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_Talksic_ 05-24-10 02:56 AM

my sisters baby
got her shots a couple days ago,and now shes broken out in rashes with a puffy ass face looking uhhealthy as fuck,the shit looks horrible for real, whats your take on it?

LaTiNKiTTeN 05-24-10 09:43 AM

My take on it is that u should be askin a doctor this n not a rapboard lol

ichaboy 05-25-10 12:17 PM

Originally Posted by _Talksic_
got her shots a couple days ago,and now shes broken out in rashes with a puffy ass face looking uhhealthy as fuck,the shit looks horrible for real, whats your take on it?

It highly depends on the type of rash.

_Talksic_ 05-26-10 04:33 AM

yea my sis and her bf took her in, they gave her some meds that i hope dont fuck her up worse,i was concerned for her cuz she looked bad,and tryin to make the point that shots fuck alot of babys up. alot of the shit in shots like mercury fucks the children up they need to fix alot of the vaccinations..
cuz its fucked up were forced to give them to our kids when it fucks em up..granted they do need shots just not the bad shit that are in them.

Young Kidd (LM) 05-26-10 09:48 AM

some shots effect the hormones in their body that are left by the parents.
causing baby acne and shit like that, is that what the rashes look like or are they worse?

Cola 05-26-10 10:38 AM

Originally Posted by _Talksic_
yea my sis and her bf took her in, they gave her some meds that i hope dont fuck her up worse,i was concerned for her cuz she looked bad,and tryin to make the point that shots fuck alot of babys up. alot of the shit in shots like mercury fucks the children up they need to fix alot of the vaccinations..
cuz its fucked up were forced to give them to our kids when it fucks em up..granted they do need shots just not the bad shit that are in them.

your dumb.

mercury isn't found in many shots that are for children that are under 2. That and you can request that mercury actually NOT be in ANY shot for your child. Mercury isn't the worst thing in the world for your body, it actually can help. You've just read to many compspeary theirores about how the goverement is trying to push toxins in our bodies. :thumbup:

and i actually HAVE a 2 year old. So i know what the fuck im talking about.

_Talksic_ 05-26-10 06:21 PM

Originally Posted by Young Kidd (LM)
some shots effect the hormones in their body that are left by the parents.
causing baby acne and shit like that, is that what the rashes look like or are they worse?

its not acne on her face is just really red and the main thing is her face is puffy and swollen.but its slowly getting better

_Talksic_ 05-26-10 06:34 PM

Originally Posted by Coke Dealer
your dumb.

mercury isn't found in many shots that are for children that are under 2. That and you can request that mercury actually NOT be in ANY shot for your child. Mercury isn't the worst thing in the world for your body, it actually can help. You've just read to many compspeary theirores about how the goverement is trying to push toxins in our bodies. :thumbup:

and i actually HAVE a 2 year old. So i know what the fuck im talking about.

you oviosly have no idea what your talking about,mercury is horrible for your brain, you realize that theres a huge case against the supreme court right now, jenny mcarthey and i forget the number but thousands of people are sewing the supreme court over the mercury in the shots cuz all their children have autism, and just the other day i saw a random report that the mumps and measals shot is linked to autism to. and go to youtube and type in cheerleader flu shot and tell me what u see..

Mad Dog 05-26-10 06:52 PM

Originally Posted by _Talksic_
you oviosly have no idea what your talking about,mercury is horrible for your brain, you realize that theres a huge case against the supreme court right now, jenny mcarthey and i forget the number but thousands of people are sewing the supreme court over the mercury in the shots cuz all their children have autism, and just the other day i saw a random report that the mumps and measals shot is linked to autism to. and go to youtube and type in cheerleader flu shot and tell me what u see..

No its not. The MMR has no direct link whatsoever. The doctor who started that whole theory has been struck off only a matter of days ago and time and time again research has been done and there has always been no proof the MMR causes autism.

