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SerB 02-12-06 03:33 AM

Jesus is fake.
seriously, people back then where unheatly hungry skinny weiners. and when you get to that state you start to see illusion like in deserts.

so all these people who "saw" jesus walk on water and all the other bullshit he claimed to do are crackheads.

and also anyone know Chris blaine? seen any of his shows?

he does those werid tricks like float in the air.... maby jesus had some tricks that people back then didn't beleive.

so stop the belief in jesus, that faggot is dead anyways.

Indeph 02-12-06 03:39 AM

Wow ... wow...

La Cosa Nostra 02-12-06 04:10 AM

Jesus is not fake.. What IS fake is the church making up a bunch of lies about him to portray him as a deity when he was infact a human prophet that started a religion.

You have to realise that the majority of things the church says about jesus did not come from Jesus himself, but actually came from the currupted church many years past his lifetime to ensure there was an aura about the character of jesus in order to obtain the large following they have today.

See religious people are out for power. The majority of all prophets and mesiahs spanning accross history only ever use their power and influence for their own personal gain. These people are called false prophets. Jesus could not have been further from this.

Jesus wasnt even a Mesiah. It wasnt in his nature. A mesiah is a religious military leader, not a man speaking to his people in order to teach them and help them understand the world on new levels. That is the work of a prophet. See what people fail to realise is that the church do not teach the truth about Jesus or religion for that matter.

Religions in general basically use the name of a largly accepted prophet to become powerful and create jobs for people who preach the word of that prophet and often not only make false rules for their followers as a show of power, but also lie to the shit about their prophets and pretend that they were not human. Which just isnt the case.

Religions prey on the weak minded and give them a sense of belonging. Which is actually not a bad thing.. A lot of people cannot understand the world themselves and require to be told about things from other people.. But this does not make everything the church says correct. And a lot of people become so extremily attached to the church that they will defend it with their lives if nessecary.

But aside from that. Jesus WAS an extremily intelligent and well spoken prophet/philosopher and he acomplished great feats within his lifetime. Anyone who tries to discredit him based on proporganda spread by the church obviously doesent really know what their talking about...

JTR 02-12-06 04:13 AM

It's David Blaine, and you're fucking stupid.

SerB 02-12-06 05:37 AM

Originally Posted by JTR
It's David Blaine, and you're fucking stupid.

stfu you faggot.

how am i stupid? its a opion you faggot. go jerk off.

SerB 02-12-06 05:38 AM

Originally Posted by Nostradamus
Jesus is not fake.. What IS fake is the church making up a bunch of lies about him to portray him as a deity when he was infact a human prophet that started a religion.

You have to realise that the majority of things the church says about jesus did not come from Jesus himself, but actually came from the currupted church many years past his lifetime to ensure there was an aura about the character of jesus in order to obtain the large following they have today.

See religious people are out for power. The majority of all prophets and mesiahs spanning accross history only ever use their power and influence for their own personal gain. These people are called false prophets. Jesus could not have been further from this.

Jesus wasnt even a Mesiah. It wasnt in his nature. A mesiah is a religious military leader, not a man speaking to his people in order to teach them and help them understand the world on new levels. That is the work of a prophet. See what people fail to realise is that the church do not teach the truth about Jesus or religion for that matter.

Religions in general basically use the name of a largly accepted prophet to become powerful and create jobs for people who preach the word of that prophet and often not only make false rules for their followers as a show of power, but also lie to the shit about their prophets and pretend that they were not human. Which just isnt the case.

Religions prey on the weak minded and give them a sense of belonging. Which is actually not a bad thing.. A lot of people cannot understand the world themselves and require to be told about things from other people.. But this does not make everything the church says correct. And a lot of people become so extremily attached to the church that they will defend it with their lives if nessecary.

But aside from that. Jesus WAS an extremily intelligent and well spoken prophet/philosopher and he acomplished great feats within his lifetime. Anyone who tries to discredit him based on proporganda spread by the church obviously doesent really know what their talking about...

Yes i do agree to this.

Also with all those new bibles its hard to believe anything now.

Nejji Bangaz 02-12-06 07:40 AM

lmaooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooo

SerB 02-12-06 08:05 PM

Originally Posted by Nejji Bangaz
lmaooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooo

wow @ you.

can you prove that this didn't happen?

no you cant faggot.

