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GKillaz05 01-20-07 07:00 PM

Just Wondering about Lucifer
I was just wondering the other day (I might be completly off, and not have a clue about what im talking about) but, ne wayz... if he made all the bad stuff, of made us sin or w/e, why would he make your burn for internity if thats what he wants you to do, would that make his happy, and wouldnt he like you then, and you just chill in hell and get all drunk and fucked up?.. gimmie some thoughts.

ChicoSuave1531 01-21-07 01:07 AM

I been askin the same thing for years, I used to go to a catholic school and a priest came by the class and I asked the priest something similar to that, lol everyone in class just stopped and look at me. Anyways his response was that the devil hates everyone......stupid if you ask me

Compose 01-21-07 11:07 AM

yea i wondered this, i asked my cousin who's real into religion or w/e and he was like that the he just likes to torture everyone it doesnt matter if you're like him or not

which is bullshit imo, guess we'll only know when we die lol

∆ P E X X 01-21-07 11:37 AM

hey it's like this man, the Angel Lucifer diasgreed with god's code of ethics relating to the human body, like sin. lucy felt god created the body and its ability to feel all these things so we as humans should endulge in all things of the flesh to our hearts content. "god's" counterpoint was that the soul is the actual living being and the body is just a vessel. "god" essentually says putting rims on your car while its broken down and continuing to deteriorate is the wrong thing to do. by ignoring your soul and submitting to the urges of your body you allow lucifer to trick you out of your soul which he uses in various ways and for various purposes.

the reason you go to "hell" is because in the time your body is living it up, your soul never finds elevation (resonance onf higher frequencies). so when you die, your soul goes to hell by default by you not nurturing it to the level where it can keep away from hell to begin with. consider hell a pole of a magnet, and "heaven" a pole of a magnet. worship the flesh and you polarize your soul one way. nurture the soul and you polarize it the other way.

D~Tox tha Legend 01-21-07 11:58 AM

yea cuhz Apexx i$ right ....Lucifer doe$n't give 2 fucc$ about nebody likin or di$likin him at all ... afta he di$obeyed God'$ will (i'm not $ure) but it $eem$ like vowed n hi$ heart 2 make all people who God made n hi$ image 2 $uffer all tha dayz of their lives ..that i$ a rea$on y it'z alot of depre$$ion, mental & phy$ical $uffering, pain & nethang el$e that'z not good 4 u ...then when u get 2 hell he want$ every 1 to burn there 4 eternity ju$ $o he can prove God that hi$ will & way i$ betta than tha all Mighty Lord'$

∆ P E X X 01-21-07 07:18 PM

^.....you type like a tard.

Dufflebag Boy 01-23-07 09:58 PM

heaven doesnt want me and hell's afraid i'll take over

Past Tense 01-23-07 10:38 PM


truthfully it said that One day us people would judge the angels.....and Satan was the go to guy..and when he heard this he was like 'woah woah woah wait hold on a second' which lead him up to wanting to challenge God..and he had such hatred for us because we would one day be above him...


Past Tense 01-24-07 01:32 AM



Past Tense 01-24-07 02:13 AM

Originally Posted by ItsELRey
Ecclesiastes 12
7 and the dust returns to the ground it came from, and the spirit returns to God who gave it.

the dust from God made us in the beginning, we return to the ground again from where it came from, you don't go into the "firey pits of hell"
this is an apostasy - this character is polarizing on the first half of the verse - indeed the dust returns to the ground - this speaks of our physical body which God formed of the dust of the ground - "the dust from God" did not infact make us in the begining - this character should read the scripture more diligently - the truth is, God formed man from the dust of the ground, but then, He breathed into Him the Breath of Life - the Ruach!
The spirit is an eternal being, we are not our bodies, even non-believers whether they believe it or not are not their bodies, they are spiritual beings clothed in a physical veichle of flesh and bone - the body dies, the spirit lives forever - it's where it will live forever that is the reason for John 3:16.

Ecclesiastes 9
5 For the living know that they will die, but the dead know nothing, they have no further reward, and even the memory of them is forgotten. Their love, their hate and their jealousy has long since vanished; never again will they have part in anything that happens under the sun.

