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Indeph 10-31-05 08:01 PM

"MY" theory of life.
I dont usually post in here simple cause I cant be fucked loading the page. But I've been thinking about life's purpose and I have a few theorys/hypotheticals I wouldnt mind discussing.

If you look at every religion, most can be broken down into two opposing sides, good and evil. This is the most simple translation of what builds these mass sub-cultures that are known and practiced world-wide. I'm the type of person who looks at fact's over belief's. For a long time I had decided that religion was simply a method of control used to keep people in line back in ancient times when it was very easy for groups of commoners to become dissident. Basically, what better to keep your people under control than telling them they will spend an eternity in the worst place concievable should they try and undermine you. My method of comming to this conclusion was mainly based around the theorys of evolution and the lack of explenation in religions as to how it all fits in with the larger scale scheme of things. Not to mention the lack of explenation of even the most clear up front things such as the existance of dinosours and their bones that are scattered throughout the world. I've been told by christians that bones are simply there to test your faith.

But religion is not something to be pushed to the side like it means absolutly nothing. Theres too much evidence behind it, too many people who devote their entire lives to its study to say it has no truth behind it. Evolution and religion these days are like two opposing forces that create an anomoly when applied together in the same reality as they are known.

So I came up with a theory that, so far, I have found to be a connection of both religion and evolution. I did this by thinking outside the box of whats known to be literal. My theory may seem to some like just the product of a vivid imagination, but I am posting this here for the exact purpose that I want to be proved wrong. My disclaimer is that I dont try to be omnicient and this is simply my way of understanding something that is outside my grasp.

But my theory starts off with the age old question, "What is the meaning of life?". Are we here simply cause groups of living cell's formed in a pool to slowly create larger, more advanced concious structures that were slowly perfected by evolution? Or are we here cause an omnicient being that sits beyond the limits of time, space and mass created us as a lesser image of himself. Or are we here as a result of both of these theorys mixed in an obscure story of war between good and evil?

I find it hard to put this theory into words, however imagine for a minute what being god is like. His level of concience spans across a vast amount of dimensions. To him things that are in-concievable to mortals such as the infinite (having no begginning or end), having no point or co-ordinates in which your physical mass resides, having limitless power. To him, looking at time would be like having every single thing thats ever happened right down to a leaf dropping from a tree sprawled out infront of his limitless vision and being able to understand all of it instantly. On the level we as humans think, this type of knowledge is not something we could fathom. However on a smaller scale, during our lifetimes we do gain a lot of experience on lesser levels. Ever followed star signs? Mine is a leo. (A lion). And I must say that in a lot of every day situations I remind myself of certain characteristics that cats have in the way they react to things presented to them. Could this just be co-incidence, or was I actually a cat in a previous life? Could life simply represent a transitional stage from the lowest of lifeforms that gain experience in basic instinct feeding their concience with knowledge to be taken onto the next stage of progression?. Its not an easy topic to grasp, but comming from the view point that god does exist, the purpose he has for us could very well relate to training our concious beings up towards being soldiers in a war thats being fought in the heavens between good and evil. In christian translation, this would be god and satan.

But where does evolution fit into all of this? Simple. It can be related on a human scale to World War 2, where both the computer and the atomic bomb were invented as improvements to the arsonal of war between countries. These were both amazingly great advancments in human civilisation. Think of it like this, while dinosours have amazing power and brute, humans are on a much more advanced scale of intelligence. We are in effect, an improvement on our predecessors. Adam and eve could very well have been primates created by god as an improvement and slowly their DNA strains have become more advanced and complex through a theory of evolution that fits in with the teachings of religion. Therefore creating a hypothetical reality where both evolution and religion fit in with each other's story.