Before you say ANYTHING...I have a 20 year old brother who has autism, and as much as I'd like to believe that the MMR can cause it. It just doesn't. I also have 2 children, my eldest had the MMR and is fine as will my 2nd when he's old enough.

As for what happened to your niece, as LK said you should consult a doctor rather than here (which you did so fair play). But most reractions are because of your anti-bodies fighting the immunisation...the cells they inject are de-activated cells which allow the anti-bodies to defeat and build immunity to that type of disease. Side effects are common but its always recommended to keep an eye out in case it does get worse.

Cola 05-26-10 09:26 PM

Originally Posted by _Talksic_
you oviosly have no idea what your talking about,mercury is horrible for your brain, you realize that theres a huge case against the supreme court right now, jenny mcarthey and i forget the number but thousands of people are sewing the supreme court over the mercury in the shots cuz all their children have autism, and just the other day i saw a random report that the mumps and measals shot is linked to autism to. and go to youtube and type in cheerleader flu shot and tell me what u see..

Autusim is a gentic disorder, its not something thats 'set off' by mercury or something you find in shots, you fuck head.

stop fronting like you actually know shit, and stop telling me what you hear on Fox News.

you sound like a dumbass when you talk about shit you dont understand.

And i've seen the shot with the cheerleader. That shit was a fluke, who knows how that shot reacted to her and her brain mechanics. And how do you know she didn't have something wrong with her brain BEFORE that shot that was just waiting to go off anyways. You dont. So shut up.

Cola 05-26-10 09:28 PM

@ Talk

Originally Posted by Coke Dealer
your dumb.

mercury isn't found in many shots that are for children that are under 2. That and you can request that mercury actually NOT be in ANY shot for your child. Mercury isn't the worst thing in the world for your body, it actually can help. You've just read to many compspeary theirores about how the goverement is trying to push toxins in our bodies. :thumbup:

and i actually HAVE a 2 year old. So i know what the fuck im talking about.

did you even read my whole entire post, our did you get to the first sentence and than your brain stopped working. YOU CAN GET SHOTS FOR CHILDREN THAT DO NOT HAVE MERCURY IN THEM. :thumbup:

_Talksic_ 05-26-10 09:47 PM

to mad dog i know how the shots work,but not all are good,and some are needed they just need to fix the shit...
and coke, first off fuck mainstream media especially fox news,they have no credibilty to talk about whatever those racist fucks talk about,and second every daycare my sister has worked at says the same thing,give them the shots they have to have and not the ones with mercury,and my sister says her daughter hasnt been the same sence the shots,besides looking like a mutant,she balls her head off all the time now,and she said she see's simalar things in kids after they get their shots and shes been doing daycare for 5 years takes mandatory classes on it and ect... and my sister said u dont have a choice to take the mercury out,well at least were im from..and probly many other places.

Cola 05-26-10 11:49 PM

Originally Posted by _Talksic_
to mad dog i know how the shots work,but not all are good,and some are needed they just need to fix the shit...
and coke, first off fuck mainstream media especially fox news,they have no credibilty to talk about whatever those racist fucks talk about,and second every daycare my sister has worked at says the same thing,give them the shots they have to have and not the ones with mercury,and my sister says her daughter hasnt been the same sence the shots,besides looking like a mutant,she balls her head off all the time now,and she said she see's simalar things in kids after they get their shots and shes been doing daycare for 5 years takes mandatory classes on it and ect... and my sister said u dont have a choice to take the mercury out,well at least were im from..and probly many other places.

well, i have a daughter who is 2. So i do realize that yes, the shots will make your child sick, for about 2-3 weeks, they have symptoms...thats becuase their getting a flu pumped into their body. Which is a GREAT way to allow your immune system to build up, becuase other wise we would have no immune system if we never got sick. Now if your neice doesn't get better after that amount of time. Yes, something is not reacting correctly in her body from the shot. But otherwise, i really think you guys are overreacted about the shot. I could be wrong, every person, and child is different.

