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-   -   Let me outdo the REAL Attention whore...I'll Set the record..."str8"...jokes aside (http://community.rapverse.com/showthread.php?t=214805)

theblob 11-17-05 09:10 AM

Let me outdo the REAL Attention whore...I'll Set the record..."str8"...jokes aside
Lemme see if this works...type a WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOLE LOT, and that makes it true...Pssf...I'm coming with THE TRUTH anyway.

Let me start out by saying that I am not a backstabber. I don't even feel like I've been stabbed in the back. I feel that people have drawn their lines in the sand and that is that.

With that said, let me once and for all set the record "str8".

Regarding my "relationships" with people on this site:

1. Cali: I was never cool with. Cali has been a homophobe/bigot from DAY 1. This kid has done nothing FOR ME, and hence I have no association with him. He dropped a diss to me and that was that. At one point, he saw that I could actually rap and wanted to collab. That NEVER happened.

2. Phenom...I actually NEVER had a crush on Phenom. I have spoken to Phenom on this issue and it's resolved. He tends to make anti-gay remarks and be homphobic. The problem was this. He'd make anti-gay remarks then come at me on MSN like we're cool. That's ridiculous. I can't get down with that. That's like a racist being a bigot then coming at me on AIM like "SUP DAWG!" Hell naw...I have no beef with Phenom.

3. Lady Fiya...was flat out OUT-OF-LINE to give me a "reprimand" like she did in that Rv Idol thread. She clearly has her favorites. That's fine. My issue with her simply was, stop down talking people who respected me. She did it before. She did it more than once. It's irrelevant. I mean, if I had to come up with a reason I don't like her, it's because she's a follower now. I can't respect that. Otherwise, she's not worth my beef. PERIOD.

4. Triple N...I'm not going to rehash the past. But, what I said was true. Triple N has a legitimate reason to deny my allegations to preserve his image (net or not). NO ONE knows what truly happened except me and him. And, that's all that matters. The fact is, APEXX (in his LUNACY) thinks Triple N has some deep respect for him when he doesn't. In fact, I'll put 100 dollars on the fact that Triple N "respects" me even more than he does Apexx cuz Apexx is a damn know it all who doesn't know shit about me. I have NO BEEF or problem with triple N. IN fact, we talk on AIM all the time, and I mean DEEP conversations about life and art and the world. He's probably deeper than you all realize. So, Apexx, STFU and stop trying to paint a picture you can't see.

5. Leady....I'm cool with.

6. Nostradamus...I'm cool with

7. Carson Jet...I personally never liked or disliked carson jet...I think he's cute...lil jockey kid..haaa...His voice annoyed me...other than that, it was playful beef with me...He even gave good feed on my tracks.

8. Ike...I never disliked...but I don't boost his shit like the rest of RV and don't plan to...sorry...If he thinks he deserves special treatment cuz some people (LF,LV) have pumped his head up, you got another thing coming. If he disagrees with how I ran Rv Idol, it's DULY NOTED. I can respect a disagreement. What I can't respect is him transforming into a raging ASSHOLE and calling me fags and homos...that's unnecessary and only confirms that he's always had the propensity to do so.

9. Ranks...Never had a problem with...if he disagrees with how I ran Rv Idol 1, then he isn't making as big a deal out of it as some other people.

10. Anyone else on RV who Apexx claims I stabbed in the back or have beef with: If someone makes a move and disrespects me, then they are on my shit list.PERIOD. There are no second chances. Some relationships I've ended because I refused to be someone's footstool. I am not a fool. Other relationships have naturally waned. There's nothing wrong there. The people who are cool with me will remain cool with me because we have an understanding and a MUTUAL RESPECT for one another. If the people who supposedly beef with me can't get with that, then they'll be beefing with me forever. Contrary to popular belief, I DO NOT like beef or confrontation. And, the facts point to the obvious. I'm "friends" with more people on RV than I'm enemies with.PERIOD.

Now...The accusation that I'm an "attention whore"

Funny...To me, everyone who accuses me of that is probably a bigger attention whore. Let's examine the facts.

1. I make threads about my life. YES. BUt, doesn't everyone? Sure, I may make more, but is that a crime?

2. Apexx has been my biggest critic in this area. But, the fact is, he posts as many if not MORE threads about his LIFE than I do.

E.G. "Which car should I get."

Come on people. Why in the hell would I car about that? Seriously, isn't this a rap site?

Apexx types NOVELS thinking that that qualifies or validates what he says is true. It doesn't

The point is...

APexx DOES NOT know me.
Apexx DOES NOT know everything.

I do not respect nor like that person.PERIOD.
If he has an eternal issue with me, then so be it. But, to me, he's a lunatic.

He's taken my ideas and run with them. Rv Idol 2 was accused of being similar to his idea. But, I have NEVER READ THREADS ABOUT HIS TOURNEY AND UNDERSTOOD HOW IT WORKS. In fact, I still don't know the premise of his tourney. I've tried to shy away from it because of the bullshit surrounding my exclusion FROM IT.

Asking Mad Dog to diss his family is complete LUNACY. I'm telling you. Apexx has NOT been truthful her. On AIM, he mentioned that he's been in real estate for 10 years. Well, I'm not a genius, but that would make him 13 when he started. Now, that is possible, but NOT LIKELY.

Here's my perception on the true scenario.

