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Implicit 01-29-07 02:07 PM

1 Question
Why does everyone try to find every possible reason NOT to believe in God, rather than looking at what is evident?

N.Tavarez 01-29-07 02:09 PM


interesting video that doesnt answer your question but fuck it

M&rk 01-29-07 03:02 PM

anything on fox news is ganna try swaying everything towards the more conservitive point of view because conservitive republicans and the people that give republicans money choose what goes on. so its impossible to have a regulur positive conversation on fox news if u go agianst conservitive republicans. and getting attacked for coming onto someones show just shows how fuckin gay they are. but thats a good vid, cuz i'd never would of seen it cuz i refuse to watch fox news

M&rk 01-29-07 03:09 PM

and there isn't anything evident lame-o

Terumoto 01-29-07 10:57 PM

Originally Posted by Implicit
Why does everyone try to find every possible reason NOT to believe in God, rather than looking at what is evident?

To make them feel better about themselves... It depends on the kind of person you are.

Some people are offended and pissed off at the thought that they aren't in control of themselves and their life, other people love the idea of having somebody steer their life for them.

I'm just talking about the main interpretation of "God" though, that most people believe/don't believe.

A.J. Hustler 01-30-07 09:27 AM

i dunno guy, i just know that we need God....cuz, without God, how are we to tell morals, how can we tell what's right and wrong...one guy will think smoking dope is bad, another good, one may think killing a killer is good, but one may think it is still bad because killing is killing.....

we can't rely on ourselves to give ourselves morals....cuz we'll turn it around and destroy ourselves....denying God is denying his commandments, and without his commandments, we got no moral code...but that which we give ourselves, and if that were the case, like mentioned above, no two peoples own given moral codes would be alike, thus no way to tell exactly what is right and what is wrong, just opinions...

M&rk 01-30-07 10:41 AM

Originally Posted by A.J. Hustler
i dunno guy, i just know that we need God....cuz, without God, how are we to tell morals, how can we tell what's right and wrong...one guy will think smoking dope is bad, another good, one may think killing a killer is good, but one may think it is still bad because killing is killing.....

we can't rely on ourselves to give ourselves morals....cuz we'll turn it around and destroy ourselves....denying God is denying his commandments, and without his commandments, we got no moral code...but that which we give ourselves, and if that were the case, like mentioned above, no two peoples own given moral codes would be alike, thus no way to tell exactly what is right and what is wrong, just opinions...

people been around long enough to find out what a good moral code would be, and i bet someone was smart enough to write it down... and since humans wrote the bible, we thought of our own moral code through a multiple amount of life trial and error.

A.J. Hustler 01-30-07 03:53 PM

that's if you believe the bible wasn't dictated to the writers by God, and there are aguements for both...and you can't say we have grown since way back when with help from our governmental/individual moral codes cuz people still shoot eachother, people still hurt eachother, and we still have wars, face it, individual moral codes don't work....we as humans, like to use degrees in our morals....ex. no doubt you think lying is wrong, but no doubt you will also tell a fib/lie if you feel it's such a small one that it won't do anything, tho if you hafta tell a big lie, you might not do it, it would depend on your circumstances, you won't lie about someone who killed someone else, but i bet you'd lie or try to lie about it if you stole or tried to steal something...but still, no matter big or small, a lie is still a lie, .....telling you man, self given/made moral codes just don't work....

∆ P E X X 01-30-07 04:44 PM

evident? when it rains, the ground gets wet, that's evident. the heat from our sun warms our planet. that's evident. the wind blows. that's evident. what ever god you believe in, is not evident.

if a supreme being really put you here, it would be undenyable. it would be clear. not open for interpretation. the people of this planet would unanimously agree, like they do for the basic factors i described above. if it were real, you would know it, instead of believe it.

btw, pretty bold to call something "evident" when there's so much tangible evidence that disproves it. you can't disprove a fact son, only a concept.

Past Tense 02-01-07 03:23 AM

wow apexx I was expecting more coming from you

Pride and people not wanting to beleive that they wont go to heaven/hell is one of the thing that causes it. The second commandment says not to create a God thats not THE REAL GOD......