Now heres a question for you, becuase your so opposed to 'shots'

lets say that 1 out of every 10 kids gets sick becuase of the mercury in a shot, (which isn't proven, lets not forget)......why the fuck should we stop giving them these shots. 9/10 is a pretty good ratio compared to just letting the entire world get sick, and having only 1/10 survive these nasty, horrible, virus's. Is it really worth it?

_Talksic_ 05-27-10 02:24 AM

im not necessarily against shots,im just against the some of the bad shit they put in em,i mean oviosly kids need shots or they could get really sick and possibly die if they have never encountered that disease or cold that they have..so i do understand what your saying,all im saying is they need to look into getting the shots fixed, and ironicly one of my sisters friends come over today and is pregnate and was talking to my sister about how she's only gonna giver her unborn baby the first 3 shots and not the 4 month shots cuz shes on her last semester of nursing school and knows about all that shit,and apparantly the shots at 4 months are the worst which ive never heard about..but the subject came up cuz my sisters baby looks like crap....so basiclly all im saying is they need to fix the shots, and i think we can both agree..

Mad Dog 05-27-10 04:34 AM

If there was a government consipracy covering up the dangers of mercury in immunisation for children,

Why did they ban thalidamide when they PROVED it caused genetic defects in babies?

If there was a real genuine danger then I'm proof positive our government would act, bear in mind these children could one day grow up to be the person who could eradicate aids or cancer.

Just throwing it out there :thumbup:

_Talksic_ 05-27-10 07:14 AM

Originally Posted by Mad Dog
If there was a government consipracy covering up the dangers of mercury in immunisation for children,

Why did they ban thalidamide when they PROVED it caused genetic defects in babies?

If there was a real genuine danger then I'm proof positive our government would act, bear in mind these children could one day grow up to be the person who could eradicate aids or cancer.

Just throwing it out there :thumbup:

to be completly honest ive never heard of thalidamide,but from the little bit that ive looked up it looks like its horrible for kids,446 out of out 2000 kids survives when they take it,that doesnt sound like a good ratio.and to top it off its not like the vaccine cured serious shit, just insomnia colds coughs and headaches,just your basic shit...and at the same time think about it, if u take to much tylenoll or advill ect...u die, imagine what this drug can do?? and on top of everything why do u think that any government let alone yours has the best interest of its people?? none of em do most of us espesially in the armed forces take vaccines that fuck em up and they think they are doing it in the best interest of their country when they are just guinnie pigs..but to answer your question, which was............Why did they ban thalidamide when they PROVED it caused genetic defects in babies?Why did they ban thalidamide when they PROVED it caused genetic defects in babies?
cuz the globalist want 90 percent of the population gone, look into the illuminati or cfr or bilderbeurg group,or federal reserve or whatever u want to call em basicly the people in charge of most of the currencys in the world,that controll everything,, look into their own documents and quotes exectra...and then tell me what u read.....word, and im not talking shit im just telling u to look into what they talk about..they want the global population at 500 million, look it up

Mad Dog 05-27-10 08:02 AM

You do realise shrinking the global population to 1/14th its current size would be an economical disaster. Plus global population rates continue to increase so that 500 mill theory is pretty moot imo.

Plus making a vaccination that kills people intentionally is an oxymoron.

I'm a firm believer of don't believe everything you read. And I used to be on the conspiracy bandwagon a few years ago untill I realised how far fetched some peoples claims were.

Thalidamide was a drug to control morning sickness...and not a very good one at that.

Cola 05-27-10 07:00 PM

go figure, we are talking about shots for kids. And talksic goes off about the illumianti and how their out to take over everything.

