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Dufflebag Boy 06-02-07 07:00 PM

acceptance can kiss my ass
what does it matter whether people accept you or not?? you catch shit from people no matter what or who you are. when i was young and dumb i was bound ta do anything and go out of my way to be a part of the people that sorrounded me. only did i realize that these people are gonna be nothing and are going no where. they dont care bout me and what i think so why should i care bout them and what they think? if i was a part of the crowd i'd just blend in and be completly unnoticed which means people would care less and they'd hate you more for forcing yourself.

then i started being more rebellious and started doing and saying shit people normally wouldnt do or say just for attention and to be diffrent. but then it occured to me that these people werent my friends, they werent there cuz they wanted to see me they were there to laugh and stare at me. then i became more of a circus attraction which was something i didnt want.

i realized that the only way to get anywhere is to be yourself and not care what other people think, only care bout those who care back. why live your life for everyone else and live up to everybody else's standards? now if someone calls me anything i could care less cuz IM satisfyed how im living MY life. and if someone got a problem with it then they got their own life to live and their own path to go down, if we get close then we get close and if we pass each other without ever seeing each other again then thats fine. god will weed out the right and wrong people in your life until then only worry bout what you have to worry bout. anyways just thought i'd share something i picked up in life. :thumbup:

Tha .Q 06-02-07 07:10 PM

If you find people "not accepting" parts of you, that can also mean that's a part of you that YOU have yet to fully accept.

When you have total respect for yourself and your essence, everyone else has NO CHOICE but to fall in line.


Dufflebag Boy 06-02-07 07:54 PM

^^you will never be able to please everyone. and you can never be fake and convince everyone of something your not. not all people will fall in line just way more if you be yourself. anything else and people want you to be someone else which are the people you defintly shouldnt try to please

Tha .Q 06-02-07 08:19 PM

Originally Posted by White Trash
^^you will never be able to please everyone. and you can never be fake and convince everyone of something your not. not all people will fall in line just way more if you be yourself. anything else and people want you to be someone else which are the people you defintly shouldnt try to please

See...you missed the boat brother...The point is, when you're in total acceptance of YOURSELF, then it won't MATTER what other people think. Them "falling in line" means "falling in line" with how you view yourself...Their opinions will be irrelevant. If I'm comfortable with my appearance, for example, then I empower myself and won't be affected by comments on my looks. If I have one shred of doubt about my looks, and someone picks up on that, then, if that person wants to hurt me, they have a window to do it. When I say "fall in line" I mean take that same person who wants to hurt you in the previous example. When you're confident and comfortable with yourself, even though they WANT to hurt you, they can't because you're in touch with your essence.

You will never please everyone. But, when you express your true self, there's a power that's released that CAN NOT be denied. People can and will talk. But, talk is cheap.


Dufflebag Boy 06-02-07 08:28 PM

^^^yea i slightly misinterpited what you meant but what you just said is EXACTLY what im saying. i thought you meant "falling in line" as in everyone will begin to accept you but you simply meant that they'll fall into the place in your life that they're supposed to be in.

06-02-07 09:11 PM

Really all it is is conceptions. And how well people see them towards eachother and who's life is more important in the viewing, or the mind of the person asking the question. Because both ways of thinking are basically right,

People fall into places in your life, But you also fall into places in their life.

Seeing both of these and building on relationships in whichever way you can is how you build social standards. Which can also deviate someone's mind because of what they think they are FORCED to say... No one is forced to say anything, you don't even have to say "Hi" or acknowledge someone you know when you see them in public. But do you? And does what you say depend on your mood? These are other subjects. Never focus too hard on one person. It's never worth it. This sad aspect of life sort of forces everyone to be a lone-wolf in a world where humans are most abundant.

Sorry for the last part, I do point out it is only an aspect though.

lol... Consider it yourself. I'm not preaching or enforcing what I believe onto you. Life has its equations, and socially, these equations can be applied.

Terumoto 06-02-07 09:24 PM

By your standards I am probably the most fake guy you will ever meet. I don't believe in the existence of a personal "self" as more than an illusion, so I'm not really bound to being myself. There aren't any traits I would consider innate or natural to my "personality." Most of the time I basically just go along, being nothing, of course it seems to people like I do have a personality but it's their perceptive mistake.

Also, sometimes I adopt personalities for fun. That's why you might consider me fake. If I feel like acting like someone I will just be that person, it doesn't really bother me. You should try it one time. One of the cool ones is to believe I am basically one of the most skilled, amazing, untouchable people in the world and nobody can step to me in any way. It's so interesting, since my walk, facial expression and mannerisms all give off that impression, I see people glancing at me, or when I look at them they look away, and if people are in the way of where I'm walking they get out of the way real quick. I can generally feel that people are intimidated by my presence.

Then after that, I usually try being some really shy guy with huge self esteem problems that has no confidence in any part of himself. People basically never look at me when I'm like that, they don't move out of my way, I have to move out of theirs and weave between people and shit. If people make eye contact with me I quickly look away.

