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Indeph 12-03-05 03:29 PM

Affirmative Action
Please no arguing in here. Everyone be respectful for god's sake, but open.

I for one think affirmative action shouldn't be here. But for the white male's in this country.. place the blaim on the history of this country. With the obvious hate here, you can't honestly think it'll be easy to get a job being a woman or of a different racial group. The problem with affirmative action on the black side is that people don't believe you'd get hired without it. That'd piss you off pretty bad. The problem with it on the white side is white males who are more qualified are being passed up. I say this, the only sollution for this is to show an obvious change in racism. Since obviously due to song's like green day's minority, plenty of americans are ignorant to the struggles of minoritys, including women. It seems people believe affirmative action completly kills out everything when in reality it doesn't. I say get rid of it and its up to people to correct racism when they see it wether it affects them or not.

Compose 12-03-05 03:33 PM

fuck rock...........

Blay'all 12-03-05 05:44 PM

okay, here's what i have to say about affirmative action

less than 1% of major business leaders in this country are African American.
do you really think black people are born incapable of competing with whites for these positions? no, so its obviously either that culture and the situation they were born into does not create the opportunity for them to succeed, or there is blatant discrimination in the workforce. Affirmative action attempts to help both of these problems, as it obviously fights discrimination by requiring a certain amount of minorities to be hired, but also low-income groups are a target for affirmative action, so it corrects that side of the problem also. this is obviously a short-term fix, but something has to be done.

and yes, i realize sometimes more qualified white males might not be given the job because of affirmative action, but as a white male i say boo hiss, sacrifices have to be made, and something has to be done

Magic5 12-03-05 06:05 PM

^ Fuck that. If I'm more qualified then a minority I should be given the job. It would piss me off to no end if some random minority got the job that I've worked harder, and have a bigger and better backround in, just because he is a minority. If somebody gets taken instead of me by a company I want to know that it's because they'd do better, and beat me out in credentials, not because they're a different race and I'm white. Your great big solution is "deal with it?" Are you fucking serious?

This would have to be one of the first times that I agree with Indeph in a race related thread, because in this thread he's right. Affirmative action shouldn't be a solution and it's a disappoint that right now it's being used as one.

Blay'all 12-03-05 06:09 PM

Originally Posted by Mimesis
^ Fuck that. If I'm more qualified then a minority I should be given the job. It would piss me off to no end if some random minority got the job that I've worked harder, and have a bigger and better backround in, just because he is a minority. If somebody gets taken instead of me by a company I want to know that it's because they'd do better, and beat me out in credentials, not because they're a different race and I'm white. Your great big solution is "deal with it?" Are you fucking serious?

This would have to be one of the first times that I agree with Indeph in a race related thread, because in this thread he's right. Affirmative action shouldn't be a solution and it's a disappoint that right now it's being used as one.

okay, i almost agreed with all of that if you read my post, except for the fact that affirmative action shouldnt exist

so, you're saying its better for all minorities to remain at the bottom of the workforce and never have an opportunity (yes opportunity, it starts in college) to do anything better with their lives than for a few whites to not get jobs because our society is fucked up? i admitted that its not perfect, and its just a temporary fix, butsomething has to be done

im just sayin a few whites not getting a job is worth it in the long run if its gonna help fix a major problem in our society

La Cosa Nostra 12-03-05 07:48 PM

Yo, I dont know what its like in america so I wont speak on that, but over here, I get pissed off as fuck. Aborigionals get given more fucking rights than we do and all most of em do is sit around sniffing peterol and being bush bums anyway...

There was a university doctors final exam a year or so ago where the marks you had to get were something like 97% to get in. Some dickhead aborigional girl scored something like 75% and she got in.. And this other white dude scored just under 97% (like 96.8%, that sorta thing) and he got knocked back, ofcourse. But that created an uproar that they are letting bad doctors in JUST because they are minoritys. Aborigional children get PAID to go to school, they get given benefits UP THE ASS for shit like home buying, universitys etc etc etc...

Minoritys have EVERY chance to come up and make something of themselves just like every normal white person does. WE LIVE IN POOR AREAS TOO, WE COME FROM BAD FAMILYS TOO, YET WHERE THE FUCK IS OUR SUPPORT?????????

