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SerB 09-01-07 07:05 AM

50cents album is FIRE
shit sounds killer.

i think he won vs kayne on this one.

his album is his 2nd best album he's made, sooo many bangers on it. 50cet surprised me.

kaynes's album was decent.

(X)eed 09-01-07 08:42 AM


ThatsWhatSheSaid 09-01-07 09:04 AM

Its your boy Fif' hahaha

Cola 09-01-07 10:08 AM

Serb...wtf are you doing here still?

Indeph 09-02-07 01:12 AM

how do you manage to somehow say the worst possible thing every time

.Eternal. 09-02-07 06:10 AM

wow u serious??? lol he fell off..

09-02-07 06:15 AM

Originally Posted by Indeph
how do you manage to somehow say the worst possible thing every time

It's a serb thing.

SerB 09-02-07 06:24 AM

wtf are you guys talking about

his album is fucking SICK

the songs on it are fucking dope, im not even a 50fan since GRODT

so many fucking sick singles on it

"I still Kill" "I get Money" "ayo technology' 'follow my lead

i can understand alot of you not even listening to any of these songs.

High-Dro 09-02-07 09:00 PM

hahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah ahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah ahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah ahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahah ahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahah ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahah ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahah ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhah ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah ahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah ahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah ahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahah ahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahah ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahah ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahah ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahah ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah ahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah ahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah ahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahaha

ThatsWhatSheSaid 09-02-07 09:10 PM

Ive heard them all, they're garbage, the beat made i get money, not the lyrics, Lil Flip had the same style song, wack beat and the song flopped

"Have a baby by me baby, be a millionaire, i write the check before the baby comes who the fuck cares"

^-Since when is line like that dope? Shit hardly rhymes, says baby 3 times and rhymes cares with millionaires, wow son, hes ill, no wonder hip hop is in such a great state

J.Roy 09-03-07 05:32 PM

Fif haters of course. I'll Still Kill with Akon was dope. This cd is def. better than kanye's though.

ThatsWhatSheSaid 09-03-07 08:16 PM

^-Its two different styles

Obviously your more into that fake gangsta shit than into spoken word

Sean Gunner 09-03-07 08:17 PM

I thought that didn't come out till the 11th?

ThatsWhatSheSaid 09-03-07 08:20 PM

They have snippets all over, just You tube Graduation or Curtis and you can hear some of the tracks

Sean Gunner 09-03-07 08:24 PM

Man I wouldn't declare anyone the victor till I heard the entire album.

ThatsWhatSheSaid 09-03-07 08:27 PM

Just from the tracks ive heard, I get money was 50's only good song, and the beat made it

Compare 'Champion' to "I Get Money"
Compare 'Bitter Sweet' to "Amusement park"
Compare 'Good Life' to "I still kill"

Rofl, thats not even a fair comparison

Although i am a little biased, ive disliked 50 since he tried to come at Styles P, and now 50's little beef stint with anyone who he can is pissing me off, sell records off the music, not the bullshit buzz hes trying to make by dissin everyones favorite rappers, its pathetic, 50 is a sell out in every aspect, yeah I'd want the money to but shit, 50 is just a gimmick, Kanye is in certain ways to but he doesnt go around trying to jock everyone who is doing good

Jay Rose 09-04-07 12:05 PM

hold on....didnt 50 say i get money WASNT gon be on the album...now it is, im confused? or is it kinda like that thing where he said he WAS gon quit his solo career if he lost in sales, and then is taking back that statment cuz hes losing in pre-sales.....i mean comon dudes, gotta say something n stick with it....

don cardyac 09-04-07 12:18 PM

this will prove how good or wack the album is.,

name some of the sickest lines he's said...... and we can analyze, cuz y'all get stuck on the beats which he doesn't even make, when the lyrics are pure 100% nothing.

don cardyac 09-04-07 12:20 PM

i already know kanye's album is better cuz kanye is just naturally a better lyricist but lets see if fif can keep up,

post the sick lines.......

