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01-06-09 07:38 AM

I know more about you than you do
doesn't that just suck?

La Cosa Nostra 01-06-09 12:20 PM

then describe my identity...

what makes me who i am personally?

what is my story to the point of where I'm at?

two very simple things I know that you dont. I told you before 2v stay away from psychology your not good at it...

01-06-09 07:44 PM

I can't describe your identity based on my own subjective appliance to it over an internet board, but I can answer a simple question or two.

You are personally made up of your components which can be used to describe you, or at the bare minimum, your components make up who you are emotionally, physically, and transcendentally. That's what makes you who you are personally. Simple really when you take the time to look at it (??)

secondly, it would be rhetorical to answer any part of the second question without telling you that specifically you may or may not have a purpose, and the story of yourself is a subjective perception that you will- as the psychology of it dictates, use to make a broader pieced-together-puzzle in order to make sense of your world and who you are, contained within it.

Lastly, this is philosophy, not clinical psychology or neurology, there are differences between this field of psychology and the neuropsychology that you're trying to attribute to me.

La Cosa Nostra 01-06-09 11:49 PM

oh for fuck sake..

that was a long rhetorical response just to agree with me but attempt to maintain dignity...

nice try, but this thread fails on all accounts.

01-06-09 11:59 PM

what? wrong. very. I didn't agree with you at all. I was the opposite of rhetorical.


oh I get how your brain works.

I started the post with "I can't." so you stopped trying to understand what I said, considered my post long and decided to think something totally off base and then claimed I was being defensive towards my dignity.

Maybe you need to look into the mirror in a way that isn't about vanity.

Cola 01-07-09 12:00 AM

2v is a big cock lover, and this thread proves it

01-07-09 12:04 AM

So who on this site isn't a complete utter fucking moronic loss of a brain pile of pathetic human waste? I have a few screen names in the back of my mind that might actually read this thread and not be an idiot.

Cola 01-07-09 12:11 AM

Originally Posted by 2v
So who on this site isn't a complete utter fucking moronic loss of a brain pile of pathetic human waste? I have a few screen names in the back of my mind that might actually read this thread and not be an idiot.

look who i pissed off, 2v :laugh:

01-07-09 12:15 AM

Whatever. I'm waiting on Baphomet's half thought out, nihilistic, egoistical apathetic response so I can laugh at how predictable he always is about every single subject.

Cola 01-07-09 12:18 AM

so wait, you wanna cyber or what bro?

Cola 01-07-09 12:19 AM

cuz, i just want you to know...baph...that dude, he's pretty a god on R/V...he is always right and always lays down first on his stomach
for Tito

so watch your back, literally

Nynth Degree 01-09-09 03:10 PM

Originally Posted by 2v
So who on this site isn't a complete utter fucking moronic loss of a brain pile of pathetic human waste? I have a few screen names in the back of my mind that might actually read this thread and not be an idiot.

Utter fucking? Never, I have too much respect for cows.

La Cosa Nostra 01-10-09 01:23 PM

2v you dont know more about me than I do...

but speculate away kiddo.

01-10-09 08:47 PM

I guess when I release my ground-breaking philosophy, you'll find out that I do know more about you than you do, and you only know about your mental and physical components.

Lol. Have a nice dream.

La Cosa Nostra 01-11-09 08:58 AM

go on fuckwad...

tell me something on a psychological level about me i dont know..

01-11-09 09:07 AM


heres one for you simpleton

if you comprehended everything ive told you thus far in this thread

you wouldnt ask such a retarded question

so again, are you going to tell me what you already know so I can tell you what you don't know, or are you going to expect me to surprise you by reading your mind?

so there ^ There's something you don't know on a psychological level

you make me itchy with annoyance.

LaTiNKiTTeN 01-11-09 09:16 AM

...this is one of those kids who thinks he knows everything cuz he read a book or watched the discovery channel....when in reality he doesnt know shit.you can only learn so much in 12 yrs lol

01-11-09 09:17 AM

oh funny you fucking bitch

i guess thats why i dropped out officially as a 9th grader and im in college a year before I should be, by age, right? Yeah, completely.

I guess that's why I'm writing a philosophical book, huh? Fuck you


LaTiNKiTTeN 01-11-09 09:24 AM

RRROOOFFFLLL yeah son i'm CERTAIN you are a 9th grader in college cuz u said so...
okkkkk there DOOGIE HOWSER rofl

...now go look up who that is cuz u prolly werent even born yet

01-11-09 09:26 AM

u dont use ur brain to piece puzzles together do you? lol

bitch livin in a cartoon world.

La Cosa Nostra 01-11-09 09:35 AM



oh fuck i pity the readers of that load of crap.

LaTiNKiTTeN 01-11-09 09:52 AM

Originally Posted by 2v
oh funny you fucking bitch

i guess thats why i dropped out officially as a 9th grader and im in college a year before I should be, by age, right? Yeah, completely.

I guess that's why I'm writing a philosophical book, huh? Fuck you


rofl@ you insinuating that after dropping out of 9th grade you are only a year younger that the average college folk.so what are you saying,grade 10's are the usual age?rofl
son,your balls ain't even dropped yet.u aint even in HS yet,and u've never been with a girl.other then not making spelling mistakes,your writings never have a central idea or a theme u are all over the place...i actually think u are mentally disturbed living in a fantasy world

01-11-09 09:57 AM

thats an interesting view. but as I said, you dont piece things together. I would PM you and inform you of what you're missing but im not really bothered.

and baphomet, I said philosophical. Although in the end it may or may not touch on psychological subjects.

