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Untold 08-31-06 05:34 AM

This Week's Mag
RV's 1-2 Battle League Magazine

So once again, this week's mag is late. I know, it's gay. And the even worse news is that its not going to be anything special either. I've been very busy lately, and well, I don't have the time that I used to have, so writing a dope mag each week is getting hard. I swear, next week, you will have a dope mag. I'll spend time on it and give the readers what they'd like to see. Also, sorry for the problems with battles last week. I was unaware that DTH had a certain guidline he went by with setting up battles. So, to say the most this week, there won't be much of a mag, but I will give ya'll some rants and what not.

Battle Reviews:
My reviews this week are going to be brief. I didn't really feel that many battles or drops in the league, but I will give props to those that had a good presentation.

Ken Pho vs. DTH
This battle was one sided pretty much. DTH had the bat line that made me laugh, even thought it was corny, but his filler line kill't it.

Aeral vs. N.Tavarez
This was a pretty dope battle. Tav had the "aleve" line which was play'd to hell, but past the structure/wordin of the second punch, it was dope. on the other hand, i felt aeral had two stronger punches, so he got the win.

Sobe vs. Spul
This was a nice battle. Spul had some pretty good ideas, but not enough to win. I honestly thought Sobe had two hot punches, so he got this pretty easily.

JTR vs. Oz
I liked this battle for one reason, and it was cause of Jack's second punch about "stanza chance" or some shitz. Dope material man. Keep it up.

Artistik vs. TeamOne
Art straiight killed this shit. Both punches were hawt imo. TeamOne didn't really have anythin to impressive, but Art took this easy.

Verse Of The Week

this kid's punches are worthless, not even scratchin the surface
cuz last time T-1 connected.. was fucking internet service
thx alot T.. we know your girl name's canves, n it's real plain to see
that that shit's been slapped n beat up.. n still harassment nothing to me

Top 10 Battlers
10. Tony Brown
9. N.Tavarez
8. Precize
5. DaTrusHurtz
4. Artistik
3. Untold
2. Sobe
1. Aeral

Will be edited in soon.

Look, sorry about the mag this week, but really.. There wasn't much too impressive anywayz. I come to give reviews and critique battles, and I really don't mind doing it at all, but when people aren't giving me anything too impressive, then I can't make a good judgement towards battles. For those of you I pointed out, good job. That means you tried and dropped dope last week. So peeps, for next week, lets have some dope drops, good competitions and an overall better week. One other thing, STATRT SHOWING FAGGOTS!


TonyTone 08-31-06 07:16 AM

too many fuckin no shows for a decent mag anyway, not your fault

DaTrusHurtz 08-31-06 11:27 AM

I don't know, I get where you're coming from, but sayin' people are lazy and then bein' lazy with the mag is kinda contradictory. And lol your top 10 looks like you drew names outta a hat randomly.

Wordz AhGod 08-31-06 11:32 AM

not a big deal I guess. no one was feeling this week. I know I wasn't. Drop'd one wak bar and one decent line again.

DaTrusHurtz 08-31-06 11:42 AM

I think part of the problem is that when people no-show, i kick them out, but often the people i replace them with no-show too... so next week, I'm not gonna worry about that as much and I'm just gonna make the league smaller.. maybe from like 40 to 36 or something, that might help with no-shows. And once playoffs start in a few weeks, I don't think they will exist.

~Luciano~ 08-31-06 12:08 PM

mag was shitty

but so was this week,.,

Aeral 08-31-06 12:40 PM

yeah the week wasnt too impressive but cool shit anyways, its better than nothing man

Untold 08-31-06 12:44 PM

word.. sorry about mag shitz, i've just been tired as the fawk lately.

and the week was shitty. too many fuckin no shows. btw, i got this idea about the mag from the RBL, when just the other week OneDuh didn't post one cause of how the league was goin.

if we cut down on the no shows and i find more time, i'll definately keep this mag lookin fresh. but for now, just appreciate it, ya'llz.


~Luciano~ 08-31-06 12:46 PM

^^Its far from your fault fam

u cant make a good mag

unless u have a good week

Daubs 08-31-06 04:35 PM


N.Tavarez 08-31-06 04:55 PM

how you gonna rank yourself #3 Untold?
i would rank you somewhere around.......uinno 9th

DaTrusHurtz 08-31-06 05:38 PM

lol, Untold always overrates himself when he writes mags. I guess he can cuz its his mag

Untold 08-31-06 07:37 PM

^i don't overate myself.

i just know who i'm batter than. so i like, put myself before them

get on my level kidz.

Untold 08-31-06 07:40 PM

on some real shit.

i'll battle someone in the league right now.

i mean, if u think i've overated myself or just have a problem wit me in general.

uh, if u beat me.. i'll like, rank u #1 in the rankins or some shit.