Apexx is at least 35 years old. This man is a lonely soul and knows how to attack me because his life is so miserable. If he was so damn successful and happy, why waste your time on an i-net site full of TEENAGE boys making yourself look smart? I will readily admit that I am a homebody who goes out only occasionally and would rather spend the evening in front of the TV watching a dope ass movie. If I'm guilty of something here, it's being honest. I am brutally honest about my feelings. I am an open book. THAT'S WHAT MAKES IT SO EASY TO HURT ME AND DISS ME. But, that also means that I'll live and experience life on a level most people (including Dooms) won't. I'm not afraid of being hurt, that's why I experience love on so many levels. That's who I am. I am a very passionate and emotional person. It's in everything I do. When I started playing golf some years ago, I practiced hours a day, everyday, for months and months until I could finally hit the ball. I read books, watched videos, took lessons. I was passionate as hell about it. Now, I'm a local celebrity at my home course. People know I got game and my record this summer was 60-8. I fucked mofos up left and right and this was the most successful season ever. What's the point? The point is, I take things personally because I'm a COT DAMN person. Show me someone who isn't full of emotion and I'll show you an icebox. I just express the good witht the bad. You can not get one without the other. When Im happy, it shows. When Im sad, it shows. There's nothing to be ashamed of there. I just feel that people in general don't allow people to be themselves for fear of that they'll have to deal with their true feelings.

But, this is a cotdamn rap site. Can we please get to the business of rapping?
My sexuality should not be an issue unless I or you make it one. Saying "OMG DUDE, THAT'S SOOOO GAy" is middle schoolish and immature. That's what damn near every 13 year old child says.

I graduated valedictorian from my high school with a 4.0 GPA...
I went to college for biology and graduated with a B.S.
I've worked in the health/fitness field for years now...But, I'm shifting gears

For the 1st time in my life, I'm contracting myself out and moving into self employment...

I'm about dreams and making things happen...I love to learn and I love to analyze and try to improve myself...

How many of you hear can honestly say that you know your faults and vices? I can. I can readily admit that I have a temper and that I struggle with things at times. BUt, who doesn't have their OWN issues to deal with.

I think Apexx and whoever else needs to worry about HIMSELF and stop trying to make HIMSELF look better by shitting on someone who already admits he's not perfect. Now, the question is, CAN YOU ADMIT THAT YOU'RE NOT PERFECt?

I remember back to when I was going to battle Dooms and I found out that he got info from Triple N...Triple N as smart as he is DOES NOT KNOW EVEYRHING and DOES NOT KNOW MY FAMILY.

The only thing you know about me or my family is what I tell you. BUt, I will say this.

Yes, I do have a sister. IS she gay, you need to ask her that. I can't speak for her. Is she on this site? NO. My sister is very talented though. She can make beats and she raps as well. She speaks Japanese and can do graphics...As far as I'm concerned, my 16 year old sister is more MATURE than this 35 year old excuse for a man.

In closing...

I draw my line here.

I DO NOT like Apexx...I have NO SExUAL attraction to Apexx...I wish to make it known that I DO NOT respect Apexx...He is not someone I would mold myself after.

I am gay. BUt, that DOES NOT give Apexx or anyone else the right to be disrespectful to me or the gay community because you're on a web site. Let's say Apexx does actually have a job and a bizz? Do you think you can discriminate against gay people because you know or suspect they are gay? You'd have a lawsuit slapped against your ass so fast you wouldn't know what hit you. And, YES, you WOULD lose.

Don't play me out.

You need to stop frontin and be a decent human being. If you are lonely in life Apexx, then I have NOTHING to do with that. I know for a fact that I was online from 6PM satruday afternoon until 1:00 AM Sunday last week...Guess what, YOU WERE TOO. So, were was your girl dawg? Why weren't you out living the life? Oh, I know, you just wanted to "waste time" arguing with Teens on the i-net.

DEAL with your own life. Stay the fuck out of mine and I won't have a problem with you. Insulting me for being gay is ridiculous. And, the people on this site eat it up because it reminds them of their school/playgrounds...it's fucking immature...Of course you're going to "rip" me talking about how the "faggot" likes to "suck dick" blah blah...

and everyone here BURSTS into laughter because it's sooooo hilarious?

That's ALL you have on me as far as I'm concerned.

Oh...that brings me to yet another point. I have ZERO REASON to lie on this site.

#1...I am NOT the only gay person on this site but I refuse to out my friends.

#2...Apexx has accused me of being a "pervert" because I "flirt" with young boys...yet another LAME accusation

I know for a fact that You've made sexual references on a board full of teenage boys, as you put it. I'm not a teenage boy. Neither are you. So, technically, NO ONE is supposed to talk about or post sexually explicit material on a RAP site anyway. I joke around with people like Meta-4 and Colby...But, NOTICE, it's in plain site for everyone to see it's jokes and games...My DICK doesn't get hard when Im jokin around on an i-net site like "YEA, LEMME GRAB YA ASS"

pssf...another example of the dual standards that ruin society...If I Hoz of LV (both of whom are 18 +) make the statement "Oh, nice pics, ur cute"...and the kid is under 18, does that make them perverts?

I am not a door mat for NET BULLIES (as psychologists call you) to walk on...Don't take your homophobia and frustrations out on me.

I'm hear to make music, which I'VE BEEN DOING.


leady 11-17-05 09:14 AM

fuck reading all that, you two need to stop writing essays about each other, yall like a married a couple the way you argue

Mad Dog 11-17-05 09:43 AM

Originally Posted by leady
fuck reading all that, you two need to stop writing essays about each other, yall like a married a couple the way you argue

co-sign...you 2 need to sort it out...and soon coz it's gettin ugly

theblob 11-17-05 09:52 AM

Originally Posted by Mad Dog
co-sign...you 2 need to sort it out...and soon coz it's gettin ugly

ugly? too late for dat nigga


and the sad thing is..he's SUCH A LUNATIC, he's going to "come back" with an Answer to all my points...He's INSANE...he honestly believes in his head that he knows more about ME than I do...that's the problem here...he's so bent on tryna to prove me "wrong" that he doesn't realize that He's a fucking LUNATIC.


