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M&rk 12-02-10 02:48 AM

Who's a free mason?
are you, or do you know anyone that is or was?

_Talksic_ 12-02-10 07:11 AM

ive known a couple....
how about you?

M&rk 12-03-10 12:54 PM

they are very sneaky buggers. i've been surrounded by them my whole life and hadn't known or really cared to know, but now that i've opened my eyes i have noticed a lot. everytown in my area has a lodge and i've kinda been aware of that most my life, but never took the time to think what that means. talksic, are you from america? well, really anywhere, they're everywhere.
if anyone is interested in gettin a little bit in their minds and methods check out masonicinfo.com and davidicke.com
but be prepared to be patronised because that seems to be their only form of discussion.

M&rk 12-03-10 05:10 PM

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Cola 12-03-10 05:16 PM

my grandfather was a free mason

M&rk 12-03-10 05:23 PM

Originally Posted by Cola
my grandfather was a free mason

i know how that goes
when did you learn this, (age in your life, years ago?) and did have a conversation with him(or another family member) about the degree he's at. my understanding of masonic members is that it isn't usually just one person from the family i.e. usually takes up a large chunk of the family tree.

_Talksic_ 12-03-10 07:22 PM

from the research ive done and from talking to masons, is that they use to be legit, our forefathers were masons, and had americas best interest at heart,
but as the saying goes and the truth says, the Illuminati infiltrated them and they became a small sub faction of the illuminati, there are a alot of sub factions,
if you watch the video zeitgeist the omissions (the one where the song by pairs what would you do is playing) it will show you all the sub factions. fuck it heres the link
but the free masons sold out, theres different rumors about when, how and who,
and really i dont know, theres to many theorys out there to even know the truth and realistically the truth isnt known to the majority of the masons, then let alone to the public..but they have been infiltrated cause they use to be good people, and as in all things you can tell by the fruit, especially of the forefathers and all their quotes.
to many to list,(you can youtube em) but they are and would be against almost everything america stands for right now..ex, the central banks being allowed to control the issue of currency would probly be the main one..ex the loss of libertys..you could probly youtube that as well... they wrote warnings to not let what happened happen,
they were geniuses they gave us the blueprint of how to run this country should run, and thats not whats happening..
but thats also why they gave us the second amendment,just for that reason..
.........................but to sum it up they use to be good and now arnt. and yeah they do have lodges everywhere i know where a couple are locally, and i reside in the united states..naz is a mason he raps about it in one song where he talks about having to hide in a lodge for protection. jay z and rick ross have a song called free mason, so thats easy to tell, kanye is a mason,and got punked by who ever else he works for that made him apologize to bush for his comments on katrina,lol pussy. prodigys a mason. they have infiltrated everything.

Cola 12-03-10 07:33 PM

i didn't find out from him, it was actually my Great Grandfather....i learned becasue my Great Grandmother had died, and at the funeral theirs is a huge Mason's symbol for all the mason's, and my grandmother pointed out that my grandpa's head stone (which isn't in their spot, hes next to my grandmother) is taken care of by those guys, like they come and clean off his and all the other old masons plots, and just keep them nice llooking.

M&rk 12-03-10 09:43 PM

baphomet being a free mason makes sense. i didn't listen to much of his tunes nor think he was that old, but he and his wifey i'm sure are very happy.
eye saw a symbol on a family members car and asked a couple questions.
i think its very strange how family members dont seem to pass on their family history very well when they're free masons

_Talksic_ 12-04-10 06:05 AM

its weird how that shit works, my grandpa was a sniper protecting gerald ford during public appearances, mainly speeches ,and had a lot to do with the government, and our family literally doesnt know half the shit hes done,(i honestly dont know how his marriage has lasted because of it)(hes actually had to change his last more than once) i mean he reads german fluently and probly speaks it for all i know but honestly he will pry die of natural causes cause knowing him hell die with anything he knows, and it sucks his loyalty is like blood,and there is no changing him no matter what, if you question him its, rush limbagh this bill oreilly that, but i rarely touch any subject related to politics, first cause hes to set in his ways and 2nd cause whats really important is christ and me and my best friend who attends bible college try to talk about jesus with him and he is to stubborn, but we will succeed eventually,(god willing)..
but it is crazy how loyal people are to their what would you call it, their ahh, for lack of better wording in this case (establishment/society)
its crazy how dedicated they are to their cause.. or whatever it is.

