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11-26-07 04:59 PM

Adult Americans
Peep the signature. Change is erupting.

I'm showing every 18 or older person in my family about this because it will fix America, which is currently broken and striving for some sort of change. The National Initiative, is that.

If you're not American, or younger than 18 (without the ability to vote), don't even try, your name won't be registered even if you go through the process of voting for or against the act, but feel free to look into it.


11-27-07 12:14 AM

I'm gonna keep upping this and I don't give a fuck if you start complaining, this needs to be brought to the attention of every adult American pronto.

and LMFAO... dude, the guy I'm going to vote for commented on one of my youtube comments in the signature. I can't believe the shit. oh well, MG 08 werd

Cola 11-27-07 10:09 AM

Arent you only 16?

Cola 11-27-07 10:10 AM

Jesus, the link in your signature...ahahahahahahha

what a bunch of fuckin shit.....sorry 2v, but straight ignorance

11-27-07 11:09 AM

Lmfao @ straight ignorance.

Way to prove you're a straight retard.

Don't even say sorry. Take your shit elsewhere fuckhead.

Dickard. 11-27-07 12:25 PM

2v u believing in that shit is straight ignorance.

get out of here u ignorant fool

Cola 11-27-07 12:43 PM

^^ agree'd, what a fuckin tool...

we dont live in a true democracy you fuckin jackass....this whole video is manipulating the word deomcracy in its favor....learn a thing or two about what our DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC state practices, before you ever try and bash it

11-27-07 02:18 PM

Suck my fucking dick morons.

I already showed this to real life people who thought it was a great idea, and they are full adults. You are fool children.


and no I'm not 16 you dumb cunt.

11-27-07 02:21 PM

It's quite apparent neither of you know shit about America or it's constitution. If the majority agrees to this act, it will be PUT IN OUR CONSTITUTION AND NO ONE CAN DO SHIT ABOUT IT. You're just blinded by (I don't know what the fuck?)

51% of our people agree to this shit - the 49 has no choice.

Cola 11-27-07 04:21 PM

Originally Posted by 2v
It's quite apparent neither of you know shit about America or it's constitution. If the majority agrees to this act, it will be PUT IN OUR CONSTITUTION AND NO ONE CAN DO SHIT ABOUT IT. You're just blinded by (I don't know what the fuck?)

51% of our people agree to this shit - the 49 has no choice.

Umm...again your a moron...thats what ALSO makes us NOT a PURE democracy YOU FUCK TARD..

Majority may rule, but minority still has a voice/postion in changing whatever it is that the majority may want......

Read Plato's repbulic and learn a thing or two before you talk again :thumbup:

11-27-07 04:48 PM

I think you love the dick you get from authority. The people have no power, you're a stupid slut period point blank end of discussion.

Let's get some people in here that aren't afraid of a change.

Cola 11-28-07 10:39 AM

^^ afaird of change? hahahahaha, change doens't alwasy mean you'll get a postive outcome you cock sucker....

You bash on Bush (who i hate) yet your on the same level of intelligent that dude is

Dickard. 11-28-07 12:33 PM

america afraid of change?

ur retarded 2v...america changes drastically every fucking day. ur a moron. and u showed it to real life people? idk what u think this site it...but im a real life person too man..and i think it shows how easily it is to influence dumbfounded people like urself.

u helped kill rapverse.
and ur helping kill america too.

1 thing i do know is that history repeats it self :)

11-28-07 01:03 PM

No, it's fine.

I have real life people calling you idiots and ignorant.

o_o step out.

Phenom-in-all 11-28-07 01:03 PM

Originally Posted by 2v
Suck my fucking dick morons.

I already showed this to real life people...

This has nothing to do with your thread, but I thought this statement was fuckin hilarious.


11-28-07 01:08 PM

and Aphil, America changes everyday? Okay, I'm glad to know you still see people from other countries moving orange stands on your neighborhood corner, and you enjoy the breath of fresh air, but the national initiative must be supremely above you. If I was as dumb as George Bush then why would he be against the National Initiative?

Because the National Initiative could put a stop to his idiotic fucking running of the country.

Like I said before, Suck my fucking dick morons.

Cola 11-28-07 04:06 PM

^^ what? again your full, of dipshit ideas.

