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Ebircs 02-23-07 03:30 AM

The 12th planet And the Origin of Humanity
This is a paper I wrote for comp class last semester......figured i'd throw it out their....

The 12th planet And the Origin of Humanity

About 450,000 years ago, long before humanity and civilized life on our planet. The
Anunnaki, “those who came from heaven”, translated from ancient Sumerian clay
tablets, visited our planet. The reason they came here has been debated by scientists from
Zechariah Sitchin to Laurence Gardner and David Icke. The reasons I’ve come to
understand have been, they were outcasts from their planet, for an unknown reason but a
more probable answer (and the one I believe) is, the atmosphere on their planet is way
To keep it habitable they needed gold that they use some
how to keep the conditions more livable. Supposedly, they ran out of this metal on their
planet and needed somewhere to harvest more of this element.
Their planet “Planet X” or Nibiru, has never been proven to exist. Naturally that
brings a number of questions, skepticism and theories into play. In 1841 the search
“In 1841, John Couch Adams began investigating the by then quite large residuals in the motion of Uranus. In 1845, Urbain Le Verrier started to investigate them, too. Adams presented two different solutions to the problem, assuming that the deviations were caused by the gravitation from an unknown planet. “
http://xfacts.com/x2.htm -
Although they did not realize it at time, they very well could have been searching for
Planet X. Another interesting theory on planet X is that, the earth is only half a planet.
Nibru, thought to be on a different orbital direction then earth, supposedly crashed into us
which split off our moon and left a huge gap in our planet. This fits in well with the idea
that all of our continents were at one time one. Then through tectonic plates, time and
shifts of the earth split up. If you look at a world map today, you can kind of see it does
look like a puzzle. So I suppose it was between their planet being smashed, and them
running out of natural resources and basically ruining their planet. They ran into earth,
and decided to take advantage of it.
They arrived here about a half a million years ago, and when they landed on this
promising looking, blue planet of “ours” they discovered much more then they expected.
Earth was inhabited with intelligent life. The Anunnaki, far beyond even our present day
technology saw an opportunity here. This is where our twenty-three missing genes come
into play. Darwin’s Theory is not incorrect, only incomplete, somewhere in-between
Sahelanthropus tchadensis and Homo sapiens we where genetically manipulated. The
reason for this was slave labor.
Long before the bible was written, but the origin of most of its stories, lived a
civilization of people knows as Sumerians. Sumer which to my understanding was
somewhere in West Africa throughout Asia Minor with its hub in the Mesopotamian river
valley, which is modern day Iraq, and is believed to be the birth place of humanity. As I
understand it and in a way backed by the “Adam and Eve” story of the bible. The
Anunnaki created or enhanced the first of their creations in their (Eden). “Let US create
man in OUR image and in OUR likeness” –Genesis. Understanding they created two
separate groups, the first time around they realized these being they brought up were
more intelligent then originally anticipated.

