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mind_immortal 04-29-06 04:55 PM

Debate of Religion
To understand the true background to the religions, we need to appreciate the basis
of all ancient religion going back to the Phoenicians, the Babylonians and beyond. It
was the Sun. The hierarchy focused on the Sun because, as I outlined earlier, they
understood its true power as an amazing generator of electromagnetic energy which is
affecting our lives and behaviour every second of every day The Sun contains 99% of
the mass of this solar system. Just think about that. The Sun is the solar system and
when it changes, we change. Understanding these Sun cycles, and the changing nature
of the energy it projects, allows you to anticipate how human beings are most likely to
react to various events at different times. As with the texts that form the basis of the
various religions, there are two levels of knowledge in Sun worship. In the ancient
world, the hierarchy focused on the Sun because they knew its effect at a deep level,
while the masses worshipped the Sun because its heat and light had an obvious and
crucial role in ensuring an abundant harvest. In the same way, an initiate of the esoteric
knowledge will read the Bible differently to a Christian or Jewish believer. The initiate
will recognise the symbolism, the numerology and the esoteric codes, while the believer
takes the text literally So the same text acts as a means of passing on esoteric
knowledge to the initiated and creates a prison-religion for the masses who are not
initiated. Great scam.

mind_immortal 04-29-06 04:57 PM

I mean, ask yourself, is a Brotherhood who arranged
for the destruction of ancient knowledge and libraries all over the world going to write
down the true history in their texts or are they going to produce the version they want
the people to believe? During and after their stay in Babylon, with its wealth of
inherited knowledge and stories from Sumer, the Levites mixed truth, often symbolic
truth, with fantasies and this concoction became the foundations of the Old Testament.
The so-called Israelites did not write these texts or agree with what they said. Even if
you accept they even existed, the Israelites had long dispersed by the time the Levites
inked their pens.

Tha Q. 04-29-06 05:20 PM

Jesus is Lord.

bu bye.


mind_immortal 04-29-06 06:31 PM

Jesus will, we are told, be born
again. The sky is going to be rather crowded because Khrishna, Vishnu, Buddha,
Quetzalcoatl and others, will also be there. The ‘star’ at the birth of
Jesus is another multideity story and goes back at least to the
Babylonian tale of Nimrod who, in a dream, saw a brilliant star
rising above the horizon. The soothsayers told him that this foretold
the birth of a child who would become a great prince.24 It’s all
recycling. Jesus is a myth man.
The invented character of Jesus was a Sun god, symbolic of
God’s ‘Sun’... The Light of the World. This very phrase, Light of the
World, was used by the Aryan-Phoenicians to symbolise the ‘one
true god’ thousands of years before the alleged birth of Abraham, the
quite wrongly named creator of the one-god concept.25 They also
symbolised the one true god, the Sun, with the ‘one true cross’ 26 The
Christians portray Jesus with a halo around his head and that’s
exactly how the Phoenicians depicted the rays of the Sun around the
head of their Sun god, Bel or Bil.

Terumoto 04-29-06 09:14 PM

Pretty damn interesting shit you're saying. It's completely feasible.

Crazy Hades 04-30-06 12:30 AM

Which, of course, could also mean that Buddha and Jesus were prophets of the Lord, as surely religion does have a number of sacrifices and connections concerning the person. Dionysus/Bacchus of Greece/Rome, Krishna of India, Osiris, all those good 'uns.

So aye, good job slapping some knowledge on the table. Didn't like a huge number of Phon.'s claim that they saw the Sun dance once? Like a lot of other religions have many witnesses to the miracles of their prophet...

gar, I need more research. Care to continue, immortal?

La Cosa Nostra 04-30-06 12:56 AM

Yeah man...

But dont expect this to shake up any religious goon's views.. Most people are taught....No wait sorry, did I say taught? I meant brainwashed with religion from an early age when their brain is just a gullable spunge that the church can manipulate.

I mean, perfect example... The Q, upon reading this, came in and gave a compleatly ignorant and shit response, not because that was the smart thing to do.. But because he is so far gone from reality that he doesent even want to hear the truth..

Fact remains... Wide spread religions are an ignorant stigma to human culture. And the sooner the greater whole of humanity realises this and begins to look at whats actually infront of us and not in need of this pathetic buzz word 'faith', the sooner we will be able to break out of the bullshit chains religion has kept on our advancement.

