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Retribution 09-28-10 09:49 PM

That's the one thing I really hate is when a guy hits a woman. Pisses me off so bad I lose control man. You should fuck that dude up man, I would sorry about your sister man.

King Solo 09-28-10 10:13 PM

You all act like this is big news about facebook. Shit, any site where you give even the basic details about yourself can and probably is being monitored by the government. Any camera you walk past, they're watching you. That last 5 minute session of phone sex with your girl you had... they were listening and beating off quietly in the shadows.

shiiitttt, unless you're a freaking hermit living out in the middle of nowhere with no contact with the outside world, living off the land, eating berries and leaves and shit then there is a high likelihood that you are being watched.

M&rk 09-28-10 10:23 PM

Originally Posted by _Talksic_
i would but she's done with him, and so am i, i never really liked him after the first time i beat him up..but he might get supervised visits, his name isnt on the birth certificate so hes gonna have to pay a 500 dollar test to prove its his daughter, but it is his.
but my sisters debating on what do to, the fathers a loser,but granted he loves her so in my opinion he should be able to see his daughter, but it would have to be with supervised visits cuz c.p.s already came by...but my sisters done with him and my theres no way my family will accept him after he beat her up.. regardless of how i feel about him, he has a right to see his daughter...
and with facebook, it wont matter what me,u, or awake people put in our privacy settings they have their list of t.i.'s or targeted individuals, and know what they need to know already,people that are awake are a higher priority then those that arnt.
all facebook is doing in my opinion is just profiling the un-uwake people.

a guy that can't control his anger isn't useful in raising a child. he's crappy morals could simply put, rub off some way on the child. i wouldn't give him a minute with his kid till he grows up. i'm in a situation like that, but not wit abuse, just a dead beat dad who isn't a man and can't deal with a child be he is a child. so i'm mr. step dad takin care of things.
but if he's not on the birth certifacate, he has zero rights to see the child, at least untill the test is done. And he's probably not the type of person thats gonna fork over 500 bucks to gain responsibility.
fuckin chris brown wannabees

M&rk 09-28-10 10:29 PM

Originally Posted by Po
You all act like this is big news about facebook. Shit, any site where you give even the basic details about yourself can and probably is being monitored by the government. Any camera you walk past, they're watching you. That last 5 minute session of phone sex with your girl you had... they were listening and beating off quietly in the shadows.

shiiitttt, unless you're a freaking hermit living out in the middle of nowhere with no contact with the outside world, living off the land, eating berries and leaves and shit then there is a high likelihood that you are being watched.

its not big news when you're preachin to the choir, but of course we're being watched, expacially in america with our patriot act. they can do whatever they want to the citizens now. all phone conversations are monitored and saved. the few that actually are worth hearing about, they have key words that connect the convo's to more suspect locations, but all conversations are saved. they can even enter and look through your house when your gone with out a warrent.
what would hitler of done if all jews had cell phones tracking thier location and conversations? if they were all un aware, they'd all be dead, i'm just gettin my facts straight and makin others aware while gaining more info from people like talksic who know.
dont come in here actin high and mighty, this is bigger than your ego

_Talksic_ 09-29-10 02:29 AM

yeah c.p.s said it would only be under supervised visits..and only if he chooses to pay the 500 then also he will have to pay child support if he wants to see the baby..
the only positive thing about this is my neice doesnt have to grow up seeing him drinking,and them fighting ect..and shes only 6 months so shes to young to have remembered this incident......
but yeah in america with the patriot act, its basically a war against its own people, and the loss of our 4th ammendment in our constitution,which is what big pic was saying..they can now search our homes without us being there or without a warrent being issued by a judge, which is what the 4th ammendment protected us against...they are called sneak and peaks....
the eighth amendment says that no one should be subjected to cruel and unusual punishment in the states so they made gauntonamo bay, for that reason,and took anyone suspected of being a terrorist to fucken cuba to be tortured into confessing something they never did,or even planned on doing for that matter...
the 16th amendment wasnt ratified by enough states to even pass..
they are working on our second ammendment and first right now also, but its not really working, but if you boil a frog slow enough it wont realize it and will die,bottom line..constitution will eventually be irrelevant..but thank god for the tea party movement,but the media is demonizing the shit out of em any chance they can get right now.

M&rk 09-29-10 02:37 AM

you should check this documentary, i just got done watchin it. if this was shown to kids in school, this country would be a bit different.
i need to learn a bit more about the tea party movement. its too bad mass media is completely owned by cock smooches and i haven't learned anything relavent about'um

King Solo 09-29-10 01:38 PM

Originally Posted by JP Morgan
its not big news when you're preachin to the choir, but of course we're being watched, expacially in america with our patriot act. they can do whatever they want to the citizens now. all phone conversations are monitored and saved. the few that actually are worth hearing about, they have key words that connect the convo's to more suspect locations, but all conversations are saved. they can even enter and look through your house when your gone with out a warrent.
what would hitler of done if all jews had cell phones tracking thier location and conversations? if they were all un aware, they'd all be dead, i'm just gettin my facts straight and makin others aware while gaining more info from people like talksic who know.
dont come in here actin high and mighty, this is bigger than your ego

No offense dude, but if anyone here is coming off as the high and mighty type then its you.

Making others aware? That sounds to me like your ego has you believing you're the one with the knowledge. Has it ever occurred to you that pretty much everyone is aware of how the government watches and tracks our every move? Don't try to act like you're "making people aware" because they already are aware. They have just come to terms with it and don't treat it as such a big deal because in the end, what can they do about it? Nothing.