Mother fuckers act like if the government doesent spoon feed them their entire race will crumble.. Basic fact is, MINORITYS WANT EQUALITY, THEN WHY THE FUCK SHOULD THEY GET GIVEN SPECIAL RIGHTS OVER US.

Boom. Answer that.

Sean Gunner 12-03-05 07:57 PM

Originally Posted by cu cullian
aboriginals deserve it tho cause theere koo lol

but honestly in aamerica i think the only race that really deserves shit is the american indians i mean they got completly fucked over

That isn't even helping them though. Most of the Indians blow the money when they turn 18, so all in all it goes right back to the government.

La Cosa Nostra 12-03-05 07:57 PM

Originally Posted by cu cullian
aboriginals deserve it tho cause theere koo lol

but honestly in aamerica i think the only race that really deserves shit is the american indians i mean they got completly fucked over

Have you ever met an aborigional?

I aint gonna front, some of em are dope cats..

But loads of em are for lack of a better word.........*cough*stupid*cough*

WHOOPS... Did I say stupid? Just pretend you didnt hear that...

Magic5 12-04-05 12:42 AM

Originally Posted by cu cullian
will sum1 explain exactly wat affirmative action is i hear alot of american politicians talkin bout it n i hav a good idea wat it is but not exactly

It's like.. minorities are given benefits (i.e. jobs, scholarships, etc.) even ifsomebody who is white is more qualified for the same thing. And, essentially, it's fucking stupid.

Magic5 12-04-05 12:45 AM

Originally Posted by Nostradamus
Yo, I dont know what its like in america so I wont speak on that, but over here, I get pissed off as fuck. Aborigionals get given more fucking rights than we do and all most of em do is sit around sniffing peterol and being bush bums anyway...

There was a university doctors final exam a year or so ago where the marks you had to get were something like 97% to get in. Some dickhead aborigional girl scored something like 75% and she got in.. And this other white dude scored just under 97% (like 96.8%, that sorta thing) and he got knocked back, ofcourse. But that created an uproar that they are letting bad doctors in JUST because they are minoritys. Aborigional children get PAID to go to school, they get given benefits UP THE ASS for shit like home buying, universitys etc etc etc...

Minoritys have EVERY chance to come up and make something of themselves just like every normal white person does. WE LIVE IN POOR AREAS TOO, WE COME FROM BAD FAMILYS TOO, YET WHERE THE FUCK IS OUR SUPPORT?????????

Mother fuckers act like if the government doesent spoon feed them their entire race will crumble.. Basic fact is, MINORITYS WANT EQUALITY, THEN WHY THE FUCK SHOULD THEY GET GIVEN SPECIAL RIGHTS OVER US.

Boom. Answer that.

Yeah, same type of shit JUST HAPPENED in my school. My english teacher hands out a standardized test and before I even opened I knew I wasn't going to take it. When I was filling in personal information one of the questions was something like, "What race are you? (Based on your racial backround this test may lead to an opportunity to a scholarship) Choices = White, Hispanic, Black, Asian, Plus three other shits that I don't remember"

It's just like.. what the fuck is that? It's so fucking retarded.

Magic5 12-04-05 12:49 AM

Originally Posted by BL4Y
okay, i almost agreed with all of that if you read my post, except for the fact that affirmative action shouldnt exist

so, you're saying its better for all minorities to remain at the bottom of the workforce and never have an opportunity (yes opportunity, it starts in college) to do anything better with their lives than for a few whites to not get jobs because our society is fucked up? i admitted that its not perfect, and its just a temporary fix, butsomething has to be done

im just sayin a few whites not getting a job is worth it in the long run if its gonna help fix a major problem in our society

Can you not read?

I DON'T WANT TO SACRIFICE MY FUCKING JOB TO HELP SOMEBODY WHO I'M MORE QUALIFIED THEN. I don't give a fuck. If I'm the best man for the job, I don't want a minority to have it instead of me to "fix problems in society." That's a load of bullshit. If they were applying for the same job as me, odds are they'd have to be near where I am in the credential department, so don't feed me that "well, they need an opportunity too." If I end up having more experience, respond to their interview better, and have slightly better credentials, then why the fuck should they get the job instead of me?