Of course, it isn't all about playing around. Not having a self is also useful in interacting with the people you have to interact with. I have a personality I use for my gf, only when there are problems between us. It is very painful for her a lot of the time, she doesn't know what goes on with me. Imagine loving somebody without a real personality. There is nothing to "love" (btw Im talking about love in the sense that it is thought of in society). So I have a boyfriend personality that makes her happy. There is I think one person that knows the "real me" as a human without a self.

I have a question about this though.

Do you guys think it's morally wrong for me to do that? Is it bad that I act in different ways to make people like my gf, friends, family, acquaintances and even strangers happy? Keep in mind that I don't feel at all bound to acting in any particular way, so I don't feel like I am not "acting like myself."

06-02-07 09:27 PM

Yes. As terumoto points out, only when you don't acknowledge yourself can you live outside of the body. Which also states that you cannot masturbate unless you think of yourself in some way rofl. But that's a lot more human than other possible things it would affect.

I philosophize a lot.

06-02-07 09:30 PM

"Do you guys think it's morally wrong for me to do that? Is it bad that I act in different ways to make people like my gf, friends, family, acquaintances and even strangers happy? Keep in mind that I don't feel at all bound to acting in any particular way, so I don't feel like I am not "acting like myself.""

Your mind is somewhat young in certain matters. I could explain this to you in a flash but I'd rather you keep doing what you do because it's just plain fun. In other words, I won't explain why, but it is not morally wrong.

Enjoy your life terumoto. lol.


btw, LOL @ your sig.

"Concentration. Intensity. Passion. .......... (Puts pic of asian chick in panties)"

Dufflebag Boy 06-03-07 01:59 AM

well terumoto its practicaly impossible to not have a personality. now whether its original or not is one thing but just by reading what u said i can say all your seperate personalities aside you very much have a real one. i can say your "playful" and "experimental" or your "insecure" and "fearful" since you could have all these seperate personalities to make you feel more important and ta re-assure yourself that your somebody in this world. or you could have them all as a form of protection from people really knowing you. another thing i can say bout you is that "your good at acting" all traits describing a personality and thats true about you.

06-03-07 02:26 AM

White Trash how do you feel when I call you a maggot?

Terumoto 06-03-07 05:20 AM

Originally Posted by White Trash
well terumoto its practicaly impossible to not have a personality. now whether its original or not is one thing but just by reading what u said i can say all your seperate personalities aside you very much have a real one. i can say your "playful" and "experimental" or your "insecure" and "fearful" since you could have all these seperate personalities to make you feel more important and ta re-assure yourself that your somebody in this world. or you could have them all as a form of protection from people really knowing you. another thing i can say bout you is that "your good at acting" all traits describing a personality and thats true about you.

Personalities don't exist, they are illusions. What you're saying is what I mean, you can look at my actions and say I have a personality that includes things like "good at acting," "playful" or "insecure." But in reality, that doesn't mean anything. You're just describing my actions, not proving they are part of a personality.

The original or innate personality does not exist. Which one is the true me? Is it the confident one? The shy one? The boyfriend? The stranger? You can't discern which "personality" would be the real me. You might say the real me is the person I am when I am alone, and am free to act in any way that I want without being restricted to doing certain things because of other people. When I sit alone and contemplate this, I can't find any sign of a personality. I also know why other people think they can see an identity.

People have a picture of their identity/personality in their mind, and they behave accordingly. You might be discovering it as you go along in life, it is always changing. So, once you have created this character in your mind, it is you. That's why people can say "Oh, I can't believe I did that. That isn't like me at all." In fact it is completely idiotic to say that, since it was more like them than the thing that they would consider "like them," since they were doing the other thing instead of the thing that's "like them." People are confined by these ideas of their personality. You ever notice how the quiet kids stay quiet, and the loud kids stay loud? I guarantee you the quiet kids have a million things to say, which they can't because it would be abnormal for them to start voicing their opinions, since their identities as quiet kids have already been established.

The more you look for the real you, the more your sense of self dissipates. To be perfectly honest, I know my true self. It isn't an identity, a collection of memories, a bunch of likes and dislikes, or a continuous pattern of behavior. I don't have a single belonging in the universe.

While you live your everyday life, you feel you are yourself, right? You might be waking up, having a shower, driving somewhere, going to school, sitting on a train, or whatever else. That is what the ordinary you does, and through all of that you are probably giving a commentary on everything, or thinking about stuff. "Damn, this traffic is shit. I'm going to be late. Fuck, I forgot my other shoes. What am i even doing today? I have ___ at 10, then blah blah blah" you know what I mean? Always thinking. I don't have that commentary going on, because there is nobody to give it. When I am acting like I have a personality, it's there, but when I'm not there just isn't anything.

Indeph 06-03-07 11:38 AM

I don't post in these kinds of threads anymore because OMB says everything I wanna say all the time. -_- asshole

Compose 06-03-07 02:58 PM

^You mean you look at omb's posts and say dam i shoulda thought of that, then post saying you meant to say that but he said it first

zing, check...mate, BOOM! HEADSHOT!

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