So while they still made them work, and mine gold and other resources, Enki
translated from ancient Sumerian as “Lord of the Earth” the eldest brother taught them.
After a while, Enlil the younger brother of the sons of Marduk saw this. He began to fear
that these humans were learning too much and cast them out and forbade the teaching of
any future creations. In contrast to the bible Enki is seen as “the serpent” here in
comparison to Genesis, and Enlil as the lord. After the first group of humans was cast
out of “the garden” they created others. The first hybrids were of earth creatures
(monkeys) or early earth hominids and the Anunnaki, the second however was a mix of
the first creations and Anunnaki. The battle between these two civilizations is still shown today in the Middle East.
Though they may not understand the true origin of the wars, they know they are at war
over gods favor.
The ancient Sumarians, with reason looked at these beings as gods. Why wouldn’t
they, these beings flew in “winged discs”, wielded “fire” shooting weapons, had a never
ending supply of knowledge and CREATED them. Against his brothers wishes Enki
continued teaching these humans known as the Sumarians. This eventually lead to a war
between them, I’m not going to get too deep into that though, because I haven’t read
enough about it.
The Sumerians learned a lot from these “gods” and on one account a human was
“abducted” aboard an Anunnaki ship. This account ties into the “tablets of knowledge”
written by Thoth. It’s said he was brought upon this enormous vessel, and they laid two
huge “tablets” in front of him and gave him a magical “chisel” that imprinted his words
in the tablets with such ease is was astonishing. And I’m sure it was compared to
chiseling words into stone. As they did here, with this stone tablet
Notice the sun is in the center of the solar system, this was taken 4500 yrs ago. Was this a
really good guess…or more? It would have to be one hell of a guess, and considering
we believed the world was flat what…500 years ago, I’d say that’s pretty amazing. Also
notice how much taller the seated figure would be if he were standing, compared to the
other two men. That figure is most likely one of their “gods” or an Anunnaki.
The Anunnaki played a strong role in human lives ever since, the Egyptians were
highly influenced by them as well as the Chinese and a lot of other cultures. Many
people believe that they still run things today, but are not as up front about it. Theories of
the Anunnaki bloodline reach into everything from the Knight’s Templar to England’s
Royal family, the worlds banking system and just about every other powerful alliance
across the globe.

As seen above, Vimanas (ancient flying vessels) this photo is taken from the pyramid ruins in Egypt. The term Vimana is taken from ancient Indian text’s and means literally,
real flying aircraft, in modern Indian language (Guajarati).
In fact it can be seen in many paintings usually having a “religious” context/connotation
that we as a people have been aware of flying vessels visiting and sculpting our society
from the beginning of its inception. Many of our worlds’ leaders have been hiding this
sacred information throughout time immemorial in great works of art and literature,
these members of the elite society known as the Priore` de Scion. Hidden keys that allow
its members and those who have a mind to see through the smoke and mirror to trace our
true origins have been worked into the mainstream of our society. The truth may in fact
be stranger than fiction. There are powers that be that do not intend on allowing the
majority of the free world to attain this secret knowledge also known as power and they
are doing everything in their power to see that is so. “As is above, so is below”, quoted
from the Emerald tablets of Thoth, the original scribe, known to have been the creator of
all written language, would I believe want this knowledge to be known throughout all of
this world and not to be horded by those that maintain militaristic and material power
with this statement taken from tablet III,

“Wisdom is power and power is wisdom,
one with each other, perfecting the whole.
Be thou not proud, O man, in thy wisdom.
Discourse with the ignorant as well as the wise.
If one comes to thee full of knowledge,
listen and heed, for wisdom is all.”


Zone Out 02-23-07 12:29 PM

Can you fix it that so it all flows instead of havin it jump every line

Ebircs 02-23-07 12:30 PM

^^^ can try...hold up

Ebircs 02-23-07 12:38 PM


Zone Out 02-23-07 02:52 PM

Isnt this based off that religion Scientology or something?!

Ebircs 02-23-07 09:36 PM

Not that i'm aware of...they might think simular shit tho...

Cola 02-24-07 02:48 AM

hahah scientology..hahahha

Ebircs 02-24-07 03:04 AM

^^^ nah...not really.....

and ur opinion means .05 of a percent to those u suck off.....

and way to change ur name to something lamer then it was before....

Cola 02-24-07 03:09 AM

way to write up a billion page paper on bullshit...

u fake ass stephen king

Ebircs 02-24-07 09:47 AM

pfft......actually a good amount of that shits proven, people just wont look @ it because they would have to admit the god they have been sucking off since birth was bullshit. and a billion words ? after u get outa middle school you'll be expected to write papers like that too...so unless u plan on keeping that walmart job....

and like it says....it was for a paper...not like i typed it up to impress kiddies at RV..i jus read something that pertains to it in a way, and dropped it.

anyhow...theirs really not even a reason to whore you, who don't know ur a gimp ?....the 6-7 ppl that u dickryde? or the 3-4 that don't know whos behind that new wack ass alias ? you'll be the next cat to wind up on some shit like


so you are advised to shut your cum catchers unless quoting someone half way worth listening to. your the definition of a douche bag and I hope the next time you insert a tampon you catch toxic shock syndrome !