This much is absolutely 100% true - however it is being used in the wrong context and to make a point which is not infact the original intention of the author - note the last three words 'under the sun' this verse is speaking specifically about life in this realm, governed by the constraints of the laws of time and space. lineal existence by deffinition has a beginning and an end - so yes, we are born then we die and no longer participate in this realm - this scripture actually brings up a greater truth and proves that communicating with the dead is not possible.

Thessalonians 4
16 For the Lord himself will come down from heaven, with a loud command, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet call of God and the dead in Christ will rise first. 17 After that, we who are still alive and are left will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And so we will be with the Lord Forever.

again no hell, then whats the point of the second coming, if the good dead go to heaven and the bad dead burn in hell forever, when it's saying that the dead will rise, and when we die we return from the dirt we came from and the dead know nothing or have no further reward, when your dead, you dead, nothing more.

this has nothing whatsoever to do with this characters argument, this scripture is a direct refference to the 'dead in christ' - if you have any understanding of the english language at all you can see that it is speaking about 'those who have died in christ' - i mean cummon...

let me tell you something, i can go now if i wanted to add string together any series of selected scriptures to prove absolutely any point i want to...


i could show you scriptures in sequence proving Robert Mugabe to be a ninja from spain if i wanted...
circular reasoning mingled with creative deception...

perhaps u sincerely believe what your saying... but the real issue in this theology is deeper... the bible says "it is appointed unto men once to live and then after this, the judgement" according to this character's heretical perspective there would be no judgement and moral accountabilioty to God is moot - that is the real reasoning behind this argument - doctrine of demons.



Helping Info provided by Tacktic One

Past Tense 01-25-07 12:34 AM

nothing 2 say El Rey?

A.J. Hustler 01-28-07 06:55 PM

it's said lucifer was God's right hand angel from the time of his creation to the creation of man...he was the wealthiest and richest angel which lead to him being filled with pride...and when man was created in God's image, the pride turned into jealousy and he let his pride and jealousy of no longer being the twinkle in God's eye take control of him...so he set out to manipulate us into sinning against God,....this led him to being destined to spend eternity in Hell, Hell was made for lucifer and the fallen angels, Hell wasn't made for man initially, but when lucifer manipulated us into sinning, we became destined to die...and thus, since we became filled with sin and thus able to die...we ended up having to go to either heaven or hell...and satan doesn't want us going to heaven, and doesn't want to be alone in hell with the fallen angels, so until his judgement is enacted upon, he has set out to deceive us as much as possible, and since he's already destined for hell, he sees himself as having nothing to lose...that's why he'll even turn on his followers if need be...it's all very complicated indeed....

Compose 01-28-07 07:07 PM

why would god give more "wealth" or "riches" as you say to one angel? lol, theyre all suppose to be perfect arent they, therefore no human emotions like pride can be shown, if god was perfect he wouldnt be able to be sad, or happy, or do anything, perfection cant create anything because that would need a desire to create something, and desire is a human flaw, not an attribute of a perfect god, so how can you explain this? this being god creating everything, and im not an athiest i believe in god, im just an open minded person and asked this question because some of you think you know everything about god and life and i'd like to hear your answer to this

and past tense when you said "This much is absolutely 100% true - however it is being used in the wrong context and to make a point which is not infact the original intention of the author -"

^how do you know what the original intent of the author was?

∆ P E X X 01-28-07 07:47 PM

Originally Posted by A.J. Hustler
it's said lucifer was God's right hand angel from the time of his creation to the creation of man...he was the wealthiest and richest angel which lead to him being filled with pride...and when man was created in God's image, the pride turned into jealousy and he let his pride and jealousy of no longer being the twinkle in God's eye take control of him...so he set out to manipulate us into sinning against God,....this led him to being destined to spend eternity in Hell, Hell was made for lucifer and the fallen angels, Hell wasn't made for man initially, but when lucifer manipulated us into sinning, we became destined to die...and thus, since we became filled with sin and thus able to die...we ended up having to go to either heaven or hell...and satan doesn't want us going to heaven, and doesn't want to be alone in hell with the fallen angels, so until his judgement is enacted upon, he has set out to deceive us as much as possible, and since he's already destined for hell, he sees himself as having nothing to lose...that's why he'll even turn on his followers if need be...it's all very complicated indeed....

lucifer was the wealthiest angel?? where'd you get that hokey explaination, bible programming for dummies?

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