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Tha .Q 07-21-06 11:29 PM

Here's why I'll always be blessed.
I tithed my income and give my offerings. In the bible, God commands that we tithe (10%) of our income to the church. In fact, in the book of Malachi, it says, "will a man rob God?" If you know to tithe but refuse to, the bible says God will curse you with a curse. On the other hand, if you give your tithes and offerings, the bible says God will pour out a blessing so rich you won't have room to receive it. Well, I've one-upped that command. I tithe 15% of my income. As a result, the windows of heaven will be open to me.

I challenge those who know God and work to tithe and bring your offerings to church. Watch how God provides for you.

And, for those who are "robbing" God by not giving your tithes and offerings when you know to do so, be careful.


Terumoto 07-21-06 11:41 PM

Thats one of the parts of the bible I believe was just chucked in there when the church edited it. People were told they had to give a % of their income to the church to receive blessings, otherwise they would go to hell. I couldn't possibly believe that.

-TeamOne- 07-21-06 11:55 PM

dude, like on some real non Q-Hating, non gay bashing, non homphobic shit, your a homosexual in the bible it says homosexual "acts" are an abomination, its just like suicide your automatically goin 2 hell, you cant hide your homosexuality from god by adding all this sugar on top, fact is your still gay, sorry for ya, but your not going to heaven point blank

Crazy Hades 07-22-06 12:07 AM

You're stupid point blank. Homosexual acts are a sin, not homosexuality itself...

Yeah, and church seriously isn't that important...I don't know why you have to sing and such to praise God...why not pray from the confines of your own home? Be virtuous and live by the Bible while not attending church just to hear sermons of a book you have already memorized?

La Cosa Nostra 07-22-06 12:19 AM

Your religion also teaches that material posessions are worthless.

So why does the church feel it is nessecary to damage its followers pockets?

Money isnt going to bring you blessings dude....

-TeamOne- 07-22-06 12:20 AM

Originally Posted by Crazy Hades
You're stupid point blank. Homosexual acts are a sin, not homosexuality itself...

Yeah, and church seriously isn't that important...I don't know why you have to sing and such to praise God...why not pray from the confines of your own home? Be virtuous and live by the Bible while not attending church just to hear sermons of a book you have already memorized?

what homosexual doesent commit homosexual acts dumbass

Crazy Hades 07-22-06 12:22 AM

What human doesn't lie, dumbass?

L.I. 07-22-06 12:25 AM

Yes, and this is why they say don't read the bible on a literal level. especially not the old testament bro

Gopha 07-22-06 12:25 AM

lol @ this church puppet, god I hate religion.

-TeamOne- 07-22-06 12:26 AM

what point does your last post prove? none at all, stfu

Crazy Hades 07-22-06 12:29 AM

Yes it does. All sins are equal after repenting...

How about this. Never talk to me again, and never come into Cerebral Approach, because you have no idea what you're talking about. What homosexual doesn't commit homosexual acts? Yes, he just sinned. You can laugh going 'haha, Q sinned' while getting your girlfriend from behind, not from the missionary position, before marriage, while living a material life.


Indeph 07-22-06 01:18 AM

That's truly retarded. The church is truly robbing you seriously. You really do need to actually think about what you're saying and ask if it actually makes sense.

La Cosa Nostra 07-22-06 03:02 AM

OMG GUYS.. Gods gonna forgive him of his sins cause he gives his money to a priest......


Yo Q, how much does it cost to kill someone dude?

They should make a drive through, "uhh yeah, lemme order 2 adulterys, 4 murders and maybe throw in a robbery"

"would you like a worshipping false idols with that?"


"great, thatll be 30% of your weekly income, drive through to the next window"

-TeamOne- 07-22-06 04:53 AM

Originally Posted by Crazy Hades
Yes it does. All sins are equal after repenting...where in q's post does he say he going to go repent for being gay?, nowhere so shut the fuck up

How about this. Never talk to me again, and never come into Cerebral Approach, because you have no idea what you're talking about. What homosexual doesn't commit homosexual acts? Yes, he just sinned. You can laugh going 'haha, Q sinned' while getting your girlfriend from behindwhat the fuck are you talking about Im a virgin dumbass, not from the missionary position, before marriage, while living a material life.you are the one who has no idea what youre talking about fukin cumdumpster


fuckin dumbass dont talk about shit when you dont know shit

Terumoto 07-22-06 05:58 AM

All hades is saying is that if you are going off at Q for being gay, you better go off at every single other christian for lying, thinking bad thoughts, looking at porn, stealing, being deceitful, or saying gods name in vain, or whatever. Because the bible says all sins are equal, if Q can't be a christian because hes a sinner, nobody should be allowed to be a christian.

[♡]_Fuck_you_ho 07-22-06 06:01 AM

Originally Posted by Terumoto
All hades is saying is that if you are going off at Q for being gay, you better go off at every single other christian for lying, thinking bad thoughts, looking at porn, stealing, being deceitful, or saying gods name in vain, or whatever. Because the bible says all sins are equal, if Q can't be a christian because hes a sinner, nobody should be allowed to be a christian.

.. ll Prèäçh Bróthèr ll.. :thumbup:

Mad Dog 07-22-06 06:07 AM

i read this title and said to myself

i bet Q made this thread

how unimpressed was i to find out i was right...