Tha Q. 02-12-06 08:24 PM

This thread is as ridiculous as the assertions made. But, the bible says not to give holy things to dogs. So, I won't even dignify this nonsense with a counter response.

Sean Gunner 02-12-06 08:28 PM

They've found a casket with the name Jesus. So there was a person named Jesus, now whether or not he was the Son of God is the question. I believe he was, but I'm just telling you that your opinion is wrong.

Also, crack doesn't grow in the desert.

La Cosa Nostra 02-12-06 08:47 PM

Originally Posted by The Revelation
They've found a casket with the name Jesus. So there was a person named Jesus, now whether or not he was the Son of God is the question. I believe he was, but I'm just telling you that your opinion is wrong.

Also, crack doesn't grow in the desert.

Do you have any idea how many people have been named Jesus over the last 2000 years?

In one arab country I remember they even banned it because they kept reporting on the news about terrorist suicide bombers with the name of Jesus and it was creating problems....

Black City 02-12-06 08:51 PM

you can believe what you believe, and i'll do tha same

David Lama 02-12-06 09:27 PM


jesus is a weird subject

Sean Gunner 02-12-06 10:06 PM

Originally Posted by Nostradamus
Do you have any idea how many people have been named Jesus over the last 2000 years?

In one arab country I remember they even banned it because they kept reporting on the news about terrorist suicide bombers with the name of Jesus and it was creating problems....

He said Jesus didn't exist, so I was just proving him wrong. -_-

Also, supposedly they dated it to somewhere around 30 AD.

Crazy Hades 02-12-06 10:22 PM

This thread is as ridiculous as the assertions made. But, the bible says not to give holy things to dogs. So, I won't even dignify this nonsense with a counter response.

But aren't you supposed to honor your fellow man and all that? Did Jesus go 'these people do not deserve this'?

SerB 02-13-06 08:10 PM

I'm not saying he didn't exist..... im just saying him being son of god is a load of bullshit.

Originally Posted by Tha Q.
This thread is as ridiculous as the assertions made. But, the bible says not to give holy things to dogs. So, I won't even dignify this nonsense with a counter response.

stfu, your a sheep like everyone else, listening what people say. and where in the bible it says "Not to give holy things to dogs".. your just a idiot. really, what makes more sense... jesus being a smart regular person.. or him walking on water?

let me guess, he was raised by aliens too, prolly got anal probed. stfu kid dont shit on people thoughts if your a dumb shit sheep.

Originally Posted by The Revelation
They've found a casket with the name Jesus. So there was a person named Jesus, now whether or not he was the Son of God is the question. I believe he was, but I'm just telling you that your opinion is wrong.

Also, crack doesn't grow in the desert.

Im not saying he wasn't alive... there was prolly hundreds of people named jesus. just saying the person who he was isn't. no way, Joesph fucked mary and made a regular baby jesus.

and i didn't say crack grew in the desert, haha, i said they had illusion cuz of the lack of water and food, same illusions crackheads and drugies get.

La Cosa Nostra 02-13-06 08:16 PM

Actually Joseph wasnt the father of Jesus..

Its believed the father was a traveler who came through the town they were at for a few days and had an affair with mary...

SerB 02-13-06 08:19 PM

Thats not what is says in the bible.

Joseph was planning to have a child with mary, but was waiting to get married, then he had a dream that god talked to him where he said that his next baby was going to be the son of god and that it be named jesus.

Paper View 02-19-06 05:22 PM

@Serbness--- you watch to much South Park

Shear Kaughn 02-19-06 05:27 PM

you clowns....

the lord god almighty made an exception in giving mary a child....God is the father of jesus......thus....jesus didn't have a biological father on earth...no human is jesus's father.....he has no earthly father....hence "Virgin Mary"....

i knew this site was full of sausageheads.....

SerB 02-19-06 05:38 PM

Jesus is a bastard.

And we never said he wasn't.

so it looks like you the sauage head.

La Cosa Nostra 02-19-06 07:04 PM

Originally Posted by Shere Kahn!
you clowns....

the lord god almighty made an exception in giving mary a child....God is the father of jesus......thus....jesus didn't have a biological father on earth...no human is jesus's father.....he has no earthly father....hence "Virgin Mary"....

i knew this site was full of sausageheads.....