Giving minorities jobs that they don't earn isn't going to fix anything. That just fuels racism, as a random white man who just got beat out for a job he totally deserved isn't going to feel too fucking happy about it, and you're retarded for thinking that Affirmative Action is going to help solve shit.

Blay'all 12-04-05 05:50 PM

Originally Posted by Mimesis
Yeah, same type of shit JUST HAPPENED in my school. My english teacher hands out a standardized test and before I even opened I knew I wasn't going to take it. When I was filling in personal information one of the questions was something like, "What race are you? (Based on your racial backround this test may lead to an opportunity to a scholarship) Choices = White, Hispanic, Black, Asian, Plus three other shits that I don't remember"

It's just like.. what the fuck is that? It's so fucking retarded.

meh, u gotta understand there being minority scholarships and shit started, because they have been put in a position where they have had to try and "come up" as a culture after the way they started out in this country

kinda sucks for us temporarily, but i dunno... realistically it will probably never affect you. i'm a white male and i got into both of the colleges i applied to

TeamOne 12-04-05 10:53 PM

everyone was given an equal opportunity wen the human race began....... its all "the fittest will survive" after that point...... just cuz minority groups were oppressed doesnt mean that those minority groups didnt have a chance to "come up" before than....... darwinism people..... africans, etc had centuries to advance and shit before the white people interfered..... had they been advanced, they wouldntve been taken advantage of

it could easily be the other way around.........

Blay'all 12-04-05 11:38 PM

^ wow, i'm not so sure that thats logical :(

TeamOne 12-04-05 11:48 PM

its very logical............ tell me how its not?

Blay'all 12-04-05 11:50 PM

because, you just said that all humans were created equal, then that its "survival of the fittest"... well, if we were all created equal (which i believe we were), then we'd all be just as fit... AND, darwinism's theory of the "survival of the fittest" applies to biological evolution, it has nothing to do with people having power over each other

TeamOne 12-04-05 11:56 PM

shit...... blacks had it better in america than the irish immigrants....... the irish imigrants who were servants (aka most of them) had to do all the dangerous tasks because they were technically not free labor, so the masters didnt care if they died..... african slaves did alot less dangerous activities because they got no pay so they were more valuable to the master.... a master would almost never do sumthin that would kill a slave.... wen a slave escaped they were always asked to be returned alive......

being irish, i get NOOOO affirmative action... my ancestors were oppressed, too.... but yet, im prolly gonna lose a college acceptance to a minority cuz his ancestors may or may not have been slaves/oppressed?????? thats bullshit to me........ im not gonna start campaignin to get rid of affirmative action..... but in my particular case, it makes no sense for other people to get a head start on me.....

Blay'all 12-04-05 11:57 PM

Originally Posted by FuxJustAWord
shit...... blacks had it better in america than the irish immigrants....... the irish imigrants who were servants (aka most of them) had to do all the dangerous tasks because they were technically not free labor, so the masters didnt care if they died..... african slaves did alot less dangerous activities because they got no pay so they were more valuable to the master.... a master would almost never do sumthin that would kill a slave.... wen a slave escaped they were always asked to be returned alive......

being irish, i get NOOOO affirmative action... my ancestors were oppressed, too.... but yet, im prolly gonna lose a college acceptance to a minority cuz his ancestors may or may not have been slaves/oppressed?????? thats bullshit to me........ im not gonna start campaignin to get rid of affirmative action..... but in my particular case, it makes no sense for other people to get a head start on me.....

sooooo, in response to me proving u wrong u changed the subject?

TeamOne 12-05-05 12:03 AM

and also........ the thing i was gonna say earlier before my computer fucked up was....... the past two years, two kids from my school have gone to harvard..... and in both cases they were minorities who didnt even finish in the top 10 in their class..... in both cases, the validictorian applied (both white males) to harvard and did not get accepted..... in both cases the validictorians were beating the minority that made it into harvard in every single aspect of school......... how would u feel to finish the TOP of ur class..... do all u could to be the best.. and than u dont get into ur dream school, but someone else WAY less qualified does because their ancestors MAY have been slaves or sumthin... its just total BS... and incase u dont know...... most ivy league schools will only take a maximum of one student from any school..... obviously MOST schools dont have one person go to harvard..... but a school like harvard will usually only take one, and one only student from any highscool no matter wat........

