mythology......your gonna have to live with that. sure maybe these guys tapped into some pretty crazy shit in their minds and shit, 2000 years later maybe some of the things theyve said are comming true or maybe it can just be seen that way by total coincidence and stretacble facts..

The evidence that religion is looking for is based on ancient human texts predominantly... and that shit is myths. because we really dont know shit... we really dont know what happens after death. we might be onto something... but knowing is what science deals with... science is theorising and going..........hmmm how can we test this to prove it undeniably...

religion is a stagnant ball of lint that people live their lives protecting the shit it states in their 'holy' texts.....but we dont really know its true... and its unprovable....

what more do you want 2v.... your wrong man........ hate to break it to you.. im trying not to be harsh here...

12-11-08 09:36 AM

LOL @ your wrong man at the end

I skipped right after you said fables and blah blah blah bullshit

you haven't even studied the bible have you ? No. You haven't.

Have you read it? Maybe. Possibly.

But I skip ALL of the mythology and I'm very Religious.

That's how I know the two are different things, you can shut the fuck up now, about all this hooblah and rackijur

It's pretty much as simple as this, Saint Paul was possessed by the holy ghost of Christ shortly after the death of Christ, and wrote the first book in the bible. He wrote the epistles of Paul and wrote how he was blinded for days after seeing the vision and the face of Christ, and then his vision came back. He wrote of HIS OWN events, it wasn't passed down bullshit from generations to generations.

Following that we have Saint John, the writer of the apocalyptic scriptures, John of Patmose.

That's both the beginning and end of the bible. John and Paul. And they are both the only things that I take into deep consideration, because the rest were GOSPELS, or as you like to put it, MYTHOLOGY

Apocalyptic = Future = Provable Mythology.

= You're 100% wrong, and are trying to stand up for your dignity, one last time.

Religion is NOT mythology. face up.

La Cosa Nostra 12-11-08 10:32 AM


Saint paul recorded his historical visions... Saint john recorded his historical scriptures...

Lmao man am I supposed to take you fucking seriously?

Sorry to fuck up your entire belief man... But your fucking agreeing with me indirectly and saying I'm wrong at the same time because YOU believe the shit...

derrr dipshit...

oh for fuck sake.. are we really gonna keep this going? you incredible moron...

12-11-08 11:27 AM

So now you're saying the writings of Paul and John, although there is scientific evidence to their existence, ability to write, time periods and the fact that they wrote what they did, is mythology?



La Cosa Nostra 12-11-08 07:07 PM

Pretty much man..

Shit maybe they wrote it, maybe its all real..

But fuck it bro, were you there? did you witness anything at all?

Do we have video evidence? is it in reality........actually totally proveable?

Or have you just been told it was.. Why dont we get fucken DNA from the guy and clone him... lmao.. i mean seriously...

Its probably totally feasable that he existed.. But when were talking absolute reality.. Your just going off what youve been told.... Its not true science bro.. its religious science...

Cmon now buddy... Get a grip on reality. Whats REALLY real?

12-12-08 08:40 AM

leave drugs out of this debate.

Theres no room for it here

Acuity 12-12-08 12:10 PM

the reason you will be in never-ending arguements is you both in my opinion miss the prudent point that religion is for lack of the cliche: 'faith'... someone who has to spend their days searching for factual evidence to a religion's merit will just frustrate themselves.. religion is essentially, belief in something in the absence of scientific fact... attempting to counter religious practice with science is somewhat asanine... to judge the merit of a religion , one must look to its own papers/documents/holy book etc and expose its own contradictions and failings...

Furthermore, it is estimated approximately 90% of the world's population believes/follows/recognises/feels that there is a higher being in whatever form their own perspective dictates. To call 90% of the world's population 'dumbasses' is a pedestal of arrogance and self - conviction, that truly baffles me. As for one, I know for a fact, that I am not a 'dumbass'

12-12-08 12:29 PM

i think you missed baphomet's prudent point

he's trying his hardest to say that belief in a higher power based on writings that the science of could be faulty is stupid.

and he's trying to say that all of Religion is mythology, because the proof behind Religion is fake, but he's saying it in a way that would lead you to believe otherwise, because of his misuse of the word 'mythology'.

