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L.E 04-04-05 12:48 AM

Suicide And Depression
Many people go through it...even I did.

What is a good way to solve this problem?

Prez.Sence 04-04-05 01:26 AM

Clinical help..

Bangalore 04-04-05 02:32 AM

writing .. alot .. can help it dosent even need to make sense just write it all.. depression is basically relying on old things.. these old things bring back old memories which we rely on.. so we need to get into present moment thinking and writing allows us to be in the moment and get out all of that old emotion also try running ha but yea its some serious shit

Status 04-04-05 03:14 AM

yo i have went through it like crazy, like i was like seriously thinking about it alot a month ago but my girl made it beter for me, like she would never suck my dick but she did and i was better

no joke real shit

and writing helps alot that is why i made that song called "worthless"

listen to that and tell me writing dont help

Terumoto 04-04-05 03:14 AM

Depression eh.

If youre still at school, see the school shrink... Anyone with a psyciatric degree will be able to help.

Theres anti-depressants you can take.

and find a form of self expression... Rapping, drawing, dancing... whatever.

Status 04-04-05 03:15 AM

and LE the crew forum is up go check in and shit

FlowIntelligent. 04-04-05 03:57 AM

As turban said.. youre depressed because youre looking back at bad memories. Even when you think about the good memories you have there is a bit of pain. Like your girlfriend and you had your first date and it went perfect... you loved her everything was fine but then you broke up. When you think about the good memories there's that connection to the bad ones. You had a perfect first date then you broke up. All you can do is move on and try opening new doors. Get a hobby you have never done before. Fishing or drawing, something that can take your mind away from the bad ideas you have. Writing in a journal is very good for you... And some males might say stupid shit like "Your gay you have a diary" but thats not what you have. You have a journal with thoughts and ideas and poetry and raps and what not.

On another note... Psychiatrists are the worst people to hwlp with your problems. All they do is tell you stuff you already know subconsciously. Like say your parents beat you and now youre violent or uncaring or you dont open up easily. You already know why, its because of a traumatic event like that swing of a belt or another traumatic event. We all know why we do the things we do subconsciously, but we are too afraid to be real with ourselfs because the truth hurts. Thats why when we do something stupid or wrong 9 times out of 10 your answer will be I dont Know. When in all reality we do know what we are doing and why we are doing it, we are just too afraid to come to grips with reality, because its easier to deal with.

And perscription drugs.. anti-depressants are unjust. Granted youll be happier mentally, and youll think youre fine after years of medicine but then one day something happens and youre depressed again. Plus anti depressants have a ton of side effects that could permantely disable you in one way or another. My mom takes those and shes happier than she was but she lost her sense of taste because of them, and she has migraine headaches that last days because of the drugs.

All in all move on with your life and dont dwell on the past look forward to the future. you dont want to kill yourself because you never know what youre gonna miss out on.

DQ 04-04-05 05:48 AM

^Said everything that needed to be said in fact except for the psychiatrists.

Many of them only talk bullshit, that's for sure but when you're depressed, it's best to talk to someone about it and psychiatrists are trained to fully understand what you're saying. Even though you do know why, you need someone to make you face the facts. You can also talk to friends or someone you're close to but they might not always have the guts to let you see the reality...

I believe it depends on the person because I know someone who didn't go to psychiatrist at first and she tried a new hobby, tried to move on but she kept on getting stuck in the same bad circle of thoughts. Then she went to a psychiatrist and even though it took a while, that really helped her overcome the obstacles inside her mind she was dealing with so I wouldn't say they're the worst people to help you. But I guess it depends on situation and person...


Lyriclesolja 04-04-05 10:22 PM

i find that writing takes those thoughts away.......and personally i would never pussy out on life and kill myself its just a cheap way to die.........thats just me.....peayces

Yung_Dragon 04-04-05 11:34 PM

They say everyone will go through a form of depression in life. Yeah, so some of you people are definately not alone out there.

Do what you want, it helps get rid of depression. Like others suggested, things you do on this site such as rapping, drawing, writing, etc.

You can also listen to songs(motivational ones, obviously, are good). The beats, lyrics, and rhythm all help calm you down.

Depression is why some type of medications are created.

Psychaitrists are there to help you.

Friends are friends remember, tell them your feelings, and if they're true friends, they'll help.

Although temporary sometimes, workout. A good workout or fun athletic sport will help calm you down.

Read something interesting. You start to relate to the people in the books, and everything feels better.

Watch a good movie, it helps in the same way as the above.