M&rk 12-04-10 02:25 PM

yeah you would think you would want to pass on whatever information you can to your blood so they are better equipped for this so called life, but brainwashed old ppl who love their cults more than their family don't seem to see it that way. 'mk ultra'

Lysol 12-04-10 05:49 PM

I Know my old boss was one, well someone I worked for sometimes, probably in high power too, I hate the feeling they are around. But there is a lodge very near where I live, old one, been there since 1888's, by the little sign in front. Not only that they own the city where I live. They have there logo in every trash bin. The thing is they are everywhere all over the world, all in high power, every president was one.

M&rk 12-04-10 06:16 PM

you know that and i tried gettin both you and talksic to comment on how the forum mod guy nos had his name as baphomet, and he's free mason. baphomet isn't very much a nice thing in christian terms. everyone makes their own decisions, nos would be able to explain things better than me just pointing a finger, but to what point does it matter when a cult starts putting their symbols on trash cans and owns presidents and... who's the "enemy?"

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Lysol 12-04-10 07:30 PM

I don't know much about baphomet, I already know he's a devil worshiper, he's open about it. I've seen it on his avatars, but you can worship the devil without knowing you are. For instance, anything you put before God or spend more time on becomes your idol. You cannot serve two masters.

M&rk 12-04-10 07:41 PM

yeah, i'm gettin closer to Jesus slowly ,but surely here my whole life. but a hard thing for me is like how nonchalantly you talk about something or someone like a devil worshipper. :conpiricy test: who was the only person that really knew real world details about teromoto's suicide? and wasn't teromoto like really 'spirtual'?

Lysol 12-04-10 07:50 PM

I don't believe teromoto believed in God at least the God of creation, trinity alpha and omega. From a few of his threads I have read and comments/statements he use to put up leads me to believe he wasn't. I'm also a little confused from your comment be more blunt and up front with your questions and why so many questions? Just say in simple what you want to say.

M&rk 12-04-10 08:08 PM

i dont like to come out and say exactly what i want to say because i'm paranoid. i've had other people using this account and typing random stuff before on this site. i'd rather keep my personal thoughts out of the hands of the currupt. enemy owns the internet. And the motive of our hearts must be to bless people. kinda how i see if you dont have anything nice to say, tip toe around the topic and try to (no homo) slip around the back door.

Lysol 12-05-10 12:16 AM

You confuse me so much lol, I think this convo is officially over.

Cola 12-05-10 12:34 AM

Originally Posted by Lysol
You confuse me so much lol, I think this convo is officially over.

roffflllll :thumbup:

_Talksic_ 12-05-10 04:58 AM

no dis respect big pic but paranoid about what? theres a saying that goes something like telling the truth when surrounded by total corruption is a revolutionary act..
and again no dis respect, but being a paranoid conspiracy theorist is what the establishment wants, so they can label people, and dis credit the people speaking truth..
and as a fellow brethren in christ i would like to help, but what are you afraid of?
dont let death scare you? being martyred for christ would be an honor to die for..
and id love to be the first example, you have to be the change you want to see..
dont let fear blind you.. and the enemy as you would call them and yes they are, the buildebergs, you honestly dont think that they arent shitting their pants right now cause they are exposed. and just because they may own google or whatever search engine you use, doesnt mean you cant expose truth through their networks and others.. (granted in my case every comment i try to post especially on yahoo but other mainstream news outlets, msnbc, cnn, cbs, they all censor or wont let my post be shown) i mean they will but if you dis agree with what they say or try to bring up fact they wont let you post a comment, but there are many other ways to expose whats going on, besides internet..
and as for teremoto/one man band.. theres no conspiracy there, dude was at the end of his rope (no pun intended)..but dont get me wrong to think everything through and analyzing things is a good thing but in this case, dude unfortunately took his life..and it really sucks cause he was brilliant,(in the worlds teachings)..he would be the ideal person to debate about anything. its honestly sad that hes gone. i pray hes resting in peace...
and as for baphomet/nos. i doubt hes a mason or anything of that nature, hes just a little rebellious and really hes a cool dude.
and el rey, you do speak the truth you cant serve two masters, and some, well not some, most dont realize they serve the devil, they may not light a hundred candles while drinking blood or whatever the F they do, but your right..
and to add to what you said jesus also said if your not with me your against me..and i swear to god if people could just understand the spirituality and the complexity behind the truth of that statement, it would turn the world upside down and people would flourish to christ. its one of the most complex things to understand yet explain. but honestly im just thankful for the spiritual discernment.

M&rk 12-05-10 09:59 AM

i dont know where i got the idea that baphomet/nos was a freemason, maybe i'm projetcting on that one.
but, as far as being paranoid. being a christian and living in a world controlled by the devil through things as obivious as freemasonry its pretty easy to feel uneasy. not to mention my current heaviness of spiritualality while recently dealing with this blatant problem. seeing/feeling spirits, happens throughout my life when i get more into reading the bible. and that goes for the people close to me aswell.
shits just crazy and having 'freemasonry' being close to 'me' isn't making my life as a christian any easier. i dont do anything half ass therefor i have to be 'absolutely sure' before heading down a path. but at the same time i am absolutely sure on praying and Jesus because thats the only thing that works when things get unbarably 'heavy.'
its just shitty that when you try to get closer to God the devil is right there messin with your head to 'distract' you. and i know the devil's a faggot ass pussy, but when i can't always keep my thoughts clear fromt he spirit of fear, clear decisions become less clear.

Magic5 12-05-10 02:38 PM

Wow, you dudes are cornballs.

M&rk 12-05-10 05:19 PM

you can take this conversation at any level you wish mime

_Talksic_ 12-05-10 07:46 PM

Originally Posted by Mimesis
Wow, you dudes are cornballs.

i think your hairline is running backwards go chase it, and just tell your sister to go through the body scanner, let me know the date and ill contact the arizona airport, and have one of the minimum wage dudes save a photo for me,
ill pry shoot em like 50 bucks for it.

_Talksic_ 12-05-10 08:16 PM

how does free masonry being around you affect you? do they mess with you?
but as for the bible, spiritual attacks do happen any christian will tell you that,
thats why prayer is essential, and having fellowship among other believers that can also pray for you, will help.
you have to understand that the closer you get to god, the harder the devil is going to work to pull you away from him.
and as for fear, we will be persecuted. but god promised us that he would keep us strong through it, dont let fear keep you from speaking truth...we will be persecuted no matter what.
and what path are you talking about taking?
and the nos thing, its a good observation on your part, but hes been on the site sence i think like 03 , ive debated with him for days, but nothing would make me think hes an actual mason.

M&rk 12-06-10 01:29 PM

i had a free mason witch come to my house yesterday, and i live on 'rose' street. mostly everything in my life and most likely yours, is 'affected' by free masonry. i'm not condeming free masonry anymore though, my revelation is that everything is neither bad or good, but can be used for either.
free masonry is just a very useful structure for the devil to work in. mason's own everything and have a corperate structure where evil people can more easily prey on people and decieve them. free masonry has turned into a very aplicatable tool of the devil.
look up free mason guide for your town, they have all types of connections and if those connections aren't being used in Jesus's name they can be very useful in the devils hands.

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