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DaGyrlRemarqabL 11-04-03 04:41 PM

Never Look Back
I looked straight ahead.. the road long, lone and dreary,
I grew weary, the swirling sand rose and made my eyes teary.
His engine next to me was steady, I walked and quickened my pace,
And gazed into the endless stetch of street that I faced.
He Said "Get back in the car," But there was no way I'd listen,
A tear streamed my dusty face and the moistened path glistened.
The sun setting, my shadow cast in front of every step,
I walked and stared, wouldn't even glance at him to my left.
Leaning out his window he summoned for me a last time,
I ignored, he hit his breaks and reversed like rewind.
He tore in the other direction, I heard him speed off behind me,
All of the sudden I was alone, I touched my forehead to remind me,
And as my fingers absorbed the blood, I took a look around,
Not one person was in sight, not one car and not one town.
Then I wanted to turn around, and scream for him to come retrieve me,
Cuz even though we had been fighting, I didn't think he'd actually leave me.
But I pushed myself forward, The road grew dark and more unknown,
I had to be strong, I had to be brave, and I had to do it alone.
Cuz getting back in his car would have been just as scary,
I cant trust the man now that I once wanted to marry.
I envisioned his yelling and his eyes, like black beads,
The way his grip was so hurtful and my inaudible pleads.
It would have been so much easier to do what he said,
get back in the car, and ride the way home instead.
My legs were now aching, I was starting to strain,
But i knew that this torture would prevent future pain.
Don't get back in his car, don't get back in his life,
I'll grieve now but this will be the last of my strife.

It's been long, but come the dawn, my destination is near.
I won't have to depend on him and I won't have to live in fear.
Everytime I reconsider, Ill remember everything I hate about him,
Ill do whatever it takes to prove that I can make it without him.

I was so violently derailed, yet I got back on the same track,
Well this time I'm moving forward, God give me the strength to never look back..

(C) DaGyrlRemarqable
All Rights Reserved.

The Necromancer 11-05-03 12:38 AM

I'm not female. Nor have I ever been in a relationship with a man. Let alone an abusive man. I've always chosen to do what is easier rather then what is right. And if someone yelled at me I would either concede or start flailing fists.

And so when I read this peice... my goodness... I'm on a totally seperate planet then you are. I really am. But what is amazing is... that when you write, you do it in such a way that someone like me can not only understand what you're getting across, but feel it too. I mean, right there in my heart I know exactly how such a situation you described must be like. A little arrogent of me to say that I could possibly understand such a situation... but you're that damn good of a writer.

A tear streamed my dusty face and the moistened path glistened.

I like that line specificly a lot. Mostly because the way you described a tear falling down... hell such an event would barely cross my mind, and even if it did I'd never describe it the way you have. That's what I like a lot, the way you describe things. It's not just different, but skilled. A finely honed craft, if you will.


DaGyrlRemarqabL 11-05-03 11:50 AM

Thank you Necro.
If yours is the only reply I get, it'll have been worth it.

FanTa ZeE 11-05-03 11:56 AM

but you aint only gonna get one reply gurl, this piece should'nt be slept on, its a goldmine, a wonderous talent your hoarding their, i get the sense from reading it that its a poem written from experience, but you don't wanna say thats fine, you certainly know the feelings you convey and it was a superb drop. You have a very rare talent, be proud of it. You used your unique style to your advantage and it has once again, worked to your advantage.

you got the upper hand in the poetry room gurl

keep ya head up!

poetictendenceez 11-05-03 02:51 PM

haha...if this piece gets slept on it shows how sick this board is....that poem was off the chain girl.....i mean that was ridiculous...all I can say is I give you mad props....you a mature writer...being able to convey the emotion you chose, and still have the iamgery and word choice you used....mad props girl, that was SICK...i'mma be honest...I don't know if you should be posting stuff like that on here without a copyright...there gonna be cats that wanna deboe that junk....hot stuff girl...i'll up this for you a couple times....don't sleep!

DaGyrlRemarqabL 11-05-03 03:22 PM

^You are absolutely right about the copyright...And thank-you SO much for that reply..It means a lot..

You too, Liba...I appreicate it, gyrl.