If you believe in God or the god of your religion, then just have faith.

Or as that song by 2pac is called...."Keep Cha' Head Up."

Durban 04-05-05 12:08 AM

suicide is a tough subject.

I lost someone trhu suicide. it came out of the blue...he seemed happy to an extent..he never mentioned death or dieng..even in his rhymes...he never said anything abotu ..
"fuck this world" i cant take this shit"..you know....
but then one day he just up and hung himself..his younger brother found him hanging in the in the backyard....

suicide in a way is a call for help....person could be streesed...wanting an easy way out......feeling alone.....

there is many reason's why.........

Personally i feel it is not the right choice..cause god will take you of this planet when your time is done......
suicide sint the way to go out...thats giving up!

Speats 04-08-05 10:13 PM

yah,i was seriously thinkin of it like 3 , 4 weeks ago,i even did a thread and people where there to support me and helped

Politi-Kill 04-12-05 06:05 AM

i went threw this...then i got locked up and when i got out i got kicked outta my house and was forced to live with my uncle in Marcy and he converted me to a muslim

that helped

SikezstWun 04-19-05 09:59 PM

Yeah I went through it too.

i got over it from just clinical shit and writing a lot. you should see some of the shit i wrote when i was depressed. its crazy. just twisted and most of it doesnt make sense. but yeah its a good way to express your feelings without anyone knowing how you truly feel.

i guess its different for most people, but writing helped me a lot

Suicide is different. if the person really wanted to commit suicide, they would do it. they would just get up and do it. Some people who tsalk about suicide, or have attempted it and failed, dont really wanna die. its just basically a cry for help.

but idk if its true, but people say you see your life flash before you the moment before you die ...
if you lived such a miserable life, why would you want it flashing before you in your last moment?

Kirk 04-20-05 12:20 AM

I personally think that suicide is a pussy way out... but i also know it would take alot of balls to put a gun to your head and pull the trigger.. i know people that have commited suicide in front of their friends. Thats pretty messed up espcially if it was family you did it in front of but i guess they wouldn't care because they think their life was shit anyway.

Yung_Dragon 04-20-05 01:53 AM

^^^Yeah, suicide is pussy. Anyone who can't face there own pain and kill themselves is retarded. If you think only of how bad life is for you, and not about how people who actually do care would feel, then that means your selfish and cowardly. Life sucks for us all, but we should take a time to reconsider the things we never look at that God has blessed us with.

morse code 04-21-05 04:18 PM

^i agree with him, also my neighbor, she has tried to commit it plenty of times, and i think its just ridiculous...i dont really know of a way to solve this problem thoguh because even though councelors and hotlines sometimes DO help, amny people are unwilling to look at this choice

Shorty#1 04-22-05 10:44 AM

smoke weed it lowers the symptons

MC Virtuoso 04-27-05 07:02 AM


I've attempted suicide I know it was stupid but at the time I couldnt think logicaly I still dont value life as much as most people seem to. I go to counciling now.. It helps a bit sometimes you need to talk or write about your thoughts to understand how crazy they are.

K-Trini 05-14-05 11:11 AM

Well...I'm actually goin through this right now.I write a lot...but since I ain't that good,it doesn't work effecient enough.No fictional characters are relatable to me.My problem is bein too quiet in school and not having enough friends.I only have one friend and he's a snake.

Cannibal Sativa 05-14-05 05:41 PM

i say to even consider killing yourself makes you a coward........get some pussy and the problem will work itself out......as far as being depressed goes get the fuck over it......happens to the best and the worst of all of us........psychiatrists are just some asshole who isnt telling you anything you dont know but they wont hurt the situation.....fuck, i got a confortable couch and a sympathetic ear........and i only charge half price to tell you things you could figure out on your own if you just stopped to think........on the other hand theres always someone like kevorkian

.Eternal. 05-14-05 11:53 PM

my past has gone wrong so bad... i screw everything up...but i think back to them every single day......so they scarred my life.....

Lyrical Prodigy 05-15-05 02:08 AM

fuck da dumb shit...erybody has been thru sum form of depression b4. they may not have attempted or contemplated suicide...but they been depressed. i kno i've been depressed plenty of times. wut i do ta help me get thru those times is write and talk to sum "select" friends.