That's what's going on here.

And whether or not you're a dumbass for your beliefs is between you and God.

I on the other hand happen to be more intelligent than baphomet in this subject so his petty word games have no effect on me.

So, all that shit you provided as faith, well, you missed baphomet's point, he was comparing science and Religion and saying science is based on fact, Religion is based on faith, and the science behind Religion is also based on faith.

But in my own Religious belief, I would have to say that if God really wanted us to choose, then everything's playing out in his favor.

Regardless of what a scientific mind would have to think.

Yet again, Baphomet used to be 100% atheist. Then suddenly he reveals that he believes in a God, then, three weeks later, he's back to saying Religious folk are stupid.

Of course we take into consideration that him saying Religious folk are stupid could only mean he doesn't know what he's saying, because he really does believe in a God, he just thinks people that follow the bible are following Mythology, and by that, he's making a half right assumption, because the bible does contain mythology, but the Religion in a whole is NOT mythology.

In other words, it's up to you to believe that some guy who believed in God was cursed for being a creepy old man and about 40 teenagers who were ridiculing him got mauled to death by female bears shortly after they began to make fun of him. That's a prime example of the mythology contained within the bible.


Nynth Degree 12-12-08 12:51 PM

Barph lost a page ago, when 2v called him dickforbrains.

La Cosa Nostra 12-12-08 05:45 PM

Originally Posted by 2v
i think you missed baphomet's prudent point

he's trying his hardest to say that belief in a higher power based on writings that the science of could be faulty is stupid.

and he's trying to say that all of Religion is mythology, because the proof behind Religion is fake, but he's saying it in a way that would lead you to believe otherwise, because of his misuse of the word 'mythology'.

That's what's going on here.

And whether or not you're a dumbass for your beliefs is between you and God.

I on the other hand happen to be more intelligent than baphomet in this subject so his petty word games have no effect on me.

So, all that shit you provided as faith, well, you missed baphomet's point, he was comparing science and Religion and saying science is based on fact, Religion is based on faith, and the science behind Religion is also based on faith.

But in my own Religious belief, I would have to say that if God really wanted us to choose, then everything's playing out in his favor.

Regardless of what a scientific mind would have to think.

Yet again, Baphomet used to be 100% atheist. Then suddenly he reveals that he believes in a God, then, three weeks later, he's back to saying Religious folk are stupid.

Of course we take into consideration that him saying Religious folk are stupid could only mean he doesn't know what he's saying, because he really does believe in a God, he just thinks people that follow the bible are following Mythology, and by that, he's making a half right assumption, because the bible does contain mythology, but the Religion in a whole is NOT mythology.

In other words, it's up to you to believe that some guy who believed in God was cursed for being a creepy old man and about 40 teenagers who were ridiculing him got mauled to death by female bears shortly after they began to make fun of him. That's a prime example of the mythology contained within the bible.


i aint misused any terminology.........

*yawns at your shit brain*

fucken crack child

Cola 12-20-08 06:46 PM


such a great thread

winner: 2v

some straight on points in your arugement man.

La Cosa Nostra 12-20-08 09:52 PM

an idiot judging an academically based argument...

this is a matter of being on my cock, you didnt even read shit moron...

Cola 12-20-08 10:07 PM


your saying this is academically challenging is even funnier than your avatar

you didn't prove anything, you simply said that you would rather fuck some scientist than read a bible. Congrats man! Your the next Tom Cruise

La Cosa Nostra 12-20-08 10:11 PM

listen kid, i called you an idiot.. that is a compliment as to what i should of called you reguarding your intelligence..

Cola 12-20-08 10:37 PM

Originally Posted by Baphomet
listen kid, im a fuckin idiot.. that is a compliment as to what i get called in real life. you reguarding intelligence..well thats just creative

much...much...much better

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