God is a judge....SIMPLE and plain..theres one way to get around that law and thats all there is to it

And if you think that we all just poppped out of the ground and this life happend by chance then i dont know what to say......

wheres the tangible evidence that disproves God?
I'd really like to see this evidence thats not

b.100 Percent Prooves God is NOT REAL

once you can proove he's 100 percent not real then you'll have people to beleive you

Its about faith and God is going to test your faith a lot so you can Persevere and grow closer with him..I've learned so much over the past month.....it goes on and on and on

Terumoto 02-01-07 08:33 AM

Originally Posted by Past Tense
wow apexx I was expecting more coming from you

Pride and people not wanting to beleive that they wont go to heaven/hell is one of the thing that causes it. The second commandment says not to create a God thats not THE REAL GOD......

God is a judge....SIMPLE and plain..theres one way to get around that law and thats all there is to it

And if you think that we all just poppped out of the ground and this life happend by chance then i dont know what to say......

wheres the tangible evidence that disproves God?
I'd really like to see this evidence thats not

b.100 Percent Prooves God is NOT REAL

once you can proove he's 100 percent not real then you'll have people to beleive you

Its about faith and God is going to test your faith a lot so you can Persevere and grow closer with him..I've learned so much over the past month.....it goes on and on and on

You know why people can't disprove God? Because believers can't define God in the first place..

M&rk 02-01-07 11:19 AM

Originally Posted by Past Tense
wow apexx I was expecting more coming from you

Pride and people not wanting to beleive that they wont go to heaven/hell is one of the thing that causes it. The second commandment says not to create a God thats not THE REAL GOD......

and what about all the other religions, do i have to go to hell for not believin in their "REAL GOD?"

∆ P E X X 02-01-07 07:30 PM

listen pt lemme explain something to you. religion exists so that people belive that their suffering is worth something or has reason. and that the the wrongs done against you will be vindicated. weak minded people need to believe theres a purpose to their pain, and some blah blah blah point to their life.

i understand that you're brainwashed by the pagans that wrote your book, but dont' let that blind you to things much bigger

Logic The Goonie 02-02-07 10:44 PM

I don't understand why everyone needs God to come down from the heavens and prove he's God before atheists believe in him. That's why belief is belief and fact is fact. If God wanted us to have factual knowledge that he exists, that would be what is here. If God wanted us to believe in him, there would be no facts, only reason to believe. The latter is what I find in everyday life, I can't say "No, fuck you, God exists, here's my proof." nor can any Christian. All we can do is say we truly believe for our own reasons and that anyone else who wants to believe will have to come across it in their own way.

The reason Christianity looks dumb most of the time is people like PT who act like everything in the bible is undisputed proof that God exists and there is nothing in the world that shows even he slightest hint that he doesn't. In all reality, Christianity is based on faith and religion for individuals, I don't think we should be trying to act like since something has been shown to us each individually for whatever reason, it makes it "fact" for everyone else. -_-

WhoAmI 02-03-07 11:34 AM

Originally Posted by Implicit
Why does everyone try to find every possible reason NOT to believe in God, rather than looking at what is evident?

because there is no evidence

think about it the ancient romans thought a guy with a big old chariot pulled the sun

ancient greeks thought a man held up the sky

both have much more logical and provable explanations

God is a metaphor for the nature of existence

∆ P E X X 02-03-07 04:09 PM

Originally Posted by Logic/Socrates
I don't understand why everyone needs God to come down from the heavens and prove he's God before atheists believe in him. That's why belief is belief and fact is fact. If God wanted us to have factual knowledge that he exists, that would be what is here. If God wanted us to believe in him, there would be no facts, only reason to believe. The latter is what I find in everyday life, I can't say "No, fuck you, God exists, here's my proof." nor can any Christian. All we can do is say we truly believe for our own reasons and that anyone else who wants to believe will have to come across it in their own way.

The reason Christianity looks dumb most of the time is people like PT who act like everything in the bible is undisputed proof that God exists and there is nothing in the world that shows even he slightest hint that he doesn't. In all reality, Christianity is based on faith and religion for individuals, I don't think we should be trying to act like since something has been shown to us each individually for whatever reason, it makes it "fact" for everyone else. -_-

pretty fair statement.