ThatsWhatSheSaid 09-04-07 01:05 PM

You cant really compare it line for line

And forgive me if im wrong, i dont know if I get money is going to be on it or not, but i read a 50 interview and he said "The album sounded like all the other ones until I get money came along" <- Not his exact words but thats more or less what he said, so chances are its going to be on it

But comparing them line for line wouldnt do much good, i hate 50 but i will admit i like some of his lines, overal, Kanye has better songs but 50 does have a few dope lines.. Like the first few lines for I get money was dope.

Personally, we all see the filler tracks 50 has, its plain as a day, but when you listen to Kanyes cd's, he doesnt have alot of bullshit songs, hes gives the same effort and passion to every song, and hes saying real shit, 50 is just frontin'

Like that "Ill still kill you" or whatever song, I didnt listen to it, but if its about killin people 50's a front, who has he killed since hes been a rapper? Nobody

Kanye talks about real shit, i dont remember the whole quote but its something like

"Have you ever felt you ever want to kill her,
and you mix them emotions with tequilla.
And you mix that wit' a little bad advice,
on one of them bad nights.
Yall have a bad fight,
and you talkin' bout her family her aunts and shit.
And she say, "Muhfucka yo mama's a bitch!"

You know, domestic drama and shit.
All the attitude.
I'll never hit a girl, but I'll shake the shit outta' you.
But imma' be the bigger man.
Big pimpin like jigga man.
Oh, I guess I figure its "

^- Kanye from Bittersweet

Thats some real shit, i dont care about 50 havin a benz than a ferrari enzo. its not like i got that shit, but we all go though problems with bitches, you kno?

ThatsWhatSheSaid 09-04-07 01:08 PM

Kanye West - Champion
Kanye West - Champion
Album : Graduation

[Chorus 1 - Kanye & (sample)]
(Did you realize
That you are a champion?
Yeah right)
Yes I did, so I packed it up and brought it back to the crib
Just a lil' somethin' show you how we live
E'r'body want it but it ain't that se'ious
Mmhmm, that's that sh*t
So if you gon' do it, do it just like this
(Did you realize
That you are a champion?
Yeah right)

[Verse 1]
You don't see just how wild the crowd is?
You don't see just how fly my style is?
I don't know why I need a stylist
When I shop so much I can speak Italian
I don't know I just wanted better for my kids
And I ain't sayin' we was from the projects
But everytime I want it, layaway or a deposit
My dad'll say "when you see clothes close ya eyelids"
We was sorta like Will Smith and his son
In the movie I ain't talkin' 'bout the rich ones
'Cause every summer he'll get some
Brand new hare-brained scheme to get rich from
And I don't know what he did for dough
But he'd sent me back to school wit' a new wardrobe and hey!

50 Cent - Straight to the bank
When I'm Out In NY
Boys, Blunts And Phillies...
When I'm Out In LA
Boys, Wraps And Switches...

Now Blood Walk To This
Now Crip Walk To This
Now Throw It Up, Raise It Up For This Gangsta Shit.

(Verse 1)
I'm In My Lambo Maggot, My Fo-Fo Faggot
Doors Lift Up I'm Like Go-Go Gadget
See The Shit I Got On, Homie I'd Hate Too
My Teflon On, Boy My Goverment Issue
I Hit Your Vertebrae, Bullets Rip Through Tissue
Your Wife On The Futon Huggin' A Shih Tzu.
Homie You A Bitch, U Got Feminine Ways
Heard U Got Four Lips, And Bleed For Seven Days
I Got Four Fifths, And Bananas On the K's
And Got More Whips, Than A Runaway Slave
Me And Yayo Go Back, Like Some High Top Fades
When I Made 50 Mill, Em Got Paid
When I Made 60 Mill, Dre Got Paid
When I Made 80 Mill, Jimmy Got Paid
I Aint Even Got To Rap, Now Life Is Made
Said I Aint Eeven Got to Rap, I'm Filthy Mayne...