WhoAmI 11-17-05 10:02 AM

that pretty much wrapped it up don't you lot reckon?

there ain't no need to prolong the beef cos it looks like everyone's said their bit now innit

L. Veracity 11-17-05 10:05 AM

just battle and be done

IGnore each other on the board or something

lmao @ Leady

∆ P E X X 11-17-05 10:09 AM

First of all, you're a liar, and as such, you're making up all this bullshit and fences to anyone who's going to expose you. But with that fun part out of the way, here's the differences between my thread and yours. For starters, yours is a beef thread. Second, out of 48 points, you only contest 9?? Third, yours is chock full of lies. Literally every point here is a lie. Watch:

1. Cali: I was never cool with. Cali has been a homophobe/bigot from DAY 1. This kid has done nothing FOR ME, and hence I have no association with him. He dropped a diss to me and that was that. At one point, he saw that I could actually rap and wanted to collab. That NEVER happened.

First of all, you and CALI are KNOWN accomplises on this site. Who the fuck are you fooling?? You guys have been cool for AGES up till recently and even CALI admits it. A brief look into his post history will dig up the proof where he says you guys 'were cool but now you're a bitch'.

2. Phenom...I actually NEVER had a crush on Phenom. I have spoken to Phenom on this issue and it's resolved. He tends to make anti-gay remarks and be homphobic. The problem was this. He'd make anti-gay remarks then come at me on MSN like we're cool. That's ridiculous. I can't get down with that. That's like a racist being a bigot then coming at me on AIM like "SUP DAWG!" Hell naw...I have no beef with Phenom.

You're lying AGAIN. You dedicated a portion of your song about fucking dudes on RV soley to him. You did this because you didn't have a crush on him? LIAR.

3. Lady Fiya...was flat out OUT-OF-LINE to give me a "reprimand" like she did in that Rv Idol thread. She clearly has her favorites. That's fine. My issue with her simply was, stop down talking people who respected me. She did it before. She did it more than once. It's irrelevant. I mean, if I had to come up with a reason I don't like her, it's because she's a follower now. I can't respect that. Otherwise, she's not worth my beef. PERIOD.

She didn't "reprimand" you till you said she was "unfit to help with the turney" due to her health. You deserved what ever came to you after that point - but of course you conveniently left that part of the event out.

4. Triple N...I'm not going to rehash the past. But, what I said was true. Triple N has a legitimate reason to deny my allegations to preserve his image (net or not). NO ONE knows what truly happened except me and him. And, that's all that matters. The fact is, APEXX (in his LUNACY) thinks Triple N has some deep respect for him when he doesn't. In fact, I'll put 100 dollars on the fact that Triple N "respects" me even more than he does Apexx cuz Apexx is a damn know it all who doesn't know shit about me. I have NO BEEF or problem with triple N. IN fact, we talk on AIM all the time, and I mean DEEP conversations about life and art and the world. He's probably deeper than you all realize. So, Apexx, STFU and stop trying to paint a picture you can't see.

Where do you get this bullshit about me and N? Where the hell do you even pull this shit from?? But I'll take that bet, thought I know you won't pay a cent of it since you don't keep your word.

5. Leady....I'm cool with.

Only recently, and for the first time since he's been here. You gotta remember that there was a shitload of traits he saw in you and couldn't stand. How does this make you a stand-up person now because you get along with Leady??

6. Nostradamus...I'm cool with

Who DOESN'T get along with Nos??? That's not some rare accomplishment. You're not someone special. Who does nos even have beef with here?? He dosen't give a fuck.

7. Carson Jet...I personally never liked or disliked carson jet...I think he's cute...lil jockey kid..haaa...His voice annoyed me...other than that, it was playful beef with me...He even gave good feed on my tracks.

You notice how you mention the feed on the tracks part AFTER the beef, when in fact it came BEFORE the beef? You and him used to be cool and then fell out after you started pressin up on him mega hard. But it's cute to see you try to warp shit around.

8. Ike...I never disliked...but I don't boost his shit like the rest of RV and don't plan to...sorry...If he thinks he deserves special treatment cuz some people (LF,LV) have pumped his head up, you got another thing coming. If he disagrees with how I ran Rv Idol, it's DULY NOTED. I can respect a disagreement. What I can't respect is him transforming into a raging ASSHOLE and calling me fags and homos...that's unnecessary and only confirms that he's always had the propensity to do so.

Who said weather you disliked him or not? I said that he dislikes YOU - soley off your bitch moves. Don't believe me? ask him. If he calls you names because you lied to him then essentialyl stole form him - that's on you.

9. Ranks...Never had a problem with...if he disagrees with how I ran Rv Idol 1, then he isn't making as big a deal out of it as some other people.

he's a laid back dude and he's not here often, so what exactly do you expect to see? He's already cursed you out and so on, so why try to make it seem liek you and him are peoples when you know you're not?