Things like stem cell research, cloning and other advancements are a step in the right direction. The wack public's morality and religious belief's should never be given the power to hinder the advancement of man kind.

mind_immortal 04-30-06 03:06 PM

no doubt...this is all knowledge from other books lined up for you guys, thought some of ya'll might find it interesting

Celsus, wrote of the church leaders in the third century:
“You utter fables, and you do not even possess the art of making them seem likely... You
have altered three, four times and oftener, the texts of your own Gospels in order to deny
objections to you.”
In 1958, a manuscript was discovered at a monastery at Mar Saba, east of Jerusalem,
which shows how the Jesus story was rewritten by the Church whenever it suited them
at the time. It was found by an American, Morton Smith, Professor of Ancient History
at Columbia University, and it included the content of a letter by Bishop Clement of
Alexandria, Egypt, an early Christian father, to a colleague called Theodore. It also
revealed an unknown segment of Mark’s Gospel which had been suppressed. It
included in the ‘Jesus’ story some details of mystery school initiations and it was an
account of the raising of Lazarus by Jesus, the famous raising from the dead. In this
suppressed text Lazarus called to Jesus before any ‘raising’ took place, so proving that
he was not supposed to be physically dead. There was also another devastating
revelation for Christianity. The manuscript makes references to the effect that Jesus was
understood to have engaged in possible homosexual practices involving the ‘rich young
man’ mentioned in Mark’s Gospel. Let me stress that I am not condemning
homosexuality here. Good luck to those who wish to live their lives in this way so long
as it’s the choice of all concerned. I am making the point that the Christian hierarchy
have been deceiving and lying to their followers right from the start. Bishop Clement’s
letter was replying to a Christian who was very perturbed to be told the above story of
‘Jesus’ by the Gnostic group called the Carpocrates. It had apparently been leaked to
them by an official in Alexandria. Clement’s advice, after confirming the story, was that
anything which contradicts the official church view must be denied, even if it is true.
The letter says of those who question official orthodoxy:
“For even if they should say something true, one who loves the Truth should not, even so,
agree with them... To them one must never give way; nor, when they put forward their
falsifications, should one concede that the secret Gospel is by Mark - but should deny it on
oath. For not all true things are to be said to all men.”
Clement was summing up the attitude of the Brotherhood and their religious
fronts throughout history. Most members of the Church follow the party line because
that is what they are condtioned to believe, but within these ‘religions’ are the secret
sects which know the truth. They are organisations within organisations or an
organisation (the reptilian Brotherhood) within organisations. It was such people
who created the religion in the first place and compiled and translated the Bible, the
book that was to mind control the world for centuries and, to a very large extent, still
does. Jerome became secretary to Pope Damasus in about 382 and he was
commissioned to bring various texts together to produce the Bible in Latin, the
official language of Rome. Now we had another translation, the Hebrew and Greek
into Latin, plus Jerome’s own prejudices. His version is known as the Vulgate, from the
Latin Vulgata, meaning in common use. The English derivative, vulgar, meaning ‘in
poor taste’, would have been a better description. Jerome edited the texts as he saw fit
and rejected those which didn’t support the creed of Nicaea. He worked with another
church ‘father’, the sex bomb, Augustine. Jerome and Augustine both agreed that
women were morally and spiritually inferior and that sex and earthly pleasures were a
source of evil which kept men from their spiritual path. Poor sods. They examined 13
gospels, nine acts and teachings of the Apostles, plus 31 letters and other writings. They
decided which were ‘orthodox’ and which were to be rejected. Their choice was
supported by the Council of Carthage in 397 and confirmed again by Pope Innocent I a
hundred years later. Jerome’s Vulgate Bible became widely accepted as the version. The
Council of Trent in 1545 decreed that it was the only acceptable one for Roman
Most Christians could not understand what it said because they didn’t read Latin, but
they could rely on the priests to tell them what it said they should do. People were
condemned and killed for the crime of translating the Bible into English because doing
so allowed millions to actually read the texts the priests were using to control and
terrify them.

mind_immortal 04-30-06 03:40 PM

Originally Posted by Nostradamus
Yeah man...