_Talksic_ 05-27-10 10:18 PM

lol, guess well have to wait and see,alot of that shit is proven though,look up chemtrails that theyve finally addmitted to, look up the report with jeraldo rivera where he interviewed a sgt in the army or what ever and he said they were helping the afghgans produce the opium..
and if i remember right he also said they were shipping it in if i remember correctly,
look up aspartame,that shit is made from the fecies of ecoli and they put that in our pepsi,look up floride in water, sometimes u just have to open your eyes..and why is there record numbers of people with cancer u think???i know none of u believe in the bible but if adam and eve or the first humans for that matter had those kind of diseases we would cease to exist its common sence.
and about them taking over everything, they make the currencys for alot of the countrys in the world,and just took greec'es pention funds and them rioting and burning down an imf bank, and 15 percent of the romanions pention funds,and when they wanted a blank check from iceland and iceland said fuck u and then they had and economic collapse,or when they told our congress or supreme court,i forget who it was but they said quote" if u dont give us a blank check their will be martial law in america",they basicly in the past have targeted 3rd world countrys that are plenyfull in recources,then basiclly they come in take over the production of currency and bankrupt the country,and now theyve targeted 1st world countrys, tell me thats not taking shit over, wait till they come here and take our pention funds...your nice little coca cola retirement money will go right down the drain..

Cola 05-28-10 12:05 AM

Originally Posted by _Talksic_
lol, guess well have to wait and see,alot of that shit is proven though,look up chemtrails that theyve finally addmitted to, look up the report with jeraldo rivera where he interviewed a sgt in the army or what ever and he said they were helping the afghgans produce the opium..
and if i remember right he also said they were shipping it in if i remember correctly,
look up aspartame,that shit is made from the fecies of ecoli and they put that in our pepsi,look up floride in water, sometimes u just have to open your eyes..and why is there record numbers of people with cancer u think???i know none of u believe in the bible but if adam and eve or the first humans for that matter had those kind of diseases we would cease to exist its common sence.
and about them taking over everything, they make the currencys for alot of the countrys in the world,and just took greec'es pention funds and them rioting and burning down an imf bank, and 15 percent of the romanions pention funds,and when they wanted a blank check from iceland and iceland said fuck u and then they had and economic collapse,or when they told our congress or supreme court,i forget who it was but they said quote" if u dont give us a blank check their will be martial law in america",they basicly in the past have targeted 3rd world countrys that are plenyfull in recources,then basiclly they come in take over the production of currency and bankrupt the country,and now theyve targeted 1st world countrys, tell me thats not taking shit over, wait till they come here and take our pention funds...your nice little coca cola retirement money will go right down the drain..

good thing im 22, and i really dont have much of a pension built up than right?

you really think that shit is true? You think that Pepsi would risk loosing their business becuase of a 'board of supreme humans tells them to kill off people?'


Thats not how it really works.

You show me PROOOOOOF of how Iceland told a group of people that they woulnd't give them a blank check, and that was the SOLE reason why their govemenrents economy collapsed. Ever thing think that it had other social, non econocmical situations that did it it? maybe a volcano that fucking put the country on lock down for a while? dumb ass.

and with this whole 'greece thing'....are you that fucking dumb? do you really think that your right?

Greece failed becuase it SPEND wwwaayyy to much money on dumb ass programs that were great in theory but cost WAY to much money to keep up. Its called solicism, you fag. They over paided EVERYONE, becuase they belivied that everyone was equal, which we ARE NOT. We are all born with equal rights, but we shouldn't all be taken care of equally. We should be givien what we EARN. Not what we want. Which is how america USED to be, until this flood of fag's, who have no idea what the concept of hard work and budgeting, known ANYTHING about.

So stop being so fucking dumb, and actually READ into something. Stop listening to what you think is cool, and read the fucking facts.

Start posting facts dude, thats all im saying. I can post up facts about Greece's econocmy all day, and i can show you have badly set up their goverment spending was, and why their govemrent failed. And im pretty sure it wasn't becuase of some 'elitre group' of businessmen who wanted the entire world economy to flounder out.


LaTiNKiTTeN 05-28-10 01:08 AM

Without reading every long ass post in this entire thread, there is no way of knowing it was in fact this shot that made her sick.it could be hives,an allergic reaction to anything etc...unless u can somehow prove that its 100% from this shot n rule out every other possibility (which is pretty much impossible) u can't even be sure that's what even caused this reaction...........

