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Sean Gunner 07-26-05 10:45 PM

How did We Become Existant?
There are so many theories with the their evidence, but then something else can cancel out. I have to admit, the fact something created us is weird, but I believe it. For one reason, we have a soul. How did some cosmic explosion let us have a soul? If it was particles and such, then we would be able to tell what it is made off, but we can't.

Crazy Hades 07-26-05 11:17 PM

What makes you think that we have a soul? How do you know we're not just atoms and neurons and all that, and when we die we shut down and cease to exist. Though this seems, perhaps, frightening, I've come say to 'terms with death', because there really is no point of fearing death while you are, and when you're dead, it doesn't matter, because nothing matters because you experience nothing. Not too frightening a concept when you're helpless.

High Class 07-27-05 07:24 PM

I look at it like this... You have a source of energy right? You use that energy, and it seems to run out. But it never goes away, it just turns into a lower source of energy. I honestly take that in account when people die... You cant just go... We have thoughts , emotions, you know feelings... Those cant just dissapear. i dont think we will ever know for a fact, but I cant wait to find out. Hope it aint to bad when the time comes, lol...

it might sound stupid, but thats how I look at it...

Thassarap 07-28-05 08:27 PM

it's really impossible to say what happens after death, or how everything started
personally, i believe in the scientific explanation of it, with our "soul" being a part of the brain
i also find it very improbable that what happens after death has or will ever be guessed by someone who has never died, the chances of a heaven or hell imagined by a living person actually being real are extremely unlikely
i do not believe in a "creator" because, while easier to believe, leaves the same question- how did the creator come into existence, what makes it think, and why would it decide to make a bunch of stars and planets, put intelligent life on a handful of them, and then just leave us to ourselves
a hypothetical creator would, by the theory of a creator, also have to have been created by something else. the creator of our creator also had to be created, and so on. the theory basically works against itself, and any way you approach the question of existence, you will never find a satisfactory answer
either we will never know, or we will find out after death, or we will find ourselves in another unexplainable situation after death

WhoAmI 07-31-05 11:18 AM

revelation as i've said before you can't keep on using religion as an answer just because you can't begin to unerstand a concept. i ain't sayin i know what happens after death but it seems to me that religion is used to hide ignorance....

and i see the soul as a religious thing

TitoBronsky 07-31-05 02:19 PM

not for nothing............ but its as simple as this.........

BIBLE = Genisis 1:1...........

in the beggining...............

tells yall exactly how we got here and why!

if yall havent noticed....... we are livin in the end of earths history...... better get on your knees and make your peace wit God and not science! only God can give you life eternal...... not man made science....... feel me....... the human mind cant grasp the depth of death and what happens...... its futile to discuss.... what what....... because the one book we were given has all the answers! READ and you wouldnt be ignorent... "the dead know nothing"........ they wait in there graves for the second comin of Christ............ i cant go into this topic in its entirety..... id be keyin for days.....

but let go and let God......... open your eyes........ and accept the mercy of a lovin savior who gave his life that YOU may live


Crazy Hades 07-31-05 04:16 PM

The Bible has all the answers? So why doesn't it answer how God was created? You could say he was just always there, but you could say the universe was always just there was well.

Macreep 07-31-05 04:18 PM

we became exiistant from the Big BAng or theory of immflation.

I mean...if CANibus said it...it must be right.LoL

Sean Gunner 07-31-05 09:10 PM

Originally Posted by Thassarap
it's really impossible to say what happens after death, or how everything started
personally, i believe in the scientific explanation of it, with our "soul" being a part of the brain
i also find it very improbable that what happens after death has or will ever be guessed by someone who has never died, the chances of a heaven or hell imagined by a living person actually being real are extremely unlikely
i do not believe in a "creator" because, while easier to believe, leaves the same question- how did the creator come into existence, what makes it think, and why would it decide to make a bunch of stars and planets, put intelligent life on a handful of them, and then just leave us to ourselves
a hypothetical creator would, by the theory of a creator, also have to have been created by something else. the creator of our creator also had to be created, and so on. the theory basically works against itself, and any way you approach the question of existence, you will never find a satisfactory answer
either we will never know, or we will find out after death, or we will find ourselves in another unexplainable situation after death

My grandpa said he saw the angels coming for him when he was about to die. Oh, and to the religious comment, Religion in itself is something man has created. It is a set of rules of how you should act, how you should be, how you should think, etc...The belief in God is just that, belief, not religion.

Magic5 07-31-05 09:18 PM

Originally Posted by The Revelation
If it was particles and such, then we would be able to tell what it is made off, but we can't.

It all depends on how you define "soul."

Also, you're making the false assumption that this world knows everything right now. We have a lot to discover.

Sean Gunner 07-31-05 10:58 PM

# The animating and vital principle in humans, credited with the faculties of thought, action, and emotion and often conceived as an immaterial entity.
# The spiritual nature of humans, regarded as immortal, separable from the body at death, and susceptible to happiness or misery in a future state.
# The disembodied spirit of a dead human.
# A human: “the homes of some nine hundred souls” (Garrison Keillor).
# The central or integral part; the vital core: “It saddens me that this network... may lose its soul, which is after all the quest for news” (Marvin Kalb).
# A person considered as the perfect embodiment of an intangible quality; a personification: I am the very soul of discretion.
# A person's emotional or moral nature: “An actor is... often a soul which wishes to reveal itself to the world but dare not” (Alec Guinness).
# A sense of ethnic pride among Black people and especially African Americans, expressed in areas such as language, social customs, religion, and music.
# A strong, deeply felt emotion conveyed by a speaker, a performer, or an artist.

Take your pick.

