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∆ P E X X 06-28-06 06:56 PM


bTW I see you guys with the convo about better gear and hell yeah I completely agree. I'm just refrainign from responding in order to keep this on topic lol.


Konvict_NYC 06-28-06 07:19 PM

Originally Posted by Apexx
Konvict NYC, Damn a little EQing or a better mic man, you'd have a platform that'll really draw the character in ya voice out. You sound liek a combination of a whole bunch of mixtape and mainstream rappers which makes you your own rapper in your own respect. Good beat choices too, I can see the sound you're goin for, def mixtape status. I could see you in like 2-3 years in the mixtape circut with a healthy following or on some Fight Klub shit. If you had a better mic, or even better EQing, you'd be aware of where you're at like 'hmm ok, so now I'll do this and propel your self to a whole new level. Right now, well it's like this, you're like a plant in the dirt that's too early to harvest...but a smart farmer knows that it's gonna yield good product for a long time. If I had a list of "up and comin niggas to watch for", you'd be on it.

You're young, so ya voice to older people is like 'damn, this is the voice of a generation here' so it's easy to grab that attention almost like a shock factor. You luck out too because your voice has its own harmonics that really shine on your adlibs, hooks, and most other places your voice is layered. Better quality gear would make that stand out even more. You're good with the abrasive stuff but your natural range isn't equally strong with the slower tracks, which is like most people but it's more skewed in your case which I suspect is partially due to beat choice. It's better that way because the appeal you're molding is sparesly populated with slow tracks so you in some ways level your self out. As you keep on going deeper into this, make sure you mix up some interesting subjects and stories in your song catalog to reinforce your overall image to your fan base, which will be dudes from about 16-30. Older dudes will liek your shit, but they'll be too embarassed to say they liek the music of a dude so young, but once your voice gets deeper you'll have that older market AND the audience you're already growing up with. That's "long term money" son. Just make sure to stop recyclin punches, cuz no body's gonna wanna hear the same material in different songs, especially not THAT close, you gotta spread that out a few months at least - and I'm talkin about that "chillin with jesus" line that I heard before.

All in all man, all you need is...some good EQing maybe even a good mic... some time, and some quality exposure and you'll be a recognizable "identity" ready for shows and battle circuts etc. Better qual on your vocals will make your punches and what not pop out more. The biggest dudes in the industry start young like you are. Stick with it man, don't get ya head swole full of your self cuz that'll be your downfall, and believe me, in your case, it'll pay off. Big time.


Thanks alot, I apreciate that alot..and yup you might not be able to tell with the cockyness i might say in my tracks im pretty humble...and thanks again I apreciate this and im definitely gon try do what you say..EQ'ng is a problem with me, even when readin the tut you put up I still find it difficult and the mic im using is the Shure SM 58

Enygma 06-28-06 10:36 PM

1. Fuckin Wit Chu
2. Hip Hop Police
3. Almighty OYD



B. Magik 06-29-06 02:10 PM


a Goodnight's Sleep
Here To Stay
The Truth

Thanks :thumbup:

Ca'lam 07-01-06 06:14 AM

haha.. i remember this. triple did me like 2 years ago.

most my joint arent full songs. more like verses that i lost interest in the song...

but you'll get my style without a whole song.


Pocket Change
Can you Help me Sample (sample)
My Civil War(sample) and/or When Pigs Fly(first verse to a join im working on)

they should all be at the top

i dont have many full joints. workin on that.

∆ P E X X 07-03-06 07:12 PM

Originally Posted by SPuLâ„¢
word props on this


1. "Shake That (Break It Down)"
2. "This Way, Thay Way" ft. Triple_N
3. "Y'all Know Me"

thanks in advance

SPuL, your lyrics are well written, you could use some heavy EQing in your lows to bring more bass and some grit out of your voice. it sounds like structurally you have it together but the verbal packaging doesn't feel effective, it doesn't grab. Could be your mic, but you'll still come up with some EQing. Your cadence is what is seperating the rhymes from the deliv. Sounds like you should be spittin the lyrics completely differently with different attenuation on the words. It makes you unique, but not that marketable in that respect. Someone would have to connect with your content or your background in order to be a "fan", rather than

your tracks are good quality, but sound too formulaic and liek you're going through the motions. Theres no creativity injected in it, just sticking with what worked the last 40 times. Some variety in the tracks would be welcomed. All the verses are recorded and adlibbed in the same style, all spit in the same flow, same deliv, etc. only difference is the beat and sometimes the topic. Got redundant REAL fast, especially with your cadence as it is it started to wear on me as I listened to it.