1.How old is this baby
2.Which shot was it
3.U said she broke out in a rash DAYS after she got the shot...psshhh it couldve been from anything.kids usually have a reaction right after not days after this sounds like you haven't even bothered to explore other possible causes

Mad Dog 05-28-10 02:48 AM

Originally Posted by LaTiNKiTTeN
Without reading every long ass post in this entire thread, there is no way of knowing it was in fact this shot that made her sick.it could be hives,an allergic reaction to anything etc...unless u can somehow prove that its 100% from this shot n rule out every other possibility (which is pretty much impossible) u can't even be sure that's what even caused this reaction...........

1.How old is this baby
2.Which shot was it
3.U said she broke out in a rash DAYS after she got the shot...psshhh it couldve been from anything.kids usually have a reaction right after not days after this sounds like you haven't even bothered to explore other possible causes

Its been concluded...she had an allergic reaction to The Illuminati

_Talksic_ 05-28-10 04:46 AM

Originally Posted by LaTiNKiTTeN
Without reading every long ass post in this entire thread, there is no way of knowing it was in fact this shot that made her sick.it could be hives,an allergic reaction to anything etc...unless u can somehow prove that its 100% from this shot n rule out every other possibility (which is pretty much impossible) u can't even be sure that's what even caused this reaction...........

1.How old is this baby
2.Which shot was it
3.U said she broke out in a rash DAYS after she got the shot...psshhh it couldve been from anything.kids usually have a reaction right after not days after this sounds like you haven't even bothered to explore other possible causes

well she was fine before the shot.it was pry within a day of getting the shot that she looked like a mutant.and shes 2 and a half months old.and im not sure which of the 3 shots she got that messed her up..

_Talksic_ 05-28-10 04:56 AM

Originally Posted by Coke Dealer
good thing im 22, and i really dont have much of a pension built up than right?

you really think that shit is true? You think that Pepsi would risk loosing their business becuase of a 'board of supreme humans tells them to kill off people?'


Thats not how it really works.

You show me PROOOOOOF of how Iceland told a group of people that they woulnd't give them a blank check, and that was the SOLE reason why their govemenrents economy collapsed. Ever thing think that it had other social, non econocmical situations that did it it? maybe a volcano that fucking put the country on lock down for a while? dumb ass.

and with this whole 'greece thing'....are you that fucking dumb? do you really think that your right?

Greece failed becuase it SPEND wwwaayyy to much money on dumb ass programs that were great in theory but cost WAY to much money to keep up. Its called solicism, you fag. They over paided EVERYONE, becuase they belivied that everyone was equal, which we ARE NOT. We are all born with equal rights, but we shouldn't all be taken care of equally. We should be givien what we EARN. Not what we want. Which is how america USED to be, until this flood of fag's, who have no idea what the concept of hard work and budgeting, known ANYTHING about.

So stop being so fucking dumb, and actually READ into something. Stop listening to what you think is cool, and read the fucking facts.

Start posting facts dude, thats all im saying. I can post up facts about Greece's econocmy all day, and i can show you have badly set up their goverment spending was, and why their govemrent failed. And im pretty sure it wasn't becuase of some 'elitre group' of businessmen who wanted the entire world economy to flounder out.


as for proof of iceland just google iceland says no to bankers and a ton of shit will pop up,i dont really feel like digging shit up right now.and the greeks did earn their pention funds and are pissed thats oviosly why their rioting and burnt down an imf bank.and with the aspertame in the pepsi, its called a soft kill method..meaning it doesnt kill u right away..i spelled it wrong but google dangers of aspertame,or something simalar and see what it says i think u should start looking at the facts

_Talksic_ 05-28-10 04:57 AM

Originally Posted by Mad Dog
Its been concluded...she had an allergic reaction to The Illuminati


Cola 05-28-10 06:21 PM

Originally Posted by _Talksic_
as for proof of iceland just google iceland says no to bankers and a ton of shit will pop up,i dont really feel like digging shit up right now.and the greeks did earn their pention funds and are pissed thats oviosly why their rioting and burnt down an imf bank.and with the aspertame in the pepsi, its called a soft kill method..meaning it doesnt kill u right away..i spelled it wrong but google dangers of aspertame,or something simalar and see what it says i think u should start looking at the facts

thanks for proving me right.