Legendary 11-05-03 03:36 PM

Really amazing writing. You write about a lot of sad stuff. It would be a shame if you went through what you write about.

This one isn't so sad though. I mean, it is, but it's more inspiring than anything. This girl coulda got back in the car cause she was afraid of walking that dark road alone. But she decided she was going to take a stand and not let him do that to her anymore. Now that I think about your writing, it seems that this is her dealing with her fear of being alone and depending on herself instead of the beating thing. Of course she's trying to stop that too but...I dunno.

I shouldn't even bother telling you that the words you used and the way it rhymed was really good. But I will anyways. Necro said it all, pretty much. Even if you haven't been in this situation, or anywhere near it, the way you write makes it so easy to understand what it would be like. And it would definately be a horrible thing to feel like this. So I guess you could say your writing would help me treat women a lot better and appreciate them more. Sorry for repeating what was already said, but there's only so many ways you can tell someone what they write is good.

You're putting out a book, right? Hopefully I get an autographed copy. Make it out to Shaun ;)

MC^2 11-05-03 04:51 PM

If only I could get the love that dagyrl recieves maybe id still be writing :P. For real though gege why aint you tell me bout this? Is it cuz you thought i wouldnt want to read it for whatever reasons?
'Everytime I reconsider, Ill remember everything I hate about you,
Ill do whatever it takes to prove that I can make it without you.'
would i just quote you? maybe.
'I envisioned his yelling and his eyes, like black beads,
The way his grip was so hurtful and my inaudible pleads.
It would have been so much easier to do what he said,
get back in the car, and ride the way home instead.'
i always like your descriptiveness. i can always envision the story unfolding as you write. wait! ITS THE CAR INNIT?? you love the car and you know it. how bout we write a collab where you play you and i play..... jus teasin.
never look back. you know thats impossible. you have to know where youve been in order to know where you are. you've got mail. another sweet piece. DONT SLEEP on this GENIUS YALL!!!
lulu x


filed 11-06-03 02:04 PM

wow girl you never seem to run out of this amazing ability for writing that you have. you pull me into your pieces, and make me feel as if i lived them, because you paint the picture so well and make it seem so real, so natural. The way you describe things in this piece are wonderful, and bring the piece alive, and make it full of color.

The message/ topic of this piece was strong, and even thou it tends to be a well used topic, it still was a unique piece. but the best part of it, is she doesnt get back in that car, and she plans to get out of this awful mans life, and move on, and stand strong. its very soul lifting, but at the same time its so sad, because she had to live it.


Tonya~Montana 11-07-03 04:16 PM

that was some nice poetry there...don't know if it was sumtin personal or not...but that was nice...

DaGyrlRemarqabL 11-07-03 05:02 PM

Thanks gyrl^...never got a reply from you before...

Legendary... Thanks so much, it really means a lot..and yes, you and Necro get the first two autographed copies..

filed, thanks a lot, I really appreciate sincere replies like that..

MC^2...'preciate it...you're a sweety..my biggest fan..


Explict 11-07-03 09:57 PM

ehh girl that was a good poem... keep ya head up.. dont ever give up

Twizted Ayngel 11-07-03 10:50 PM

See I was definitely feeling this piece. Sometimes us females just kind of.. let the guy do what he wants. I'm glad there's a poem that depicted the torture of knowing a man you love physically hurts you, and then knowing that whether or not you care about him... you need to leave him. You know it's better that way. The description you used was ill. I felt it. When you reach up and touch your head, I felt myself doing the same thing. I felt my legs aching, I felt how hard it was to keep walking... The vocabulary in this piece was great, and it just added to the depth of it. This is beyond the greatest piece I've read in a long, long time. Great job.

~RaPiDfIrE~ 11-07-03 10:54 PM

wow....I felt that shit....this shit was nearly flawless...ur imagary (sp?) was perfect....down to the last detail....the story never let up at all n I felt the whole thing....I didn't think I'd enjoy this that much but damn....good job for real.....big ups


Split-eyez 11-08-03 06:29 AM

wow... just wow
this was mad sick
your pieces always turn out great
I've been readin them for a while and you always seem to come out hard but real
really nice shit ...
the way you handled the topic was just amazing... I'm glad to hear you found your inner self and left that kat behind ya
keep droppin, would love to read more

DaGyrlRemarqabL 11-08-03 09:25 AM


You all are so generous with the replys..
Thank you so much..
I take every word to heart..