Past Tense 02-03-07 10:20 PM

actually Historians do beleive Jesus walked this earth and he was crusified they just dont beleive that he ROSE AGAIN and he did!!!!!

I am not brainwashed either apexx

The search for worth is what I was looking for AND I was feeling pretty useless and God gave me a reason to live to know that I AM DEVINE

2 Kings 17:7-15 - speaks on how They worshipped worthless idols and became worthless themselves

Idol is somthing you put before God in your life

of course Apexx im sure since your SO smart you knew that yourself

Have you ever seen one of those commercials at night where theyre like "take this pill and you'll loose 20 lbs in a month" or however they go. and you get all excited and think "wow this is what I REALLY,REALLY NEED!!!!" so you order it and you expect it to be the best thing created and expect to be feeling great from the effects..but then as time goes by you realize..."wow this stuff isnt' working" then you get back to thinking "they lied to ME! and now im worse then I was before"

See Satan is a FALSE advitiser......He will try to take your life by anymeans!!! and he will try to take away your relationship you have with God

He will put things in your life that make you think that your being fufilled but in the end you STILL FEEL EMPTY and dont have that fufillment

Thats how it was for me a month or so ago..when I finally partied with all the "cool kids" and I said.."this is what everyone was doign? how is this cool this was LAME"

Relationship - A need to feel loved

LIE - If you are in a relationship you feel loved
TRUTH - Relationships outside of God's plan make you feel used

TRUTH - Relationships withouth the RELATIONSHIP will leave you lonely

God has to be a source in a relationship you know

Theres an other Idol

The Idol of Image and the feeling of being accepted

Lie - If you look good you feel GOOD
thats not always true for example
ex:Some days you FEEL AWFUL but you still know that your looking kinda cute

Truth - If you focus on outer image it'll make you feel insecure

"You can only wear on the outside what you can sustain in the inside"

theres an other IDOL


Lie - if you are sucessful you will feel fufilled
TRUTH - if you are driven by sucess in mans world eyes you WILL FEEL EMPTY
Ex:all the big head time actors/actresses,rappers,football stars feel
more suicidal,divorce more,there lives are all over papers saying "more tears"
And what they need and you need IS JESUS CHRIST


see Apexx I think the thing with you is....because I remember you talking about how you were once a christian and all that jazz you were speaking about how you even wanted to be a pastor..and u know what I think you just didn't want to go through with the process....I think that God showed you that you could lead thousands of youth to christ..but you came up with exuses..you just wanted the end result without the work in the middle.....
you think what you are thinking is pure but it truley isnt

Proverbs 16:2 - All the ways of a man are pure in his own eyes;but the Lord weighs the SPIRITS

see and the other thing i see is in your heart IS YOU KNOW GOD and you know of Jesus yOU KNOW Its all real but in the inside you just deny it...

Romans 1:21-22 says "FOR EVEN though they KNEW God, they did not honor HIM as God or give thanks, but they became futile in their SPECULATIONS, and their foolish heart was darnkened, Professing to be wise,THEY BECAME FOOLS

see Apexx.....this life with Christ..is a Taste and See kind of relationship GOD wants you to have everything..and its hard for you to see because you have money cars and all that jazz...and well thats great im happy for you

but see the way you were taught was all about the LOVE of Christ...theres an other side of Christ.....YOU EVEN said GOD IS A JUDGE.....He will have to judge you one day..see its like this

Say a man sitting on a plane 20,000 feet in the air is handed a parachute....The tendent says "put it on" they're flight was perfectly fine though. Now as he has it on for a while he is starting to get laughed at and picked on....and he suddenly says "why did i put this on?" and he takes it off and says "its a long time before Ill put this on" and i honestly think this is the situation your at right now

But now look at it this way......If you KNEW what was going to happen when you die..and you knew the wrath that God would have towards those who sent you'd draw close to Christ.....