Elementality 05-31-05 01:00 AM

Don't listen to people who dont have a clue to what they're talking about i.e. get a girl to suck your dick, or anti depressants.... These are all just temporary solutions to long term problems that just end up making it even more balled up and suppressed inside. If its medication you are after then definatly look into whats called "Homeopathy" The difference between this an anti-depressants is that anti-depressants like any other medical drug only treat our shells(pysical). This stuff heals the mind/body/ and soul with whats called an all natural wholeistic approach. Another approach is to just sit down, reflect on exactly what it is that is depressing you and write it all out.......write down all your feelings about it. This way you will get all of the suppressed emotions(pollution to your body) out of your system. Also I find that meditating works great aswell.... If you want anymore information on this shit im feeding you pm me, and I will help you out more indepth. Im not just some dude that thinks he knows what hes talking about through a vicarious opinion.... I've been through the trenches myself for a number of years and have had a couple of near death experiences. I have also lost a couple of my friends to depression.

Raphael 06-01-05 02:50 PM

Find a way to solve the problem, seek help if needed. Its all in your mind really. Sometimes your just need help clearing the fog.

50Cal. 06-02-05 10:13 AM

ok serious stuff here but you gotta understand that if you belive in GOD then you know all suicide brings one to hell according to all religious books.if you dont belive in GOD then you belive life just ends and killing yourself will accomplish nothing at all in the end.so suicide is pointless either way you will solve nothing i suggest if its that damn serious kill the people who give you so much pain.

L.E 07-24-05 12:11 AM

Originally Posted by C.A.L.I
ok serious stuff here but you gotta understand that if you belive in GOD then you know all suicide brings one to hell according to all religious books.if you dont belive in GOD then you belive life just ends and killing yourself will accomplish nothing at all in the end.so suicide is pointless either way you will solve nothing i suggest if its that damn serious kill the people who give you so much pain.

^^The truth.

And I totally agree about the physicaratrist thing...

They're full of shit. Like my mom sent me to a councellor, and he made me feel even worse than I actually felt. He was like... "I don't understand why you want to cause emotional harm to your mom and your family.."

I was like what..? Fuck you...

High Class 07-27-05 07:17 PM

Depends on how you are... Me , I feel more confortable talkin to my people... Not family, but my fam that I knew since I was young. If anyone knows the way I am, they do... So they understand. I aint 'gon lie either edition, I've been through it myself to. I aint scared of death. Im still thinkin how I took that hole bottle of pills and woke up from it...

My final answer - Talk to someone, let it out some way other than a way with no ration.

Dervla 07-27-05 07:20 PM

I have that problem...................Who can help me?

You can tell in my Topicals the way I end it with "death" Cause mostly it relieves me. Like I aint dead but you is...So it relieves me...So yeah I'm depressed, thank God I've found "Poetry" If Not You would've catch my name on a tombstone

High Class 07-27-05 07:21 PM

^ your doin your thang gurl, I wouldnt be depressed with the talent and potential you got... you feel me

Dervla 07-27-05 07:23 PM

^^ Chea. Thanx.......That's why in Most Topical/Poetry Leagues on everysite


Chea...I'm on all them sites..Topical/Poetry Leagues.

I have a life so dont come in here blazing "O this girl got no life"

Castro... 07-27-05 07:24 PM

SUCK MY DICK...it helps :thumbup:

Dervla 07-27-05 07:25 PM

^^ Your being stupid.................

Castro... 07-27-05 07:30 PM

Originally Posted by Tweety
^^ Your being stupid.................

on the real ppl who do suicide is stupid..

Indeph 07-27-05 08:36 PM

I've had these thoughts so fuckin much its rediculous.It mostly comes when shit feels helpless or pointless.I remember when I used to be like,"oh I bet if I kill myself them niggas'll feel bad".Not anymore since I basically stopped givin a fuck about people.I at times have suicidal thoughts only when I don't see the point of living.Usually the only time I don't feel em is when I'm recording a song.Like even when I'm mixing and shit it feels good.I been to the school shrink and shit and the nigga was like "I think your depression comes from problems at home" and I'm like "no shit sherlock".

Dervla 07-27-05 10:14 PM

I feel you on that one Indeph...

High Class 07-28-05 12:24 AM

Originally Posted by Symbol
on the real ppl who do suicide is stupid..

^ its just a phase with certain people, you know that hommie... everyone has there times, even you... and you know it... you know

Castro... 07-28-05 06:53 PM

Originally Posted by High Class
^ its just a phase with certain people, you know that hommie... everyone has there times, even you... and you know it... you know

yea sumtimes I'm depressed...but I dont think about suicide, or hurtin my self, I let out my depression and anger toward something or someone....

example: if I'm pissed anything I see I'm a punch....
If I'm depressed I go and write a song or go and chill on my block

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