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-   -   Mel Gibson's "the passion of jesus" or the passion of the lord not sure... (http://community.rapverse.com/showthread.php?t=113942)

Thrust 02-12-04 08:15 PM

Mel Gibson's "the passion of jesus" or the passion of the lord not sure...
I don't really see why this film is sooo criticized...
i mean.. if u don't believe in jesus..then don't bother watching,talking, or even thinking about the movie... if u don't believe u don't believe so it should be left alone there

but tho i understand the christians themselves...
thinking the role of jesus being played by a ordinary human being

and also the jews... which i'm guessing they may think that it's giving them a bad image

but again.. movies are movies... there's many movies about many major issues.. and not every1 agrees with the storyline or whatever...instead of criticizing the movie...leave it alone if u don't like it right?

well that's ur thoughts

i'm actually really interested in seeing this film

GameTime 02-12-04 08:34 PM

well..i can care less if people are criticizing it...
i really dont have opinions on matters like this
but if the movie is good then i'll watch it...thats
all that matters...just a movie to me...peace

bouncedoggydog 02-12-04 08:38 PM

This is a great film, it the most powerful movie on the subject I have ever seen. Yes, I was in on a private screening, it pays to be active in the political arena. I have been following this very close for about 4 months now. I understand how some groups feel this film can incite antisemitic feelings in ignorant people. Ignorant being the key word, because anyone of faith or intellegence understands Jesus was born to die. Not only die but suffer for the sins of man. I doubt devote christains are going to be apualed by the role of the jews in this film. This movies matches up scene for scene with scripture. It's ntohing we have not read before, we under stand how pilot was porytrayed in scripture and we expect to see such in the film. Yet to date no other film in my mind and that of many others, has been so true to scripture. It's truly a remarkable accomplishment onthe part of everyone involved in it's production. Mel Gibson has won me over with this film. I suggest those who are unaware of the movie and it's contraversy go and read the review on Micheal Savage's home page for the savage nation. He did this movie justice in his review as well as Denis prager and luara ingram.

This film from start to finsih was breath taking, the scene where Marry is following her son and weeping is beyond description. I was moved to tears and I am not embarrased to say so here. Outstanding peice of motion picture history, Mel Gibson has achevied what noone else has, in my mind. It's just a great picture and you must see it, no matter your religious affiliation, you will be moved. People are focusing on who put Christ to death and insisting that the wicked portrayl of Jews in this film will cause a new cycle of antisemitisim. The romans were just as wicked in this film, as a matter of fact I think it's a great depiction of human evil on all fronts. The satanic entity is kind of yodaish, but none the less works. I do not want to give too much away here, but I think Mel Gibson foreseen the opposition to this film. I say that because in the scene where Jesus is nailed to the stake, the hand that you see on screen is Mel Gibsons. I loved the metaphoric display here, Mel is suggesting that we as a 'people' sealed Jesus' faith, not anyone in particular. Our sins are what brought about his death, and so it is written and soit is portrayed in this film. My hats off to Mr gibson on a job welll done.

Thrust 02-12-04 08:40 PM

bounce thanks for the thing there.. i was wondering if it was accurate with the scripture...u lucky bastard lol

deacon 02-12-04 08:46 PM

I agree with bounce...I dont understand why mass distrobution of the bible which is the written story could be any different than a movie that contributes the same lines of meaning..Im glad that Mel put this movie out he's a good man and i will forsure be there on the opening day....Seems like everything is best kept secret ay? we'll maybe it shouldnt be


Hitta 02-12-04 08:49 PM

i dont care for ethier so i can care less..............................*1*

bouncedoggydog 02-12-04 08:53 PM

Originally Posted by hardhitter
i dont care for ethier so i can care less..............................*1*

Then why the fuck clog our threads with bullshit post?

I have read too many brain dead post from you today, so yes my patience is worn thin. Next time don't post!

bouncedoggydog 02-12-04 08:57 PM

Originally Posted by Thrust
bounce thanks for the thing there.. i was wondering if it was accurate with the scripture...u lucky bastard lol

You are very welcome as I always aim to provide decent content to people's threads. It's strange all the threads I post in and all the replies I drop, I never once started a thread in E.I. Maybe I should start some threads in here, but then again I figure most these kids would just be like Huh....

Yes very accurate to scripture and yes again I am a lucky bastard on soooo many levels...

Playjahrizer 02-12-04 09:08 PM

i heard the movie was in arabic and latin (or something). did the screening have subtitles or what?

Thrust 02-12-04 09:21 PM

ahh bounce for president
dude does have the best replies

bouncedoggydog 02-12-04 09:28 PM

Originally Posted by Thrust
ahh bounce for president
dude does have the best replies

My friend that is a dream that will never materialize, as I have a very colorful back ground and in today's political waters I would be DOA. I wish I had a squeky clean rap sheet because poltics have been a life long passion of mine, but due to the cards life dealt me, I do not. It doesn't mean that I can not have an influence on politics in general, just means my contributions are behind the scenes. I'm not one for all the fame and glory anyway, at the end of the day, I just want to know I did my best to make a difference for our childrens future. Who knows maybe times will be different when I am old enough to run for such an office, stranger things have happened...