Think of it like this

Theres an other man on the plane...and hes given a parachute and the tendant says "hurry put it on your going to be jumping off in 5 mins" hes going to grasp that parachute with ALL he has and all his strenght...and he wouldn't care what anyone said around him....because he knows he has to keep that LOVE close to him so he doesn't have to havve the wrath of God upon him.......and no matter what happens to him he stays close

Because no way as a christian are things PERFECT, ....it says in the bible that "You should be happy when your tempted or given a tribulation because you will persevere and GROW closer with Christ

Now take a look into your life right now Apexx and tell me what you see..Do you see LOVE? or do you see Lust? I really want to know? I beleive that Christ can bring you back..but you have to have faith Hebrews 11:6 says YOU CANT PLEASE GOD WITHOUT FAITH!!!

Dont question it Apexx

im going to be praying for you!!

You gotta taste the LORD and you'll see what I MEAN!! thats why he said "eat my flesh as your daily bread and drink my blood" YOU must Taste his pressense and get that feeling.....and you will see him!!! TRUST


∆ P E X X 02-04-07 03:15 PM

yeah what ever you say man. nobody that's brainwashed things they're brainwashed. if you did.... then you wouldn't be brainwashed, now would you? i gotta give props to the druids and pagans that crafted your book, i mean their work is just straight up brilliant. obviously have an overstanding of human emotion. when they could sell you a story and have you convinced why you shouldnt' question it, that's just straight up masterful.

Past Tense 02-04-07 03:24 PM

Apexx It seems as if you've been brainwashed

WHERE IM AT ive never been more happy


when i was living life like i was 3 months ago i was down and out

simple n plain

thats all

Hebrews 11

The chapter of faith

∆ P E X X 02-04-07 04:11 PM

Originally Posted by Past Tense
Apexx It seems as if you've been brainwashed

WHERE IM AT ive never been more happy


when i was living life like i was 3 months ago i was down and out

simple n plain

thats all

Hebrews 11

The chapter of faith

it seems that i've been brainwashed? heh, now that's funny. I used to be just like you PT. maybe more so. was on my god high and all that. then, i started asking questions i was always told i should never ask. my desire for knowledge lead me to places some people would rather not ever go. the edge of my own sanity, knowing that my "reality" was an illusion. do you know what it feels like to feel the walls of your life shattered to insignifacant fragments? do you know what it feels like to learn that your entire existance as you know it is a lie? to see things you wish you could deny, things you wish you could convince your self weren't real?

PT, i'm on a whole different level than you may possibly ever be able to imagine. i know you think you do, but you don't. a wise man once said, you can always tell a fool because he thinks he has everything figured out.

Past Tense 02-04-07 06:40 PM

thats where I have you

I dont have anything figured out right now
Im still praying and asking God to guide me.....Apexx you must remember this verse than too if you were on a "GOD HIGH"

Romans 1:21-22
FOR EVERN THOUGH THEY KNEW GOD, THE DID NOT honor him AS GOD or GIVE THANKS,but they became futile in there SPECULATIONS, and their foolish heart was darkened,22- Professing to be wise, they became FOOLS

Terumoto 02-04-07 09:19 PM

PT, you yourself are worshipping a false idol, the worst kind of false idol... One that seems real, and one that you are told is real.

I do not doubt the fundamental teachings of the bible are true, but people twist the shit around to mean all sorts of things and ignore the important parts. The god you love doesnt exist. I am sorry to say it to you, but there is no such thing as what you believe is God. "God" does, however, exist. Worship anything that exists in the correct way and you are worshipping god. If you desire anything that doesn't exist in the world, for example, saviour, wealth, cars, money, then you're fucked. And contrary to popular belief, the only way to get to heaven is to die and start a new existence, IN THIS LIFE. If you don't, doesn't matter, existence is just finished. Bad luck, it doesn't matter, you have already experienced hell and it was your life, stamped into eternity. If you attain heaven, time doesn't hold you back any longer, your existence becomes eternal, but not in the way that the word eternal is used in the english language.