.....that being said...does anyone have maybe a NON-retarded respone to this shit? ..proly not, because half of ya'll couldnt even read that much in one sitting w/o ritalin and the other half own pocket bibles....

Zone Out 02-24-07 09:50 AM

I read it, Choke.
I just didnt have anything to say about it.

Ebircs 02-24-07 09:55 AM

^^^ I realize this...I an't hatin on ya dude, I an't mad @ cha...i took your question as serious..not sure if u was tryna be funny or what but eh...but better to take it as it is, and move on ..instead of tryna to disprove or make gimp jokes about some shit you don't know about, or don't understand yet, like the cock muffler a few posts above you.

Cola 02-24-07 06:32 PM

lol, whatever bro...you keep freakin out like Tom Cruise.....tell me how the Fetus of a women tastes when ya done having a kid...

shits gay n whack...like OYD....

M&rk 02-25-07 12:15 AM

how does 4500 year old tablets know shit about anything happenin 450,000 years ago?
and if the excuse isn't better than god told some random peeps this junk and then the followers put a book together than dont bother postin a reply

Ebircs 02-25-07 03:44 AM

^^i'm not...because its pretty obvious from the above statement [[even when im shitfaced] that ur half retarted

ThatsWhatSheSaid 03-02-07 08:11 AM

Ok so im not sure how i should respond to this, everyone is entitled to their own opinion and beliefs but i have to completely and utterly disagree with you here. From what i read, which was not all because personally i couldnt bare the bullshit, but through that, a tablet from 4,500 years ago explaining shit from 450,000, ok ok, well, what makes you think people from that long ago, without the technology, the comprehension of fact that we now commonly have? Shit, a piece of clay from 4,500 ago explaining shit from 450,000 years ago would be like me writting on a piece of toilet paper about aliens and dinosaurs and hoping someone reads it in the future. As pathetic and ridculous as that sounds is exactly how this sounds. The reason Man can not pinpoint the origin of man with 100% accuracy in my opinion is because the actual truth is so mind bending and beyond our human reaches of comprehension, as the way God designed it to be. I cannot explain Gods actions as with most things already say, and that ive said is just opinion. No one knows the truth, but if im going to die for something, im going to die for the Lord and not for some theory about samuaris and clay tablets explaining the history of man, thats crap, it wouldve been nearly impossible, and the nearly is me being nice because in all actuality it isnt possible I.E we dont know.

Anyways just my opinion, no beefs

∆ P E X X 03-02-07 05:30 PM

i salute the effort, but we all know people rather believe in magic than fact.

"what? i originated from living beings? naw dude i originated from magic!"

Crazy Hades 03-02-07 05:58 PM

Shit, a piece of clay from 4,500 ago explaining shit from 450,000 years ago would be like me writting on a piece of toilet paper about aliens and dinosaurs and hoping someone reads it in the future.

There needs to be a rule in this board where you aren't allowed to use retarded analogies.

Crazy Hades 03-02-07 06:03 PM

Shit, a piece of clay from 4,500 ago explaining shit from 450,000 years ago would be like me writting on a piece of toilet paper about aliens and dinosaurs and hoping someone reads it in the future.

Son, when you're dealing with the impossibility of God, 'chance' doesn't exist, because anything in comparison to the infinitely complex notion of a perfect God always existing --- no matter how unlikely --- is nothing in comparison. Anything that appears extremely improbable may as well be the fraction 1/infinity, and God Itself is infinity. Chance is rarely applicable outside those math quizzes of yours.

M&rk 03-04-07 02:19 PM

................. your gay

M the Literal 03-04-07 02:26 PM

This thread seriously makes me wish I could unlearn reading.

Ebircs 03-15-07 03:00 PM

Originally Posted by ∆ P E X X
i salute the effort, but we all know people rather believe in magic than fact.

"what? i originated from living beings? naw dude i originated from magic!"


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