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-   -   So today once again I almost got jacked. (http://community.rapverse.com/showthread.php?t=240296)

Dabatos 02-26-07 07:47 PM

So today once again.....
So today once again when I was walking to work from college, this guy in a hoodie on his bike went up to me, stopped me and asked for the time, seeing this has happend to me before couple months ago when I almost got jacked, I said "No I dont have the time."

THen I try to walk away as quickly as possible hoping this guy wont stop me, then he grabs my arm pulling me back and pushes me towards the wall and takes out his knife. As he told me to give him my money I Automatically took out my wallet, he checks it out, and theres nothing but a dollar bill.. I sorta had alittle smile cuz it was funny, than he looks at me than pushes me back towards the wall and says he knows I have money somewhere in my pocket or backpack, than as he's talking to me this cop drives pass by, I make a glance for him as if for help than the cop slowly stops so the guy dont know. (By the way this happend in a busy/loud part of downtown)

The guy that was tryin to jack me didnt see me make a glance at the cop cuz he was too busy looking in my wallet jst incase he missed anything. THan he tells me to take off my backpack and as I took my bag off for him to search in, i take a glance at the cop again than look at the guys right arm to let the cop know he has the weapon on that hand. So I hit the bag away distracting the guy than the cop quickly grabs his right arm takes the knife away, drops him on the ground and arrest's him. Then after he put him in the car the cop starts asking for my name adress, where I live, what happend etc...

That shit was scary as hell, cuz he had the sharp end of the knife jst laying there on the left side of my stomach. ALready 3 times I almost got jacked here downtown. My fam said its cuz of my ipod but doubt it, cuz there where these other dudes infront of me that had the video ipod laying down on their hands.

shit cant believe the safe side of San Francisco is like this now. Lived here practically my whole life, and starting this year shit has been starting to happen.

Restricted 02-26-07 08:24 PM

^Carry some heat. Northside up here in PA is pretty dangerous and I used to get beat up by all the older kids on the way home from elementary school and shit, and they would take all the shit I had. After about 6th grade and learning their ways, I just kept a piece on me and got smarter with how I approached situations and kept aware of my surrondings.

Either that or when the guy comes up to starting shaking crazy and spit up everywhere, he'll think you are having a seizure and get the fuck away lol

GKillaz05 02-26-07 08:32 PM

Lmao, good advice... haha the last part anyway, but yo that really sucks man, I guess you should just never keep any money on you.

Crazy Hades 02-26-07 08:42 PM

One dollar? Shit dude, you're loaded.

Sean Gunner 02-26-07 09:28 PM

That's why I put all my money in my bank account so that I carry no money on me.

Blay'all 02-26-07 09:35 PM

lmao, aight so i was walkin back from this restaurant to my apartment last night at like 10:00, the streets are EMPTY... its me and my boy walking (no homo), and this dude on a bike in a big black winter coat is riding on the other side of the road, seriously with his head turned staring at us the whole time... he crosses the street, looking right at us the whole time, and stops his bike about 10 feet ahead of us. gets one look at me and see's how shell i am (lol), and crosses back across the street and contiunues on his way. LOL, true story... tell me another reason he would have crossed all the way across the street, stopped in front of us, then crossed all the way back.


iamthatdude87 02-26-07 09:38 PM

you proly look gay......thats why he tried to jack you....

Blay'all 02-26-07 09:39 PM

^ u talkin to me or Dab?

iamthatdude87 02-26-07 09:40 PM


Blay'all 02-26-07 09:41 PM

oh aight, i was about to say... that wouldnt make sense for me b/c dude turned around and left, so what u sayin he realized i WASNT gay? lol... i gotchu tho.

TROUBLESOME™ 02-26-07 10:29 PM

gay dont be a punk a smack him out when he walked up espesicaly since it happened a week prior lmfaoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo that part seemed kinda obvious just from you telling us rofl..........id say by that act of idiocy you deserve what you got son ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Dabatos 02-27-07 12:03 AM

Originally Posted by TROUBLESOME™
gay dont be a punk a smack him out when he walked up espesicaly since it happened a week prior lmfaoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo that part seemed kinda obvious just from you telling us rofl..........id say by that act of idiocy you deserve what you got son ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

read better, it almost happend acouple months ago.