Crazy Hades 07-22-06 02:29 PM

Yeah, Terumoto basically explained it, as I already have. I'm saying everyone sins, and homosexual acts can be forgiven, and as Q is a christian, he most likely repents about it; hell, he even mentioned being celibate, so I doubt he has. How many christians actually perform a whole day of sabbath?

I'm saying you can content yourself by saying 'haha, Q sinned', right after you sinned by living a material life, most likely saying God's name in vain at least once today, having lied, cursed, maybe insulted your parents in the past few weeks, and having premarital sex. You're a virgin, congratulations. That's one sin you haven't performed. Ever thought lustfully of a girl?

Yeah, Q sure is a big hypocrite. :nono:

TitoBronsky 07-25-06 03:49 PM

Everyone needs to fall back and look at what Q is actualy saying....

dude aint wrong...

If your are a God fearing individual... and you subscribe to the doctrines of Christianity.... then Tythe and offering apply to you... Tythe and offering was written into the bible for a reason people :)

Why everybody gotta Bring storm clouds in when dude is tryin to shed light on yall????

so much Naysaying....

the only person that had anything of any substance to say in this thread aside from Q was OMB.... when he told other Christians to fall back for hatin on his Homosexuality...for all sin is equal... no one greater than the other....

Everybody needs to find some inner peace and stop all the hating....

disagree if you will.... but senseless hating ???


Shi-1 08-06-06 01:31 PM

Ok what Q said is correct. For those who belive in the Bible, giving 10% of your income back is the right thing to do. If you don't believe in the Bible, or you don't take it literally, then of course you won't agree. Simple as that.

As for the homosexual issue. Its like this. God will judge. We're not meant to do it.
With that being said, I must add that from a debaters stance, if one asks how can a professed homosexual claim to be a Christian, its weak and invalid to answer by saying, well look at everyone else who sins. Since they do it and claim to be Christian, then I can casually commit my sins too and claim it too!!
Come on now. That's not how you answer that. That's just dodging the issue, which isn't about what others may or may not be doing. The issue is how can YOU claim to be both things and feel righteous before God's eyes. Not other unbelievers eyes. But God's eyes.
What others are doing is irrelevant.
Like if I proudly claim that I steal for a living, but I'm a Christian. And someone asks me, hey doesn't that go against the main tenets of the 10 Commandments? My answer is weak if all i can do is reply: well errr, look at all the others out there! I bet they lie, have pre marital sex and all that too!
nahh buddy. If I'm arguing with anyone with anything past a jr. highschool education, I'd have to come with something better than that. Basically if I couldnt rationalize it, I'd have to just say, look, God will judge me in the end, not you. At least that way I'm not skirting around the issue.

And so yea...we shouldnt judge. Let God do that. But if a debate arises, don't skirt around it by pointing fingers at others/

Tha .Q 08-06-06 03:34 PM

Originally Posted by TitoBronsky
Everyone needs to fall back and look at what Q is actualy saying....

dude aint wrong...

If your are a God fearing individual... and you subscribe to the doctrines of Christianity.... then Tythe and offering apply to you... Tythe and offering was written into the bible for a reason people :)

Why everybody gotta Bring storm clouds in when dude is tryin to shed light on yall????

so much Naysaying....

the only person that had anything of any substance to say in this thread aside from Q was OMB.... when he told other Christians to fall back for hatin on his Homosexuality...for all sin is equal... no one greater than the other....

Everybody needs to find some inner peace and stop all the hating....

disagree if you will.... but senseless hating ???


Romans 2:1

Therefore thou art inexcusable, O man, whosoever thou art that judgest: for wherein thou judgest another, thou condemnest thyself; for thou that judgest doest the same things.

^^^^That sums it up right there. How can someone who struggles with sexuality love God? Easy...It's the same way someone who struggles with any SIN can love God, and that's EVERYONE.

Get it together people.

Shear Kaughn 08-06-06 04:32 PM

i wish Allah was here to see this......

Blay'all 08-06-06 05:06 PM

Originally Posted by T ha Q
I tithe 15% of my income. As a result, the windows of heaven will be open to me.

do you seriously believe that?

its about time "Christians" stop focusing on telling people whether they're going to heaven or hell, because thats completely missing the point... and i'm not questioning your faith Q, im talking about a majority of the posts in this thread and the majority of people overall...

Shear Kaughn 08-06-06 05:14 PM

Originally Posted by Blayboy
do you seriously believe that?

its about time "Christians" stop focusing on telling people whether they're going to heaven or hell, because thats completely missing the point... and i'm not questioning your faith Q, im talking about a majority of the posts in this thread and the majority of people overall...

No its about Allah.....

Blay'all 08-06-06 06:07 PM

Originally Posted by Shear Kaughn
No its about Allah.....

^ exactly, my faith is based entirely on God's love and grace, not any set of rules or guidelines in a book thats been translated 2098089234 times from its original form. say what you want, but i think a relationship with God is alot more reliable and righteous than the above mentioned piece of literature.

Shear Kaughn 08-06-06 07:13 PM

Originally Posted by Blayboy
^ exactly, my faith is based entirely on God's love and grace, not any set of rules or guidelines in a book thats been translated 2098089234 times from its original form. say what you want, but i think a relationship with God is alot more reliable and righteous than the above mentioned piece of literature.

and Allah shall bless you brother

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