Denied Truth 08-01-05 01:28 AM

Originally Posted by TitoBronsky
not for nothing............ but its as simple as this.........

BIBLE = Genisis 1:1...........

in the beggining...............

tells yall exactly how we got here and why!

if yall havent noticed....... we are livin in the end of earths history...... better get on your knees and make your peace wit God and not science! only God can give you life eternal...... not man made science....... feel me....... the human mind cant grasp the depth of death and what happens...... its futile to discuss.... what what....... because the one book we were given has all the answers! READ and you wouldnt be ignorent... "the dead know nothing"........ they wait in there graves for the second comin of Christ............ i cant go into this topic in its entirety..... id be keyin for days.....

but let go and let God......... open your eyes........ and accept the mercy of a lovin savior who gave his life that YOU may live


Ya'll My Manz Tito Did Everything I Wuz Gwan Do...
Genesis 1:1 Says In THE BEGINNING...which means the beginning of EVERTYHING..ANYTHING...ALL!!...God Created The Heavens And The Earth...
Both Of My Bibles R N Da Car But Later In Genesis It Says How God CREATED MAN!! and From Man, Woman....

That's The Only Thing...Jesus Is The Way, THE TRUTH, and The Life..No Man Enterz The Kingdom Of God Cept Thru Him (John 14:4)....

You Ought To Know Him...
And This Ain't "RELIGION"...This Is A Relationship..when your in love with someone..you kno about them....


Denied Truth 08-01-05 01:32 AM

Originally Posted by Daemon
The Bible has all the answers? So why doesn't it answer how God was created? You could say he was just always there, but you could say the universe was always just there was well.


The Bible Says God Was, Is, And Is To Come....

He Is What He Is...

He's Eternal ; He Was Here In The Beginning And He Is Going TO Be Here in The End.......

The Universe Could Not HAVE ALWAYZ jus Been There..Becuz Genesis says Out Of Darkness God Created Light...And In The Beginning He Created The Heavens and The Earth...<===Universe.....and Later It Says About The Planets And Stars....

The Bible Does Have Every Answer To Any Question Ever Worth Asking...
God Answered IT All And Laid It Out For Us Through His "God-Breathed Word"...

II Corithians 12:9
His Grace Is Sufficient For Me..Therefore I Will Boast In My Weaknesses....


WhoAmI 08-02-05 05:12 AM

Originally Posted by Denied Truth

The Bible Says God Was, Is, And Is To Come....

you say this, but the bible was written by other humans so how do you figure a select few of people have more knowledge than everyone else then and now, and so can be in a position to have us take their word and accept it.

TitoBronsky 08-02-05 05:54 PM

ALPHA AND OMEGA............. first and last....................

There are things our mortal minds simply can not grasp.......... and the concept of God and how he came to be is one of them......... to humans....... everything has to have a begining and an end........ and everything has to be clear cut and dry........ but God....... he operates on a different plane of existence where time and history dont have either one of those things........ God always was and always will be...... before us....... before everything..... there was God.......... dont bother asking the question....... before God???????? cuz there is no answer for that............ just like asking how long does space go on for............... to us it has to end some where right???? doesnt it just boggle your mind even trying to reach a conclusion on the depth of space??????????? Its infinate!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! we cant understand that!!!!!!!!! so rather than try to validate our existence through a big bang......... understand that its much simpler than science....... we came to be through love........ a love greater than ourselves........ and powerful enough to conquer death......... feel me?..........

God is forever....... Alpha and Omega......... b4 creation there was God......... just accept that........ cuz theres no way Humans crawled out of some primordial oozze and sprouted hands feet and brains......... its deeper than that............


Sean Gunner 08-02-05 07:29 PM

Originally Posted by TitoBronsky
ALPHA AND OMEGA............. first and last....................

There are things our mortal minds simply can not grasp.......... and the concept of God and how he came to be is one of them......... to humans....... everything has to have a begining and an end........ and everything has to be clear cut and dry........ but God....... he operates on a different plane of existence where time and history dont have either one of those things........ God always was and always will be...... before us....... before everything..... there was God.......... dont bother asking the question....... before God???????? cuz there is no answer for that............ just like asking how long does space go on for............... to us it has to end some where right???? doesnt it just boggle your mind even trying to reach a conclusion on the depth of space??????????? Its infinate!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! we cant understand that!!!!!!!!! so rather than try to validate our existence through a big bang......... understand that its much simpler than science....... we came to be through love........ a love greater than ourselves........ and powerful enough to conquer death......... feel me?..........

God is forever....... Alpha and Omega......... b4 creation there was God......... just accept that........ cuz theres no way Humans crawled out of some primordial oozze and sprouted hands feet and brains......... its deeper than that............


Thank you!.....

WhoAmI 08-03-05 07:22 AM

yeh its deeper that but how do you know its something to do with God though.....how do you know that it aint something even DEEPER than the concept of God that we don't understand.....

Willa 08-03-05 02:08 PM

Originally Posted by The Revelation
There are so many theories with the their evidence, but then something else can cancel out. I have to admit, the fact something created us is weird, but I believe it. For one reason, we have a soul. How did some cosmic explosion let us have a soul? If it was particles and such, then we would be able to tell what it is made off, but we can't.

everything was spinning started to become dense ten smal groups within the the large groups started spinning and came to form planets thats been proven there background rariation everythin is being pulled together
but as far as human existance theres no proof theres evolutio vut what avout b4 that
and really theres no proof of how the earth was made none of us are scientists they could be tellin us lies and wed believe it :thumbup:

Tha Q. 08-03-05 02:08 PM

I believe God created the heavens and the earth

although what he created does change = evolution

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