Dabatos 02-27-07 12:05 AM

Originally Posted by ECKO
you proly look gay......thats why he tried to jack you....

gj, nice diss.. you dope as hell

Ysdat 02-27-07 12:23 AM

troublesomes allways so tough.

N.Tavarez 02-27-07 10:11 AM

fuck son, just keep your loot in your account
also you know them little baseball bats they give you at the ball stadiums?
i call em the 'tate queto' (stay still)
just carry one of those in your arm sleeve when you go places like that, when someone approach you, let the bat slide down your arm and catch it and start whaling son lmao..
or you can carry a knife yourself as long as its less than 4 fingers long you good

TROUBLESOME™ 02-27-07 07:22 PM

a month or a week you would still think u would expect it.....and tzar stfu....was i talking to you kid

Ysdat 02-27-07 07:26 PM

your so tough :love:

TROUBLESOME™ 02-27-07 07:31 PM

who tha fuck is being tough...................im simply responding

Dabatos 02-27-07 07:37 PM

Originally Posted by Tzar
your so tough :love:


Crazy Hades 02-27-07 08:14 PM

your a fucking retard troublesome :love:

SerB 02-27-07 11:47 PM

i jacked a kid last weekend.

true story.

Crazy Hades 03-01-07 10:48 AM

We all know you're pedo,Serb.

Blay'all 03-01-07 12:34 PM

Originally Posted by SerB
i jacked a kid last weekend.

true story.

was he/she over the age of 8?

GKillaz05 03-01-07 04:42 PM

Yeah troublesome, real fuckin' smart!!... try and punch a dude that has a knife... you'd be dead sooo fuckin' quick we wouldnt have to hear your weak ass raps anymore!

Zone Out 03-01-07 04:45 PM

The last time I almost got robbed I ended up tryin to rob the person who was tryin to rob me of his life. Ya dig.

TitoBronsky 03-01-07 04:51 PM

knock on wood that shit only happened once in elementary school.... we were allowed to go out for lunch in queens and fuckin .... these korean high schoolers thought they were full on Jackie Chans and were all let me get your money.... SPFTTTT... me and my three home bois approached them like wtf you talkin bout homie... and my boi eddy threw a tennis ball at one of them fuckers... haha... i remember that shit.... and my nigga Darrel threw the basketball and it was on at the handball court son!!!! long story short.... the 4 of us were late gettin back to class... but we returned with all our belongings and then some :)

World Peace

-Don Tito Bronsky

GKillaz05 03-01-07 05:00 PM

yo, how can you "try" to rid smeone of there life? did you like have shitty aim?.. or when you went to stab him did the knife turn out to be plastic?... ya dig?

Zone Out 03-01-07 05:06 PM

Dont worry about it.

GKillaz05 03-01-07 05:07 PM

oh scared to tell, so that means you just pussied out.

Blay'all 03-01-07 05:09 PM

Originally Posted by GKillaz05
oh scared to tell, so that means you just pussied out.

and how old are you? i'm sorry, i'm not trynna be rude, but you're talkin about KILLING somebody, and you say he "pussied out"?? Sounds like a pretty good life choice to me.

Zone Out 03-01-07 05:15 PM

no, i didnt pussy out.
i said dont worry about it because its none of ya damn business what i do in the street

GKillaz05 03-01-07 05:40 PM

iight than whatever... lol, and im 18 if you really need to know, and umm.. when do I always talk about killin' people?...

M&rk 03-01-07 06:09 PM

do what dudes in prison do, strap a phone book to your stomache and carry shank. if dude had his knife to your stomache shit wouldn't matter and u'd have time to get 'em. but on the real if that shit happened to me twice in a few months in the same area i had to go through and i was scared, i'd either walk with someone (which is prolly why dude didn't jump dudes infront of you) or for real get a piece, cuz i aint not havin protection if dudes can be takin my life just walkin to class.

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