10. Anyone else on RV who Apexx claims I stabbed in the back or have beef with: If someone makes a move and disrespects me, then they are on my shit list.PERIOD. There are no second chances. Some relationships I've ended because I refused to be someone's footstool. I am not a fool. Other relationships have naturally waned. There's nothing wrong there. The people who are cool with me will remain cool with me because we have an understanding and a MUTUAL RESPECT for one another. If the people who supposedly beef with me can't get with that, then they'll be beefing with me forever. Contrary to popular belief, I DO NOT like beef or confrontation. And, the facts point to the obvious. I'm "friends" with more people on RV than I'm enemies with.PERIOD.

So you're basically saying that you put this here jsut so you had 10 arguments - AAAAAAALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL of which are deceptive?

Now...The accusation that I'm an "attention whore"

Funny...To me, everyone who accuses me of that is probably a bigger attention whore. Let's examine the facts.

1. I make threads about my life. YES. BUt, doesn't everyone? Sure, I may make more, but is that a crime?

Not a crime. Just against the rules. You do it to the point of 'freeposting' just by creating a thread!! YOU MAKE THREADS JUST SO YOU CAN TALK TO YOUR SELF!!!

2. Apexx has been my biggest critic in this area. But, the fact is, he posts as many if not MORE threads about his LIFE than I do.

E.G. "Which car should I get."

That ONE example is a GREAT example of "more". Name 10 threads I've made about my life...matter fact..name 5. Your threads hover around "I stubbed my toe today everybody! look!!" My threads are "The Rush Ent. at giants stadium!". Yours are 9/10ths rap irrelevant. so wtf are you talkign about?

Come on people. Why in the hell would I car about that? Seriously, isn't this a rap site?

AAAAHAHAHHA. I know YOU'RE not talking! Bitch, you got 15,000+ posts!!

Apexx types NOVELS thinking that that qualifies or validates what he says is true. It doesn't

Nope, it sure dosen't. But the tons of undisputable facts is what makes it true. I know you don't really believe what you just said, since I highly doubt anyone could relaly have that much brain damage and function at all.

The point is...

APexx DOES NOT know me.
Apexx DOES NOT know everything.

I do not respect nor like that person.PERIOD.
If he has an eternal issue with me, then so be it. But, to me, he's a lunatic.

I have no isssues with you. Me having issues with you for being a bitch is liek me having issues with fire for being hot. Its just the natural nature of shit.

He's taken my ideas and run with them. Rv Idol 2 was accused of being similar to his idea. But, I have NEVER READ THREADS ABOUT HIS TOURNEY AND UNDERSTOOD HOW IT WORKS. In fact, I still don't know the premise of his tourney. I've tried to shy away from it because of the bullshit surrounding my exclusion FROM IT.

And you're lying yet again. You got BANNED from the RG forum for posting bullshit in it. You get banned all the time - why do you think you're even on this alias? No one believes you kid.

Asking Mad Dog to diss his family is complete LUNACY. I'm telling you. Apexx has NOT been truthful her. On AIM, he mentioned that he's been in real estate for 10 years. Well, I'm not a genius, but that would make him 13 when he started. Now, that is possible, but NOT LIKELY.

Now you're lying again. Lets see this AIM log where I said I been in realestate for 10 years because I'd love to see it. And you do realize that I'm not 23 right? Dumbass.

Here's my perception on the true scenario.

Apexx is at least 35 years old. This man is a lonely soul and knows how to attack me because his life is so miserable. If he was so damn successful and happy, why waste your time on an i-net site full of TEENAGE boys making yourself look smart? I will readily admit that I am a homebody who goes out only occasionally and would rather spend the evening in front of the TV watching a dope ass movie. If I'm guilty of something here, it's being honest. I am brutally honest about my feelings. I am an open book. THAT'S WHAT MAKES IT SO EASY TO HURT ME AND DISS ME. But, that also means that I'll live and experience life on a level most people (including Dooms) won't. I'm not afraid of being hurt, that's why I experience love on so many levels. That's who I am. I am a very passionate and emotional person. It's in everything I do. When I started playing golf some years ago, I practiced hours a day, everyday, for months and months until I could finally hit the ball. I read books, watched videos, took lessons. I was passionate as hell about it. Now, I'm a local celebrity at my home course. People know I got game and my record this summer was 60-8. I fucked mofos up left and right and this was the most successful season ever. What's the point? The point is, I take things personally because I'm a COT DAMN person. Show me someone who isn't full of emotion and I'll show you an icebox. I just express the good witht the bad. You can not get one without the other. When Im happy, it shows. When Im sad, it shows. There's nothing to be ashamed of there. I just feel that people in general don't allow people to be themselves for fear of that they'll have to deal with their true feelings.

A: you're lying again since in your last point you just said I was 23. Now you're saying I'm 35. B: this is particularly funny since you're older than I am AND wrong about both ages. Now THAT'S funny.

But, this is a cotdamn rap site. Can we please get to the business of rapping?
My sexuality should not be an issue unless I or you make it one. Saying "OMG DUDE, THAT'S SOOOO GAy" is middle schoolish and immature. That's what damn near every 13 year old child says.

Where do you see me saying that? Where do I adress you for the liar you are and say "wow you're so gay!" You're gay. You're also a liar. Guess which one actually matters.

I graduated valedictorian from my high school with a 4.0 GPA...
I went to college for biology and graduated with a B.S.
I've worked in the health/fitness field for years now...But, I'm shifting gears

ehh..prove it. You got a camera phone. Go take a picture.

For the 1st time in my life, I'm contracting myself out and moving into self employment...

I'm about dreams and making things happen...I love to learn and I love to analyze and try to improve myself...

How many of you hear can honestly say that you know your faults and vices? I can. I can readily admit that I have a temper and that I struggle with things at times. BUt, who doesn't have their OWN issues to deal with.