All in all, I think you need something new and fresh in your style. you need to break every "routine" you have right now and change your self because you sound like the progression of a stagnant artist too stuck in their comfort zone. You have the materials you need to be ill, just not the order and packaging.

real talk as always.


∆ P E X X 07-03-06 07:34 PM

Originally Posted by Half Breed

Half Breed
aka this is the 17th time I changed my name, man your mic BLOWS. You should EQ like...immediately. close this window right now and bust open a track and start EQing. You've got som punches and some entertaining lines, but the weak sound quality makes it A: hard to hear B: hard to listen to. For me who's not used to your acent (since some words rhyme in your accent that don't rhyme in mine) this compounds the prior two problems into a glob of "say wtf?". Some tracks I can hear your mic screaming in the BG so I turned em off for two reasons. I can't fuck with high pitch sounds and also a mic that sounds like that will immedately make you unmarketable since no one wants to listen to bad quality vocals. You got lyrics and pretty solid beat choices, just busted vocal qual. You'd shine once you adress that. Your flow came back on time, I can remember when it used to be busted, look liek you fixed that up nicely. If you adressed those fidelity issues you'd have an album that even underground US heads would buy, or at the very least listen to and be interested in. You need some tracks that show off your lyrical juggling and writing ability more to break the routines and subjects you use now. Don't make the mistake oh so many people do and stick your self in a vein of meloncholoy music and shit like that because that gets old REAL fast. People get tired of hearing you talk about your problems so steer clear of that. That subject matter + your voice = bad combo of boredom. Your voice should stay clear of anything that's monotone, it just won't endure, at least not with the gear and settings that you have now.

You should come back to this thread once you get a new mic ANNDDD EQ. Notice that those two are together, not seperate. don't half ass your own music because you're robbing your self.

See you then.


∆ P E X X 07-03-06 07:45 PM


J. Luth 07-03-06 08:41 PM

Originally Posted by Apexx
SPuL, your lyrics are well written, you could use some heavy EQing in your lows to bring more bass and some grit out of your voice. it sounds like structurally you have it together but the verbal packaging doesn't feel effective, it doesn't grab. Could be your mic, but you'll still come up with some EQing. Your cadence is what is seperating the rhymes from the deliv. Sounds like you should be spittin the lyrics completely differently with different attenuation on the words. It makes you unique, but not that marketable in that respect. Someone would have to connect with your content or your background in order to be a "fan", rather than

your tracks are good quality, but sound too formulaic and liek you're going through the motions. Theres no creativity injected in it, just sticking with what worked the last 40 times. Some variety in the tracks would be welcomed. All the verses are recorded and adlibbed in the same style, all spit in the same flow, same deliv, etc. only difference is the beat and sometimes the topic. Got redundant REAL fast, especially with your cadence as it is it started to wear on me as I listened to it.

All in all, I think you need something new and fresh in your style. you need to break every "routine" you have right now and change your self because you sound like the progression of a stagnant artist too stuck in their comfort zone. You have the materials you need to be ill, just not the order and packaging.

real talk as always.


word, appreciate it a lot man. def gonna try some new shit. major props for takin' the time. pcc

B To The D 07-04-06 12:25 PM

Originally Posted by Apexx

Half Breed
aka this is the 17th time I changed my name, man your mic BLOWS. You should EQ like...immediately. close this window right now and bust open a track and start EQing. You've got som punches and some entertaining lines, but the weak sound quality makes it A: hard to hear B: hard to listen to. For me who's not used to your acent (since some words rhyme in your accent that don't rhyme in mine) this compounds the prior two problems into a glob of "say wtf?". Some tracks I can hear your mic screaming in the BG so I turned em off for two reasons. I can't fuck with high pitch sounds and also a mic that sounds like that will immedately make you unmarketable since no one wants to listen to bad quality vocals. You got lyrics and pretty solid beat choices, just busted vocal qual. You'd shine once you adress that. Your flow came back on time, I can remember when it used to be busted, look liek you fixed that up nicely. If you adressed those fidelity issues you'd have an album that even underground US heads would buy, or at the very least listen to and be interested in. You need some tracks that show off your lyrical juggling and writing ability more to break the routines and subjects you use now. Don't make the mistake oh so many people do and stick your self in a vein of meloncholoy music and shit like that because that gets old REAL fast. People get tired of hearing you talk about your problems so steer clear of that. That subject matter + your voice = bad combo of boredom. Your voice should stay clear of anything that's monotone, it just won't endure, at least not with the gear and settings that you have now.