Kanye FTW

ThatsWhatSheSaid 09-04-07 01:11 PM


^- Go there, hit 'Ctrl - F' and type Kanye in than hit next until you find a song from the new album, same for 50, helps search through all the songs, theres alot.

ThatsWhatSheSaid 09-04-07 01:20 PM

For those who want to d/l Curtis


^- Dont waste money on that garbage, just DL it,

Buy Graduation Sept 9th :D

Jay Rose 09-04-07 02:51 PM

I'll never hit a girl, but I'll shake the shit outta' you. - a lil em influence on kanye huh?

Sir Smash'Alot 09-04-07 06:02 PM

To whoever said beats arent what makes the album

entertainment is what makes the album

Beats + Lyrics = The song

id bump accapellas for that.. the reality of music

Im feelin Ayo Technology tho

L. Veracity 09-04-07 07:40 PM

what he might have been saying is that people in general
concentrate TOO MUCH on beats instead of the lyrics too
and you know people will say that a song's good just cuz they like the beat
when the artist could be saying the dumbest shit ever known to man-kind

the average rap album buyer doesn't like a song cuz of the lyrics
they like it cuz of the beat...that's the unfortunate "way shit is"

but yeah 50 is crap...and Kanye doesn't write all his own lyrics
so it's still a lose-lose situation either way you look at it :)

P.S. Kanye and his writers shit on 50 any day of the week :D

Pure Knowledge 09-05-07 01:53 AM

Ahaha that album sucks.

J Summers 09-05-07 06:57 AM

Originally Posted by Aurora Sky
Kanye West - Champion

50 Cent - Straight to the bank

Kanye FTW

I VOTE FIFTY.......Fuck Kanye

BigTony.Self 09-05-07 01:02 PM

yea i like the fif album i mean once u get it set in that it aint like his first one then u realize its still a hott album kanye is alright but sometimes he just goes wayyyyyyyy out there and it just dont sound good ........

don cardyac 09-05-07 01:50 PM

i could bump an accapella kanye album with no prob and his beats are sick anyway.

50 is all beats and his lyrics are nothing.

Sir Smash'Alot 09-05-07 03:12 PM

kanye doesnt even spit half as nice as he used to so get outta here

the difference between kanye and 50 is kanye hasnt reached 50s level of sellout.

ThatsWhatSheSaid 09-05-07 04:27 PM

Kanye got soul, I just dig that, 50 doesnt

ThatsWhatSheSaid 09-05-07 04:46 PM

"At the grammys i went ultra travolta, that tuxido might've been a little guido, but with my ego i could stand there in a speedo and be looked at as a fuckin hero"

Cola 09-05-07 06:01 PM

Originally Posted by J Summers
I VOTE FIFTY.......Fuck Kanye

I vote you kill yourself...

J.Roy 09-08-07 12:04 AM

Originally Posted by Aurora Sky
^-Its two different styles

Obviously your more into that fake gangsta shit than into spoken word

Barry Bonds and Hot Drunk Girls really seemed not-commercial and spoken word to me


ThatsWhatSheSaid 09-08-07 09:30 AM

You can just go ahead, and bow so hard ya fuckin knees hit ya fo'head

locknes 09-08-07 06:21 PM

50 cent sucks........................

Ransum 09-08-07 06:32 PM

how ya talking about hes album shit aint even out yet WTF?

Sir Smash'Alot 09-08-07 08:59 PM

Originally Posted by Ransum
how ya talking about hes album shit aint even out yet WTF?

both already leaked out

Pure Knowledge 09-08-07 09:00 PM

Originally Posted by Ransum
how ya talking about hes album shit aint even out yet WTF?

These are internet kids, release dates mean nothing to them.

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