Ofcoarse a war in heaven between good and evil might just be product of a vivid imagination. It is currantly my only way of putting in the final peice of the puzzle. Every religion teaches that you must choose a side. And there are few more clear explenations as to why sides must be taken other than war. But whos to say what the final transition stage is? Theres a lot of amazing complexitys to this theory, some that I dont want to reveal simply to prevent plagorism and anything else that faggots might try and pull with this theory. I also need to do more study on different religious beliefs as at the moment, the only religion I have a lot of real knowlege in is Christianity and religions that follow this type of god and devil scheme. But if you think with an open mind and forget what youve been shown all your life by people who simply teach what they were told. Some of these ideas do fit in with a hell of a lot of open questions that have never been answered.

I'd apreciate views and opinions and like I said, if anybody can prove this theory wrong compleatly I am open for discussion. The only thing I cant explain is how I came up with all this... I was basically sitting there watching a movie and everything just hit me at once, was one of those big ass realisation moments.. Everything fits and so far I havnt found a way to prove this wrong.

Can you?

22 July 2005.


La Cosa Nostra 10-31-05 08:28 PM



I've actually expanded on this theory since I WROTE IT..

While its mostly still true, now a days I would explain it in a different way. See I now know that science and religion do infact exist side by side. Humans are just to ignorant to understand how.

Science answers questions relating to cause and effect, it deals with manipulating the earth's resources to understand 'how' things that have happened happened.

However it can never explain 'how' things came to be in the first place. Religion deals with this. But there is one thing that both sides refuse to recognise that is actually right infront of them.. Religion gives the story of how things came to be... And science tells the same story, but in a more, action and reaction mannor.

To be honest with you, its not science thats in the wrong though.. Its the closed mindedness of religion and its in-ability to understand that not EVERYTHING in text's such as the bible is to be taken 100% literally.. Its a well known theory that the days god talks of in genisis could more or less be thousands.. or even millions of years.

But thats not all.. Religious people, in their ignorance, act as though it is an immpossable theory that evolution might be the scientific explenation for how god is growing and changing things over time.

Life is a mechanical enigma that has been concieved in the transendant imagination of god's endless mind. To understand life is to understand that nothing is real.. And while the cause and effect can be decyphered by scientific methods... The reason we are here is essentually explained in religion.

One day humans will understand this.... But it will take time.

Compose 10-31-05 08:30 PM

roflmfao @ my prophecy skills

La Cosa Nostra 10-31-05 08:33 PM

Compose... You and the word 'prophecy' shouldnt even be said in the same sentence..

Compose 10-31-05 08:46 PM

What about...Compose cant do prophecies? :)

La Cosa Nostra 11-01-05 08:38 AM

Originally Posted by Compose
What about...Compose cant do prophecies? :)

I doubt without looking at a dictionary you'd even be able to tell me the actual meaning of prophecy.

L. Veracity 11-01-05 01:42 PM

to be honest, you'll never find the answers to any of these questions...being completely real there's nothing wrong with science and not every person that's religious will say "science is bad", in fact, most WON'T say that...

what I believe, Christians are against is people beliving the notion that everything happened merely by chance and there is no higher power that we'll all have to answer to at some point

to me what it comes down to is faith...by definition faith is "the belief in things unseen" and you can either have faith in another "man"s theory or put your Faith in God...personally I wouldn't put mine in someone that started out ust like me cuz he could be wrong just like "I" could be wrong...I depend on no man for my eternal well-being

that's basically like bowing down and praying to the Pope who came out of his mother's womb the same as you and I...nothing about him is special besides the position ANOTHER mere man has given appointed him to

Compose 11-01-05 01:59 PM

Originally Posted by Nostradamus
I doubt without looking at a dictionary you'd even be able to tell me the actual meaning of prophecy.

Riiight...so even if I didnt know what a prophecy is my name would still coincide with it in that sentence...going against what you first said that my name and prophecy shouldnt be in the same sentence. Meaning whether I know it or not its still there, and if you dont think it should be like that...then that means I CAN do prophecies since i said cant the first time.