I mean, perfect example... The Q, upon reading this, came in and gave a compleatly ignorant and shit response, not because that was the smart thing to do.. But because he is so far gone from reality that he doesent even want to hear the truth..

i noticed ... your use of compleat instead of complete, leading me to believe that you are british or australian, for here we say that that is the archaic spelling, i prefer compleat myself... :thumbup:

WhoAmI 04-30-06 06:21 PM

MI you seem to have a lot of knowledge behind you

this topic's pretty interesting

but yo expect Q to fight with you on these points....

~peace bruh~

Nejji Bangaz 05-05-06 11:05 AM

i read some of this and also there was the pharoah amenhotep (if i remember correctly) who was the husband of Nefertiti and bought the idea of one god to replace horus, osiris, etc, with the egyptian ppl...

on another note, and sayin this as a muslim, i think islam, christianity, and judism all started off with some truth, but were then twisted and molded by corrupt men , and i say men bc i highly doubt that the idea of woman being the form of original sin coming from a woman, and was then forced into the minds of ppl by taking away all other religions and guaranteeing eternal punishment for those who disobeyed......it doesnt make sense to me that woman can be original sin. i mean, c'mon women r the givers of life, to say that a person that can have another person growing inside them for almost a year and then nurture and protect the child for many more, is evil. and also if sex is such a big sin, then why have many referred to the orgasm as "seeing god"....and why would something made to bring life be so taboo? somethings just dont add up to me in religion...

P.S. im just saying whats on my mind right now, not really thinkin bout it...feel free to show me all the places i was wrong

∆ P E X X 05-06-06 03:58 AM

I love this thread lol.

to suppliment MI's statement, please realize that the story of Moses illustrated in the Bible is the exact story of the Sargon of Akkad found in the Gilgamesh Epics, which pre-dates the bible more than 1000 years. The story of the child in a basket in a river, the coming of plagues that he fought, the exodus of his people and everything are identical. The telling of the flood which estroyed all life and the boat used to sustain life are lifted from the story of Ziusudra in the Gilgamesh Epics. The bible as a whole is a collage of experiences found earlier in history and re-told from a different perspective to be made what was then "current" sourced from the Enuma Enlish and the Gilgamesh Epics - the two original records of human and "god" interaction. The rest is fleshed out using "tradition" from the Druid books and their symbolism is given great value in what's now known as "Christianity".

For example, remember the north star that came into full heavenly view on the day the bible states jesus is born? now who would pay attention to constellations in the time where most could not be seen with the naked eye? Astrology was a practice originally saught after by the druids. That north star is super important to them because it is the right eye of the pagan constellation "dracos", the original "god" idoized in the pagan religion. A star that shone particularly bright on that night. To give it value in your religion, they tell you that this was the day that your savior was born.

Jesus is the "Sacrifical Lamb". Do you know where the term "sacrifical lamb" originates? Druid tradition from the lambs used as life sacrifices in their god-rituals to Dracos at galactic monoliths like Stone henge, the original astrological Calendar.

First born son of every man to be slain sound familliar? The druid holy-day called Halloween was celebrated anually by Druid high priests going door to door to collect the first born child of every family to be sacrificed to their god for favorable deeds on earth. You gave up your child, they marked your door step with a human skull, which today is symbolized with the "jack o lantern".

December 25th sound familliar? Christmas? Nope. December 25th was the original day of Saturnalia, a gift giving holiday celebrated by the greeks hundreds of years before christ was even on earth. The greek god Saturn would be tied to a decorated tree where he's tickled as gifts are given out and people sing and dance. with the redistribution of the roman empire, the name Saturnalia was replaced with "Christ mass" and stated as the birth date of "Jesus". Gifts are still given and the decorated Tree is still symbolic (now as the "christmas tree"). The tradition only changed its name.

don't feel like anyone's picking on christianity, all major religions practiced today have done the same thing. even the story of the Greek Gods is a rendition of the history of Enki and Enlil illustrated throughout the Enuma Enlish, recorded by the first scociety on earth. Even Hinduism is lifted from the already plagerized greek mythology.

To further ilustrate the depth of the illusion, the name "Jesus" came from the combination of the names of the rastafarian god Ja and the greek god Zeus creating Ja-zeus which was later simplified to "Jesus". It's well known that "Jesus" real name is Yashua Bin Yosef (translated Joshua of Joseph). The falsified last name "Christ" is a greek word meaning "savior".

the list goes on and on and on and on.

the truth will set you free.

Indeph 05-06-06 05:55 AM

Damn apexx is that all true? Shit...