Wordz AhGod 08-31-06 08:19 PM

Originally Posted by Untold
^i don't overate myself.

i just know who i'm batter than. so i like, put myself before them

get on my level kidz.

wow man...Im kewl with you and all but ....Thats still not a way to rank shits man. You know when you do the Mag which you usually do a good job on, You have a responsibility to keep the mag fare. Its becomes a sort of power abuse if you just put yourself on top just coz you can dawg.

Untold 08-31-06 09:03 PM

Originally Posted by Wordz Ahgod
wow man...Im kewl with you and all but ....Thats still not a way to rank shits man. You know when you do the Mag which you usually do a good job on, You have a responsibility to keep the mag fare. Its becomes a sort of power abuse if you just put yourself on top just coz you can dawg.

dude, wtf are u talkin about?

i'am fair. just cause i see that i'm better, rank myself higher, that doesn't mean i'm bein unfair. thats me rankin myself where i'm supposed to be.

look, i look @ skill in this league. i don't care how many fuckin battles you won. when i rank you, it's based on ur skill. i can even say fuck consistancy. cause i know peeps that'll win every week unless they get put against someone good.

now if u'd like to battle me to get a better rankin in the league, be my guest. but i know i could whore most. and as for DTH, look.. u could be higher, just as well as tav, but both of ya'll haven't dropped shit that has impressed me yet.

the deal with you two is, i keep rankin ya'll lower than others because i know ur potential and i know ya'll can do better. so, until ya'll start givin me a reason to rank ya'll over me, then STFU!


N.Tavarez 09-01-06 09:03 AM

Originally Posted by Untold
^i don't overate myself.

i just know who i'm batter than. so i like, put myself before them

get on my level kidz.

nah i dont care about rankings cuz im secure within my skills to know better
i was just being sarcastic, its ALL in good fun
but im NOT on your level, when i feel like coming down I'll holla at you :)

DaTrusHurtz 09-01-06 11:16 AM

Well Untold, if you're going to go by what was dropped in this league, you haven't dropped well either. Here's my honest opinion of the people who are better than you.

1. Aeral
2. Sobe
5. DaTrusHurtz
6. Jack
7. Spul
9. N. Tavarez
Unranked LI

I would probably have had you at #8. How was LI unranked at 4-0? lol, ranks just seemed very arbitrary. You say its by how people have dropped in the league, but you are only 2-2 and #3? And Artistik is 2-2 and #4? And then Precize hasn't even shown up half the time and got ranked. lol. That's what I mean by arbitrary.

N.Tavarez 09-01-06 11:29 AM

wow i didnt catch that
how you gonna leave out LI
but yeah i agree mostly with DTH
good thing rankings dont matter in mags though

DaTrusHurtz 09-01-06 11:35 AM

Yeah they just matter in playoffs.. and after seeing the no-shows, I'm thinkin of moving playoffs up a week and having next week the last week of the regular season

N.Tavarez 09-01-06 11:41 AM

word i def feel that
prevents the league from getting stale
just try not to match me up with spul or jtr unless absolutely necessary
or LI for that matter we faced a bunch too

DaTrusHurtz 09-01-06 11:45 AM

Well next week, you will likely be facing TeamOne or Methods in the league just based on the fact you've faced everyone else in your group.

For playoffs, it will be based on seeding, it won't be arbitrary at all. I just gotta figure out officially what the tiebreaker will be for people who have the same record.

N.Tavarez 09-01-06 11:50 AM

i can deal with that .

Sobe. 09-01-06 12:26 PM

why do ppl bitch about mag's n rankings just post good punches

N.Tavarez 09-01-06 12:33 PM

im not bitching, im chatting with dth if you mean me.........
I could care less bout ranks, but hello to you sobe!

DaTrusHurtz 09-01-06 12:36 PM

I could care less where I am personally ranked cuz I know I won't lose this season, we're just making fun of Untold for overranking himself haha

Untold 09-01-06 02:17 PM

Originally Posted by DaTrusHurtz
Well Untold, if you're going to go by what was dropped in this league, you haven't dropped well either. Here's my honest opinion of the people who are better than you.

1. Aeral
2. Sobe
5. DaTrusHurtz
6. Jack
7. Spul
9. N. Tavarez
Unranked LI

I would probably have had you at #8. How was LI unranked at 4-0? lol, ranks just seemed very arbitrary. You say its by how people have dropped in the league, but you are only 2-2 and #3? And Artistik is 2-2 and #4? And then Precize hasn't even shown up half the time and got ranked. lol. That's what I mean by arbitrary.

dawg.. LI has got most of his wins through no shows, nigga!

c'mon man! u know that. when he drops dope, i'll rank him. lately i've been rankin kids who have won or i just know are better than others from other sites.