Now do your little "*sighs* you kids are so stupid, my intellect is far more superior then yours, Im not going to waste my time on a response for you* because you cant think of one speech :)

Even though you're only 19 and you dont do nothing senior year but take tests, so Im guessing you've learned a billion things more then me in 2 years =/...tell me, what did you do to learn everything you know besides smoke weed or drink beer. :)

Terumoto 11-01-05 06:13 PM

Originally Posted by L. Veracity

to me what it comes down to is faith...by definition faith is "the belief in things unseen" and you can either have faith in another "man"s theory or put your Faith in God...personally I wouldn't put mine in someone that started out ust like me cuz he could be wrong just like "I" could be wrong...I depend on no man for my eternal well-being

that's basically like bowing down and praying to the Pope who came out of his mother's womb the same as you and I...nothing about him is special besides the position ANOTHER mere man has given appointed him to

If you have faith in God, why not UFOs or bigfoot? There are eyewitness accounts of them, just like there are eyewitness acounts of jesus living and being God. The eywitness accounts in the bible are 2000+ years old. The eyewitness accounts of UFOs and bigfoot are recent and often accompanied by photographs of the phenomena. How is faith in God different to believing these things, that actually have MORE evidence supporting them? You might say "UFOs and Bigfoot are illogical.. how could they exist, its stupid." .. Christianity is also illogical.

err... and in case you didnt know, every religious scripture that exists was written by "man".

Compose 11-01-05 06:17 PM

^werd...I believe in Jesus Christ but I believe in Ufos and all that too lol, I NEVER say something is impossible or its wrong unless I see proof showing it is.

Terumoto 11-01-05 06:23 PM

Originally Posted by Compose
Riiight...so even if I didnt know what a prophecy is my name would still coincide with it in that sentence...going against what you first said that my name and prophecy shouldnt be in the same sentence. Meaning whether I know it or not its still there, and if you dont think it should be like that...then that means I CAN do prophecies since i said cant the first time.

Even though you're only 19 and you dont do nothing senior year but take tests, so Im guessing you've learned a billion things more then me in 2 years =/...tell me, what did you do to learn everything you know besides smoke weed or drink beer. :)

What are you trying to prove in that first paragraph? Its pointless..

You make it seem like school is the only source of knowledge for people. What schools teach is complete bullshit and often has no bearing in life. He probably gained knowledge from books, scriptures, peoples opinions... etc. I did alright for my age when I finished school, but everything I had to learn was useless. Most of my schooling years were a waste of my life, and everything I know I learnt myself., instead of relying on teachers to feed me bullshit.

La Cosa Nostra 11-01-05 07:32 PM

Originally Posted by Compose
Riiight...so even if I didnt know what a prophecy is my name would still coincide with it in that sentence...going against what you first said that my name and prophecy shouldnt be in the same sentence. Meaning whether I know it or not its still there, and if you dont think it should be like that...then that means I CAN do prophecies since i said cant the first time.

Now do your little "*sighs* you kids are so stupid, my intellect is far more superior then yours, Im not going to waste my time on a response for you* because you cant think of one speech :)

Even though you're only 19 and you dont do nothing senior year but take tests, so Im guessing you've learned a billion things more then me in 2 years =/...tell me, what did you do to learn everything you know besides smoke weed or drink beer. :)

Compose I've said it before, I'll say it again...

Your an idiot.. See in your bitter attempt to prove me wrong... Your forgetting one thing. Your argument is pathetically un-realistic. You know exactly what I'm getting at with my comment. Yet your immediate way of dealing with this is to bring up a silly little technicality and in the process make a complete un-intelligeble dick of yourself...

Do you understand why I often say what I say to you? It has nothing to do with a lack of ability to make a comeback. Its because your pety pseudo interlectual arguments seriously are not worth my time for an answer.

And not to mention, anyone who bases the level of someones intelligence on how much schooling theyve had is straight up dense.......Even you should understand something as simple as that.

Crazy Hades 11-01-05 07:41 PM

99% of christians are dense, it's stupid they shun evolution though it's perfectly possible god made the first things and allowed them to manipulate themselves. I've talked to so many people, and they were retards...one christian called me a 'saint'. I was like, wtf at the kid...what does that mean, I'm a plaster saint? I'm a good person? Was he going for Satan? I was like 'what the hell are you talking about' but he just kept dancing around calling me a 'saint'.

