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Poetic Tragedy 08-13-05 08:23 PM

Free Stanley "Tookie" Williams?
for all who DONT know who stanley williams is i will elaborate....

Stanley williams was once the king of the crips, Him and raymond washington started the gang in 1971. As of right now stanley williams is in death row for murdering 4 people in a robery which he only obtained $120. in 1981 he was convicted of these crimes and for 24 years he has been sitting in death row..

Now you also have to take into consideration his positive impacts on the world...

At first when he got into death row he was as bad as ever still...but he changed in the years he has been there,now to look at the positives..

he brought crips and bloods to a truce by his Peace protocol(not all)
He has put out 8 kids books and 1 biography to keep kids away from bangin
he has been nominated for 2 nobel prizes...
1. one for peace
2. The second for literature

he has public service announcments from death row...

now he has been in solitary confinement for the past 24 years of his life in san quentin..he has appealed 24 times and each time been denied and been brought 1 step closer to death...

in my opinion this man is a role model,how can you be a role model to kids if you have commited crimes like his you ask..because he has learnt from his mistakes and he been through hard times which makes him a perfect as a role model and to teach kids..and killing any one because of their actions,i call revenge..not punishment... Id Like To hear Your Opinions On This Too..

If you would like to see stanley williams free and out of death row..Please show your support and sign the petition...


Sean Gunner 08-13-05 11:08 PM

He killed 4 people, he should suffer for his actions. He's seen his wrongs, good for him. Maybe now his story will help keep those who follow him from choosing his path, but he still killed those 4 people and writing books will not bring them back.

I don't like the death penalty cuz it teaches about revenge, but ya.

Thassarap 08-15-05 10:03 AM

he should be freed....
yes, he is guilty of killin those people, but he's obviously changed
the part of him that killed the people is already dead...
not gonna sign the petition tho cause there might be more to this that i dont know...

Poetic Tragedy 08-15-05 05:33 PM

iigh thas cool i dont Ask you to sign it, i juss ask if you strongly agree with him gettin let out show sum support but i jus wanna hear opinions on this..

Yes he did kill those ppl, yes i was wrong, but yes he has changed, and yes he could have possibly saved thousands and thousands of youth around the world, and imagine the help he could do to the world if he wasnt on death row and had time and shit he could do amazing things to the world.

13th. 08-15-05 05:37 PM

ye just take tookie off death row fo sho!!!!

Serial 08-16-05 05:35 AM

Damn double post.

Serial 08-16-05 05:36 AM

Theres a movie about him, hes played by Jamie Foxx. Its called Redemption.. you can get it at any movie store. Its pretty good too.

Its always different for someone to say that he should die for what he did, when they arent the ones sittin on Death Row. Capital Punishment is joke, its the government playing God.

I would sign to take him off Death Row.. but out of jail? He should be punished for what he done.. life in prison does just that. And if you read any of his books, you'll know he isnt bullshitting just to get into heaven.. its very sincere, an you can tell hes bein real.

Free Tookie? Nah...

Keep Tookie Alive!

He has the ability to speak to the youth, maybe reach some kids that are on the same path as he was, save them from a similar fate.

Thassarap 08-16-05 09:55 AM

yea, i'd sign somethin to get him off death row, because i dont agree with the death penalty anyways...
and i'm gonna watch the movie too

Bangalore 08-16-05 03:28 PM

Originally Posted by Poetic Tragedy
for all who DONT know who stanley williams is i will elaborate....

Stanley williams was once the king of the crips, Him and raymond washington started the gang in 1971. As of right now stanley williams is in death row for murdering 4 people in a robery which he only obtained $120. in 1981 he was convicted of these crimes and for 24 years he has been sitting in death row..

Now you also have to take into consideration his positive impacts on the world...

At first when he got into death row he was as bad as ever still...but he changed in the years he has been there,now to look at the positives..

he brought crips and bloods to a truce by his Peace protocol(not all)
He has put out 8 kids books and 1 biography to keep kids away from bangin
he has been nominated for 2 nobel prizes...
1. one for peace
2. The second for literature

he has public service announcments from death row...

now he has been in solitary confinement for the past 24 years of his life in san quentin..he has appealed 24 times and each time been denied and been brought 1 step closer to death...

in my opinion this man is a role model,how can you be a role model to kids if you have commited crimes like his you ask..because he has learnt from his mistakes and he been through hard times which makes him a perfect as a role model and to teach kids..and killing any one because of their actions,i call revenge..not punishment... Id Like To hear Your Opinions On This Too..

If you would like to see stanley williams free and out of death row..Please show your support and sign the petition...


still dosent bring away from the fact that he killed 4 people.... i mean think about if someone killed 4 people over something retarded and in cold blood.would you want them to get out? think of those peoples fam's i wouldnt want someone like that to get out of prison.. jus cuz he was acting nice.. he needs to man up and pay for his crime

Poetic Tragedy 08-16-05 07:22 PM

he has manned up and spent 24 years of his life in prison thats just about 25 years...manning up isnt gettin executed okay...he has taken responsibility...he isnt even complaining about death row..he is more focused on the kids..