I think Apexx and whoever else needs to worry about HIMSELF and stop trying to make HIMSELF look better by shitting on someone who already admits he's not perfect. Now, the question is, CAN YOU ADMIT THAT YOU'RE NOT PERFECt?

:sigh: more "I'm a victim!" drama queen bullshit. I've readily admitted that I'm not perfect many times - such as the diss track I posted just some hours ago. Once again, you know what you're saying isn't true since you read it directly from me many times.

I remember back to when I was going to battle Dooms and I found out that he got info from Triple N...Triple N as smart as he is DOES NOT KNOW EVEYRHING and DOES NOT KNOW MY FAMILY.

The only thing you know about me or my family is what I tell you. BUt, I will say this.

Yes, I do have a sister. IS she gay, you need to ask her that. I can't speak for her. Is she on this site? NO. My sister is very talented though. She can make beats and she raps as well. She speaks Japanese and can do graphics...As far as I'm concerned, my 16 year old sister is more MATURE than this 35 year old excuse for a man.

How'd your sister get into this? I'm talking about the father that you said died, now you're saying he didn't die. You're chaning the subject as usual

In closing...

I draw my line here.

I DO NOT like Apexx...I have NO SExUAL attraction to Apexx...I wish to make it known that I DO NOT respect Apexx...He is not someone I would mold myself after.

Didn't you make a track about sucking my dick? okay then.

I am gay. BUt, that DOES NOT give Apexx or anyone else the right to be disrespectful to me or the gay community because you're on a web site. Let's say Apexx does actually have a job and a bizz? Do you think you can discriminate against gay people because you know or suspect they are gay? You'd have a lawsuit slapped against your ass so fast you wouldn't know what hit you. And, YES, you WOULD lose.

Weren't you the same dude who said "you know, you've never attacked me because I'm gay. You're not like the others"? Sure you did, and I have it in an AIM log. Once again, you knew this was alse when you typed it. Of course you won't call my bluff since you know I'm not lying.

Don't play me out.

You need to stop frontin and be a decent human being. If you are lonely in life Apexx, then I have NOTHING to do with that. I know for a fact that I was online from 6PM satruday afternoon until 1:00 AM Sunday last week...Guess what, YOU WERE TOO. So, were was your girl dawg? Why weren't you out living the life? Oh, I know, you just wanted to "waste time" arguing with Teens on the i-net.

Did you ever realize that I went out AFTER I got offline??? DUMBASS!!!!!!! "where's my girl" he says AHAHHAH. I don't have a 'girl' and that's exactly the way I like it - and that's common knowledge. But if you're asking about the girl I was recently dating, Ask LV about that one. She'll tell you why I stopped talking to THESE girls. You have no clue wtf you're talking about man ahahh. you're funny.

DEAL with your own life. Stay the fuck out of mine and I won't have a problem with you. Insulting me for being gay is ridiculous. And, the people on this site eat it up because it reminds them of their school/playgrounds...it's fucking immature...Of course you're going to "rip" me talking about how the "faggot" likes to "suck dick" blah blah...

and everyone here BURSTS into laughter because it's sooooo hilarious?

That's ALL you have on me as far as I'm concerned.

You're lying again. If you really thought that's all I 'had on you' you'd have accepted YOUR OWN CALL OUT days ago and surely killed me in a battle, right? smh...I dunno if you think I'm stupid, or that you can fool the entire board, but seriously man - who believes you? Seriously.

Oh...that brings me to yet another point. I have ZERO REASON to lie on this site.

#1...I am NOT the only gay person on this site but I refuse to out my friends.

Damn kid, you're lying AAGAIIIIIIIINNNNNNNNNN. Didn't you supposedly "out" N about being closeted? Sure you did. Damn son, you need some professional help, on the real.

#2...Apexx has accused me of being a "pervert" because I "flirt" with young boys...yet another LAME accusation

I know for a fact that You've made sexual references on a board full of teenage boys, as you put it. I'm not a teenage boy. Neither are you. So, technically, NO ONE is supposed to talk about or post sexually explicit material on a RAP site anyway. I joke around with people like Meta-4 and Colby...But, NOTICE, it's in plain site for everyone to see it's jokes and games...My DICK doesn't get hard when Im jokin around on an i-net site like "YEA, LEMME GRAB YA ASS"

You do a lot more than 'flirt' with young boys, you schedule times and dates to go meet them. Do you realize that's illegal? Do you really think I believe that you stopped having gay phone sex at Triple N? And you met up with him according to you, so what's so different now? Trip was a minor when you did these sexual acts to and with him - that's both illegal AND immoral. But lemme guess...he's the only one right? smh..

pssf...another example of the dual standards that ruin society...If I Hoz of LV (both of whom are 18 +) make the statement "Oh, nice pics, ur cute"...and the kid is under 18, does that make them perverts?

You're changing the subject again kid, and I've demonstraited in plain black and white at least 10 times that you're lying right here in this post.

Any other bitchmoves today?

theblob 11-17-05 10:13 AM

Originally Posted by theblob
ugly? too late for dat nigga


and the sad thing is..he's SUCH A LUNATIC, he's going to "come back" with an Answer to all my points...He's INSANE...he honestly believes in his head that he knows more about ME than I do...that's the problem here...he's so bent on tryna to prove me "wrong" that he doesn't realize that He's a fucking LUNATIC.


CASE CLOSED............................................ ............

∆ P E X X 11-17-05 10:24 AM

Originally Posted by theblob
CASE CLOSED............................................ ............

that's cute.