And you are a sheep, being herded accross life believing whatever the chruch/bible tells you without question.

Whos the real clown here...

Adam 02-19-06 07:11 PM


Who really cares?

Abraxas 02-19-06 10:01 PM

My chruch is strong on religous values so...
.... By the fact I hate anti-christians....
And I don't beleive in SOME of David Blaines Magic trick such as him floating.. now that is bullshit.

TitoBronsky 02-19-06 10:05 PM

you know what............. imma pray for all you ignorent people in this thread... who for some reason .. think its cool to Denounce religion and God......

i feel sorry for your souls.....

God be with you all

High-Dro 02-19-06 10:30 PM


Crazy Hades 02-20-06 12:46 PM

Mhm. I wonder if you should see what a major atheism forum has to say about christianity? I mean, they do pretty much denounce every biblical story, like Noah's Ark and whatnot. Oh well man, just sit back and go to heaven, stop trying to get cookie points with j-man or whatever. Just all of us are going to hell.

Accelerate 02-20-06 04:37 PM

Originally Posted by Serbness
seriously, people back then where unheatly hungry skinny weiners. and when you get to that state you start to see illusion like in deserts.

so all these people who "saw" jesus walk on water and all the other bullshit he claimed to do are crackheads.

and also anyone know Chris blaine? seen any of his shows?

he does those werid tricks like float in the air.... maby jesus had some tricks that people back then didn't beleive.

so stop the belief in jesus, that faggot is dead anyways.

Jesus existed because there are actual records of his existence therefore he is not fake, therefore, your an idiot.

Believing he is God is a different matter

Accelerate 02-20-06 04:43 PM

Now, instead of looking asinine in your own thread, why dont you come with an intelligent arguement ?
Also, people who arent religious shouldn't worry about who Jesus was, but should look at his message, which was the most important of anything he did. Of course in today's 21st century times, we have lost site of the message Jesus gave us "love your neighbor as you love yourself"
Your one of those anti religious heads, who want to go as far as to insult the people for BELIEVING in something. YET, your not doing much better with your assumptions because you BELIEVE he didnt exist, But, maybe he did, you dont know, I dont know, but you believe he doesnt, and i believe he did. So please.. go away

Ebircs 02-20-06 04:50 PM

he looks pritty "real" to me.....

Ebircs 02-20-06 04:52 PM

and if u STILL don't belive me ..................


Killla G Lokk 02-20-06 06:45 PM

Yalll juss b ghey azz mufuqas yall need da show sum daat rezpec 2 r bible meng dazt not cool meng jezus iz reel wetha u lyke it or not :nono:

SerB 02-20-06 07:39 PM

^ Instead of the bible, pick up a book and learn some grammar.

G Deuce 02-21-06 11:36 AM

I hate some things that Athesis say.

villagepimp 02-21-06 05:10 PM

Originally Posted by Tha Q.
This thread is as ridiculous as the assertions made. But, the bible says not to give holy things to dogs. So, I won't even dignify this nonsense with a counter response.


But yeah, anyone who says Jesus is fake is either retarded or a crackhead.

SerB 02-21-06 10:05 PM

^ Yeah... cuz you harsh meet him right?

please kid.

and wtf who said i was athesis?

i believe in God. not jesus tho, cuz God wouldn't send him over here.

G Deuce 02-21-06 11:00 PM

Ok, your thoughts that your stating are just opinions if you havent noticed. So therefore, posting a thread that says "Jesus is Fake" is nothing but your opinion that was created in that transparent sick mind of yours. I would actually like to see where you get this logic from, since its not from the Bible. Even though you say that the bible was created by human beings that didnt know what was going on basically, you must have forgotten who came up with this hypothesis that you believe is the truth.

SerB 02-21-06 11:25 PM

What i said is not a true fact, its a beleif and thought.

and i'm not athesis, i just dont believe in jesus being this powerful human being.

MANY reglious people also feel the same, there is alot of loop holes in the bible.

you cant base religion on the bible man, beliefs come from your thoughts and a book aint changing it. and it was written by retards, the only way the shit is true if they interveiw jesus.

I have a sick mind that jesus is fake? but then you rap about killing "Niggaz" in your songs or songs you listen to? check yourself buddy.

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