Blay'all 12-05-05 12:05 AM

Originally Posted by FuxJustAWord
and also........ the thing i was gonna say earlier before my computer fucked up was....... the past two years, two kids from my school have gone to harvard..... and in both cases they were minorities who didnt even finish in the top 10 in their class..... in both cases, the validictorian applied (both white males) to harvard and did not get accepted..... in both cases the validictorians were beating the minority that made it into harvard in every single aspect of school......... how would u feel to finish the TOP of ur class..... do all u could to be the best.. and than u dont get into ur dream school, but someone else WAY less qualified does because their ancestors MAY have been slaves or sumthin... its just total BS... and incase u dont know...... most ivy league schools will only take a maximum of one student from any school..... obviously MOST schools dont have one person go to harvard..... but a school like harvard will usually only take one, and one only student from any highscool no matter wat........

Harvard would be a private college, to which affirmative action does NOT apply

And, no, i applied to college last year and am in college right now, and no schools look at how many people are accepted from individual high schools... thats a well known fact

Sooooo, any other made up stories to support your non-present point?

TeamOne 12-05-05 12:08 AM

Originally Posted by BL4Y
because, you just said that all humans were created equal, then that its "survival of the fittest"... well, if we were all created equal (which i believe we were), then we'd all be just as fit... AND, darwinism's theory of the "survival of the fittest" applies to biological evolution, it has nothing to do with people having power over each other

*i didnt see this response at first*
*clears throat* well to start off...... i sed we were all given an equal OPPORTUNITY... thats different from bein equal.... altho most of us were created equal also...... but the "fittest" has to do with adaptation to the rest of the world and advancements being made by those people to put them ahead of everyone else..... which made them more fit..... and Social Darwinism is not just biology, btw (which is wat i was reffering to..... not just the literal meaning)

Blay'all 12-05-05 12:09 AM

Originally Posted by FuxJustAWord
*i didnt see this response at first*
*clears throat* well to start off...... i sed we were all given an equal OPPORTUNITY... thats different from bein equal.... altho most of us were created equal also...... but the "fittest" has to do with adaptation to the rest of the world and advancements being made by those people to put them ahead of everyone else..... which made them more fit..... and Social Darwinism is not just biology, btw (which is wat i was reffering to..... not just the literal meaning)

lmao, blah blah? blah blah blah?

TeamOne 12-05-05 12:09 AM

yes, i know that Affirmative action doesnt apply to harvard..... but they like to bring "diversity" and not be called a "racist" school, so they are almost forced to bring in minorities.....

Blay'all 12-05-05 12:11 AM

Originally Posted by FuxJustAWord
yes, i know that Affirmative action doesnt apply to harvard..... but they like to bring "diversity" and not be called a "racist" school, so they are almost forced to bring in minorities.....

no, not really... affirmative action would force them to do that

being a private school, they can accept whoever they want
if they want to accept a black student instead of a white one, thats their choice, its a private institution, totally unrelated to affirmative action

TeamOne 12-05-05 12:13 AM

and no..... most colleges do look at what people they accept and what highschool they are from....... cuz of the whole diversity issue.......

Blay'all 12-05-05 12:14 AM

Originally Posted by FuxJustAWord
and no..... most colleges do look at what people they accept and what highschool they are from....... cuz of the whole diversity issue.......

nahhh, they really dont
i mean, theres no way to prove that, so theres no reason to debate it

but... ask your guidance counselor or somethin

TeamOne 12-05-05 12:16 AM

Originally Posted by BL4Y
no, not really... affirmative action would force them to do that

being a private school, they can accept whoever they want
if they want to accept a black student instead of a white one, thats their choice, its a private institution, totally unrelated to affirmative action

yes, they CAN accept whoever they want..... but thats not the case.... they are put under pressure to be diverse...... a word i am overusing in this convo by now...... if there was no affirmative action issue, all colleges would accept whoever they want.. but it has such an impact nowadays, that all colleges are under pressure

Blay'all 12-05-05 12:18 AM

i'm sorry, but you REALLY cant argue that affirmative action pressured the most prestigous private university in the nation to accept more minorities just because its the cool thing to do now or somethin... i dont think Harvard has any concerns of improving its reputation