Serial 08-16-05 09:25 PM

Originally Posted by Mr.Pookey Pants
still dosent bring away from the fact that he killed 4 people.... i mean think about if someone killed 4 people over something retarded and in cold blood.would you want them to get out? think of those peoples fam's i wouldnt want someone like that to get out of prison.. jus cuz he was acting nice.. he needs to man up and pay for his crime

Hahaha.. Man up an pay for his crimes?

This kid is too focused on net-gangsterism. I cant believe you said he needs to man up.. this kid should be banned from this area, clearly intellectual discussions is not his forte.

Hes on Death Row.. do you realize what its like to be in line to DIE? Most guys on death row do absolutely nothing but cry an go crazy when they are there. This guy has chosen to use his perdicament for the better, chose to educate the youth of today to spare their lives an help them escape a similar fate as him. An you have the balls to tell this guy to Man up?

Shut the fuck up, an I mean that in the nicest way.

noname 08-16-05 10:19 PM

Yea...free him......don't just kill the man....I'm sure he's repented for w/e the fuck it is he did....

Willa 08-17-05 09:14 PM

who cares if hes changed or sorry do u know how many killers would be roaming the streets if we beleived all their shit alot
i say kill him shoot his veins up

Thassarap 08-17-05 10:08 PM

^^hes not just talkin shit, the man got nominated for a NOBEL PEACE PRIZE

Willa 08-19-05 02:39 PM

who cares jsut because u preech doesnt mean he should get off lol
u have to pay for what u do

noname 08-19-05 03:09 PM

Originally Posted by will appear
who cares jsut because u preech doesnt mean he should get off lol
u have to pay for what u do

but he's repented greatly for whatever it is he did :)

Willa 08-19-05 05:32 PM

why should he live?
he killed others
but i think they should jsut make him live the rest of his years in prison much more painful

Willa 08-19-05 05:38 PM

no i dont really support the death penalty i was jsut saying he should suffer for what he has done and a whole bunch of ppl saying dont klill him wont save him hes going to die either way
but id rather him sit in jail and die of age opr whatever because that way he has to live every day of his life knowing waht he did
but yea ur right killing them is wrong but then again abortion is the same thing

Thassarap 08-19-05 06:22 PM

now that i think about it, i dont think he should be freed
right now he's having a positive effect on the world, and there is absolutely no reason to end it by killing him when its not necessary

noname 08-19-05 07:31 PM

Free stanely n let the man live!!!

~Tony Green~ 08-19-05 09:47 PM

Word I heard bout dude chief of the foes was schoolin us bout him FREE STANLEY.....................

Serial 08-21-05 08:39 AM

Killing him is only hurting the governement, I dont have statistics but this man has led many gang members to leave that lifestyle behind.

Killing him will only piss off a lot of people an risk saving others from a similar fate.

They have the ability to do some good for the fight against gangs.

Young Drama 08-21-05 04:04 PM

Ok Now

I live In LA,lol

So we Had A Live Interview Wit Him From Jail Last Week




New Meth0d 08-21-05 04:06 PM

Originally Posted by Poetic Tragedy
for all who DONT know who stanley williams is i will elaborate....

Stanley williams was once the king of the crips, Him and raymond washington started the gang in 1971. As of right now stanley williams is in death row for murdering 4 people in a robery which he only obtained $120. in 1981 he was convicted of these crimes and for 24 years he has been sitting in death row..

Now you also have to take into consideration his positive impacts on the world...

At first when he got into death row he was as bad as ever still...but he changed in the years he has been there,now to look at the positives..

he brought crips and bloods to a truce by his Peace protocol(not all)
He has put out 8 kids books and 1 biography to keep kids away from bangin
he has been nominated for 2 nobel prizes...
1. one for peace
2. The second for literature

he has public service announcments from death row...

now he has been in solitary confinement for the past 24 years of his life in san quentin..he has appealed 24 times and each time been denied and been brought 1 step closer to death...

in my opinion this man is a role model,how can you be a role model to kids if you have commited crimes like his you ask..because he has learnt from his mistakes and he been through hard times which makes him a perfect as a role model and to teach kids..and killing any one because of their actions,i call revenge..not punishment... Id Like To hear Your Opinions On This Too..

If you would like to see stanley williams free and out of death row..Please show your support and sign the petition...


how can a role model murder 4 people :(

Viva 08-21-05 04:13 PM

think about it like this, why should he be freed now, when if he never got caught he would more than likely still be out killing ppl? He has maybe learnt the error of his ways in prison, and thats good. But he should not be freed because its called a punishment and if he has indeed repented and is a changed man then he has to live with the guilt of what he did, thats y prison is a punishment, just because hes 'changed' doesnt mean u shuld let him out cuz if u did, what would be the point of prison? there would be no suffering. Also those four ppl are not the only ppl whose deaths he is responsible for! He created a gang, now every member of his gang that dies and every wannabe gang member who dies is all down to him. If he hadn't of started the gang then those ppl wouldnt die for it. so no, he should definitely not be freed.