Here is an excerpt from "Become What You Are" by Alan Watts, that you may find interesting:

Every object of search, of desire, is in the end ungraspable and futile. To be delivered from futility, we must stop seeking. To seek God, to desire God, is merely to drag Him down into the level of futile aims, or, in Christian terms, to confuse the Creator with His creatures. Likewise, to desire nirvana is simply to make nirvana another name for ever-elusive pleasure. So long, then, as we think about God, talk about God, seek God, there is no God to be found.

Now, from the standpoint of Western culture, whether ancient or modern, Christian or secular, capitalist or communist, this is the great heresy. For Western culture is dedicated to the belief that there IS a formula for happiness - an answer to the question "What shall I do to be saved?" ...

But there is no Way. Nobody knows the Way. The only way there is is the path of a bird through the sky - now you see it, now you don't. Not a trace left. Life is not going anywhere, there is nothing to be attained. All striving and grasping is so much smoke in the clutch of a dissolving hand. We are all lost - kicked off into a void the moment we were born - and the only way is to fall into oblivion.

This sounds terrible. But this is because it is a half-truth. The other half cannot be put into words. It cannot be described, imagined, thought about. In words, this is the last word: everyone is dissolving into nothing, and no one can help it.


Lesson One is: "I give up." What happens now? You find yourself in what is perhaps a rather unfamiliar state of mind. Just watching. Not trying to get anything. Not expecting anything. Not hoping. Not seeking. Not trying to relax. Just watching, without purpose.

I should say nothing about what comes next. To hold out hope, to promise a result, will spoil the whole thing.

Past Tense 02-04-07 10:40 PM

I know what Im doing is RIGHT.....

DO you think that SIMPLE un-trained men would DIE for a LIE?

DO you think that UN-Trained men would be able to take on roman soldiers that today would be like UFC fighters?

think about it man......really do

∆ P E X X 02-05-07 12:08 AM

PT your scripture quote rarely serves for anything else other than you re-ing up on your brain washing.

Logic The Goonie 02-05-07 12:17 AM

PT, shut the fuck up. You look extremely ignorant.

Past Tense 02-05-07 01:07 AM

I am not going to back down in what I beleive in......sorry guys if that makes you sad then be sad

Implicit 02-05-07 03:07 AM

WOW! I didn't expect this much of a response. I'm gonna try to read everything and understand where everyone is coming from and then hopefully be able to come up with some sort of answer that I can base on Biblical doctrine.

∆ P E X X 02-05-07 08:11 AM

Originally Posted by Past Tense
I am not going to back down in what I beleive in......sorry guys if that makes you sad then be sad

nah man, no one's trying to make you "back down" from what you believe in. that's the problem. people are so soaked in their own beliefs that they think any thought that's not in the bible is anti bible. if you're that firm and confident in what you believe in, it doesn't hurt to learn knowledge from another point of view. you don't have to abandon what you believe, to see a fact. and if you do, you might want to reconsider the factual content of what you believe.

and never forget that i said this PT, be very cautious of anything or anyone that tells you don't think for your self. not to question it, not to analyze it, and not to look at it.

think of it as buying a used car. if someone told you this used car is fantastic, but you can't look at it, you can't inspect it or anything like that, wouldn't that raise a red flag to you?

M&rk 02-05-07 12:11 PM

Originally Posted by Past Tense
I know what Im doing is RIGHT.....

DO you think that SIMPLE un-trained men would DIE for a LIE?

DO you think that UN-Trained men would be able to take on roman soldiers that today would be like UFC fighters?

think about it man......really do

if your happy believe what you believe... it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks... you could believe in a sandwich as long as your happy and get through life feelin you have a grip on yourself.
but still try understanding that un-trained men beating ufc fighters makes u feel like your religion is the right one is dumb.. cuz people from different religions die for their religion all the time, it doesn't make it the answer to life.

Crazy Hades 02-05-07 06:23 PM

Because people are weak. They want to see their loved ones, they want to escape the real world into a land of fairy tales and happiness where all they do is lay around and be lazy. They want someone to hold their hand while they cross the street because they can't look both ways. Heaven would bore me, because my personal heaven would generally be empty. Everyone would live in their pearly city and feed grapes to each other, and I'd sit down with Socrates and have a chat on morality.

I know what Im doing is RIGHT.....