If you want to get some info, good for you. Read some books. Watch some documentaries. Talk to some fellow conspiracy theory nutjobs. But don't attack me for stating the clear truth that everybody is fully aware of "big brother watching them" and so ultimately I am right in saying.... IT'S NOT BIG NEWS TO ANYONE!! IT'S OLD NEWS!!

Real talk.

_Talksic_ 09-29-10 03:36 PM

^^^im not sure what its like in the u.k. if you could fill me in that would be cool, ive heard its alot stricter there and the people behind the EU are pushing there agenda a lot faster over there, cuz europe is the first union...but ive heard its a lot more obvious over there...
honestly dude you would be suprised how many dumb arrogant ignorant americans there are over here, its not about american football, beer and pussy, then it seems nobody gives a fuck...we have troops getting there fucking heads cut off over sea's and people give more of a fuck about what paris hilton tweeted 5 minutes ago..
people really pay no attention to real issues. people are really slowing down on watching lamestream media over here, but there is just so much propaganda in the other tv shows theyre watching, you can barely flip through a channel without seeing a new show or season of "white men killing terrorsists" everything is literally about terrorism.. even alot of movies. but whatever agenda they want to push is in tv shows now and most americans are to stupid to see it or understand it, theyre hypnotized by the tv..
but just recently people are waking up over here...
but i was just curious on a real note, what are things like in the u.k? are alot of people aware of real issues or whats going on?

_Talksic_ 09-29-10 04:49 PM

Originally Posted by JP Morgan
you should check this documentary, i just got done watchin it. if this was shown to kids in school, this country would be a bit different.
i need to learn a bit more about the tea party movement. its too bad mass media is completely owned by cock smooches and i haven't learned anything relavent about'um

...ill peep the documentary sometime later tonight,
but basically the tea party was founded by senator dr. ron paul from texas, its basically a grass roots movement, or in other words a home grown movement,but T.E.A. party stands for Taxed Enough Already..which takes the name from obviously the infamous boston tea party when the colonist dumped a bunch of tea in the sea, i think everyone knows that story..
but the tea party movement to break it down simply and quickly
ARE independent constitutionalists, meaning they stand on and for what the constitution says, and they are not republican nor democrat....
now what the establishment is trying to do is trying to claim that the tea party are right wing extremists, and that they're racist.. when there is all races in the group, and are peacefull..(of course you have provocateurs)
in other words people who are feds that infiltrate the group and attack cops during peaceful protests and generally make the group look bad, just like they did at the protests during the vietnam war,and alot of other protests,smart tactic on their part..
but now the republican party especially that whore that claims shes christian,
sarah palin, and a few other senators that are fake and basically trying to high jack the movement, and claim it as republican, to keep the false right left paradigm going,to keep us divided basically,(right vs left).
when the tea party is really independent but you have all these conservatives trying to say that they stand behind the movement..cuz the establishments afraid theyre gonna lose power...
and as usual they are manipulating the numbers in the polls, i saw a report yesterday saying that 30% of americans support the tea party movement. which is bullshit cuz theyre winning majority of the senate races..and another example how their demonizing the tea party any mainstream news report written or televised youll notice theyll call the tea party candidates insurgents, just a little something i noticed..but that should break it down enough..and another person thats a fucken idiot is glenn beck by the way, hes a sell out..

Cola 09-29-10 04:52 PM

i love people who jump head first into any subject, and really dont understand what the fuck their talking about.


_Talksic_ 09-29-10 04:54 PM

????and how so?

_Talksic_ 09-29-10 05:22 PM

and yes im aware that ron paul and rand paul are republican..if thats what your trying to say and thats not a contradiction, cuz the tea party is for independent constitutionalists..simple
heres the guy who created it saying it..

Cola 09-29-10 06:26 PM

dude, by calling other people 'un-awake' it just shows, how influenced you are by MEDIA.

your being influenced by the group of people who are just a minority. It doesn't make you any smarter. It doesn't mean your idea's or principles are less corrupt or more idiodic. It just means, that there are less of you.

get it? good.

_Talksic_ 09-29-10 08:09 PM

assumed you were talking about the tea party but sense i guess you werent,
but by saying im influenced by media im assuming your saying not mainstream media,
but by alternative media,
im not gonna sugar cote this, yes we are a small minority, who expose things for what they are, we research and look up the documents, that we talk about, (anyone can) its not fucken rocket science to know that our government lies to us, and will do anything to stay in power, history will tell you that.
people are waking up to whats going on thats why the tea party exists, and militias are forming, people are sick of the lies and are seeing through em........
and now saying that our ideas or principles are less corrupt or more idiotic, lol are u serious?
chem trails arnt bad for us? and yes theyre admitted after years of denile.
all the mk ultra testing was good for us?? and benefited the victims? killing innocent women and children in bomb raids is good? feices of ecloli is called aspartame and is good for us? fluoride in our water supplys is good for us? gauntonamo bay is good? helping the afghans produce opium is good for the countless thousands of people it kills every year is good for mankind? shipping drugs in dead american soldiers coffins during vietnam was good for the american public,and not disrespectull to the dead soldiers that fought and died for protecting this country, morals?? do u know what the fuck your ignorant ass is talking about?( no offence) coca cola putting cocaine in coca cola back in the day is good? i mean where do i stop?.........................
im done ranting....
thats not even conspiracy shit thats all proven.......................
i could get into shit thats semi proven, but wont cause its not documented and not proven true yet.
now as for our ideas, freedom, liberty, peace, rights, justice, decency, truth....yeah, our ideas are fucked up..w/e

Red Bull 09-29-10 09:04 PM

I think everybody needs to re-read the bottom on his ^ signature.

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