:\ - looks in the mirror. - I was warned the anti-christ would be attractive.

N.Tavarez 11-01-05 07:51 PM

a wise man once told me dont argue with fools
cause people from a distance cant tell whos who

Compose 11-01-05 08:40 PM

lol I understand what both of you guys are saying...

but I seriously dont think you can learn more about shit in Austraillia then New York, as far as non-schooling is concerned, all I try to say is stop acting like you're fucking god...you dont know everything, it seems like everytime someone disagrees with you you tell them they're not worth your time or their opinion doesnt matter or they're not as smart as you. I have no clue what you know and you have no clue what I know, but yet you always assume im some dumbass kid who knows nothing and it pisses me off because all you do is put up the age barrier like anyone under 18 is a fucking prick asshole who knows nothing about life and thats not true.
^Talkin to Nos not OMB

La Cosa Nostra 11-01-05 09:12 PM

Originally Posted by Compose
lol I understand what both of you guys are saying...

but I seriously dont think you can learn more about shit in Austraillia then New York, as far as non-schooling is concerned,

See its stupid things you say, like that. Can you not see how this is just a fucking idiotic naieve comment that makes no sense?

Seriously... Tell me what reasoning you put behind this comment... What would make you have an opinion like that? Because obviously it annoys you when I just shrug you off and call you an idiot... So instead of just doing that, tell me why you think that is the case.....

I bet you have absolutly no factual reason for making that comment... Much like a lot of what you say... I mean shit, have you ever even BEEN to australia?

Originally Posted by Compose
all I try to say is stop acting like you're fucking god...you dont know everything, it seems like everytime someone disagrees with you you tell them they're not worth your time or their opinion doesnt matter or they're not as smart as you. I have no clue what you know and you have no clue what I know, but yet you always assume im some dumbass kid who knows nothing and it pisses me off because all you do is put up the age barrier like anyone under 18 is a fucking prick asshole who knows nothing about life and thats not true.
^Talkin to Nos not OMB

Look man... Not many people on RV are all that smart... It may seem like I'm being a know it all.. But when I argue points people make, I'm not wrong in doing so. And I am a big enough man to accept when I am proved wrong... However on this website its often not the case..

See.. I'm trying to be as nice to you as I can right now... I could of just told you to shut the fuck up....But ofcourse that would provoke comments like "oh hes just got nothing to say"...:rolleyes:

Indeph 11-02-05 08:47 AM

Originally Posted by Nostradamus
And I am a big enough man to accept when I am proved wrong... However on this website its often not the case..

See.. I'm trying to be as nice to you as I can right now... I could of just told you to shut the fuck up....But ofcourse that would provoke comments like "oh hes just got nothing to say"...:rolleyes:

Nos I prove you wrong all the time.

Nos: Gay sex might be dope
A'cred: no it won't.
Nos: owwwwwwwww
A'cred: told you

and Nos compose is alot smarter then you think he is. =/ believe me.

Compose 11-02-05 02:15 PM

Originally Posted by Nostradamus
See its stupid things you say, like that. Can you not see how this is just a fucking idiotic naieve comment that makes no sense?

Seriously... Tell me what reasoning you put behind this comment... What would make you have an opinion like that? Because obviously it annoys you when I just shrug you off and call you an idiot... So instead of just doing that, tell me why you think that is the case.....

I bet you have absolutly no factual reason for making that comment... Much like a lot of what you say... I mean shit, have you ever even BEEN to australia?

Nah...I base my opinion on absolutely nothing and I have never been to Austrailia, I can just be ignorant at times.

Originally Posted by Nostradamus
Look man... Not many people on RV are all that smart... It may seem like I'm being a know it all.. But when I argue points people make, I'm not wrong in doing so. And I am a big enough man to accept when I am proved wrong... However on this website its often not the case..

See.. I'm trying to be as nice to you as I can right now... I could of just told you to shut the fuck up....But ofcourse that would provoke comments like "oh hes just got nothing to say"...:rolleyes:


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