WhoAmI 05-06-06 06:32 AM

woah i didn't even know a lot of the stuff apexx just dropped

deep....just deep

∆ P E X X 05-06-06 07:12 AM

yup. but don't take my word for it!! google and ask.com, indexes to all the information found on the net, are right at your finger tips! feel free to type in any of those key phrases and be stunned by your own findings! you can spend hours learning about any one of the many topics mentioned here.

DQ 05-06-06 07:26 AM

Ah, this reminds me of religion class

We always get into heated discussions because even though I'm in a catholic school, I do not identify myself with the religion, as do many of my fellow students. If you add a completely moronic religion teacher you get a fiction vs. non-fiction battle. I must say it's thought out well because religion still has great power. It was even worse before but it still has a lot of influence on people, Nos called it brainwashing...it's close to it.

As far as the bible recycling stories is concerned: it's just a natural thing, everyone does it. Take Hitler as an example for instance, don't think the Übermenschtheory was new, hell to the no. Same with all the stories in the bible and other religious books. The blueprint stays the same, the colours that are used to colour it in differ.

∆ P E X X 05-06-06 07:38 AM

recycling stories aka being artificial is "natural"? dunno about that one.

common yes. Natural, no.

DQ 05-06-06 07:42 AM

^Don't bicker...you know that's what I meant so stop making fun of the foreign girl for picking the wrong word...meanie :(

∆ P E X X 05-06-06 02:55 PM

^^lmao, my fault for making sure we're all on the same page! lol

Past Tense 05-08-06 04:12 AM

anyone can belive in God tho.......it says even the Devil Belives in God....you actually have too read the bible and study it too understand it...thats why most people have a hard time understanding it

..ADLIB.. 05-10-06 09:00 AM

Lol..... fuckn hell mate that was a striking revelation!

..ADLIB.. 05-10-06 09:09 AM

^ lol at this guy... no wonder christians have such a bad name... it's not God, it's the stupid ass mass', the people. 'Religion' is a man-made tool used for control of the mass'. I know this, I still have faith in a creator... I don't know what His/her name is but i do know how I am guided by his/her hand through my life even on a daily basis... I've got crazy stories where I've been miraculous rescued or delivered from situations and circumstances when I've asked for God's intervention. Most times I didn't even ask... my lifes been a road where i've been existing to be brought closer to God through life experiences. I don't need scientific proof to match my experience. I see God everywhere. It's all good.
Somebody tell me about evil spirits...

..ADLIB.. 05-10-06 09:12 AM

i meant all spirits and just the spiritual realm... does anyone believe that? i know i do...

Crazy Hades 05-10-06 04:44 PM

Evil spirits? I'm decently knowledgeable about the Goetic demons, which may interest you a bit. If you want to know a bit about some spirits, continue to read... it's quite interesting. I know this not to invoke any demons, by the way, but merely because it's an interesting topic and I enjoy writing fictional stories concerning the Goetia.

In all actuality, they may not actually be demons. Why is it that some people claim that they have seen demons and, if they end up failing, why do they continue to pursue it? You know ceremonial magic, correct, ADLIB? At least like, using the robes and mitres and burning perfumes among other things...well, according to the speculations of Aleister Crowley, the demons of the Goetia such as Bael, Asmodeus, and all of them, are portions of the human brain.

He says the seals are methods of stimulation or regulation seen through the eye; invoking God by his names are vibrations that are stated to establish general control of the brain, control of the brain in detai, and control of one special portion. The perfumes aid this through smell. The demons that are summoned are used for a generic purpose that is commonly attributed to them: attaining riches or healing a disease of yours. The only problem I have with Crowley's speculation is that, what happens if a 'demon' is summoned to heal another person's disease? Then, I suppose, it does not work.

What he says is, riches could be obtained through the brain enhancing business faculties, and healing diseases can be done through the brain regulating the body...so, basically, the summoned demons help you control your mind. This does not account for anything else, though. Who knows?

mind_immortal 05-10-06 08:10 PM

it wasnt amen hotep .. well yeah it was .. he changed his name to akhenaten ..or vise versa.. they killed him for believing or tring to solidify the gods he was tut ankh amens father

mind_immortal 05-10-06 08:12 PM

i am very very glad to see there are some thinkers out there!,,,keep up the good work ... do research.. there is a way.. and its not "their"way... remember that !!!

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