& you wouldnt even read philosophy, so i know you wouldnt read my book.

lol. you're both pretty goofy.

La Cosa Nostra 01-11-09 10:00 AM

Originally Posted by LaTiNKiTTeN
rofl@ you insinuating that after dropping out of 9th grade you are only a year younger that the average college folk.so what are you saying,grade 10's are the usual age?rofl
son,your balls ain't even dropped yet.u aint even in HS yet,and u've never been with a girl.other then not making spelling mistakes,your writings never have a central idea or a theme u are all over the place...i actually think u are mentally disturbed living in a fantasy world

yo, you can tell him that..

but he wont get it... in his own mind hes some sort of whizz kid who is well educated...

my evaluation of 2v based on his postings:

limited life experience
bit of a loner with not much going for him
broke and dependant...
doesent get out much/not very social

need i say more... id need a proper sit down in real life for a proper analysis but thats generally the textbook image he portrays online...

01-11-09 10:03 AM

its weird u say that

i basically said ALL those things about myself sometime in the past. i doubt you read all my posts though, you must be reading my mind yo!!!!!!!!!!!! holy shit!!!! fuckin board psychic we got here

LaTiNKiTTeN 01-11-09 10:07 AM

i'd add that he is on some soft of anti-depressant...and has probably planned out shooting up his junior high many of times

01-11-09 10:08 AM

nope. that one's way off. try again?

in fact fuck it, go read my posts

i hate pills, don't have a gun, preach peace and teach that idiots like you should be avoided arguments with. due to idiocy.


in fact fuck it, i think there might be some correlation here but..

you say there hasnt been good text in a long time?

there hasnt been a good DEBATE here, in a damn long time. I dont think there has been since terumoto died. terumoto was a philosopher, and I miss what he had to say, but i guess he realized that because he was a philosopher, he wouldn't be so brand new for too long. well damn. r.i.p.

LaTiNKiTTeN 01-11-09 10:21 AM

...yeah a philosopher who offed himself...obviously he had some mental problems much like yourself.
i'm sorry,but i dont have respect for ppl who commit suicide.at first i thought he died in a car accident,but then i was reading he killed himself?
everybody has problems,he obviously coudlnt deal with his.how does someone so young lose hope completely where they think the only option is dying?
he must have had some mental illness,or was one of those weirdos who believed in some sort of reward for dying.thats where philosophy will get you.

01-11-09 10:29 AM

I guess that's where it gets some people, but the majority of people on earth don't know what philosophy really is. that's where I end up having pity for people who try to talk about it like baphomet and you in some instances,

hell baphomet confuses philosophy and psychology. When in reality psychology is mind science that looks to some philosophical views in order to practice within their psychological experiments. :| you know, make some distinguishes or just stop talking about it at all.

LaTiNKiTTeN 01-11-09 10:36 AM

...i don't care for philosophy personally...

01-11-09 10:39 AM

well thats wonderful but luckily enough no one who has a brain really cares about that personal philosophy.

LaTiNKiTTeN 01-11-09 10:47 AM

so everyone with a brain must be a philosopher?lol

01-11-09 10:55 AM

Right on the money sweetheart.

LaTiNKiTTeN 01-11-09 11:12 AM

you truly are a retard.

Indeph 01-11-09 11:14 AM

Originally Posted by Nynth Degree
Utter fucking? Never, I have too much respect for cows.

Rofl once again, you ruin the serious tone

01-11-09 11:24 AM

Originally Posted by LaTiNKiTTeN
you truly are a retard.

and we've established that you're not a philosopher. Nor do you comprehend philosophy. You think I'm crazy. Lol.

You just fail to note what crazy really is. You don't think past that point, society has set your rules and you are hell-bent to follow them, that's all I'm saying, and that's what makes me crazy right?


LaTiNKiTTeN 01-11-09 11:33 AM

...so you don't believe a schizo is crazy?
cuz i would be willing to bet you hallucinate n hear voices

01-11-09 11:35 AM

and I'd bet against you.

then again you can argue that I would do so because I live within my own brain, in theory.

And following that, you couldn't make such claims unless you were an educated psychologist.

What IS your ultimate goal here? To pester me? Baphomet does that without trying but now I'm beginning to see why you and aphillyate can sit online for so long talking bullshit at each other, you simply try to be annoying and I can see that.

LaTiNKiTTeN 01-11-09 11:42 AM

no idea who aphilly is...are they going by another name?
i guess i'm probably annoying you cuz ppl don't really question you about your retardedness
perhaps u believe if you bring your mumbo jumbo to other ppl they ignore you or they don't know what the fuck you are talkin about so they leave u the fuck alone....i think u can't handle it when someone who is a lot more intelligent then yourself calls you on ur bs

La Cosa Nostra 01-11-09 12:21 PM

LK: Dont waste your time with this one.

hes a fucking stooge.. type of guy who thinks he knows it all..

2v: when you realise you cant twist words and sentences into meaningless spirals of rhetorical bullshit you'll snap out of this stage your in. its called growing up.

i'd advise you not to attempt writing a book on philosophy aswell. i highly doubt your immature ramblings are going to get you any acclaim or attention. and a drop out in grade 9? your credentials arnt even poor... their abysmal in the world of academia.

youve probably read a book somewhere along the line and this is your personal aftermath, crisis of intellect vs. naievity in a grey area of low level understanding.

and any half whit can see you call me stupid as a defence mechanism because i make you look stupid. try not to be so transparent ok?

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