Originally Posted by Me
First of all, you're a liar, and as such, you're making up all this bullshit and fences to anyone who's going to expose you. But with that fun part out of the way, here's the differences between my thread and yours. For starters, yours is a beef thread. Second, out of 48 points, you only contest 9?? Third, yours is chock full of lies. Literally every point here is a lie.

"CASE CLOSED"!! lol dumbass. Way to shit on your self AGAIN.

∆ P E X X 11-17-05 10:25 AM

Oh, and BTW hoe:
Originally Posted by me again
Once again, you knew this was alse when you typed it. Of course you won't call my bluff since you know I'm not lying.

L. Veracity 11-17-05 10:36 AM

*stringed instruemtns play dramatically* dun dun duuuuuuuuuuuun

aaaaaaaand the plot thickens hahaa

*eats pop corn*

WhoAmI 11-17-05 10:52 AM

*grabs a bag of M&Ms and sits down to watch*

J Summers 11-17-05 11:04 AM

i find this all to amusing .... its gonna get serious he's gonna start typing more hurtfull things its a fuckin joke.. your an internet gangster get a fuckin clue

leady 11-17-05 11:37 AM

i dnt think the scroll on my mouse has ever been used so much for one page, i think yall broke with them long fucking posts

Dex 11-17-05 11:44 AM

Originally Posted by theblob
ugly? too late for dat nigga


and the sad thing is..he's SUCH A LUNATIC, he's going to "come back" with an Answer to all my points...He's INSANE...he honestly believes in his head that he knows more about ME than I do...that's the problem here...he's so bent on tryna to prove me "wrong" that he doesn't realize that He's a fucking LUNATIC.


ha ha, how right could he have been??
you 2 have a special bond i think. Deep down you both love each other so kiss and make up

leady 11-17-05 11:49 AM

its not getting ugly.. its just getting boring and pathetic now

Ancel 11-17-05 12:03 PM

You guys needa stop with all this pointless shit and if your gunna do it do it in BEEF or something instead of clogging the lounge up with stupid pointless shit like this...

Zone Out 11-17-05 12:05 PM

post a pic up of your sister and tell her I wanna fuck is she look good.

ps, you mad gay.

Zone Out 11-17-05 12:06 PM

Originally Posted by leady
its not getting ugly.. its just getting boring and pathetic now

you're the only boring and pathetic thing in this damn thread.

leady 11-17-05 12:15 PM

Originally Posted by Will S.Unyu
you're the only boring and pathetic thing in this damn thread.

wow... i swear your gay, you follow me everywhere, your obssessed.

Zone Out 11-17-05 12:19 PM

Originally Posted by leady
wow... i swear your gay, you follow me everywhere, your obssessed.

......and you're obese.

theblob 11-17-05 12:20 PM

Originally Posted by leady
wow... i swear your gay, you follow me everywhere, your obssessed.

please don't call him gay, that's an insult to homosexuals across the globe.

Will Sun...
P.S. My sister isn't interested in shit faced wanna be gangsters...She's intellgent and has a future, unlike what I can say about you.

Zone Out 11-17-05 12:21 PM

Originally Posted by theblob
please don't call him gay, that's an insult to homosexuals across the globe.

Will Sun...
P.S. My sister isn't interested in shit faced wanna be gangsters...She's intellgent and has a future, unlike what I can say about you.

I will plug a dick in your sister mouth so fast, it'll make her head spin.

leady 11-17-05 12:24 PM

Originally Posted by Will S.Unyu
......and you're obese.

[sarcasm]your originality is amasing[/sarcasm]..... now go learn how to flow on beat properly

Zone Out 11-17-05 12:25 PM

Originally Posted by leady
[sarcasm]your originality is amasing[/sarcasm]..... now go learn how to flow on beat properly

go learn how to attract fans! :thumbup:

noname 11-17-05 12:27 PM

I hate gay people like WillSun and Tha Q.

L. Veracity 11-17-05 12:27 PM

WiLL, you say that like YOU have fans...

and you still haven't denied that you can't flow on a beat to save ya sorry SHIT life

so at least, you admit to your short-comings :thumbup:

Zone Out 11-17-05 12:39 PM

Originally Posted by L. Veracity
WiLL, you say that like YOU have fans...

and you still haven't denied that you can't flow on a beat to save ya sorry SHIT life

so at least, you admit to your short-comings :thumbup:

bitch, you sound like the chipmunks on fast forward on a beat.
You're garbage.
You dont even have the priviledge to even mention my name or breathe in the same air I fart in.
suck a dick, get the fuck out of here.

Zone Out 11-17-05 12:40 PM

Originally Posted by Natural killa
I hate gay people like myself and Tha Q.

yeah, until you get a mic, stfu.

L. Veracity 11-17-05 12:45 PM

WiLL, you say all that about me, yet I'm still better than you

let's prove you're not better than me...track-4-track battle...set it up and I'll be there

oh yeah, sorry to disappoint but I keep TELLNG you, I do NOT suck dick (unlike yourself)

lmao the NK commentary

Zone Out 11-17-05 12:52 PM

Originally Posted by L. Veracity
WiLL, you say all that about me, yet I'm still better than you

let's prove you're not better than me...track-4-track battle...set it up and I'll be there

oh yeah, sorry to disappoint but I keep TELLNG you, I do NOT suck dick (unlike yourself)

lmao the NK commentary

....like a chipmunk on fast forward...

and you keep sayin I rap off beat, find a song I posted on rv thats off beat.