You can't back up SHIT. You just go...oh google it, you'll find it. So obviously its not that big of a deal. So stop fronting like you KNOW shit. You dont knowe JACK SON

_Talksic_ 05-29-10 04:45 AM

Originally Posted by Coke Dealer
thanks for proving me right.

You can't back up SHIT. You just go...oh google it, you'll find it. So obviously its not that big of a deal. So stop fronting like you KNOW shit. You dont knowe JACK SON

..................ive been drunk as fuck for two days now going on three,jsut google what i said and see what it says.dont be sceeerd..and just so were clear im using a metaphore as in saying a blank check,meaning they owe a shit ton of money to the bankers for bullshitt interest that was created out of thin air,that we supposaldly owe them..look shit up before u claim yourself right and see shit from a different yet correct perspective...honestly look at it,for real look at a little part of of the whole called zeightgeist.and see waht it says...then get at me..for one of the first times in your life your wrong....and your lucky were not in person otherwise id knock your hundred and thirty pound ass the fuck out for talking shit when im literlly sitting at 270 at 16 percent bodyfat..fuck you....and quit trying to start beef to keep it active like u claim u fuckin faggot,and those are your own words u fucken queer..

Cola 05-29-10 04:21 PM

Originally Posted by _Talksic_
..................ive been drunk as fuck for two days now going on three,jsut google what i said and see what it says.dont be sceeerd..and just so were clear im using a metaphore as in saying a blank check,meaning they owe a shit ton of money to the bankers for bullshitt interest that was created out of thin air,that we supposaldly owe them..look shit up before u claim yourself right and see shit from a different yet correct perspective...honestly look at it,for real look at a little part of of the whole called zeightgeist.and see waht it says...then get at me..for one of the first times in your life your wrong....and your lucky were not in person otherwise id knock your hundred and thirty pound ass the fuck out for talking shit when im literlly sitting at 270 at 16 percent bodyfat..fuck you....and quit trying to start beef to keep it active like u claim u fuckin faggot,and those are your own words u fucken queer..

this post just sums up that your an idiot. period.

Why are you going on a 3 day drinkin beinge? alcholic much? yeah, thought so. So should i take advice from you? proooobabblllyy not.

2. I've seen Zeigiest, i get that whole thing. It still doesn't mean any of its right. Half of that bullshit is taken out of context and made to look as FISHY as possible, but for dumb ass's like yourself, who think with the same one loop track in their small ass head, you jump right on board and preach it like its the truth.

3. WHO gives a flying FUCK, how much body fat you have? That is by far and away one of the GAYYYYESST things i've EVER read.

4. 'and quit trying to start beef to keep it active like u claim u fuckin faggot,and those are your own words u fucken queer'

where in the fuck did i ever say that? im not sure? you getitng confused again, becuase your just some dumbass drunk with no life? :thumbup:

_Talksic_ 05-29-10 05:36 PM

u said this site needs beef to stay active,or it wont last another six months,those are your words fag, and why dont u look the shit up in zeightgeist,like the federal reserve and youll realize its true..

LaTiNKiTTeN 05-29-10 08:55 PM

Rofl@the hottest topic on a rapboard bein a baby rash

Cola 05-30-10 01:04 AM

Originally Posted by _Talksic_
u said this site needs beef to stay active,or it wont last another six months,those are your words fag, and why dont u look the shit up in zeightgeist,like the federal reserve and youll realize its true..

your an idiot.

keep drinkin your pathetic life away :thumbup:

_Talksic_ 05-31-10 05:51 PM

no u did say that,and im calling your bluff by the way fag, post up FACTS about greeks economy..bet u cant??