Serial 08-21-05 05:56 PM

^How do you know hed still be out killing people?

You cant even say that, because things happen for a reason.. if he didnt get arrested, maybe it would be a little girl that would have made him see the truth.

Its like when a friend dies, everyone starts saying 'if only I was there'... he would die no matter what, if you were there to save him from gettin shot or w/e.. he might have had a heart attack in his sleep.

But anyway.. Tookie shouldnt be free'd, he killed 4 people an he IS on Death Row but keepin him alive should be an option.

Young Drama 08-21-05 08:15 PM

To All Those Who Said No

Talk To Him

You Will Change Your Mind

Serial 08-21-05 08:21 PM

^Dog, it has nothin to do with knowing the guy. Murder is murder.. even if it was Mother fuckin theresa that killed someone, you still have to pay for what you done.

Im a huge fan of Tookie an his books are amazing but let a guy off Death Row for good behaviour? Wont happen.

Poetic Tragedy 08-22-05 12:19 AM

its not just good behaviour he has ultimatly changed his ways and has done so much in the world in his 24 years in death row then most of you will ever do in your whole life time....I personally think he shud be realesed from death row and atleast put into a different prison...where he can atleast see flows and stuff...

DON 08-22-05 01:52 AM

so then every fuckin killer can write childrens books and get a get outa jail free card...please this is rediculous if he was smart enough to create the crips dont insult his intelligence and act like we all dont know that he purposely did these "good things" to get outa jail and make himself look good. its funny how ppl only find god wen theyre in jail and not before they commit their crimes. and its even worse that these killers get your suport when it coulda been your mom dads brothers sisters or friends murdered. if anything it is his duty as a human to bring as much good into the world as he can for taking 4 lives out if it, so making thse childrens books and acting good and being a positive influence is something he should be required to do because no matter what he does he still ended 4 ppls lives.

Serial 08-22-05 07:39 AM

Originally Posted by DON
so then every fuckin killer can write childrens books and get a get outa jail free card...please this is rediculous if he was smart enough to create the crips dont insult his intelligence and act like we all dont know that he purposely did these "good things" to get outa jail and make himself look good. its funny how ppl only find god wen theyre in jail and not before they commit their crimes. and its even worse that these killers get your suport when it coulda been your mom dads brothers sisters or friends murdered. if anything it is his duty as a human to bring as much good into the world as he can for taking 4 lives out if it, so making thse childrens books and acting good and being a positive influence is something he should be required to do because no matter what he does he still ended 4 ppls lives.

If anything Jail is what knocks sense into a person, not everyone but a good share. Media glorifies prison.. it aint no joke son, my uncle jus got out of jail an I have a few friends there.

Besides, hes trying to undo what he did, its not fuckin childrens books, it aint like hes sayin a few scriptures an getting out of jail. If he truly hasnt changed he wouldnt try to undo what he started an actually save people from makin the same mistakes.

You definetly speak like a high class rich white American.

Viva 08-22-05 08:19 AM

Originally Posted by DON
so then every fuckin killer can write childrens books and get a get outa jail free card...please this is rediculous if he was smart enough to create the crips dont insult his intelligence and act like we all dont know that he purposely did these "good things" to get outa jail and make himself look good. its funny how ppl only find god wen theyre in jail and not before they commit their crimes. and its even worse that these killers get your suport when it coulda been your mom dads brothers sisters or friends murdered. if anything it is his duty as a human to bring as much good into the world as he can for taking 4 lives out if it, so making thse childrens books and acting good and being a positive influence is something he should be required to do because no matter what he does he still ended 4 ppls lives.

I agree, i dont think u talk like a 'rich white american', i think ur puttin urself in the shoes of someone that its happened to and seeing it for what it is. he killed 4 ppl, who had families who are all serving the 'life sentence' , y should he get out? Ok, hes a 'reformed character' but thats the point of prison to rehabilitate if ur in for minor offences but if ur in for major offences (murder) then it is for punishment.

Dirty Nigga 08-22-05 08:33 AM

Let's take a look at who Tookie killed.....

They was all gang members, therefor one can only assume those gang members he did kill, given the chance would of killed him first.......

I think Tookie is a new man, an he realizes what he did was wrong, he writes childrens books an is doin his upmost too keep street crime to a minimal....I say he's done the crime, he's served his time.....now he should be a free man.

DON 08-22-05 01:40 PM

he killed 4 ppl. hes an animal it dont matter if he did it for money or gave us the excuse that the white man made him do it. he killed ppl there isnt any changing it, its his duty as a person to try and bring as much good back into the world as he can for the lives he took out. jail is supposed to change ppl and it wouldnt be right that he could kill somebdoy and get away with it because he served even 100 years.

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