Untold 09-01-06 02:19 PM

Originally Posted by N.Tavarez
nah i dont care about rankings cuz im secure within my skills to know better
i was just being sarcastic, its ALL in good fun
but im NOT on your level, when i feel like coming down I'll holla at you :)

OHOHOHO!!! u got me!

it was sarcasm man. i understand that. i'm cool wit u fool! i just feel u haven't dropped up to par yet. when u do, u'll get ranked higher. and i rank myself higher cause i keep up wit who drops every week and who shows and who drops for their battles.

cats who win off of no shows aren't gettin ranked in my mag. so yea..

DaTrusHurtz 09-01-06 02:31 PM

Well its not LIs fault people keep no-showin' against him...so by your rankings you are basically saying its better to lose than to win via no-show haha

BTW, this new design... i don't know who did it, but it's phatt. I used to hate RV's look and honestly it even turned me away at first, but this looks nice.

N.Tavarez 09-01-06 02:54 PM

word i feel you untold
its all good we messing around.........
i HAVE been half assing wayyy too much lately, just busy and hate to no show
but i think i dropped good this week vs caustic
you guys should vote and tell me if im mistaken

Wordz AhGod 09-01-06 03:00 PM

People shouldnt be ranks high coz they ill on other sites. If I was like 45 - 3 in rv and always drop ill then I come here and Im 2 - 3 or some wak shit like then how the fuck would I be ranked higher then some one whose only on this site that you've seen but Im 4 - 1. Iv been doing my part week after week and its not my fault how others drop or the fact that you know them from other sites. If I drop wak then I'll lose a battle but if I drop ill even in one of my too bars then I'll get the win. 4 - 1 one aint a bad rec dawg. I should be atleast on this bitch some where man.

DaTrusHurtz 09-01-06 03:04 PM

Well I guess there's 2 ways you could look at power rankings...you could look at it as, rankings of who is having the best season and dropping the best in the league.. or you could rank it as basically, an order of who you would least want to face based on the skill you know they have.

Untold 09-01-06 10:31 PM

Originally Posted by DaTrusHurtz
Well its not LIs fault people keep no-showin' against him...so by your rankings you are basically saying its better to lose than to win via no-show haha

BTW, this new design... i don't know who did it, but it's phatt. I used to hate RV's look and honestly it even turned me away at first, but this looks nice.

WTF.. NO!!! i never said that. i said who drops good is gettin ranked! WTF!?!?!?! that shit made no sense DTH. ur cool peepz, but u say some STUPID shit sometimes, yo. i mean, u find where i said that, and i'll take this back but damn.. thats just retarted nigga.

Untold 09-01-06 10:42 PM

Originally Posted by Wordz Ahgod
People shouldnt be ranks high coz they ill on other sites. If I was like 45 - 3 in rv and always drop ill then I come here and Im 2 - 3 or some wak shit like then how the fuck would I be ranked higher then some one whose only on this site that you've seen but Im 4 - 1. Iv been doing my part week after week and its not my fault how others drop or the fact that you know them from other sites. If I drop wak then I'll lose a battle but if I drop ill even in one of my too bars then I'll get the win. 4 - 1 one aint a bad rec dawg. I should be atleast on this bitch some where man.

no, dawg! look at a cat like Artistik. if u and him were to battle and have nuttin but good heads voting on it, i know u'd lose. though ur rec maybe better than his, i know in general that hes better than u.

like seriously, u think ur droppin dope man, but ur concepts are play'd or badly worded, yo. i know what a fresh concept is and what a play'd concept is. and well, u have alot of play'd ones.

nother thing, everyone in my rankings are better than you and could beat u. i'm sorry man, but i gotta be honest. just step ya shit up and u'll get ranked or shit. so till it happens, u'll take my rankins and LIKE IT!

DaTrusHurtz 09-02-06 12:19 PM

You didn't say that Untold, it was implied... duh... aka, you ranked 2 people who are 2-2 at #3 and #4 and a guy who is 1-3 at #9...and then a 4-0 guy unranked, so therefore that would leave me to believe that in some cases its better to lose than get a no-show win according to your rankings.

Wordz AhGod 09-02-06 01:19 PM

Originally Posted by Untold
no, dawg! look at a cat like Artistik. if u and him were to battle and have nuttin but good heads voting on it, i know u'd lose. though ur rec maybe better than his, i know in general that hes better than u.

like seriously, u think ur droppin dope man, but ur concepts are play'd or badly worded, yo. i know what a fresh concept is and what a play'd concept is. and well, u have alot of play'd ones.

nother thing, everyone in my rankings are better than you and could beat u. i'm sorry man, but i gotta be honest. just step ya shit up and u'll get ranked or shit. so till it happens, u'll take my rankins and LIKE IT!