DO you think that SIMPLE un-trained men would DIE for a LIE?

DO you think that UN-Trained men would be able to take on roman soldiers that today would be like UFC fighters?

think about it man......really do

You KNOW what you do is right? Step off the high horse. You are not divine. You're a bunch of flesh and bone that, according to your religion, was thrown out of paradise because your God doesn't want you to knowand women were created from the rib of anything. You were created from dirt, someone created from dirt. And that makes you feel better than being star dust and cells?

Also, I have no clue what the fuck you're talking about. Untrained men won't die for a lie? What are you even referencing? Are you just searching your mind for random gibberish? 'Untrained' (whatever that is supposed to apply to) die for a lie ALL THE TIME. According to your religion, all others are lies. People die for them and create sacrifices all the time.

You're so high on your own 'divine aroma' you won't even listen to reason. You cocoon yourself in a little shell of ignorance and when someone tries to reason with you, you block them out and say 'lalala jesus loves me'.

Past Tense 02-06-07 07:42 PM

Your right im going to be narrow minded because i know that the path to heaven is narrow..... theres no real reason to discuss this with any of you either because you dont beleive and I cant change your mind only you can


∆ P E X X 02-06-07 09:00 PM

what bugs me out about religous fanatics is that, they never accept that any truth could come from anyone outside their beliefs or anywhere other than their book.

PT its pretty evident you're sticking your head in the sand. and when its shown that you're sticking your head in the sand, you stick your head in the sand about that. why?

Past Tense 02-06-07 09:26 PM

because I look at the way that I was living and how Christ has brought me from all that and made me fill forgiven..and i was baptised in the holy spirit..and when i felt that feeling it was all the peace love joy and fufillment i could ever want....it made me hate sin.....of course ill still stumble and fall but u have no idea really how much more happy its made me and how unhappy i will be in the future..because we all have free will but it says in the bible to rejoice while you are sad because he will get you through and its true.....if you have faith in him you can conquor anything....and i've had faith in him and its like my heart just feels pure for once and i feel good.....and when i am down and i rely on him i feel better once im done with the trial

∆ P E X X 02-06-07 10:14 PM

ive been there. my minds been in deep alpha many times and you get that tranquil nothing can disturb you feeling. many things give you that sensation. sadly, most people don't discover that till they soak in the visions of what ever religion they believe in, but i supose that's better than never. some times..

Crazy Hades 02-06-07 11:16 PM

because I look at the way that I was living and how Christ has brought me from all that and made me fill forgiven..and i was baptised in the holy spirit..and when i felt that feeling it was all the peace love joy and fufillment i could ever want....it made me hate sin.....of course ill still stumble and fall but u have no idea really how much more happy its made me and how unhappy i will be in the future..because we all have free will but it says in the bible to rejoice while you are sad because he will get you through and its true.....if you have faith in him you can conquor anything....and i've had faith in him and its like my heart just feels pure for once and i feel good.....and when i am down and i rely on him i feel better once im done with the trial

Amazing what the brain can do. Unfortunately, you need someone to hold your hand to experience those emotions.

Past Tense 02-07-07 12:10 AM

Your right I do....No one is strong....NO ONE....you think your stong minded but eventually you bust

Terumoto 02-07-07 02:55 AM

PT, if you really knew god you would throw away your bible, you would not consider yourself christian, and you would pity out of love any christians who have a false relationship with God.

Crazy Hades 02-07-07 04:42 PM

Your right I do....No one is strong....NO ONE....you think your stong minded but eventually you bust

Complete gibberish. Thanks for telling me what I am and am not. Maybe next time I'll ask some random person on the internet if they think I need a haircut.

Past Tense 02-08-07 01:29 AM

neither one of you made any sense at all

i just was mentored more on these kind of situations

and I knwo theres no way i can reach you guys so ill leave it at that

goodbye and thanks for wasting my time

Terumoto 02-08-07 01:31 AM

Originally Posted by Past Tense
neither one of you made any sense at all

i just was mentored more on these kind of situations

and I knwo theres no way i can reach you guys so ill leave it at that

goodbye and thanks for wasting my time

What kind of situations?

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