L. Veracity 11-17-05 01:13 PM

all your RV Idol shit...you need to work on your flow...your prescence is okay and you got a good voice for rap, you just need to work on your flow...and yeah, I could say that politely, but you're the type to take offense to REAL ass criticism so I say it in a rude way cuz you'll just try and clown NEway...that being said..........

work on your flow you cock sucking buZZard, you're trash and all ya RV Idol shit blew!!


leady 11-17-05 01:29 PM

lmao " learn how to get fans, why learn something ive allready done????.. fact remains, you rhyme off beat, and you suck, and im better than you

Zone Out 11-17-05 01:36 PM

Originally Posted by L. Veracity
all your RV Idol shit...you need to work on your flow...your prescence is okay and you got a good voice for rap, you just need to work on your flow...and yeah, I could say that politely, but you're the type to take offense to REAL ass criticism so I say it in a rude way cuz you'll just try and clown NEway...that being said..........

work on your flow you cock sucking buZZard, you're trash and all ya RV Idol shit blew!!

lol @ all my rv shit.
I had only 1 track that was wack in rv idol
and it was that story tellin track
and the ONLY reason why THAT sucked is because My vocals had moved out of place in CEP and I couldnt put it back on beat to save my life.
So I did anything and turned it in.
Besides that, everything I had for the rv rap idol was dope.
Up until that story tellin track, I was thought most likely to win, along with Ike.
wtf are you talkin about?
now when it comes to naming a few of YOUR songs that sucks, I can go on for days...

your verse for the rap game track was weak as hell.
no one could understand a word you was sayin
so, I got the lyrics

come on the track spittin’ that crack, my ego’s bigger than Shaq
you was straight up lyin about spittin crack, but you right, ya ego IS bigger than Shaq
I hittiin’ the front, hittin’ the back we’ll put a Timb to ya…SMACK
had absolutely NO variation in your damn voice. no emphasis on "SMACK"
when ya lips touch ya skuLL, yeah that’s how you hoLLa back
I see what you was tryin to do here. lmfao, what the fuck do my skull have to do with my back? wack shit!
see Will talkin’ slack, but I’ll react with an attack
yeah, this PROVES I couldnt understand what the fuck you was sayin. I heard th entire track, but I actually didnt know you was dissin me until I read the lyrics. SMH, your voice and microphones do NOT go together. find a new hobby
and leave his eyes bugged out his name was Bernie Mack
WOW, This is BURSTING with creativity. :thumbup:

yeah,m great flow, but it lacked substance :-\
moving along
Children Cry
Im feelin the beat, no hate there
you come on rappin, I already hate the track.

Already, you say you HAVE to peep the lyrics, because your voice is so irritable that its more entertaining readin you then hearin you

but actually, Im feelin this song. its not too bad so far. I just peeped the 2nd verse.
the 2nd verse was about one of your lesbian bitches cheatin on you. Couldnt relate to that, especially since Im a sex god and once one of my hoes get the dick, they dont even think about cheatin on me, next song

So Crazy
song is garbage, the first dude sounds retarded, and so does everyone else on the track. you came the 2nd worst. that Yung P nigga was trash. Go figure, 5 trash niggas on 1 trash beat, what you goin get? TRASH
Aye, but seriously, when it comes down to bein a better rapper, I outshine you in every single aspect of the word. You are literally no where in a million years good as me. we have around the same amount of songs, but 1/20th of your songs is good.

Zone Out 11-17-05 01:42 PM

Originally Posted by leady
lmao " learn how to get fans, why learn something ive allready done????.. fact remains, you rhyme off beat, and you suck, and im better than you

stop lyin, you dont have fans. NO one on rv likes you.
and not just rv, no one offline likes you either.
you dont do shows.
you dont make moves like you claim you do, cos if you did, SOMEBODY from the site would be able to vouch for you. but they cant. you suck, that "turn up your speakers" song is straight up WACK!

and you only say I rhyme off beat cos LV is sayin so, and even she couldnt find a track I posted on rv with me rhyming offbeat, because I dont.
ask everyone I've collabed with.
ask anyone that has heard my songs.
Diamond in the rough (dope and not off beat)
The Murderer's Theme (dope and not off beat)
Heat the streets (dope and not off beat)
I Bathe Hoz (dope and not off beat)
Its zone out (dope and not off beat)
Gun Check (dope and not off beat)

and thats all the songs I've posted on RV.
Not 1 of them are off beat, thats the only thing that can be said about me, lmao @ me rappin off beat. not likely

leady 11-17-05 01:57 PM

Originally Posted by Will S.Unyu
stop lyin, you dont have fans. NO one on rv likes you.
and not just rv, no one offline likes you either.
you dont do shows.
you dont make moves like you claim you do, cos if you did, SOMEBODY from the site would be able to vouch for you. but they cant. you suck, that "turn up your speakers" song is straight up WACK!

and you only say I rhyme off beat cos LV is sayin so, and even she couldnt find a track I posted on rv with me rhyming offbeat, because I dont.
ask everyone I've collabed with.
ask anyone that has heard my songs.
Diamond in the rough (dope and not off beat)
The Murderer's Theme (dope and not off beat)
Heat the streets (dope and not off beat)
I Bathe Hoz (dope and not off beat)
Its zone out (dope and not off beat)
Gun Check (dope and not off beat)

and thats all the songs I've posted on RV.
Not 1 of them are off beat, thats the only thing that can be said about me, lmao @ me rappin off beat. not likely

nobody can vouch for me??? ask mad dog, acuity(if hes still here??), E.C, daubs...... just to name a few... watch for the mixtape of the radio station in my sig dropping, aswell as mixtapes im featuring for producers that have made beats for some of the biggest names in UK hip hop.... i perform offline... and i have plenty of people i know offline, how the fuck can you say "nobody likes you offline" when you dont know me, especially my life offline????..... i said you rhyme off beat before LV said it and ive said it several times before today aswell, none of your tracks are dope, your delivery is restricted, still needs more variation, as for my listen to ya speakers... why is that?? too political and intelligent for you????... your truely retard, you wannabe thug