Thats some Bias shit. I get hate from the mods in both leagues but for some reason Im doing well in both. I dont dictate who votes and who doesn't. All I do is drop my verse and wish my opponent good luck. I dont sway or say shit even though sometimes they punches are bull shit. And you aint drop anything nice your self in along time in either league man. You only beaten wak ass niggaz. urmomsuxxx sucks ass dawg. thats why you want to battle him. you been sleeping on these leagues for far too long to rank yourself so high. Just go by the records coz it aint my fault Im battling who I battle or the votes go the way they do.

Untold 09-02-06 02:26 PM

Originally Posted by DaTrusHurtz
You didn't say that Untold, it was implied... duh... aka, you ranked 2 people who are 2-2 at #3 and #4 and a guy who is 1-3 at #9...and then a 4-0 guy unranked, so therefore that would leave me to believe that in some cases its better to lose than get a no-show win according to your rankings.

aha! i understand. yea, but if they guy wit a 4-0 rankin is gettin nuttin but no show wins, and the guy wit 1-3 is losin either to good heads or the votins just gay, i'm gonna give it to who i see tryin more. i mean, if u win due to a no show, i'm not gonna say "ur power ranked here cause u keep winnin due to no shows". LI is good, but he hasn't even had a battle to prove himself in. but, yo, this week i'll take time with the mag. i'll make sure peeps like it and have nuttin to complain about. another thing though, it's not better to lose, its better to drop. if one no shows and anther person drops and their drop has a punch that impressed me, their gonna get ranked. sorry, yo, its just how i feel.

but if ya'll really want, i'll do rankins the way ya'll want. so yea..

Untold 09-02-06 02:29 PM

Originally Posted by Wordz Ahgod
Thats some Bias shit. I get hate from the mods in both leagues but for some reason Im doing well in both. I dont dictate who votes and who doesn't. All I do is drop my verse and wish my opponent good luck. I dont sway or say shit even though sometimes they punches are bull shit. And you aint drop anything nice your self in along time in either league man. You only beaten wak ass niggaz. urmomsuxxx sucks ass dawg. thats why you want to battle him. you been sleeping on these leagues for far too long to rank yourself so high. Just go by the records coz it aint my fault Im battling who I battle or the votes go the way they do.

urmomsuxxdixx wak? ok nigga.. thats why hes in second coming. lemme see u battle someone from second coming and win, ya dick! and tell me i haven't been droppin nice? wtf homie? all my shits been better than urs. and yes i'm biased, cause i've watched u drop some play'd shit all league long. and look, i like ut attitude, but u need to put that more into ya verse.

i see u got the ambition to win, but ur just not doin it. look, i agreed to make these mags with me bein able to give my honest opinion on shit, but obviously i get hate on it. look, how about you and i battle. like, now! 20 lines due in 30 minz. if u can beat me, i'll rank u #1 next week. if u lose, u get banned and never return to this site? how about them applez, son?

DaTrusHurtz 09-02-06 02:32 PM

I don't care really, I'm just giving you shit since the ranks looked very arbitrary.. .and because I can haha

Btw, thanks for voting on that pic battle, but that verse was very rushed... well half the lines i spent time on, then the other 10 lines i wrote in like 10 minutes cuz i had to head out the door...from reading it its prolly obvious which lines are which.. but to answer your thing about me being better off writing quick verses cuz of what happened that one time, nah, that was a 1 time thing..usually when i half ass you can tell.

Also, urmomsuxdix is mad overrated. He used to be good... he hasn't adapted to the new times yet.

Untold 09-02-06 02:44 PM

Originally Posted by DaTrusHurtz
I don't care really, I'm just giving you shit since the ranks looked very arbitrary.. .and because I can haha

Btw, thanks for voting on that pic battle, but that verse was very rushed... well half the lines i spent time on, then the other 10 lines i wrote in like 10 minutes cuz i had to head out the door...from reading it its prolly obvious which lines are which.. but to answer your thing about me being better off writing quick verses cuz of what happened that one time, nah, that was a 1 time thing..usually when i half ass you can tell.

Also, urmomsuxdix is mad overrated. He used to be good... he hasn't adapted to the new times yet.

lolz, word. i feel ya bout ya verse, but i know ur better than that. and yea, urmom aint as good as he used to be, but c'mon.. hes still in second coming and could still be more fresh than wordz, imo.

but this weeks mag will be much better. ALOT more info and all. i've got the time and i'm not as pressed for time as last weeks. so yea, its whatever wit rankins, yo.

also, since i did vote on ur battle, would u mind droppin an honest one on me and spul's tag and me vs jtr in the LBL! battles are gettin slept on, yo.

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