Cola 05-31-10 09:54 PM

here ya go FAGGOT

btw...i copy'ed the imporant part, becuase i know your too much of a fucking idiot to read the entire article, dumbass.


'Essentially, Greece's financial meltdown is due to the government's socialistic leaning policies which, inter alia, promote government entitlements and stifle private enterprise. The Greek government's policies favors government employees who receive higher wages, better benefits and more generous retirement than private sector employees. These policies require increasing levels of taxation and result in significant redistribution of wealth.
Greece's policies providing generous entitlements to public employees are seen as a quid pro quo for the political loyalty of the public employee voting block.

However, a recession weakened economy in Greece, along with excessive government spending, has pushed the country to the brink of financial collapse. '

i even bolded, the REALLY imporant parts, so you could REALLY see it. :thumbup:

Cola 05-31-10 09:56 PM

Now its your turn. Prove me wrong. You dumbshit.

_Talksic_ 06-01-10 01:49 AM

my bad i meant to say bring up the facts on iceland and them saying no to the bankers,
all i originally said about greece was they lost their pention funds, and are roiting,and burned down an imf world bank.. i didnt mean to say the greeks said no to the bankers, i got confused,
but as much as i hate to agree,and why the people are rioting and why the gov officials are having riots,cuz the politicions are over paid like most city workers,thats why their not changing shit cuz their making all the fucking money,its the same concept of whats going on in america and why we will eventually fail as a nation ,obamas overspending and the fact that and we owe bankers 13 something trillion from money created out of thin air then loaned to us with interest,and that we will eventually lose our pention funds the same way greece and the romanions are..but thats another subject......................................
but bring up the facts about icelands economic failure?and by the way that was a horrible source a catholic site..i have a new york times one for iceland..

Cola 06-01-10 03:12 AM

Originally Posted by _Talksic_
my bad i meant to say bring up the facts on iceland and them saying no to the bankers,
all i originally said about greece was they lost their pention funds, and are roiting,and burned down an imf world bank.. i didnt mean to say the greeks said no to the bankers, i got confused,
but as much as i hate to agree,and why the people are rioting and why the gov officials are having riots,cuz the politicions are over paid like most city workers,thats why their not changing shit cuz their making all the fucking money,its the same concept of whats going on in america and why we will eventually fail as a nation ,obamas overspending and the fact that and we owe bankers 13 something trillion from money created out of thin air then loaned to us with interest,and that we will eventually lose our pention funds the same way greece and the romanions are..but thats another subject......................................
but bring up the facts about icelands economic failure?and by the way that was a horrible source a catholic site..i have a new york times one for iceland..

dude, your an idiot. Do you not know how to run a single common thought for more than 3 days?

First off, who gives a fuck where the site was, your the fucking one who preaches the holy trinity on a god damn rap site 24/7. You can type in 'why did greece collapse' and their are HUNDREDS, AND HUUUNNDREEDS of articles of why they collpaosed, and they all say the same thing.

I proved MY shit, know PROVE YOURS. I want proof that Iceland was suppose to write a blank check over to your illumianti goverment high ranking officals. Otherwise. You should just shut the fuck up, and continue to drink your life away. :thumbup:

Mad Dog 06-01-10 09:01 PM

Its my birthday on thursday.

The illuminati told my mum to give birth to me that day.

Cola 06-01-10 10:10 PM

Originally Posted by Mad Dog
Its my birthday on thursday.

The illuminati told my mum to give birth to me that day.

can you back that up with proof though?

Cola 06-01-10 11:07 PM

or maybe i can just google the answer up

Mad Dog 06-02-10 02:55 AM

Originally Posted by Coke Dealer
can you back that up with proof though?

Just google "Mad Dog born as requested by the Illuminati" and you'll find your proof...

...Or will you?

Harharharharharharharharharhar *sinister look*

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