L. Veracity 11-17-05 01:58 PM

blah, I rushed the RG verse cuz people were at my house and I had to use the little time I had and I never spit fast so I decided to there...my quality is shot, that's most of the reason it was incomprehensible, and yes, I knew that and stated that to begin with...you, however, act like you're some kind of rap GOD or something...believe me, you aren't

and that doesn't mean that because I feel I'm better than you, I am either cuz by no means am I the "greatest" rapper...nobody can claim to be the greatest at anything that involves creativity because it's all based on opinion...however, when it comes to technique, if I actually had a decent mic, you'd realiZe that I'm better than you

P.S. I've had writer's block for weeks now, that RG verse was a result of forcing myself to write something just because...I wasn't inspired so it was a shit verse to get by

so yeah, in conclusion...let's battle since you think you're a heap of hot shit :thumbup:

reguardless, you're a hater, plain and simple...I never had a problem with you until you came at me on some complete bullshit...all I said was prolly that you need to work on ya flow, your statements to other pepole prolly bugged me and I said something that'd get a reaction out of you and it grew from there...basic point, if you didn't disrespect people, you wouldn't have people constantly talking shit about you...calm ya lil' ass down and shut the FUCK up!!...

addage: Listen To Ya Speakers is a dope ass song...too bad you don't have a brain and can't give anyone else respect for their art...a track isn't dope if the person that did it is the only person saying it is dumb ass *smh*

Zone Out 11-17-05 02:06 PM

Originally Posted by leady
nobody can vouch for me??? ask mad dog, acuity(if hes still here??), E.C, daubs...... just to name a few... watch for the mixtape of the radio station in my sig dropping, aswell as mixtapes im featuring for producers that have made beats for some of the biggest names in UK hip hop.... i perform offline... and i have plenty of people i know offline, how the fuck can you say "nobody likes you offline" when you dont know me, especially my life offline????..... i said you rhyme off beat before LV said it and ive said it several times before today aswell, none of your tracks are dope, your delivery is restricted, still needs more variation, as for my listen to ya speakers... why is that?? too political and intelligent for you????... your truely retard, you wannabe thug

all the people you name never get you compliments, they all think you suck too. But on another note, how many US cats think you're good? I have people that like me here in the US AND in the UK.
and when I said "nobody likes you offline" I meant rap wise. Im sure everyone here has friends offline. thats pathetic if they dont.
The fact still remains, you cant find a song where I rhyme offbeat, if so, you would've corrected me when I named all the songs that I've posted on rv.
All of my tracks are dope. They are WAY doper than yours. Im tried of wannabe underground emcees who spit about politics and try to sound intelligent, and automatically think they are a step above the rest. No son, you wont make it in life, at all. I can make a politicial track that would shit on your entire mixtape, but thats not my style. I COULD if I wanted to, bit I wont.
And you contantly call me a "wannabe thug" 1 question. What is it that makes me a "wannabe"? How you know Im not in the streets everyday? How you know I dont get into fights and all of that rawkus that "real thugs" do?
You dont, but I promise you 1 thing though. When it comes to this rap shit, I outshine both you and LV.
nuff said.

L. Veracity 11-17-05 02:09 PM

WiLL, you don't outshine the tip of a wet dick, shut up and stop breathing

while you all argue, I'm going to Target a.k.a. work...bye bitch *waves*

(here comes the commentary about how I'm a prostitue or something of that fashion)

or maybe you should go cut some grass "Lawn Boy" lmaoooooooooo

theblob 11-17-05 02:09 PM

Originally Posted by L. Veracity
blah, I rushed the RG verse cuz people were at my house and I had to use the little time I had and I never spit fast so I decided to there...my quality is shot, that's most of the reason it was incomprehensible, and yes, I knew that and stated that to begin with...you, however, act like you're some kind of rap GOD or something...believe me, you aren't

and that doesn't mean that because I feel I'm better than you, I am either cuz by no means am I the "greatest" rapper...nobody can claim to be the greatest at anything that involves creativity because it's all based on opinion...however, when it comes to technique, if I actually had a decent mic, you'd realiZe that I'm better than you

P.S. I've had writer's block for weeks now, that RG verse was a result of forcing myself to write something just because...I wasn't inspired so it was a shit verse to get by

so yeah, in conclusion...let's battle since you think you're a heap of hot shit :thumbup:

reguardless, you're a hater, plain and simple...I never had a problem with you until you came at me on some complete bullshit...all I said was prolly that you need to work on ya flow, your statements to other pepole prolly bugged me and I said something that'd get a reaction out of you and it grew from there...basic point, if you didn't disrespect people, you wouldn't have people constantly talking shit about you...calm ya lil' ass down and shut the FUCK up!!...

addage: Listen To Ya Speakers is a dope ass song...too bad you don't have a brain and can't give anyone else respect for their art...a track isn't dope if the person that did it is the only person saying it is dumb ass *smh*

WORD...that's true...But, then you get people who argue that "the only reason others are saying it's dope iz cuz they're brainwashed" or some shit...

this is ridiculous

No one on this site that I know of gives props and just leaves it at that...always bullshit attached.

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