I know I would have the support of my RB familia, so if you ever see a fatass mexican running for office be sure to rock the vote!

Koalatee 02-12-04 09:30 PM

^ will be my campaign manager & subsequently, the Dick Cheney to my Bush.

Accelerate 02-12-04 09:35 PM

<--Will Be the guy who follows you and claps and shit at your political debates and shit..

bouncedoggydog 02-12-04 09:36 PM

Originally Posted by Koalatee
^ will be my campaign manager & subsequently, the Dick Cheney to my Bush.

Dick? Bush? Nipplegate? Where are we headed? Yeah I would definalty join forces with someone such as yourself, I would just have to hide in the shadows, kind of like I do now... Seriously Ghod, keep your head in the game, you show much potential.

bouncedoggydog 02-12-04 09:39 PM

Originally Posted by Accelerate
<--Will Be the guy who follows you and claps and shit at your political debates and shit..

Skids you know you would hold a higher position than that. You'd be the dude I call to smear the other canidates, you know something more your speed. Clapping wouldn't do you justice...

Thrust 02-12-04 09:40 PM

<will be the dude raising the sign

"I know him from Rapbattles.com!"

MuhThugga 02-12-04 09:46 PM

I'm interested in seeing this movie. Is it true that lightning struck the set three or four times?

Anyways, people blow everything out of proportion. Just watch the movie.

varentao 02-12-04 09:55 PM

It was done in 'Aramaeic'. The language spoken at that time in that place.

Haven't watched it. Sounds very interesting though.

Lokinator 02-13-04 09:22 AM

i`ve never heard of it but am interested in seeing it

BlazinBabieDoll 02-13-04 09:56 AM

I havent seen the movie yet, but from my understanding of it all it is suppose to be an amazing film. I am not christian, I was born and raised a Roman Catholic and left when I was 14 cuz it wasnt for me. The controversy over the film is that like many other controversial issues. People tend to get shaky when their beliefs are put into question either by their hands or someone elses. This movie lays things out in a more overt way with vivid images rather than black and white text. It then becomes more personal to the individual.

I wont go into a huge religious debate, though in a way I would. I have studied many religions for the right one for me. What I do know is that people need faith for security. When that security is rocked it leaves them struggling with defenses for the most part. Many people are not open minded enough to handle a movie like this. Therefore, the controversy begins.

Just my take on it.

Thrust 02-13-04 11:27 AM

^screw ur take on it

Timeless 02-13-04 11:28 AM

dont care for ethier so i can care less..............................*1*

KytoKhouang 02-13-04 12:01 PM

If I am not mistaken, and please tell me if I'm wrong. I beleive the Vatican came out and said that the film was 100% exactly the way it is in the Bible. I could be wrong.

Also, I am excited to see it as well, but the way political minds work here in Utah, who knows. When everyone here is Mormon, and alot of them are not open minded Mormons, it'll be hard for them watch something they believe in. I'm excited to see it though. I beleive it should open some eyes.

Phate 02-13-04 12:02 PM

Having not seen the movie I can't really play the role of critic, i'll have to take Bounces word that it's a well made and accurate depiction of the events as laid out in the bible.

However, even without seeing the movie I can understand why many religious figureheads would be wary of the film. It's basically about control. Religion is not science, it's not something that can be proven one way or another. However, organized religions are real entities which must continuosly shape their message as times change in order to retain the maximum number of followers.

Don't get me wrong, i'm not trying to depict the pope as a Donald Trump ad exec. Still, religious leaders will always get nervous when someone else is in a position to effect their message and potentially the spiritual perspective of their followers.

just my 2 cents.

Daz 02-13-04 03:54 PM

i think this will be a good movie.....did it come out yet?

Thrust 02-13-04 04:23 PM

no.. i think it comes out on the 25th
i heard it somewhere?

~LyRiCaL-JeZuS~ 02-13-04 04:38 PM

I dont see why the jews are gettin they oanties in a bunch like seriosly, thats how the bible story goes, the jews were against Jesus. Mel GIbson aint gon change the whole story just cuz they might get upset. Thats retarted, thers shows everyday that make blacks look like all criminals, arabs like all terrorists and etc. U never hear that much from people complaining about that so he jews gettin all nuts about this is dumb. People are too sensetive fuck. Like that guy said if u dont liek Jesus dont watch it fuck.

HK The Great 02-13-04 11:48 PM

i could have gone to see this movie but i was in school... and from what i heard its amazing and everything is very accurate... and its funny how jews start sayin stuff about christians puttin a bad imagin on them when they dont even blelieve that jesus was anything, and that mel gibson is orthodox or baptist ro something... now i know thats a sub group or christianity, but thats not "christian" so to speek... and about the lightning thing... the dude that played jesus was struck by lightning and his head was set on fire... and alot of the wounds u see are real, not serious but they are real, like when they gave him 33 lashings or something, in the making of the movie they used real whippes wit metal tips, and all the guy had protecting him was an 1/4 inch thick piece of cloth or something like that... and sometimes they would miss and hit him right on the skin so he has a grip of scars from that... i read that from an interview they did wit the actor...

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