All your saying is that true deomocracy is the best way that the United States should be ran, but in reality what will happen is...whatever the majority whats, it gets. Creating a mob like mentailty.....again, read the Republic you FUCKING IDIOT. Your just some queer stoner pissed off that you weed isn't legal, fuckin hippy

11-28-07 05:16 PM

I don't smoke weed anymore loser. ;)

but there's no way for the National Initiative to ruin the country. That's where you're at a loss for information, you apparently don't know shit about the national initiative because it cannot break anything in the constitution that is against the law.

You cannot, by majority, break the law, we still have to follow the rules.

So this mob-like mentality you have in your brain is completely fake, just like you.

Fuck off.

11-28-07 05:20 PM

I'd act like you ruined my thread but all you did was answer questions for the normal human being who would wonder that shit from just one glance.

Sadly you did no further studying and look like a complete idiot to all those who actually know what the national initiative is. lmfao.

Dickard. 11-28-07 05:46 PM

okay...why dont u go gather with ur national initiative group of "real life" people and talk about it with them...and instead of fighting with people...try rapping :)

11-28-07 05:50 PM

Aight tim turner I'll discuss this with my "real life people" as soon as they disagree and think I'm ignorant like your dumb ass. Instead they all love the idea and there's no arguments whatsoever. Why would I bother? Then again I sat with them as they TOOK THE TIME to go over it.

You sat at your desk and went "lawl this is stupid lawl"

Cola 11-28-07 07:09 PM

Originally Posted by 2v
I don't smoke weed anymore loser. ;)

but there's no way for the National Initiative to ruin the country. That's where you're at a loss for information, you apparently don't know shit about the national initiative because it cannot break anything in the constitution that is against the law.

You cannot, by majority, break the law, we still have to follow the rules.

So this mob-like mentality you have in your brain is completely fake, just like you.

Fuck off.

if i'm at such a loss of information, than why dont you state some facts on how i'm wrong :thumbup:

Dickard. 11-28-07 08:09 PM

2v...what i meant was....go discuss the issue with them...not debate it...cuz putting that shit on rv isnt gunna do nething....but hey...keep fighting with aphill cuz im tired.

.Judicial. 11-28-07 08:13 PM

Originally Posted by 2v
51% of our people agree to this shit - the 49 has no choice.

there's plenty the 49% could do. . .thats how country's get divided man, half the people want this the other half want that and then civil war breaks out and you get the picture, it happens everywhere, thats why America is a great country because we dont allow ourselves to start dividing down the middle and start an inner-continental war any more.

Cola 11-28-07 08:30 PM


its also why we are called a REPUBLIC, not a PURE DEMOCRACY

11-28-07 08:56 PM

Originally Posted by Aphillyate
if i'm at such a loss of information, than why dont you state some facts on how i'm wrong :thumbup:

that's the thing, I never said you were wrong.

Just missing a fuck load of information and uninformed of the thing you're trying to insult. Like an idiot.

Which makes you.. wrong. lol

"mob like mentality"

And that video, it's funny. The maker of it clearly states that our country is not ran by a democracy. And I never said it either.

I don't know what the fuck you're babbling about the republic for faggot. :thumbup:

Magic5 11-28-07 08:59 PM

See, the thing is, I'm saying you're wrong because you're the site's courtesy dumbfuck. You're always wrong. Every post, every thread, every point you try to make is just fucking wrong. It's hard to even call it an opinion because of how misinformed, naive, and ignorant you are. You're just. . wrong. . all the time. Please, just stop. For the greater good of this site, please read a fucking book once in a while and stop being wrong so damn much. Jesus.

La Cosa Nostra 11-28-07 09:08 PM

2v's next thread will be like...

Guys.........GUYS.... I've discovered the truth! I am converting to scientology! You guys are all fucked if you dont do the same these guys are 100% correct in everything they do and believe in.

11-28-07 09:18 PM

Scientology sucks. So does your prediction attempts, Mr. Nostradamus.

Magic5 11-28-07 09:28 PM

This may come as a shock to you, 2v, but you're wrong again.

11-28-07 09:51 PM

I'm not shocked that you feel that way at all, Mimesis.

Magic5 11-28-07 09:56 PM

Because I'm right.