TeamOne 12-05-05 12:19 AM

Originally Posted by BL4Y
nahhh, they really dont
i mean, theres no way to prove that, so theres no reason to debate it

but... ask your guidance counselor or somethin

ahhhhh my guidance counselor is the one who told me that....... funny..... maybe urs was just optimistic.... but mine is very real...... and he told us that all the big (intellectually speakin) colleges usually dont accept more than 1 (if even 1) student from our school

and our schoold has the IB..... where pratically all the students are smart enough to be accepted to any college

TeamOne 12-05-05 12:20 AM

ok, most the shit we are saying really cant be proved either way........ so we might as well stop arguing those things

Blay'all 12-05-05 12:24 AM

Originally Posted by FuxJustAWord
ahhhhh my guidance counselor is the one who told me that....... funny..... maybe urs was just optimistic.... but mine is very real...... and he told us that all the big (intellectually speakin) colleges usually dont accept more than 1 (if even 1) student from our school

and our schoold has the IB..... where pratically all the students are smart enough to be accepted to any college

oh yeah, that may be true that generally only 1 student will make it to those universities from your school, but that's not because they do that on purpose since somebody has alread been accepted or somethin, thats just because its so hard to get into those schools so usually only like 1 student from ur school makes it

TeamOne 12-05-05 12:32 AM

my main argument was just that wen life began...... its not like white people were born with some great superiority that would give them control over all other races...... AND even if that was the case, it follows the concept of the fittest survive.....

for christ sakes.. most black friends i know dont even like affirmative action because its basically tagging them as being inferior....like they need help, and arent good enough...... and do u know wats suppose to happen to inferior races??? they die off, go extinct....

but in the end..... im not some big-anti affirmative action person... i mean, i could almost care less if we keep it or not......... i was just stating that it isnt true that blacks werent given equal opportunity..... and that it is suppose to be the fittest that survive in this world.....

Blay'all 12-05-05 12:36 AM

Originally Posted by FuxJustAWord
for christ sakes.. most black friends i know dont even like affirmative action because its basically tagging them as being inferior....like they need help, and arent good enough...... and do u know wats suppose to happen to inferior races??? they die off, go extinct....

and by saying that whites somehow "out-fitted" blacks, you basically labeled them an inferior race from the start

TeamOne 12-05-05 12:37 AM

Originally Posted by BL4Y
oh yeah, that may be true that generally only 1 student will make it to those universities from your school, but that's not because they do that on purpose since somebody has alread been accepted or somethin, thats just because its so hard to get into those schools so usually only like 1 student from ur school makes it

im talkin schools like even BC and other good schools that arent ivy league

i dunno if u know wat the IB is or not..... but it is seriously filled with students who could go to ANY college in the nation and be the top, or close to the top of their class...... like the top 10-20 students would prolly be the validictorian of their class if they went to any other school in the area

this is all hypothetical..... but i think u get my point

TeamOne 12-05-05 12:40 AM

Originally Posted by BL4Y
and by saying that whites somehow "out-fitted" blacks, you basically labeled them an inferior race from the start

ok... ur point????? (thats not wat i was stating) but are we suppose to feel sad for the inferior race and help them out at our own cost???? "biologically" speaking, it would make no sense to be doing wat we are doing

...... but i was more saying that whites "advanced"/"evolved" more in very metaphysical terms

Blay'all 12-05-05 12:46 AM

yeah, we have IB... but anyways
Originally Posted by FuxJustAWord
ok... ur point????? (thats not wat i was stating) but are we suppose to feel sad for the inferior race and help them out at our own cost???? "biologically" speaking, it would make no sense to be doing wat we are doing

...... but i was more saying that whites "advanced"/"evolved" more in very metaphysical terms

argh, i wasnt trying to make a point out the inferior race myself, you just used that in your previous argument, that by being for affirmative action you are labeling minorities an inferior race, and by thinking that that somehow means they should be extinct, and i just pointed out that u contradicted yourself like woah because you yourself earlier labeled them as inferior

but w/e, im done

TeamOne 12-05-05 12:48 AM

and how did u show that i contradicted myself??????? cuz i really dont see it......... i know wat ur sayin.... but i dont see it...

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