The Necromancer 11-08-03 11:28 PM

Pft... people are only sucking upon your proverbial cock because I was doing it first, and we all know how much everyone wants to be like me.

That or you really are just that damn good.

DaGyrlRemarqabL 11-09-03 09:28 AM

Well, whatever the reason...
I appreciate it..

^'n for any more feedback..

Av1r3x 11-09-03 09:03 PM

damn gyrl,u still spittin tha realest stuff in here.This piece had so many visions and depictions, I just got lost in it all.Sorry if its @ all true,but more power to ya no doubt.I especially like :

-hen I wanted to turn around, and scream for him to come retrieve me,
Cuz even though we had been fighting, I didn't think he'd actually leave me.-

as well as other quoted.And whats this about a book?A definite must-cop.Stay ^

varentao 11-10-03 08:12 PM

There was a basic philosophy in this was was repeated a couple of times. To good effect. Rather than take the more complicated 'road'. You take the more simpler one. Now the simpler one is harder in the short term. And maybe more dangerouns. But how much would you have to go through if you took the former? The obstacles..especially of emotions and 'reason' would probably make it more difficult. And who knows, it might be more dangerous too..so in a way, it is conflicting. Philosophy? Er...to take the more straightforward and 'truth' ridden path and follow it rigidly as possible till you see the light? Rather than the more complicated one which'll take you here and there and end up hurting you more?...hmmm....

It had a core simplicity to it. Which made it come off well. It was what it was.

I dunno about the first part of what i said. Maybe i'm digging to much. I dunno why philosophy came into mind. As it is relatively vague in that sense. I guess....(?!?!)...


Dadi Kewl 11-11-03 06:23 AM

^V you gotta stop doing that.......

now if i write anything its gonna have been said before,
Well screw you and you bastid'nly big words..... :(

Well this poem was.......(English accent makes itself apparent)...Splendid!
I mean i havent been in that situation, but after reading your poem if i ever
needed to play a part as someone like that.....
i could do it perfectly,


DaGyrlRemarqabL 11-11-03 09:34 AM

Thanks so much guys..

aguhny 11-11-03 09:53 AM

ayo ma i really felt dis piece kna mean it was creative and inspiring for not only women but for men also kna mean, women are like da clouds there beautiful but no one appreciates them and it seems like in da piece da guy was not appreciative of you, all i can say is do ya thang ma and continue posting holla

self 11-12-03 11:46 AM

I like how this was actually believable in a sense, the fact you kept on mentioning wanting to go back to him.
If I had a uterus this would be really inspirational, well, if I had a uterus and was in an abusive relationship. I have never hit a woman, nor could I even conceive of doing so, and this makes me want to stay like that even more.

“A tear streamed my dusty face and the moistened path glistened.”

-That was quite vivid. In an odd way, it made the crying seem peaceful, which added to the whole idea of the poem, you leaving him. Even though your leaving him because of him hitting you, the fact you are leaving is so strong, and is almost peaceful.

“All of the sudden I was alone, I touched my forehead to remind me,”

-That’s such a true action. You know your cut, you know its bleeding, but you touch that cut and you remember everything, how it got there, why its there, everything.

“Then I wanted to turn around, and scream for him to come retrieve me,
Cuz even though we had been fighting, I didn't think he'd actually leave me”

-Like I said earlier, I like how ‘believable’ the poem way, and this is one of the parts that made it like that. So realistic.

Great work.

And people are so generous with replies because they think your Alicia Keys. :rolleyes:

DaGyrlRemarqabL 11-12-03 12:00 PM

^LOL..um ok, thanks I think.

self 11-12-03 01:27 PM

I was joking about the Alicia Keys thing. Hense the rolling of the eyes.

uraddiction 11-12-03 02:25 PM

damn girl u got some talent i was really felling this piece. i know what it is like to love a man and then have him hurt u in a way u never thought would be. and it is hard to go on knowing that u once loved this guy. u gotta keep ya head up high us girl know what it is like to go throught i give u mad props nice work

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