11-28-07 09:57 PM

No, because you've never presented a decent point above anyone else on this site as far as I've seen in my entire existence here of reading your posts, and, all you said was "You're wrong".


Magic5 11-28-07 10:01 PM

That is a decent (and valid) point. You are wrong.

11-28-07 10:02 PM


Alrighty then friend

Decent and Valid parallels the Pointless and Needless in your world.

Magic5 11-28-07 10:17 PM

Surprise! You're wrong again.

11-28-07 10:27 PM

Surprise! You're extremely repetitive and make no point exactly.

shut up you stupid bitch.

Magic5 11-28-07 11:42 PM

But you're wrong and I'm right.

Chris Stylez 11-29-07 05:40 AM

There is ups and down to this movement. It does put back sometype of power in the hands of the people. Which is why our government was created. Americans complain so much about the problems, mistakes, and the issues in our government. When I talk to people All I hear if I was president I would(Insert change here). As individuals our opinion and views are not valid voice. But as a generalized group that speaks our voice can be heard but not valid. I see this as an oppurtunity to to make the groups voice valid. What we can do really doesnt count for much. Marching, Protesting, peititioning.

Marching around shouting out hell no we wont go, will give us attention but it doesnt resolve anything. You may get a news article or a fifteen secound clip on Fox bullshit 5 news. But thats it. After the government does what they want. The marching stops and people go back to their lives abit dick hurt and as time goes by the issues are forgotten by the people and the government is happy.

Protesting. Such as boycotting has its financial and economical impact. Thing is anything that is worth boycotting with out looking ignorant and silly is something we can not live with and is incouraged in our everyday lives. Boycotting is also a double sided sword. If we impact our governments economial welfare surely ours finacial well being will be impacted. When the chances to heal its like two people who are poison and there is enough dose for one person to get cursed. Of course the government is not going to give cure but yet heal themselves while they get back on their feet and we struggle.

Also. Peititoning doesnt really do much either. They see a whole bunch of signatures and thats it. They pass or do what they want anyways. Im not fully knowlegeble about petitioning but im pretty sure it doesnt do much and is a very unstable process. Petitions either get lost, ignored, or are not sufficiant.

This proposal does give people some power in their hands. No one with have a brain can legitmately say our government is made to satisfy the American people and isnt corrupt. You say change happens everday but so far the change has been for the worst. Name 10 things our government has done in the past 8 years that has benifited the people and not the government.

Right now our government is on a War path that is sucking up our funds. We have been lied to constantly about the war in Iraq. We havent? Lets see what this war was stated to be on. First it started as a war on Terror. Then it went from a war on terror to being a war to stop Iraq from having weapons of mass destruction(Which we gave them in them to help fight Iran). Then Went back to a war on Terror. Then liberation. Then back to terror. What have we done in this besides create a further hell hole for the people who live their than when Saddam was in control. Now we are about to go to war with Iran because they are gainning nuklear capabilities. Why can't they have them. The Majority of the nations surrounding them have them. Why cant they? Because they have oil. Because all of the sudden their terrorist? But we can not stop this. I beleive they just passed a law(not sure of the full details)I think it is called Liberiem. It basicly states we can invade, and bomb another country if we see fit. They can call anyones army a terrorist group. Do the people really want this?

I see the ups and downs. A country good get divided over laws they want and dont want pass. Bull shit laws may or may not get pass. But still it has it boundries. We can not break the law or have one that is unconstitutional. It still must go through the law making process. But it does give sometype of power to the people in this government which is what our government was originally created for.

Our country is being ran by a bunch of idiots. You dont give a crazed homicidal convict a gun and you dont give other people all of the say and power over your life.

DiDiSi-Mp-Lucif 11-29-07 01:39 PM

lmfao at this majority rules bullshit...
but fa real.. pic up a book... goddamn.. if like 6 people who are actually informed start telling u ur wrong... not only are u probably wrong... but ur also fucking retarded... or are u just right because u said so and everyone elses opinions are just lies because they dont fit in ur "hippe weed should be legal im sick of this country" reality... to you america may suck but its practicly the central military power and economic base of the world.. so they must be doing something right... nos is right... go join the scientoligists you delluded fuck.

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