You should come back to this thread once you get a new mic ANNDDD EQ. Notice that those two are together, not seperate. don't half ass your own music because you're robbing your self.

See you then.


Thanks man.i have a new mic at my aunts so i jus gotta go there.Appriciate it!

[.:D:.] 07-05-06 06:21 PM


Role Model
Lemme Vent
Personal Life

Verbal Assassins

.Ike. 07-06-06 12:47 PM

uhh like...

whats the marketability of Ike n Black Magik...the group n shit...


listen to Ike n black magik mixtape sampler..theres 20 samples on there...listen to the first 3 if u only want 3 lol

Daubs 07-06-06 02:41 PM

You can see i need the feedback...


Hype and any other 2 cheers.

∆ P E X X 07-09-06 05:38 PM

Originally Posted by Ennui

Stanley's Coming Home
Birds in the Metal
Knight in Shining Armor


Long overdue indeed.

Ennui. You have skill on the mic and your voice carries conviction with it. When people hear you, it's easy to listen because you sound passionate about what you're talking about. EQ your mids up a little to lift your voice off the beats some. Your rhymescheme is extra basic, usually 1-2 syls, and you add insult to injury with more than a few bar-couplets that don't lock, or flat out dont rhyme at all. Things like that, concious errors, erode the impression of your music. Some multis would be nice every once in a blue, just to breathe some variety into the tracks. I see you came a lonnnnnggg way since our last discussion about writing to fit your flow. Apparantly you do this at will, because on that shining armor track you made sure all the shit was on point and plainly put more attention into it than the others I listened to.

Your topics mostly consist of pseudo-emotional topics and songs which is great in small doses, not as a mainstay. People get tired of hearing others stack up their problems, it eventually interprets to "complaining". You can write to seemingly any topic, just something in the packaging. Where are your happy songs, don't you ever have good emotions you want to talk about? Lets hear about em! You have your own style, you just need to branch it out waaayy more man.

You're good at telling stories, and stories require long attention spans. Unfortunately for you, your peers (who are your target audience) have short attention spans. That inherently will make you less marketable. Make those types of tracks way fewer and way more far between. People want music that's easy to listen to as well, music where thy don't always have to give intense focus on what you're saying, they can just "hear" it and vibe to it too if they want. weave some tracks like this into your catalog and you'll see people who were luke-warm on your music will grow to like it, and those that 'liked' your music will grow to 'love' it. It makes you more well rounded, and also lets your tracks be heard in yet another frame of mind. And that = good.

- A

∆ P E X X 07-09-06 05:50 PM

Originally Posted by leady

only got an ooollllddddd song and a freestyle on there



few verse previews from some other songs(havent had any vocal editing what so ever to them), but thats about it, i really need to get my arse into gear.

(I peeped the verse previews)

Leady, You'reEQ your mids and high up and your fice will light up when you hear the difference and the clarity in your voice. A well rounded emcee overall, you have variety and spontainety in your lyrics and in your flow. Your beat choices definitly echo the roots of Hip Hop as does your style. You got some punches that'll add light to your verses make listeners chuckle and smile.

The only thing I'd say is that your songs (the ones submitted) all have similar topics, b-boy type braggodocio topics. I mean, you're Leady the Hip Hop Junkie!! That's expected hahaha, and a wide array of topics would make you like...well..sorta like a white KRS. Some collabs with concept artists would blow you up in a big way and make their fans your fans. Marketability is proportionate to the markets you can reach. I tell you this because I know you have the knowledge, the ability, and the platform to apply it.

That's really it man, pick up those mids and highs at tad, and flex your mind muscle on different types of tracks, maybe a few abstract ones and you'd be a top shelf underground artist.

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